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9:00 AM
hookahs ... I'm sure I don't know what else you mean ...
I am not a caterpillar though
and I am not a tiger
I don't know where this conversation is going
@Jeeves how 'bout just get rid of JSON_PRETTY_PRINT
@PaulCrovella just because you're not pretty.
@JoeWatkins is tab size 4 in php-src?
> 4. When indenting, use the tab character. A tab is expected to represent
four spaces. It is important to maintain consistency in indenture so
that definitions, comments, and control structures line up correctly.
@DaveRandom can you do css "tab-size:4;" on lxr? :P
@PaulCrovella i love that guy
9:11 AM
kitkats and doughnuts for breakfast
@Wes 8 is a fine size. \cc @DaveRandom
all php-src
I don't think css will fix that ...
it will
It won't
9:16 AM
tried adding tab-size:4 with chrome dev tools and worked
right, and there are other places where the trailing \'s are 8-aligned and then will be disaligned
@Gordon Spaces ftw.
There's dozens of us
@bwoebi it works for the most part.
@JoeWatkins "A tab is expected to represent four spaces." - That's some serious bullshit there.
hehe, yeah, wrong way round ...
i'm still trying to understand how zend_ns_fe works @JoeWatkins ahahaha
ZEND_NS_FE("namespace", function_name, arginfo)
!!lxr-ast ZEND_NS_FE
@JoeWatkins Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
stupid elephpant ...
72 #define ZEND_RAW_FENTRY(zend_name, name, arg_info, flags) { zend_name, name, arg_info, (uint32_t) (sizeof(arg_info)/sizeof(struct _zend_internal_arg_info)-1), flags },
what's that
9:29 AM
and why it ends with a , ?
@JoeWatkins peeking is required for learning
morning slobs
FE's end with , because they are used in zend_function_entry with , omitted ...
I'm not sure what you mean by "what's that" ...
i have no idea what { a, b, c }, means, e.g. {zend_name, name, ...... },
zend_function_entry[] = {
   {a, b, c},
   {a, b, c},
9:32 AM
it's just a copy pasta basically
I prefer ZEND_NS_NAMED_FE :-)
@Wes or macro, yes ...
so it's not like PHP_FUNCTION(){ ... }
well yes, that's a macro too
it pastes zif_ infront of name and declares arguments ...
can i do RETURN_*() from a c function, right?
9:34 AM
you can do RETURN_* from any place with a zval *return_value
what's the difference @ThW ?
ZEND_NS_FE uses function_name as name and symbol name, NAMED_FE takes zend_name and name
it is a little more explicit
got it. let me try
9:44 AM
can't do @JoeWatkins i don't know how to write the signature of the c function
right now i'm using zend parse parameters, how do i do that in a c function?
the signature must match the arginfo? like, (zval object) and just that?
void foo(zv *object) {
ZEND_NS_FE("My\\NS", foo, foo_arg_info)
indeed doesn't work
@Wes you don't, you use PHP_FUNCTION, it declares with correct args
i can think.
yes. did it i think. compiling :P
@Wes should look like this:
	zval *object;

	if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "o", &object) != SUCCESS) {


ZEND_NS_FE("My\\NS", foo, foo_arg_info)
@PaulCrovella Now that's a fine trolling.
9:53 AM
shouldn't it be:
const zend_function_entry funcs[] = {
you meant that, right?
@Wes what time is it for you?
12 am
it's about 5AM here, had to be work early for an upgrade
thought you lived in Italy
@Danack don't see quality like that often anymore
i'm not sure how you use am/pm @Tiffany
9:56 AM
noon = PM, midnight = AM
it's 11:59am
@Wes :D
@Wes yeah ... obviously that ...
am/pm is a stupid system
9:57 AM
@JoeWatkins it wasn't so obvious for me joe :B
24 hour clock ftw
@PeeHaa coworker from serbia uses the 24 hour system. I always have to stare at his times for a moment.
we already discussed where FE's go ...
@Tiffany :|
You people are weird
9:58 AM
@PeeHaa not my fault I grew up on AM/PM. At least I understand celsius.
@JoeWatkins you didn't forget we had that discussion, but you forgot i'm an imbecile
And USE celsius over fahrenheit
That's because it makes sense :P
@Tiffany I use 24 hour system, and always need to think what exactly is am/pm it is stupid
obviously that should go there, but i didn't realize it immediately :B
9:59 AM
for weather, I think fahrenheit is better, because one degree change in celsius is HUGE, one degree change in fahrenheit is meh. However for water temperature? celsius all the way.
celsius is good 0 - is freezing and above
@Wes i thought you metric people were all up on shit like decimal time
Tbf I don't even know wtf fahrenheit is based on
0F is cold as fuck too
@Wes I shouldn't have said obviously, I'm not in a great mood, sorry ...
10:00 AM
Either kelvin/celsius or GTFO
@Tiffany ohh, I'm used to celsius, 24 hour system and kmph :)
@JoeWatkins but you were right. i'm so confused by all this
@PaulCrovella The current time is 12 kilometers and 5 ounches
I'm only used to celsius in metric. I'm slowly to adapting because I grew up on imperial units.
and everyone else uses imperial units, so it's harder to adapt
anyway, it's officially time to work on this fucking upgrade
I'm done ruining the PHP conversation for now :x
it worked \o/ @JoeWatkins
10:09 AM
I just replaced every LAN switch in the building with managed stackable sexy switches. On the plus side, It eliminated the problem that we were having (switching loop that no-one could find because we had ~20 unmanaged switches). On the minus side, I now have literally no idea how to configure these things because they are modern and powerful and really fucking complicated :-/
Where can I buy sexy switches? Does that also work on somebody like me?
@DaveRandom this is why I use token ring
Is that where you sit in a circle and get stoned?
puff puff pass
10:15 AM
@DaveRandom cisco?
!!? token ring
Search for "token ring" (https://www.google.com/search?q=token+ring&lr=lang_en)
• Token ring - Wikipedia - Token ring local area network (LAN) technology is a communications protocol for local area networks… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_ring)
• What is token ring? - Definition from WhatIs.com… - 7 jul. 2016 - A token ring network is a local area network (LAN) in which all computers are connect… (http://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/Token-Ring)
• Afbeeldingen van token ring - No description available (/search?q=token+ring&lr=lang_en&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=
@JayIsTooCommon HP, I'm not a nihilist
I have some cisco kit in the store room, I'm afraid to touch it
@Ekin lol, how old are you may I ask?
10:17 AM
@DaveRandom Just use bison it works better
Is that just a dutch thing?
You don't have these
I use HP for enterprise infrastructure gear, nothing but good experiences with it
Yes I see this is a proper indication that I am not old enough :P
That's a good feeling ...
@PeeHaa have you ever asked that and had it not been?
10:19 AM
@PeeHaa what is that, glue?
@DaveRandom tbf token ring was old by the time we learned about it /cc @Ekin
Yes I am trying to make us look less old here
@PaulCrovella Probably not?
@Ekin I'm not really tbh, token rings went out when I was like 10, I only know about them because I am an uber nerd
I see
I still have that feeling we are the center of the world @PaulCrovella
10:22 AM
orange ice lollies ...
lunch ...
And that in the rain
I need my wife back ...
why? you seem to be adulting just fine
I'm all sticky, and feel weak
that's normal
10:26 AM
@JoeWatkins in isolation those two messages look... well, not good
i've had oats, whey protein and chicken up to now. I am miserable.
I'd have oats only in the form of cookies...
cold now too
@Ekin had me wondering about the chicken
yeah I started skipping words apparently, should go for lunch
10:34 AM
or you should invent chicken cookies
feels like I better not
these exist but they're not quite there
> Made with cooked chicken for natural flavor
I ... I don't know what that means
tomorrow php rfc day. i have two to finish. good time for 7.2 is running out i think
first alpha is june
10:41 AM
are changes after alpha allowed?
wonder if hash_hkdf will close by then
you should aim to get your changes done before first alpha
indeed. june is not too far away tho, someone will have to implement them, probably @bwoebi :B
@Wes talking about what?
10:45 AM
one is optional parens for immediately invoked functions, ie function(){}(), the other one is splat in array literals [...[1,2,3], ...$iter]
There are no RFCs in voting. Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
@PaulCrovella yes
i feel sorry for the guy though. he wrote a massive page. you gotta respect the dedication
10:49 AM
no I fucking don't
@bwoebi unless you advice to not do them...
I think the parens might be necessary
@Wes I like the former… the latter … I'm not sure because semantics won't be what you expect in either case.
bob tried iirc, and there were no conflicts in the grammar lexer whatever thingy
what's the plan for dealing with accepted rfcs that never get an implementation? like wiki.php.net/rfc/apxs-loadmodule
10:53 AM
there's an awaiting implementation section on rfc index
right, but
> Target PHP Version: 5.4.1
nobody is likely to do the implementation other than the author ...
@JoeWatkins wiki.php.net/internals/release-managers could do with updating
at some point that should age off to "abandoned"
@bwoebi that's the problem. i have an idea though, people will vote it if it's reasonable. will update you tomorrow
10:56 AM
i should also take care of my negative index on arrays RFC soon..
@pmmaga link?
@PaulCrovella can you edit wiki ?
@JayIsTooCommon done
@JoeWatkins nope
by the way, i don't intend to put to vote another rfc i wrote because 1- i've decided i don't care 2- nobody cared 3- i lack knowledge
should i move it to abandoned or can i delete it?
10:58 AM
@PaulCrovella ok, so maybe I'll do that one weekend ... remind me maybe
@JoeWatkins see, i'm useful.
whats the best db structure to allow an admin to create custom db fields? I was thinking to have a custom_fields field on all tables that saves info in json, then a custom_fields table that saves the field details
or is there a better approach
@grasshopper Instead of JSON go for serialize thing.
Why serialize?
If it's just scalars then better use JSON
ew. serialize, json
@grasshopper just do a table with key value pairs and another table for the associations
11:09 AM
@Wes that would be the hardest thing to maintain
@grasshopper can't you just add json column in your table scheme?
@brzuchal but it is relational data, so storing it with actual relations is not a bad idea :-)
@brzuchal Why would it be hard to maintain?
It's just a join
you can do that with any db management thingy, imagine having to change the structure of the json instead... that is hard to maintain, imho
@PeeHaa yes it's additional sql query
No it's not
Unless you mean longer query
11:11 AM
I would not use serialize() however, that is a php specific format for temporary data.
In which case yes and that is good
if I store for eg. orders in table and there would be additional column type json then wouldn't have to do any joins
json or xml are possible if supported by the DBMS
@brzuchal What's wrong with a join?
don't like them
11:12 AM
@ThW there are relation dbms that do xml?
@brzuchal That makes no sense
mysql can do xml (no namespaces) and json
@brzuchal how can you do anything without joins?
That's like saying you don't like interfaces in php or something silly like that
@ThW til
I think postgresql, too
Is mysql still badly bad with json?
11:13 AM
interfaces aren't silly, traits are
@ThW til too
@brzuchal not the best argument i've heard
@brzuchal yes, but I picked interface because they aren't silly just like joins
@PeeHaa it is good as it treats them as string :B
@Wes it actually supports it by now right?
11:14 AM
It is limited however, only makes sense for specific cases
it's not that I do not use join at all
@PeeHaa no. you can store json in a text column, like any other text :B
fwiw postgresql json support is actually pretty fucking good
@Wes wat
Are you sure about that?
11:15 AM
but there is no special handling for json, afaik
I don't like programming at all
yes @PeeHaa json is just text... unless i'm not getting what you mean
@ThW Didn't know it also did xml
@brzuchal right? it's pure poop.
@Wes It actually handles it as json
As in you can query it sanely
11:16 AM
... i didn't know that
never encountered not even by accident...
It's kinda newish I think
postgres has had it for a whiile now though
@PeeHaa json yes, the xml functions are quite old
Everytime I start programming I realize what piece of crap I'm doing and just start complaining about PHP and then the day is over :)
anyway i'm never going to need that
unless values in the json are indexed
oci_pconnect over tls problems – #74420
11:17 AM
@Wes If you want to store documents it's actually good
postgres that is
and since it's mysql, i'm pretty sure they aren't :B
mysql just poops al over it probably
that's the technical term, poop :D
11:18 AM
tbh I never worked with json in mysql though so it may be actually good, but I doubt it for some reason
tbh2 I hate nor uderstand databases in general and think they are an necessary evil
They probably added it not because of the backend things
Programming is evil and the biggest evil is Larevil
@brzuchal ... ehh .. to be so young and naive again
@brzuchal you aren't the only talented programmer i know that hates databases. joins are easy... for sure easier than php internals...
11:23 AM
I don't know why I started learning PHP and not others
/me afk for a meeting
@brzuchal i've explained it earlier today
@Wes Why would you JOIN anything when you have Laravel
@PeeHaa that's why I store everything as tweets and let twitter work out the details
@PaulCrovella I create my backups as twitter posts
is that why all you do is retweet jeeves?
11:29 AM
Twitter is dead. I need to make a better one still :P
@adrianbriggs @Mnrrnt It's ok, 1 tweet should cover the whole world anyway. That's how it works.
Oct 29 '13 at 0:09, by webarto
Today I told my colleagues that I post passwords as private Facebook statuses so I can always access them.
@DejanMarjanovic that doesn't work for your FB pw though. Facebook will automatically mask your FB password with ***** when you try to post it.
Same here in chat
If you use FB login that is
@Gordon I'm not old as you, but I'm old enough :-D
11:33 AM
see, it works
@PeeHaa it kinda really is: finance.yahoo.com/chart/…
@tereško It is
works for me
@Gordon bash.org/?244321 //cc @DejanMarjanovic
@tereško Ah, yeah, origins :-)
11:34 AM
I'm old :(
At least you weren't there for the first "smiley"
Let's get @Danack in here so we can all feel less old
ok, lunchtime over… now to install php 5.3
legacy project?
11:36 AM
production work
Wrong reflection on ReflectionFunction::invoke – #74421
11:37 AM
@PeeHaa cs.cmu.edu/~sef/Orig-Smiley.htm he was there I bet
!!> echo 'shits' & 'gigs'
that's awesome
ooh a word
most of the time it's just random letters
11:39 AM
!!> echo 'rock' & 'roll'
Do you listen to ro`h?
I don't, ro`h is the way of life
!!> echo 'Gor' & 'don'
rock | roll is rooo
11:41 AM
@Gordon I bet you have Suhosin too
indeed. that's why I am installing it
Does anybody that was party to the discussion know why the union types rfc was rejected for 7.1? Was it primarily an implementation concern or was it rejected as a concept? wiki.php.net/rfc/union_types
I saw some discussion, the only criticism I saw was something about "simplicity" and "replicating other languages".
Is that pretty much why the vote went against it?
The best person to talk to would be @LeviMorrison who is probably not in front of a computer yet
11:44 AM
Levi is in a face-pillow correlation
Come back in about 3-4hrs @Marvin
Or @bwoebi but not seen him today, may be busy
@DaveRandom Ok, thanks
@Marvin and because we can't have nice things
Also that ^
@Marvin I believe it came down to "fuck that, let's special-case everything we'd use it for instead" though my memory may be biased
11:48 AM
Hmm, I guess it would be hopelessly optimistic/delusional to hope for it to be reconsidered in the not-to-distant future?
@DaveRandom I was there before^^ … just had lunch right now
@Marvin php 8 maybe
we need a lovely dictator like that guido python guy, that doesn't give a damn about what others think and just does what thinks it's best :B
@Marvin It was closed as a concept
@Marvin it'd take someone willing to suffer through trying to usher it through internals again at least
Oh well, I guess I'll live with out it. Thanks guys.
11:52 AM
@Marvin the only union allowed right now is ?Foo
@Trowski I'm fine with removing it for now, we always can re-add it later in a minor version if we realize we miss it.
@Wes just nobody bothered yet to implement that
ok, i thought there was an actual reason to disallow that
@Trowski may you quickly prototype that interface? just to ensure I'm not talking about the wrong thing

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