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How to get list of programs in windows using php?
@Wes Nope. I have a message model with created, sent, and clicked timestamps.
In order to set one, the previous must both be a valid timestamp and be in the past relative to what your trying to set.
So...for every field there's a lot more than a type check.
Anyone worked before on Bronto?
it's what i said. new DateTimeThatIsCertainlyInTheFuture(new DateTime())
but obviously you don't do that, you check the datetime instance
You said NOT to do that.
You said wrappers are annoying.
so doing if($dt->lt($now)) throw is ok
not all wrappers are annoying. i'm saying that for certain types it doesn't make sense to have specialized types like "DateTimeThatIsCertainlyInTheFuture"
I see.
So about these separate objects for persistence?
Data mappers.
because that for instance would be valid only up until the date is in the future, as you can't stop time from running, that will eventually become an invalid "date that is certainly in the future" if you keep it in memory long enough :P
data mappers aren't related to this?
you switched to another topic?
I understand what you're saying about my previous question. I'm checking questions off the list.
sure :P
I think I understand*
i mean sure, keep checking stuff off the list. i am happy to help :D
i know from my own experience this stuff can be confusing, i'm not making fun of you
Can someone help me to fix this issue d.pr/i/vHVTv ?
regarding data mappers, their purpose is filling domain aggregates picking data from an external source. can be a database or even a remote service
Hi Wes, Can you give me some suggestion?
i have no idea about soap sorry
i only know it's risky dropping it
resky dropping it?
ignore it. it was a joke :P
:D. Can you suggest some debug idea?
no clue really. that message also doesn't say anything about what went wrong
and it is not working.
@Wes I fail to see either the specifics of what they do, nor their purpose.
Why not just make the domain object a static factory where produces objects have a method to persist?
Are these data mappers static factories themselves?
(S)ervice asks the repository the aggregate involved in the transaction
unless it already has the aggregate in memory, the (R)epository asks the aggregate to the data (M)apper
the data (M)apper queries the database and constructs the aggregate and the objects it contains using factories
the data (M)apper returns the aggregate back to the (R)epository, which caches it and sends it back to the (S)ervice method
the repository is pretty much a wrapper around a data mapper. you can see it as an in-memory database
@Wes You keep saying repository. Is that an abstract concept, or an object in itself?
the service is a method, the repository is a class, and so is the data mapper
I thought the service was an object (Static class) WITH methods.
services are actually just functions. they are methods in a class that potentially has no state. you put them in a class if you want to organize them in groups but it's not necessary
so can be anything, static, functions, methods...
though toptip: static (global state) is almost always wrong
you really need to get rid of your halloween avatar :B
you too
1 hour later…
Internet purchase and child exchange just reads… oddly…
lol. quite so
@Wes nah, @littlepootis is right.
I felt very much in Canada sooner on. People lost a cosom hockey playoffs game, and proceeded to go after one of the other team's player with baseball bats. notsurehowifeel.jpg
:( means people are after baseball now?
is twitter dead also for you?
This site can’t be reached
twitter.com took too long to respond.
@Wes yes
@Linus hmmm... nah, means they were trying to beat the crap out of him...
@Trowski That's true, but you see that in the signature too
@bwoebi Hmm?
@Trowski whether a function returns promise or not
you'll then have to write $val = yield yield from func(); even if it looks a little bit weird :-D
Ahoy hoy
@bwoebi That is just weird… or just don't return a promise from a generator. It came up only because I switched a private method returning a promise to a coroutine.
What SE site is correct to ask questions about an IDE? Specifically, if a specific feature exists natively, in an extension, or at all.
@Trowski well, it will typically be internal code, so that's not so bad. and you'll be after a while be able to just recognize "yield yield from" as a promise from a generator
@bwoebi That's a weird pattern IMO. The generator should just use return yield then.
that's fine too.
Just don't worry too much about that
@Dan maybe super user?
Okay, I'll try there. I figure (from experience IIRC) if I post it on SO it'll just get burned
I would burn that question ;)
I wished I had a tool to dump the relations from a running php process and get a graph with all references between values.
and now?
@bwoebi Nah, not worried. Just caught me by surprise.
posted on May 05, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@JoeWatkins mornin o/
Good morning
i saw someone who wear shirt back to front ^^ is that fashion?
@Dan which IDE?
@Linus how do you mean?
@littlepootis shirt back part is in front and front part is in back.
@Linus lol I don't think so
@Linus May he wants people attention !
Please correct me if I'm wrong. PHP parent and self method calls with PAAMMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM is concequence of PHP design error?
Because it's nit static method call and it looks like it!
@littlepootis I was writting it from memory and thought you're pointing me an typo ;-)
That sentence is broken. I think it shouldn't look like that.
@brzuchal who has given it that name :P my tounge slips while pronouncing it :P
I have no idea. It has been there since 4.x AFAIR
Guys, can you please give me a English sentence as example which contains word 'whom'?
@Shafizadeh For Whom the Bell Tolls
@Shafizadeh I am whomping my head against the wall
@brzuchal well in this case 'who' is correct too, right?
Yeah but that's not what song title is :)
@Gordon thanks. However I wasn't mean 'whomp' 😊
@brzuchal thx 😉
@Shafizadeh I know. but you said containing the word whom so I decided to be a smartass ;)
r11 people has very strong sense of humor :) Gordon you on top ;)
thx. I am not sure everyone agrees on that, but they are free to be wrong, ofc
'g mornings
o/ x 4
@PeeHaa @FélixGagnon-Grenier do you feel bad now :B ?
hello Hello
@JayIsTooCommon not sure, did I miss something on twitter?
i am a penguin
i am the first penguin programmer ever to escape the ice cold tundra
Just stop while you're ahead with 'hi'.
@JayIsTooCommon who is that guy?
emm ... "ice cold tundra" is what you have in north of Canada and in Siberia (penguins live around Antarctica)
@Linus Taylor Otwell?
@JayIsTooCommon really :D gratz @tereško
grenalnd has oenguonsa?
penguin language
@Saitama I'm sorry
I assume you are trying to sound cute, but it comes across as "annoying"
Geez, it's okay.
Moin 11
yo sean
OPCache.. is it typical to just shove an entire app's code in it (minus config etc.), or is it recommended to only store commonly used code (Routing, etc.)
@Gordon Ah :-) ...! clever
@Shafizadeh that's my second name
:D .. yeah .. that really is
@Sean how would you 'put' things in opcache?
Q: How to use PHP OPCache?

DanackPHP 5.5 has been released and it features a new code caching module called OPCache, but there doesn't appear to be any documentation for it. So where is the documentation for it and how do I use OPcache?

@Shafizadeh lol. 2013 == ancient.
:-) .. it can be a good start anyway
I know what the opcache is and does; just wondering how @Sean wanted to actively put things in there
since it's kind of automatic
register $s = 42;
@Sjon apcu?
@FlorianMargaine sure. But apcu != opcache
hi I am assigned this task
1) Take scaffolding code of Wordpress Plugin
2) In Backend Panel, create a form. This form will have two input boxes to enter a name and an email address, created using AngularJs.
3) After a user clicks on submit button, save the details in MySQL
4) Below the form, show list of all the entries submitted till now. - You have to fetch data from a database and display on the screen.
5) The list should be created based on Angular array and it should auto update based when new elements are added to Angular Array.
Please explain me this!
1 min ago, by Hemant
1) Take scaffolding code of Wordpress Plugin
2) In Backend Panel, create a form. This form will have two input boxes to enter a name and an email address, created using AngularJs.
3) After a user clicks on submit button, save the details in MySQL
4) Below the form, show list of all the entries submitted till now. - You have to fetch data from a database and display on the screen.
5) The list should be created based on Angular array and it should auto update based when new elements are added to Angular Array.
@JayIsTooCommon what happened
What is meant by scaffolding code of Wordpress plugin
@Hemant They want to test your knowledge not ours. - My suggestions would be to do some Wordpress Dev tutorials. That should provide you with most of the needed knowledge.
@Sjon less active, more blacklist
Casting arrays to objects allows creation of attributes that start with \0 – #74545
@Sean Pretty sure typical usage is without any blacklisting
just a question, exist any quick method for check if something or instead of using: if ($a == 'b' || $b == 'a') { }
something like if ($b = 'a' or 'b' )
if ($a == 'b' || $b == 'a') is only the same as ($b = 'a' or 'b' ) when $a === $b
but exists any quick method for if ($a == 'b' || $b == 'a') { }
assuming you meant $b == a and not $b = 'a', e.g. assignment
@MGE it looks quick enough to me
okey, it was just curiosity
i installed wamp on windows 7 and when i start it runs successfully and turns to green color but when i run project.local into url the wamp server homepag to access project directly .please help me e only opened ,so i want
please help me how to solve this issue??
@abdul Read your question back.
i cannot access my projects like myproject.local
when i entered myproject.local into browser it displays a wamp server homepage
punctuation matters
sig ILL ? Peeps, be trippin' yo.
function extractData($data, $index) {
    // returns 4

$data = [];
$data['foo']['bar'] = 4;
extractData($data, 'foo,bar');
Does anyone know of a utility function to extract data from nested arrays?
there was a talk about it, when spread-operator was introduced, but it went nowhere
(the proposed syntax was $nested[...$path], but it died)
any wordpress woocommerce expert here??
@Danack listen all o' y'all it's a sabotage
Request objects shouldn't really be passed into services, right? A job of the controller is to pluck the relevant information from the request and prepare/pass that specifically through to a service
@Danack that's actually pretty good, I quite like the M83 / intergalactic mashup personally
@Sean request object is usually an artifact of a framework
and you should not make your services hardwired to a framework
It was more planning, I pass a RequestInterface object through into the dispatched route
that wont help
I'm missing a few layers or something through, I can't seem to wrap my head around getting the flexibility to set up things like global templates without repeating code for each area, but that's a digression for another day
you will end up with code, where your services need perfect knowledge about input format
also, I would say, that you are inviting LoD violation
Yeah, that makes sense.
@tereško What's wrong with requiring input in a specific format?
@Leigh the wring part is that this requirement comes from a service
for example, your "messenger service" requires the message content to come from parameter named "bericht"
as in, your service basically demands, that you have <textarea class="content" name="bericht"></textarea>
Ok, I think we're talking cross purposes. I was talking about format of data
sorry, didnt express myself clearly enough
@Sean Or if you're using Auryn (or any powerful enough injector) you can use delegate functions to build app specific objects from the request.
I'm a bit distracted (reading manga)
@Danack Using Auryn ^^ Not that far into it yet though
Aside: Using Postman + Blackfire is slightly painful
If anyone uses postman and knows of a way to get a binary executed pre-request, and have the output put into a variable, please let me know
hoi poop
This is super basic stuff but I'm not sure how to build it up. Right now requests are dispatched to actions (individual classes per page/route), the class is built up using Auryn and is then executed, passing a built up request and response interface (also auryn-built). The idea from there is to validate, prepare and pass data/VOs into services.
What's missing is just about everything else.
@Sean stuff to think about: docs.basereality.com/InterfaceSegregationPHPNW/#/22 + this code:
function createRequestVariableMap(ServerRequestInterface $serverRequest) {
    return new PSR7VariableMap(serverRequest)

$injector->delegate('VariableMap', 'createRequestVariableMap');
@Leigh I don't know why anyone recommends Postman.....just that by itself was really painful to use.
Huh, I see. So a map is injected rather than a specific dependency on the request, nice
@Danack I'm not having a problem with it, little bit of overhead setting up the endpoint collections, but all Oauth stuff handled automatically, pre-request scripts to generate nonces etc. Kind of handy... would you recommend something else?
Didn't know Auryn provided auto injection in delegate callbacks, that's also cool
@PeeHaa 2 layers of reverse proxy. Hard to debug. Looks OK now though.
yo christ
hi guys can anyone help in rest api
aweber rest api*
Is this fixable? 3v4l.org/jQ0Pi @NikiC @bwoebi @JoeWatkins
I get why that happens I think, but it's quite wtf
@DaveRandom why should that even happen??
The dtor is called after the member is accessed, but before var_dump() executes
(I think, not actually looked)
yeah sure
well, then not sure what one could fix there?
well, you could cheat and add a cyclic reference into the object and have it fail very spuriously whenever the gc root buffer is full at just that location.
It will be a very hard to debug issue :-D
… that's what I'd call a nice prank :-D
@Leigh the problem I had was sharing tests with other people, but I also just got annoyed with their UI. I think runscope.com was nicer for automated external api testing, and just writing code, was easier for internal testing.
@bwoebi Yeh I can't think of an actually sane way to fix it
I might create a bug and just close it as wontfix (for future ref)
@DaveRandom You cannot fix it because it's correct … just don't fclose it.
@DaveRandom nah, it's NaB.
@bwoebi I think it's reasonable to expect that someone might write code like that and expect it to work - I ran into it when wrapping GD resources and calling imagedestroy() in the dtor
@DaveRandom why don't you just let resource dtor take care of it?
instead of manually destroying it?
just kill all the refs to it (here: implicit)
Oh that's true
is it automatically dtor'd as soon as refcount == 0?
OK, fine
I think it warrants a note in the manual, I just need to work out where
I might just make an SO self ask/answer actually
@DaveRandom nice
dtors are stupid :P
why do we have dtors
I think yesterday was the first time I have written one in a couple of years, and it turns out it shouldn't have been there :-P
There are many weird things in PHP
For eg. calling parent or self or static scope methods in class using static method call operator in object instance context.
Yes that is weird
but parent->method() would also be weird
But it feels from the begining that it's called in object instance context
I would prefer parent->method() or even $parent->method() instead of parent::method() which look static'ish
It brings inconsistency in inconsistent language...
Pretty certain that's an unsolvable "problem"
Maybe $this->parent->method() I don't know. I think it must have a chance to be (un)solved.
I hope some day there would be also method/function referencing feature.
Don't even get me started on that :-P
Typed Properties, Typed Variables, Enums and Generics also... :P
I have loads of opinions and no time to debate them right now... suffice it to say that I am correct and we should do it my way.
I was thinking of some website where people could place their ideas, propositions and they could discuss on them in one place - I know there is wiki and RFC but that's the next step for such ideas. IMO there is no place where such things could be colected and discussed by community and contributors - so anyone could take a voice and discussion would be pinned up to those ideas in one place
Not like some part on wiki RFC and discussions on mailing lists - because that's hard to find discussion to matching RFC
@PeeHaa ^ could be interesting..
Oh... I think it's friday and I forgot about that I shouldn't think so much...
@JayIsTooCommon I was thinking about single click user registration via GitHub, Google, Facebook accounts and availability to discuss on ideas above their description
Maybe something like working groups about ideas where more than one member can modify idea descriptions, some graphics etc.
there was gophp5.org but now it's gone, meybe some kind of just gophp.com|org or whatever
Or go.php.net :)
Something like mix of mailing lists + RFC + reddit/php
no, no without version
I meant as an example that's still live :p
something that could live longer than one or two years
I am not that confident about the crap/useful ratio of such a thing tbh
I used to think about something like that, but then I realized how stupid some people are :P
@Leigh It's just landing page :)
@brzuchal Also there is a place, it's called the mailing list :)
But hey. I would like to be proven wrong
I hate mailing lists
As long as nobody suggests slack
@PeeHaa It may be moderated
@brzuchal Maybe if we use slack it would work
You mean using posts in Slack and a chat room for every idea?!
I'm not convinced to this idea
I know... It's friday youre folling me
Slack is entirely the wrong choice for discussions about open source projects
lets discuss open things, in private
Slack would solve some problems... we could set up #Y and no-one would have to read it
I like the way stackoverflow arranges discussion, but don't like the top post look like
I mean all those Q2A's are the same - or maybe that ?
perhaps phpchan
@DaveRandom :P
I have this in my phpt test
and there is a check to skip the test when mysqli is not loaded
I have verified with php -m that that the extension is loaded
but the test keeps telling me it isnt
what am I doing it wrong? it's an .so not php compiled against mysqli. is that the issue?
@PeeHaa would it be usefull if it'll be moderated? excluding stupid peoples?
reddit is moderated
@Gordon make test or manually invoking run-tests.php?
make test
Then it should automatically load shared modules
except it doesnt
I've never actually seen the --EXTENSIONS-- block before
does it work if you remove that?
let me try
iirc all the "core" exts just use --SKIPIF--
nope. doesnt work
@Gordon call run-tests.php directly
iirc make test does some magic with ini files
maybe it doesn't do the right kind of magic ^^
ok, testing
github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/run-tests.php#L1537-L1550 --EXTENSIONS-- does seem to just be a simple check
hmm, I think I broke php now. Ubuntu gave me a crash window and it hangs at test execution
japp. all the test diffs say seg fault now
ha, got it.
the problem was the ini of the extension I am testing already included the extension and I also include it in the test setup
Feels like that shouldn't result in a segfault...
not sure, I think the ini file was referencing an old version of the extension which was broken
hello all
hello @Linus
is it me or is syntax highlighting broken on GH? github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/blob/master/src/Chat/…
oh dear :-P
and also, dat space.
raw link works for me, and what space?
er, my browser is playing silly buggers.
Everything is awful.
@Patrick ugh, you may be right about Image::copy() vs SomeThing::copyImage()
I really feel like a VO like image shouldn't contain the operational logic though
It should be free also :)
Without having to register and confirm the email
What are you actually trying to do/test?
I'm 100% certain that there is no service that intentionally sends spam for testing purposes, because it would get shut down for sending spam. Obviously.
It would be nice to have one already built. Like 10minutemail.com
It's for experimenting.
Well I guessed that much, but experimenting with what? Load testing? Building a spam filter? Training an AI? What?
More like load testing.
But right now it seems like too much task, so I'll let it be.
!!? email load testing software
Search for "email load testing software" (https://www.google.com/search?q=email+load+testing+software&lr=lang_en)
• Load Testing Your Email Server: How to Send and R… - 10 jul. 2014 - E-mail is one of the most commonly used communication channels in the modern world.… (https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/load-testing-your-email-server-how-send-and-receive-e-mails-jmeter)
• What is the best way to do load test Emails? - So… - 15 mei 2014 - Our application SLA is to send 25,000 emails per hour. We use AWS SES, so use success… (https://sqa.stackexchange.com/questions/8615/what-is-the-best-way-to-d
@DaveRandom Yeah, that'll do the job.
Gotta find a Linux version for it first.

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