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@Sherif no I haven't, thank you. I'll look at it now.
Awesome, I see "turo" on there, a friend of mine uses it :)
stupid weather. stupid anyone who contributes to global warming. a proper hurricane hit my zone, and i'm nowhere near a ocean... super crazy...
your house is ok?
yes, i think. i can see trees took down by the wind, roof tiles, dirt everywhere on the streets, even cars moved by the wind
are you alright too? (not taknig into account you are writing here right now)
yeah nobody were hurt hopefully. it's not actually a "proper hurricane" :P
happened in the past 2 hours, suddenly
what the hell...
bah. i was sleeping so well, for once
heh. the guy who slept through a hurricane :)D
ask @crypticツ (iirc... she slept through a hurricane, an actual one... right?)
roof gets detached... "fuck the hurricane i'm back to bed" :B
yea pretty funny :P
Is it okay if I ask a question unrelated to PHP?
you can try, sure
I am trying to import some very large CSV files into SQL Server. I am getting a System.OutOfMemoryException error. I tried to fix it by increasing the max server memory for SQL but for some reason each time I change it it goes back to default.
using php?
I'm not sure what php is to be honest
system.outofmemoryexception comes from dotnet or mssql?
I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2016
you could try importing the csv row by row rather than all at once, if you are using a script or something
or check how to increase the memory limit
I checked how to increase memory limit but whenever I try changing it the moment I click OK it changes back
no idea. you could try asking in the C# room, or on database administrators dba.stackexchange.com
Thanks for the references
also, the wind almost completely stopped now. wtf
public function toString () {
    return $this->__toString();
'coz one wasn't enough
Morning 0/
morning \o/
@Wes sometime __toString() doesn't feat with toArray() in one class
you are being sarcastic, right? :P
sometimes it happens when I have toString alias for __toString()
booo :P
because I never know if I do compare $obj === "text" there is __toString() invoked or not so to be sure I use $obj->toString() === "text" :)
How does one succeed in getting to sleep?
by drinking less coffee
Watching chess or some other board game
by drinking some whisky
watch a F1 race @FélixGagnon-Grenier works for me
it helps getting sleep in 100% times
@FélixGagnon-Grenier better living through pharmaceuticals. try diphenhydramine (aka benadryl)
@brzuchal internals help pls. is there a way to hook into any class that gets created in userland, immediately after it is declared? e.g. for the purpose of adding a field or a method
and, without changing the core... from an extension
I'm doing such think on autoload
ahh from extension, wait
like aop ?
There waas an AOP extension
In userland I'm using autoload to load preprocessed class file like in this Lumbok implementation
nope, no aop. but i could look at that if that adds extension methods dynamically
Why you want to add methods dynamically?
I suppose you could simply add those methods to class_entry ?
but how to detect classes' declaration?
e.g. onClassCreated(function(){ do this })
You want to hook using extension into userland constructors ?
This is an AOP or I am missing smth
not constructors, declaration of classes
you want to do something special when class is parsed and it's definition class entry is stored in global symbols array ?
These all seem like good advice. I tried calling some friend to no avail...
shut up, you must've no friends.
Shit. You saw right through it
I know, hookers can't exactly be called friends but still
@Wes you can override original function from core which stores ce into symbols array, just like OPCache does with internal zend_parse or similat functions
static do_something(zend_class_entry ce){ /* do something to the ce */ }

all_classes->new_class_is_defined_hook = do_something;
i want to execute some code just right after a class is zend_register_*'ed
override zend_register_* with your own implementation which do the stuff and then use original one inside yours
should i do that?
OPCache works like that so it has own function to load files, it loads from memory if file has not changes or other settings allows it to doi such things
another option could be: do all classes internally inherit from the same class? can i add a method to this base class, so that is available on any class? current and future ones...
don't ask why i want to do this... :P in fact i'm just wondering...
jest it is possible
but that's a huge change to the language, propose introducing Object superclass and then you'll see the comments for pros and cons (there will be plenty of them)
morning r11
@Wes that would change type system
no @brzuchal i'm saying from an extension. i don't want to change the language
\o @Linus
@Wes that would be quite hacky
AFK now
to sum up: i want to add a method or a field to any class (not interfaces) defined in php (both internal classes and userland classes), from an extension and thus without changing the core
\o lata. thanks
object oriented phprogamming
walked code up to do_bind_class @brzuchal and it seems there is no way to hook into that
@Wes My knowledge is limited in this area, also am wondering why you wont to do that?
because i'm an haxxor
Hey guys anybody know how I can replace the first part of this regex with a negative lookahead? (?<=[\]|>])(.*?)(?=$|\n) specifically this: (?<=[\]|>])
I think negative lookahead is (?!
It is but I just can't seem to get it to work
Basically trying to get my regex to capture everything AFTER ] || >
`(?<=[\]|>])` - Start after `] || >`
`(.*?)` - The stuff I want after
`(?=$|\n)` - Only to end of line
Sry, on mobike, typing is hard
No worries
why we using dot(.) after $message variable for maul functionality code: $message = "<p>Name : " . $_POST['name'] . "</p>";
$message .= "<p>E mail : " . $_POST['email'] . "</p>";
$message .= "<p>Resume: " . $_POST['resume'] . "</p>";
have you tried finding the reason in the PHP manual? It's really great.
Q: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?

GordonWhat is this? This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list. Why is this? It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹ The m...

also you might want to bookmark this ^
ya i searched but i cannot understand the exact reason ...
well, what do you think it does?
i think it represent to seperate html code and php code and also for append purpose
thank you
you are welcome
@Wes What did you try to implement in C yesterday?
nothing i could do in an extension, so i gave up :B
Hi, anyone here has an idea on how to get the current progress of running query so i can display the progress in a progress bar.
> Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2147483648 bytes exhausted
code coverage?
had to tune the memory limit to 2G otherwise it ran out of memory :B (i probably needed just a bit above 1G, tho)
not even running with coverage, just using a generator as a dataprovider and generating a lot of data/failures
I think I dont care for code coverage too much anymore. cover you critical code, not some arbitrary number
atm I'm not even covering all that much code, just covering a critical part very very thoroughly
@Gordon btw, do German speakers care about the grammatical cases? (Accusative and all)
(or is it like who and whom in English?)
@Trucy I don't get the question
@Jimbo any news on your git workshop plans?
@Gordon I've asked the team lead but he's busy on workshops the past few weeks and this week in Dusseldorf, so waiting for him to get back...
BUT, they're still interested. We're possibly going to get that long haired ginger guy from Roave to come over for an ES + CQRS workshop too, I'm trying to get them to
Again, waiting for him to get back + approve
@Gordon Is it THAT important to make the difference between "Ich esse den Apfel" and "Ich esse der Apfel"?
@Jimbo huh? I thought you are the team lead
@Gordon LOL, since when?
Although, I am getting my own team within the next few months
And it's going to be scary, as I have no clue :P So I'll be asking you lot many questions
@Jimbo ever since you started wielding long job titles
Architect wasn't team lead, it was knowledge lead so I had to get buy-in from all the developers and talk to business
But yeah, within the next month or two, I become a tech lead with my own team :)
@Jimbo congratulations. here is a link for you thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/5-tips-being-effective-tech-lead
@Gordon Thank you, this is the sort of stuff I will be reading :-)
@Trucy if you are german, you are expected to get the "artikel" right. if you are a foreigner, it's not that important.
@Jimbo I think pat kua has more stuff (a book) on that. haven't been following up on these kind of topics since I started the new job though.
du fromage
@Gordon thx :)
@Trucy It is, if you're not sure about the artikel, ditch it, but you'll also make other things wrong if you don't know artikel...
(also pinging der @MadaraUchiha to know how fluent is he in German on Duolingo)
@Trucy Not very
The spelling is tough, and saying "Sorry" is still tough on me :D
@DejanMarjanovic Of course, but it comfort me to know that a German won't get "u wot m8?" if I get wrong on the artikel
on an unrelated side note: I still have a hard time getting used to being able to write numbers with an underscore, e.g.socket.setSoTimeout(90_000); in java
Entschuldigung :-P
@MadaraUchiha I totally forgot how to say sorry. I know it's a fucklong word
@Gordon Oh god. Those fucking lists
I hated those back in school
Worst way to learn them
Irregular verbs?
!!wiki german articles
@PeeHaa Sorry I couldn't find that page.
German articles are used similarly to the English articles, a and the. However, they are declined differently according to the number, gender and case of their nouns. == Declension == The inflected forms depend on the number, the case and the gender of the corresponding noun. German articles - like adjectives and pronouns - have the same plural forms for all three genders. === Indefinite article === This article, ein-, is used equivalently to the word a in English, though it literally means one. Like its English equivalent (though unlike Spanish), it has no direct form for a plural; in ...
^ that stuff
@PeeHaa wow, so you guys are as bad as we at teaching languages?
@PeeHaa much easier in dutch… every noun is prepended with "ein lekker"
@Trucy Pretty sure it taught like that everywhere
@Gordon :D
ein lekker frikandel
frikandel and fries
Now I'm hungry
@Jeeves My language has 7 cases
@DejanMarjanovic That language is really cool.
@PeeHaa see, I miss the Flanders for the food too
Miss me with all the "duck sauté w/ marinara sauce with a side of petits pois", I just want a big ol' boxful of fries
@Gordon bist du Franke? :-D
Also, the thing that fucked me up in Dutch is "op" means both "drunk" and "on" iirc
0% OP 100% BOB
op means drunk?
Since when?
@PeeHaa they didn't tell you?
@Gordon You were a tech lead right?
I should know this :D
@PeeHaa all this time they've been telling you you were totally op... it wasn't a compliment
@Jimbo never officially.
@PeeHaa dunno, that's how I remembered it. I only saw it on road signs
@Jimbo there was a project where the designated tech lead didnt deliver and his replacement became missing in meetings, so I was kinda like the tech lead of hearts there.
@Gordon Ouch, both the original and replacement gave up. Must've been an issue with the project too?
@Jimbo no, no. they didn't give up exactly. it just turned out the original one wasn't a good fit and was demoted for it and the replacement was then stolen by upper management because other projects
I'll tell you next time we meet in more detail
morin tereško,Ekin
moin ET
hoi joe
@JayIsTooCommon ET
I guess most folks in here are too young to have seen ET
@Gordon sadly - you are wrong
Morngin new people o/
i've never seen ET
I've seen ET
I have, don't remember any details off the top of my head, but tend to understand references to it in pop culture
flying bicycle
dead flower
Haven't seen that Lion King thing either..
my kids have
can't tell if humorous or not
i've seen it in the west-end twice.. just not the film. Logic.
@Wes interesting. but why does it all look like penises?
some look like bongs tho
penises ?
or spaceships / space habitats
joe, what this does github.com/krakjoe/uopz/blob/master/src/function.c#L101 ? can't understand it :\
@Gordon you might need to get an appointment with your doctor
@tereško I tried last friday
@Gordon Yeah sounds like a load of politics, which I hate and don't play
@Jimbo it was
@Wes class B extends A, uopz_function(B, thing, function, true) -> uopz_function(B, thing, function) && uopz_function(A, thing, function)
aaaaaaah. it copies the function in the super classes as well?
yeah, if it doesn't already exist ...
adding functions at runtime is nasty and is bound to break in some future version @Wes
avoid it
it's bound to break because dmitry intends to leave class entries (and members) in shm ... I hate that idea, but he's going to do it, and then we won't be able to change the function table in shm because it will do extremely strange things ... use hooks instead
if you have to use uopz at all .. which as I already said 100 times, you shouldn't need too ...
a userland way to hook into functions would still be nice though
i'm not using the ext. you told me not to. just randomly learnding (reading your ext) for now
a userland way ?
Hey guys, i'm wondering. To update a PHP variable, without refreshing the screen, should i use "node.js" or "AJAX"?
@Wes oh you listened, goooood ...
lol. "i made this ext, but don't use it" bye, joe
oh I do use it
@Gordon i'd use it for mocking functions...
I use it for testing what is still legacy parts of our application ... many millions of lines of code that didn't used to have a reliable test suite ... you shouldn't use it for new code because you should not write legacy code
I always write legacy code yesterday :)
I mean late 90's early 00's legacy kind of code ...
there are bits of it I'd like to develop, like mocking classes, but there are already really good solutions to that which do not require hacking the engine to bits ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, you know, like in Ruby or Python or JavaScript or Go. Easy to instrument from userland. But in PHP you need to do it in C.
I always write legacy code yesterday :)
hey chris
moin chris
@Gordon if there were an easy way to do it in userland, we'd live in a kind of alice in wonderland world, where we are not sure how any code is going to run or what it will execute ... I like needing an extension to do that ...
@JoeWatkins I don't know if it is easy in the aformentioned languages, but it works and it puts PHP at a disadvantage when it comes to instrumentations.
why is it a disadvantage to load an extension ?
you presumably do it for large parts of every application you ever wrote ?
the disadvantage is having to write the extension in the first place
you know it exists, right ?
uopz can do that ...
i don't mind if it's an extension or not, but should be in the php bundle :B
11 mins ago, by Joe Watkins
if you have to use uopz at all .. which as I already said 100 times, you shouldn't need too ...
meh, there's nothing to gain from bundling extensions into php-src
@Gordon sure but you can ... I've just learned that in the real world, you don't want too, you shouldn't have too ...
@JoeWatkins Except for wider adoption.
@kelunik adoption should come way way before bundling
and that isn't true, xdebug, apc, memcached, redis, have no problem being adopted ;)
when you read some code, you want to know what it's going to execute, when you have the ability to magically hook into stuff, people build features around it, and code looses all sense ...
@JoeWatkins i agree that most of that shouldn't be used, but replacing functions at runtime could be useful. i.e. for testing
if it's testing you want to do, fine, use uopz ... but you should write the kind of code that means you don't need it ...
@JoeWatkins I say let people build features
on bundling extensions, it can actually be a very negative thing ... you are tied to the release cycle of php, and to get bugfixes, you have to upgrade all of php ... that's not at all reasonable for most applications ...
@Gordon need code to make sense
@JoeWatkins It's tricky. If you want to include shared hosting users: Shared hosts won't install if not widely used, products used on shared hosting won't use non-available extensions.
I don't care about shared hosting at this point
@JoeWatkins that's why it should be an integral part of php-src and not a one person project
@JoeWatkins Same here, but a lot of people do.
it wouldn't make any difference, you would still have to upgrade all of php to get bugfixes for one extension
@JoeWatkins Which is fine, you should keep PHP up to date anyway. :P
the functionality that allows you to do that kind of magic is an integral part of php, that's enough ...
@kelunik in the real world it doesn't work that way ...
@JoeWatkins it doesn't need to be that way, maybe we should fix that...
@JoeWatkins Yes, because most upstreams suck and break things and because that makes distros packaging their own versions instead of following upstream.
you can avoid it by not bundling the extension in the first place, allow the extension to have it's own release cycle
right, but there's nothing to stop those extensions from living in their own space and having there own release cycle and just bundling the latest stable
the problem is actually not even bundling it or not with php, it's that installing an extension is still a huge barrier. should be as simple as composer require, but it's not
pecl install is different letters to composer require, but it's about as simple
^ that
@JoeWatkins I still can't install pecl. :-D
no one uses pear anymore
pear is dead
^ except for php-src.
And a lot of other legacy projects.
bundling the latest stable sounds like a good idea, but when you have people saying silly things like "it's too hard to install an extension", you've not solved any problems by bundling the latest stable really
you don't really need pecl anyway ... it's not so hard to remember the three commands that will build every extension that has ever existed ...
I still disagree that providing hooks into the language out of the box is a bad thing. other languages provide this too. I find having them natively available much more useful than most of the additions in php7 and 7.1
you say that, but you already admitted you have never used them in the languages that do provide it ...
@JoeWatkins think the average user or the below average one that wants to do that. there is not even an updated guide on how to do that. it took me years just to figure out how to compile php on windows...
I don't care about windows either
and I don't know what the average user looks like ...
@JoeWatkins I haven't. But I see how peers using the languages to rapidly dish out language instrumentations writing userland code while I need to fiddle with segfaulting C to achieve the same.
should someone who can't find out how to build any extension even be in charge of that sort of thing ...
> how do i call a javascript function with php????!!!1
average php user
@JoeWatkins like this
Don't do drugs kids
@DaveRandom too late
i still can't unsee the other one
@Gordon has it occurred to you that maybe, you are doing it wrong ?
I suspect some extension won't truly become popular until they're bundled.. things like xdebug, memcached, etc. are required in order to perform their very common (and boring) tasks - whereas something like Ds gets ignored because hey there's arrays and spl already and why would I bother writing against an extension that nobody has installed (I'm aware of the polyfill, that's beside the point of the example)
maybe you shouldn't have tried to write all that in C, maybe, it would have been better to write a framework for instrumentation in C, and write the instrumentation itself in PHP ... did you consider that ?
@JoeWatkins yes, I do a lot of mistakes. But that's missing the point. They are C level mistakes. It's an entire category of mistakes that I wouldn't need to bother with if there was an instrumentation API in userland. Something like ActiveSupport in Ruby or similar.
read the next sentence :)
I have a value in DB say 'This bike is good' now i have written SQL query as SELECT DISTINCT 'col1' FROM 'tbl1' WHERE 'col1' like '%$val%'; this query works fine when $val='This bike' but if the value is $val='This bike not good.'
@JoeWatkins read my previous sentence :)
I did
you missed the target imo, I wouldn't have done what you are doing ...
now both of you read each others' 3rd sentence, then 1st
> It's an entire category of mistakes that I wouldn't need to bother with if there was an instrumentation API in userland.
think about that ... why didn't you write the instrumentation API, rather than doing the instrumentation in C ?
@AccountUnknown what happens if $var = "' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM users --" ?
please learn to use prepared statements
its already urldecoded.
@DaveRandom probably more like this
@AccountUnknown you apparently have no idea how SQL injection work
@tereško lol :-P
@DaveRandom it's usually how I see people, who tell me about their new standing-desk for work

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