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@FélixGagnon-Grenier if you see him, hi5 him for me as he was the only one who bothered to reply to me on internals :P
@pmmaga i promise :p
jay o/
newspeak: an official or semiofficial style of writing or saying one thing in the guise of its opposite, especially in order to serve a political or ideological cause while pretending to be objective.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Is the guy on his laptop right now? Because I just see a mail from him 1 minute ago :)
@Gordon Yes
@PeeHaa not in my sight anymore :(
You're such a terrible stalker
public String getSocket(Supplier<String> socketSupplier) {
  // snip

  String socket = socketSupplier.get()

  // snip
i'm still getting that notice pooHaa oO
What notice?
I think it's your fault?
Wait, @Gordon can you provide another example of the function with a difference?
Uninitialized string offset: 0
What does $emailHash contain on that line?
string(0) ""
blame @DaveRandom
!!docs operator precedence
[ DOMEntityReference ] The DOMEntityReference class
wow useless piece of shit
@MadaraUchiha I figured it out already. thx
@Gordon Huzzah
ok @JayIsTooCommon the problem is twofold
@PeeHaa spoilers: === is higher than ??
1) operator precedence on that one is... weird
  private Object withContainerUtils(Function<ContainerUtil, Object> callback) {
    for (ContainerUtil containerUtil : containerUtils) {
      Object result = callback.apply(containerUtil);
      if (result != null) {
        return result;
    return null;
2) I hate chris
@MadaraUchiha ^
I have to cast the result in the actual methods then
but good enough
So now it's up to you @JayIsTooCommon to either add even more braces or make it sane
That's silly, comparison operators should always have the lowest precedence.
It is
@Gordon No you don't.
You can use a generic
@MadaraUchiha I put T instead of object but that gave funny results in the IDE
private static <T> T withContainerUtils(Function<ContainerUtil, T> callback) {
aah. I'll never memorize how to write that properly. thanks
@JayIsTooCommon 3v4l.org/nP0Qf
@Gordon Me neither
I just looked it up
@PeeHaa how weird :P
@JayIsTooCommon yes :(
newspeak: an official or semiofficial style of writing or saying one thing in the guise of its opposite, especially in order to serve a political or ideological cause while pretending to be objective.
> ♏ Scorpio | Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
For centuries, great thinkers have contemplated the purpose of life. It’s best to just relax and assume they’ve figured it out.
> ♈ Aries | March 21 to April 19
You’ll be thrilled all the way down to your toenails this week when electrodes are planted in the appropriate pleasure centers of your brain.
oh joy \o/
very little doom and gloom this week, the stars must've gotten laid
> ♋ Cancer | June 21 to July 22
You must admit that you’re sleeping better than ever, but it’s kind of unpleasant to wake up every morning with a blowgun dart in the back of your neck.
> ♉ Taurus | April 20 to May 20
After the events of next Sunday, for the rest of your life, people will stop you on the street and ask you to autograph packages of pork chops.
I'd try a moose chop
Is this page rendering brokenly for everyone or just me?
Sorry was replacing my mouse battery :P dev.twitter.com/rest/reference
:p mobile shows a long list of stuff
It's not jaw dropping design, but doesn't feel broken
Looks like that to me
the menu on the left has scroll bars, including horizontal, which isn't great; but it's not broken for me
gaiz, halp
I need a name for a namespace, that will only contain temporary classes for the purpose of refactoring
@PeeHaa We all love @DaveRandom … You are not in the position to hate him, no.
@tereško bob, foo, refactoring, wip, tmp
@Gordon I'm not a namespace!
@bwoebi true, you are a deep c creature
better :-)
@bwoebi :P
"wip" actually might do
you could also call it @tereško
That moment when bob broke all 7.1 builds travis-ci.org/PeeHaa/AsyncTwitter/jobs/209518351#L328
@PeeHaa I didn't break it, just not unbreak it.
or even better, call it 🕐
Same thing
@PeeHaa oh that bug … I thought you were talking about the generator issue
All our projects segfault on the 7.1 build now :P
@PeeHaa Well, anyway… it runs properly, it just crashes after the run… the build itself doesn't break, just the display is not informative
When was the new release? Next week?
Aaaaaand that auto closes the issue :P
Anybody any idea how to present a "Remember Me" login option when exclusively using OAuth for authentication?
@kelunik Are you a consumer or a provider?
As a consumer. A simple checkbox above a bunch of buttons just looks like shit.
Maybe one of those fancy slide switches?
I mean one of these types of things
with a little embedded version of youtube.com/watch?v=AYURxfaTdpY
@PeeHaa The question is not how to style the checkbox, a switch is just another style of a checkbox. It's rather how to present it so it's noticed by users. In case of a regular password login you have a username + password field a user fills in and can present the checkbox right next to the login button. In case you have many login buttons (one for each provider), there isn't a good place for the checkbox anymore.
I see
Smells like something @Wes would have a (stupid) opinion about
I thought about a small notification popup after login, but dunno…
It was the only thing I could think about, but i dislike popups
@kelunik how are your login buttons presented? horizontal list of icons? if so then the checkbox + text right below should work
@PaulCrovella Currently like that: i.imgur.com/EZ1dLEq.png
Probably a vertical list later.
@PeeHaa Not a popup that blocks other things, more like desktop notifications.
It's still an extra step
@kelunik eww, I'd work on that first :p
@PaulCrovella Just wanted to make authentication work for now.
@tereško BanMe
@bwoebi is there a way to force the amphp\mysql connection pool to open a given number of connections? I've got into a situation that there is a race condition of connections being opened :P
@marcio there should be a limit parameter
@marcio yeah, add ;limit=5 to the DSN to limit it to 5 connections
@marcio what type of race condition?
@bwoebi oh, cool the race condition was causing connections to go up to 900 on a dev machine and that was scary :D
@marcio I guess you were firing loads of commands simultaneously?
@bwoebi yup $ ab -c 500 -n 100000 ...
@marcio well, yeah … then no wonder. Limit it to 200 or such
it should then properly queue the queries onto the connections in a fifo way
The limit is fine, but it also makes sense to have a given number of connections open at boot so there is no need to warm the application for peaks of heavy load.
@marcio well, usually you don't get a sudden burst from one second to the next
@bwoebi oh sure, in typical case yes but in that case, we do, like a tsunami :)
@marcio Don't model your applications after benchmarks^^
@bwoebi This actually does happen sometimes. Particularly if you suddenly introduce a newly booted server to a load balancer.
@marcio I just found github.com/marcioAlmada/yay. I like it a lot.
@Trowski right, but in that case you don't know ahead of time whether you need peak perf or not
@bwoebi I'm not complaining though. Aerys and your mysql client together are awesome :)
anyway, establishing a mysql connection is only like 2 rtts
Right. It still shouldn't matter that much.
@bwoebi So can I port amphp/mysql to v2 now?
@Trowski I think so
I'm annoyed that we still don't have consensus with react people
I might wait to see what we do with async-interop just so I have less code to change…
I'd like to participate in a chat with all three…
I think @kelunik's new PR will appeal to them on the loop, and there's nothing we can do with promise.
They seem to sometimes have a chat together… so I'd like to join…
AFAIK Promise is not their biggest issue though if loop is fine?
That's my understanding as well.
Clue seemed be concerned with adding another method to their interface that only seemed to benefit us.
I don't care much at this point, since we'll just make Amp compatible with React.
Then there is no adoption issue. If someone is using React, they can immediately jump to Amp.
As I said a few days ago, let's just put together our best effort for async-interop, tag a v1.0 and move forward. @bwoebi @kelunik
We've been working on it for a year now… I think it's time.
Yeah, I'd just like to have a chat with the React people if there's anything they'd agree with. [And commit to implement]
Can you schedule anything or such?
@Gordon ty :) unfortunately I had no time to give further development to it, I hope I'll have the energy for that soon
@bwoebi @kelunik might be able to, he's chatted with them more often. I've only chatted with @WyriHaximus
@Trowski Yeah, me too.
Hey guys, I'm trying to array_diff to objects; any hint ?

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