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@tereško vagrant and virtualbox are orthogonal?
@FlorianMargaine you can run vagrant with various backends ... and my experience with it using vbox has been somewhat underwhelming
Now that's a real network connector.
You use spark plugs to connect to networks?
How else would the electricity get across?
@Danack I see :-)
Can I start a session from inside a constructor?
Or are there some recommended ways?
@Danack Good point
btw phpconference.nl is looking not as expensive as some people implied, so I'm definitely thinking of going, though need to wait till pay day to decide.
£300 is still a bit much
@JayIsTooCommon s/300/600
what does the pound do nowadays?
1.18 euro
with everything included, probably looking more at £600
Yeah - my company is going to be chipping in.
i hope.
Do they know it yet? :P
He said he'd be willing to buy one conference ticket at least, but suspect that was thinking more along PHPSC prices rather than this one.
Also it helps that I'm in a city that has cheap direct flights to Amsterdam.
Swim it, will do you good
@bwoebi Yeah, that's fine. If a need comes up it can always be added again. I'll update the socket lib and remove Message from Amp and update anything that uses it to the newer version.
@bwoebi @kelunik Any other concerns before tagging 2.0?
@PeeHaa any other way of me previewing docs with preview being broken?
@CoderDudeTwodee you can, but you really shouldnt
@tereško What are the conventions/best practices for doing that?
@JayIsTooCommon Not that I know. You could set up docs locally but that means work
session_start() usually just goes somewhere at the start of bootstrap file
@PeeHaa :S .. well not sure if this table looks good or bad then :P
@CoderDudeTwodee the actual "rule of thumb" is to not put any logic in constructors at all
they should only have assignments
@JayIsTooCommon Worse thing that can happen is @salathe yelling at me or just fixing it again
alright, well ready to merge if you are
actually, probs need a few caps
I want to connect to a db on the server from my local computer. Do I need to create a user (which has low privliges) or it would be fine to I use root ?
as a username for the DB low-privilege user ?
I just want to insert into db ..!
and yes, I need to use a username account to use database
@PeeHaa alright - think i've done it. No idea how it'll turn out :B
oh, sorry, misunderstood the question
@Shafizadeh you should create a user, which is restricted by IP
@JayIsTooCommon Only one way to find out :P Will have a looksy tonight
kk :)
also, we need to game soon
@Shafizadeh so that it only can be used from your computer
@tereško Because of sniff danger?
@JayIsTooCommon yessss
@Shafizadeh it has less to do with sniffing and more associated with random chinese bots brute-forcing a pubic server
the "best practice" approach would actually to use an SSH tunnel
ah I see. and how can I restrict a user based on the IP?
when you create user, if you write 'user'@'%', it means "all IPs"
you should have to write a specific IP instead of %
Ah .. I see
but you really should look into using SSH tunnel instead
@tereško And I know this is a silly question, but to be sure I have to ask: my internet IP you are talking about? right? (not my local IP)
@tereško well I have a robot which is created by PHP .. it cannot use SSH tunnel
@Shafizadeh the IP that you see, when you google "what is my ip"
got it
and can PHP make SSH tunnel?
@Shafizadeh a robot does not need to know how to "use" an SSH tunnel
@JoeWatkins are you here, i need a bit of help with seg fault, i got backtrace
you just establish it and then use the server as if it is localhost
@tereško do you mean I have to upload my php script on the server?
in simple terms, when you make an SSH tunnel, it makes a magical bridge, where accessing a port on your local machines gets forwarded to a port on a remote server
@Shafizadeh ssh -L 8000: [email protected] - this would mean that by opening on your home computer http://localhost:8000, it would actually open http://remote.server.address
@Trowski Do that and I'll review tomorrow.
@tereško oh I see
the in the example can be any IP address, that is visible FROM remote.server.address machine
can someone try and help me understand why could this seg fault popup on random cases

Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00007ffff60bfe03 in __epoll_wait_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
84      ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S: No such file or directory.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff60bfe03 in __epoll_wait_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x000000000089a273 in fpm_event_epoll_wait (queue=<optimized out>, timeout=1000) at /home/izopi4a/php-7.1.3/sapi/fpm/fpm/events/epoll.c:128
@Shafizadeh as I said before, learn about SSH tunnels - it is a really useful skill to have
you're right
oh, and SSH tunnels are always encrypted
sounds pretty much secure !!
Think it looks good @JayIsTooCommon. Can you submit for review please?
It's also a way to bypass multiple layers of NAT
and you can also make reverse tunnels, that let a remote server access your system as it was local for that remote machine, for a specific port
yes, it's true
@Izopi4a That's not a segfault
That's just an interrupt
do you thing you can magically asume what's causing it, keep in my i am using phalcon
so the problem might be there
even tho in full backtrace there is not phacon stuff
There is nothing wrong with getting an interrupt in that position
Are you sure this is the right trace?
pretty much, i use fpm service. I stop the service, my website is down. I run the service with gdb, i cause the crash and do bt
(gdb) bt full
#0  0x00007ffff60bfe03 in __epoll_wait_nocancel () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
No locals.
#1  0x000000000089a273 in fpm_event_epoll_wait (queue=<optimized out>, timeout=1000) at /home/izopi4a/php-7.1.3/sapi/fpm/fpm/events/epoll.c:128
        ret = <optimized out>
        i = <optimized out>
        __func__ = "fpm_event_epoll_wait"
#2  0x0000000000890a64 in fpm_event_loop (err=err@entry=0) at /home/izopi4a/php-7.1.3/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm_events.c:411
        q = <optimized out>
this is the full trace
Linux REST client suggestions?
@Allenph httpie
@Patrick hey, sorry to bother you, I'm reading your No Framework Tutorial. On the first page you state that "...sometimes things don't go according to plan. And if something goes wrong ... your whole application source code could be exposed to visitors." Could you give an example of something that would go wrong to cause source code to be exposed?
@Tiffany Web server misconfiguration that causes PHP to stop processing files
^ this. happened to me once a few years back
What appeared on screen?
PHP code?
they are then treated as plain files
blurgh, that makes sense then
Or if they are treated as HTML you might get a blank screen, but view source would show your PHP code
I think my codebase is written to where it can expose the code. And we paid for it. lololol.
As in we paid for a local business to write a custom CMS for us

Don't put logic in your webroot yo!

Dec 16 '13 at 22:05, 2 minutes total – 16 messages, 5 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Dec 16 '13 at 22:12 by PeeHaa

@Tiffany It's trivial to wrap it
@Tiffany don't underestimate an attacker that has access to the source...
Just move the source code outside docroot and put wrapper scripts that include the correct path
That could have contained or made accessible credentials ^^^
the index.php in the webroot folder contains an include to the config file
Is the config file under webroot?
but I've found ways to make the site expose code, which is royally frustrating, and I know bots have latched onto it because I get half a dozen error reports a week because of it
Round function sometimes return no float values – #74422
I just need to improve myself so that I can improve this codebase, if we don't get the funding for a new system before then
app root
 |- public
 |  |- index.php
 |- src
    |- actual app source files
Where index.php just contains include __DIR__ . '/../src/bootstrap.php'; and nothing else
public is the web server's document root
so you can put static content in it
  |- assets
how ours is laid out
controller/model logic is located in library folder, view logic is located generally in includes folder. but all of it's in the root.
I'm guessing it should be structured to where the lib and includes folder would be under a src folder
All of that should be under src/, especially config.php
Ahh the plain text source code...
Compilation! I wanna compilation!
gunna cost you about tree fiddy
I wish PHPstorm used UNC path
@Tiffany sry I dont understand
@brzuchal some reference to something that happened in South Park. I haven't actually watched the episode to know the entire joke.
something loch ness monster
Ahhh. Ok
And for something completely different...
That'd actually be a pretty good background for gitamp.audio
@Dereleased Reminds me of God is an Astronaut
hmm ... @Tiffany, is that song representative of their overall style?
@Dereleased That really sounds like it matches it all
@tereško Jaguar God?
@tereško Kind of. I think Oblivion from Crack the Skye is probably a better example.
For WTF listen to the entirety of Blood Mountain
@Tiffany have you heard Runes To My Memory by Amon Amarth?
@PeeHaa Not entirely sure what you mean...
@Dereleased I've heard of Amon Amarth, but haven't listened to it
@Tiffany not sure if I should post lyrics video or official video...
I can look it on on spotify
assuming they're on spotify
@PeeHaa unless you just mean it is so ambient you could play it nearly anywhere. And I'd agree with that
@Tiffany They are, sec
@Tiffany spotify:track:5TiDg5EpGO1jWpvn6dRK40
reminds me of Opeth
apparently you can past that right into the spotify search bar and it'll handle it well
I like that one, it's a short story
have you heard Agalloch?
if you like SoaD, they (Amon Amarth) did a pretty excellent cover of Aerials
@Tiffany I have not
@Tiffany added it to queue, though I imagine it's gonna be pretty jarring immediately following my current track, spotify:track:7EBPgjH8H6CNsRU0026ew2
it starts out kinda slow, so you'll have time to prepare
> using a php
@Dereleased The actual sounds match the wavs / mp3s
@PeeHaa 1 people listening
@Dereleased ?
singular/plural woes
I hate you
Solution: get more people to join in :D
I opened it in another browser... this is intense
@tereško code is prone to injection attacks too
... also a wrong not best close vote reason, but w/e
There's no real question
> ErrorException: A non well formed numeric value encountered
What the hell
> ErrorException
someone is having an identity crisis
sec i'll show you the cause..
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I laughed at this, supervisor goes "you're not working"
$fetchStart = microtime();
// something longer
$fetchEnd = microtime();

$refetchStart = microtime();
// something shorter
$refetchEnd = microtime();

$fetch = $fetchEnd - $fetchStart;
$refetch = $refetchEnd - $refetchStart;

self::assertLessThan($fetch, $refetch); // <-- exception here
@tereško oh, true
oh of course, microtime is ridiculous without true
@Leigh what are $fetch and $refetch values? since it's only microtime, it could be 0
var_dump(microtime()); // string(21) "0.20685700 1492023081"
is the space a separator?
the space is part of the output
I get that, but is it supposed to be a separator because long-ass float?
(and could it be the reason it's breaking?)
No it's decimal part <space> whole part
not sure how this test ever passed...
(mid-7.1 upgrade from 5.6)
heh heh... I'm not looking forward to when I upgrade from 5.4
maybe it won't be painful
@PeeHaa oh I thought I did that -.-
@JayIsTooCommon Nope I still see it under wip
7 broken tests to go, all around amqp
@PeeHaa time to try this on mobile..
On a happy note, I have six minutes until I go home since I was here at 5AM.
That can only end bad
Never even attempted to do that :P
i.sstatic.net/lDSGL.png it's going well
lol dat typing
I want my actual keyboard back on my phone
How do I submit again?
left panel -> right click your WIP -> submit patch for review
Right click... riiight ..
hold tap?
That brings iOS menu up :p I'll wait till on lappy
yeah no worries :D
Also get a real phone OS
Cool kids use iOS
@Trowski do it.
@bwoebi Will have time to work on it in a couple hours.
@JayIsTooCommon no, managers and hipsters use iOS
--with-analyzer flag working but ignored – #74423
Anyone have an idea of why POST variables and files would be in php://input but not $_POST/$_FILE?
(Contenty-Type: multipart/form-data)
@tereško you're clearly not cool
@Allenph are you sure it is multiplart/form-data ?
check the $_SERVER, what content type you are actually getting
I figured out what it was.
The framework rewrites the URL.
So, I'm forced to parse it.
that's some impressively retarded framework you got there
I have been tasked with finding a cool screenshot of our code to add as a header to an internal file-sharing service. How do I find code I don't hate?
TIL another crazy stupid US thing
Product of your truly.
I made it for exactly this reason though.
Wondered why the builds always aborted on the server...
Forces me to learn stuff I would have never run into otherwise.
That entire system and not just ^ is so utterly wrong
OOM, because 512MB RAM without Swap. -.-
@PeeHaa this video is not available in your country oO
@PeeHaa I'
ll do you one better.
In the process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries. The resulting district is known as a gerrymander (/ˈdʒɛriˌmændər/); however, that word can also refer to the process. The term gerrymandering has negative connotations. Two principal tactics are used in gerrymandering: "cracking" (i.e. diluting the voting power of the opposing party's supporters across many districts) and "packing" (concentrating the opposing party's voting power in one district to reduce their...
^ How to realize democracy is a farce in 20 minutes.
@JayIsTooCommon TL;DR districts are being drawn by politicians themselves
Particularly if you're mathematically minded.
@PeeHaa both sides were doing it, it's just that republicans were better at it :D
@tereško yes both are doing it. Depending on who is allowed to redraw it
So weird
USA is fucked
Twas' designed that way on purpose.
How to turn a 50+1% win into 75%+ seat win
All First Passed the Post systems were designed to do that.
And to reduce political diversity.
@PeeHaa Fucking hell
@PeeHaa you might enjoy this channel: youtube.com/user/CGPGrey/videos
@Allenph just linked the same :)
So much wtf :P
Muh' Social Contract.
Google Voluntarism.
/me is looping this again
I can't seem to find RFC for this.

Is there a standard way to say "JSON and some files"?

The only thing I can think of is "Content-Type: multipart" and some arbitrary name for the JSON payload then a bunch of files.
(I know I should not do this...I don't understand WHY)
you have two options: send json and files separately OR use multipart/form-data and encode JSON as a string
I think I have been going down the wrong rabbit hole. I was thinking of the file as part of a resource...not its own resource related to the parent resource.
@PeeHaa have you ever played destiny?
@Ekin Only 1 day, 3 hours and 8 minutes left until Rebeccaday, OMG!
@JayIsTooCommon there is no Destiny on PC ... but we have Warframe
basically, space-ninjas
@tereško Earth ninjas are the best ninjas.
@Gordon Oh, did you break the build?
@tereško I do not want to parse manually. You mentioned the way the framework worked was poor. What is the alternative to doing a rewrite?
Some kind of proxy rule instead?
you have three content types that you should be able to handle: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data
the last too is automatically handled by PHP
if you want to send JSON, write a custom handling
if you are uploading a file, it is not sending JSON
Well, PHP will not automatically handle those last two in the case of a rewrite.
And I'd also like to be able to use other types. (image/*) for example.
Because I want to use the correct MIME type for what I'm doing?
It also will not do it automatically during an Apache rewrite.
which will be the magical client, with an ability to sent image/* content types?
Q: Redirection on Apache (Maintain POST params)

shawsyI have Apache installed on my server and I need to redirect from http to https. The reason for this is our load balancer solution cannot hand https so requests come in on http and then we transfer them to https using the below lines in the httpd.conf file. <VirtualHost> Redirec...

@tereško My front end does it now.
It's an SPA. Uses all sorts of different meme types in AJAX requests.
I'm asking because I don't know. Haha. I'm obviously doing something wrong because it seems too hard.
you have overcomplicated everything
and stop abusing Redirect
A URL being rewritten will not change the contents of the POST/PUT/whatever body unless there is additional processing in place to specifically do just that
That's why I just asked what the alternative is.
@Leigh he's not rewriting but redirecting
@Leigh That doesn't seem to be the case. I can see the request in php://input but POST is not populated, nor FILES.
See. I knew I missed something.
still wont change the body... POST with file -> you get file -> you redirect
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule ^$ public/ [NC,L]
    RewriteRule (.*) public/$1 [NC,L]
Oh right, you're doing your redirect at the apache level, yea you'll never get the file ;D
well you will, but it will be lost to the abyss

php://input - Populated
$_POST - Not Populated
$_FILES - Not Populated
This seems like the wrong way to do it.
But, I'm not sure of another way.
@Allenph just change the document_root instead of this fuckery
Have your SPA post to /public rather than /
or, change the root to be inside public as teresko says, and continue posting to /
it seems that all your problems stem from trying to patch and fix and stitch up a broken initial "solution"
I wonder what % of questions we get every day are x/y :P
@tereško ah shit, thought you could
@Leigh sounds like an xy, why do you need this information?
I don't, I often wonder things I don't need to know about, it's what separates me from the drones
Well you pooped on my joke.
@JayIsTooCommon nope. And if it were to go into PC market, it would get eaten up by the competition
@JayIsTooCommon on the wagon, pretty humourless lately
I think the first one was overrated anyway
@Leigh are you a definite for SC? I want a drinking partner + someone to hold hands with
@JayIsTooCommon overrated by who?
I mostly heard people complaining about it being boring
@Leigh @tereško There's an additional problem after that, though.
Inside public...
(the writing was crap, the "multiplayer" mechanic was shit and the loot was boring)
@JayIsTooCommon well I have a ticket and no other plans
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteRule ^(.+)$ index.php?uri=$1 [QSA,L]
@Leigh alright, I'll buy my ticket then
Seems to be a decent crowd of 11ers and extras going
Feeling fairly busy already, 2 confs this month, 1 june, 1 sept, 1 oct, 1 nov
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
that's it, @Allenph
no other fuckery necessary
@Leigh it's where we first met. Best day of your life.
@tereško That doesn't give me the URI in GET though.
@Allenph check out github.com/nikic/FastRoute and stop passing your URI in GET :)
@Allenph why the fuck would you need it?
But, I should be able to use my rule with the same results, yes?
@Leigh The whole point is to learn how.
@Allenph why cant you use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ?
is it somehow magically forbidden for you to use?
Actually you can lose it if you misconfigure your server
For example nginx -> fpm you have to be explicit about what server vars to pass
he already has a misconfigured server and he IS already loosing files
@tereško Nope. I just didn't think about it.
On this code pastebin.com/dqzraLNm I am getting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'endforeach' (T_ENDFOREACH) It worked fine until I upgraded php from 5.5 to 5.6. Any ideas?
Let me try it out.
Thanks for the help, both of you. I appreciate it.
@TylerJensen clean out the logic from your template and ask again
What do you mean? This is from a Magento template, I didn't write any of it.
if you start mixing the standard syntax with the alternative syntax, it means that your template is already fucked up
I don't know what that means
@tereško I feel like a moron.
That literally swapped right out. I did not have to change any code.

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