@Leigh I already have in the code this task is to stop the time when changing the status to waiting. But I can not find within 5,000 lines of codes. There is a way to find this function, since I already researched for stop time, but I did not find it.
@bwoebi @kelunik Do you think the defer in Coroutine is necessary? I just ran into a case where it was causing inconsistent behavior because in some cases a continuation was deferred.
If I remove the tests that yield many consecutive Success or Failure from Amp, nothing fails.
Most things that actually hit the call stack limit are artificial… so I question if it's necessary.
Search for "gbakurunen" (https://www.google.com/search?q=gbakurunen&lr=lang_en) • Translingual[edit] - ߷ - Wiktionary - The gbakurunen, a punctuation mark used in the N'Ko script to indicate the end of a major section o… (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%DF%B7) • Unicode Character 'NKO SYMBOL GBAKURUNEN' (U+07F7… - Encodings. HTML Entity (decimal), ߷. HTML Entity (hex), ߷. How to type in Microsoft Win… (http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/07f7/index.htm) • ߷ | nko symbol gbakurunen (U+07F7) @ Graphemica - HTML Entity (Decimal), ߷. HTML Entity (Hexadecimal), ߷…
Search for "💩" (https://www.google.com/search?q=%F0%9F%92%A9&lr=lang_en) • 💩 Pile of Poo Emoji - Pile of Poo. A pile of poo that is shaped like a soft-serve ice cream. … Pile of Poo was approved a… (http://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/) • 💩 Pile of Poo Emoji on Samsung Galaxy S4 - Emojip… - This is how the 💩 Pile of Poo emoji appears on Samsung Galaxy S4. It may appear differently on othe… (http://emojipedia.org/samsung/galaxy-s4/pile-of-poo/) • DOODIE MAN VS DOODIE WOMEN _ EPIC POOP 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 FI… - GAMES SEARCH GAMES WHACK GAMES FUNNY GAMES BASH GAMES BLOODY GAMES CARTOON … (https:/…
Something was bugged in my program. In my conditional I had if variable = 'yes' // do stuff elsif variable = 'yes' // do something else (it's in PL/SQL so syntax is different than PHP) This is one case where if I just used an if/else, I wouldn't have a problem.