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well thats something new.. not linux os.kaspersky.com IOT-OS
much secure such not open source very AV-like
Whats the proper way using a trinary operator to check if following:
Has a value and else to give a random text of 'default';
if ($this->hasName()) {
} else {
What kind of array does getName() return?
returns a string
Your api is bad and you should feel bad fix that instead
I want to see the trinary way :)
Why are you accessing the first character of the string?
the array holds a few names, I just try some things out it is not really an api for now
So it should be getNames() and not getName()?
should be ye
Like this:

$this->getNames()[0] != '' ? $this->getNames()[0] : 'bla';

If you call the function two times store the result into a variable
$foo = $this->getNames()[0] != '' ? $this->getNames()[0] : 'bla';
@JohnDoe2 this is a really bad code smell
$names = $this->getNames();
$foo = $names[0] ?? 'default';
Avoid immediate array dereferencing from method calls
it's easy to miss
You can use shorthand ternary instead of null coalesce if you're sure element 0 will be set, and you want to block empty strings
?? is php 7 ?
@Ocramius Yo, I heard you know Doctrine? How can I active record in 2?
Isn't Doctrine DataMapper?
i think he's picking a fight
If you want ActiveRecord, you can go and use Laravel, but then we'd stop talking to you :)
No, 1 is the best, it's the AR, other's are fake, you won't like them, trust me.
Just kidding, watching Super Mario giving a talk on Doctrine :-D
I'm watching you @Ocramius and I'm near you
/google stalkers near me
@DejanMarjanovic you can do AR in D2 via this abomination
@Ocramius Hah! You have answer to everything :-) I should refactor, but no possible easily because the old ORM is some hacked thing.
Using Nikic's fast route, could I make a dispatcher which accepts Auryn and dispatches to the callback using the injector instance instead?
The only thing I'm missing is something like middleware
Not going into completely middleware stacking
where the router is a middleware instead of before/after/x middleware?
The whole thing is just confusing ._.
The simplest use case is that I'd like a bunch of routes to be behind one access check, instead of having to check for it at every point it is dispatched too
If they're not logged in jump over to the login page instead.
OH I'm dumb, dispatching returns the handler data, it doesn't fire it as a callback
@NikiC @bwoebi should a class which defines all its properties at "compile time" use least memory?
@staabm Class initialized property will likely end up consuming less memory than a dynamically initialized one, yeah.
But obviously not less memory than having no property at all.
@Ocramius doctrine is super good
@Sherif in other words, this will only pay out if it is highly unlikely that the param will be passed a non-null value?
@staabm In terms of memory, yeah. Your premise is that the only thing you're trading against is memory. There's time to take into consideration too.
@DejanMarjanovic it just looks like that until you switch to functional programming :P
@Sean You can do something else too if it's just logged in vs not logged in
Just have two different sets of routes
@PeeHaa Yeah I was reading through CodeCollab and saw you did that
@staabm sure
any mysql expert online
/me is now running 7.1 across the board internally \o/ /cc @PeeHaa
more that 500 Mo in stupid JS dependencies…
/me is still running 5.6 \o/
@Trucy still running 5.3 here
@Tiffany My heart stopped beating for a sec
if all pans out, hopefully will be changing
@Trucy wat
@Trucy What I failed to mention is that there are 3 un-upgradable PHP 4.3 (not a typo) servers but I pretend they don't exist
why are they unupgradable?
and I thought the internet was full of bad guys automagically nuking php servers everywhere.
@PaulCrovella embedded mipsel systems (phone system units) for which I have never managed to create a working cross compiler after several attempts
I may try again one day
ah, gotcha
They only run stuff specifically related to the phone system, and that's not much any more, I rarely need to touch it
Although I did write a reactor-pattern non-blocking framework for 4.3, that was sort of fun and works surprisingly well
@Trucy I assume "Mo" is "Megabytes", what's the "o" for? SOmething to do with octets I assume?
4 wasn't quite as bad as everyone remembers it to be... the shit we did with 4 was awful though
It's the object reference semantics which are its biggest problem
@DaveRandom Oh right, Mo is MegaBytes (and yes, o is octet :))
@DaveRandom I'd like to see the old object pass-by-value come back in the form of structs
(of course we pronounce it "octay", without the final t because french)
@PaulCrovella +1, although I don't want them to have instance methods, or if they do have instance methods then they should not be allowed to write instance properties
I'm undecided on those details
@Trucy Learn a bit of latin, learn most of French/Italian/Spanish
@DaveRandom although there're many differences between those languages
@PaulCrovella I'd rather have C-like structs if anything, basically strongly typed assoc arrays
The number of bugs I have had in PHP4 because I did foreach over an array of objects...
I'd be fine with that. Hell, I'd be happy to get even python-like tuples.
This must be a record
it's the highest recent by a clear margin
It's impressive, I guess?
Maybe give him a badge?
I thought I edited my shit heavily...
Edited 100+ times your question
@Tiffany sis, when I'm bored I edit other people posts to fix capitalisation and/or spelling errors
i need help with ERD ... any one here have free time ?
hey guys, is it possible to glue reference variables? $var = &$one.':'.&$two; outputs sytax error
@Trucy I do that regardless if I'm bored. I'm sort of a grammar nazi.
@Tiffany Next step: typography nazi, THEN you'll piss everyone :D
On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
not having the right screen focused when writing git commands cc @PeeHaa
@PaulCrovella \o/
pr0nwebsite.com cc @PeeHaa
whoops, wrong input
oh the shame
(how many @PeeHaa today?)
@PaulCrovella yeah lol
@Trucy the kerning of the text that facebook uses for it's "messenger" site now irritates me
@Tiffany Good, good. Let the anger flow through you.
so why are we using @PeeHaa like ... something that's used a lot
like his mom, yes
just for the fuck of it?
it seemed like a good idea at the time
@Tiffany since when do you need a valid reason to annoy @PeeHaa?
... it seems both my contribution to this chat in the last five minutes were actually downright damaging.
!!reminder Happy PeeHaa day at 2018-02-21
Reminder 35763899 is set.
ta lad
3 messages moved to Trash
so my colleague went on parenting vacations. I am now alone in managing the git repo. grins maniacally
@Jeeves @Ekin isn't it just fabulous.
Come to me, direct merges to master!
!!reminder You're dead. at 2117-02-21
Reminder 35763950 is set.
yay for non built-in remove update there ^^ /cc @PeeHaa. Here, have another ping too.
@PaulCrovella depressing..
i'll still be alive.
but you won't matter
@FĂ©lixGagnon-Grenier Seriously though, that's such a typical Laravel dev response: "Yes or no, elaborate but be succinct"
Also, unrelated
@Trowski I have the adapter ready, just took a few minutes.
@Jimbo the dude is a unique and important snowflake, don't engage - it's not worth it
(check his chat history here if you'd like evidence)
he be one those ass hats he be
@Jimbo @Paul is right, I got bitten already. Ed had to intervene
that being said, I agree with your endeavour there
@Jimbo yeah, that is really funny :D there are some gems in the stuff that was present at one point or another
@Gordon hehe
@PaulCrovella for a while I thought he was french
does php ssh2 require to connect to another php ssh2 server?

I tried to establish an SSH connection between PHP Webserver (client) and an server without php libssh2 installed however it didn't establish an connection, yet I can connect through it with putty
over SSH
@PeeHaa a) update your Aerys version, b) I have no idea what could cause that with current Aerys, so refer to a).
(regarding #132)
Btw when connecting to the server server the script runs on, the connection is established
@Saitama oops, forgot to commit yesterday, well, check dev-master please?
@Trucy the angle his head was up his own ass seemed distinctly american to me
maybe I don't know enough french folk
@bwoebi composer.lock shows me "version": "v0.4.5"
… hmm
if only we could reproduce it
Server.php:591 is in onParseError
composer install to make sure /vendor actually reflects composer.lock?
Server.php:567 is in onParsedEntityHeaders
and there's no call from the one function into the other
that stack trace makes no sense
also... uhm... lol 1sec
that issue... literally references all teh issues of aerys :P /cc @PeeHaa
lol I am not sure if pings are serious or because of ping a peehaa day
this is serious :D
@PeeHaa we buried a few important ones in the thick of it all /cc @PeeHaa
ping twice if serious, once if not
Just so that you have to look at each one /cc @PeeHaa
all the #1 #2 etc hashes on the stack trace... lol
@PeeHaa how many notifications? :D
@Ekin weirdly #0 is not marked as a link
@Trucy Dunno. I came in once in a while and pressed esc :P
yeah I was looking at that
wait @Ekin why is gitamp.audio running a build of php-src master?
@DaveRandom why not
Well, I guess, but it's a semi-production web server
@DaveRandom highlight the semi and you answered your own question
urm, I think I just pulled the master when I built php back then, didn't give it much thought since I was mostly playing with almost everything about this
I'm also running php-src master on some webservers where nothing critical runs on
@DaveRandom you're running 4.3. you don't get to question these things anymore.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YprzkLnVXs (I discovered the @krakjoe theme song)
@_DaveRandom you're running 4.3. you don't get to question these things anymore.
also @PeeHaa
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - Installation request for friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer v2.1.0 -> satisfiable by friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer[v2.1.0].
    - friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer v2.1.0 requires php ^5.3.6 || >=7.0 <7.2 -> your PHP version (7.2.0-dev) does not satisfy that requirement.
that's what I get upon composer install
4 mins ago, by DaveRandom
wait @Ekin why is gitamp.audio running a build of php-src master?
ohkay right... just read it properly...
Although that is a weird requirement (<7.2)
@Jeeves ♪ ♫ You're kindly invited to disgregard any activity which could have a consequence of upsetting Joe ♪ ♫ would be a british-er version
:( ugh
@Ekin :( ?
--no-dev works @Ekin
@Ekin just --ignore-platform-reqs
nothing... just can't focus properly
and 4 pings kinda helped :P
@Ekin Not sure. I havde had the same problem today and 400 didn't even help :P
I'm afraid I have no conflicting advice for you, @Ekin. sorry.
okay... which one? --no-dev or the latter?
@Ekin whatever
both will work
(next person to ping someone pays a round of drinks at the next conf?)
@Trucy no.
@bwoebi \o/
@bwoebi I can confirm that the stack trace in the issue makes no sense @PeeHaa @Ekin
> #0 /opt/gitamp/vendor/amphp/aerys/lib/Server.php(591): Amp\Deferred->update('cmd=%63%64%20%2...')
yeah, looking at it
3 messages moved to Trash
> if ($client->bodyPromisors) {
that's what's actually on that line of the file on the server
Maybe opcache weirdness?
@bwoebi drinks are on you shitlord :D
@JayIsTooCommon pff
@PeeHaa advanced warning so you can get the ranting and raving about how it isn't DNS related out of your system: I'm going to implement image upload in the async twitter client tonight because I need it for a thing
oooooooh yay
No rant here
You don't need the streaming api too by any chance do you? :P
You know, I actually do :-P
I realize you actually already did most the work anyway :D
I know I did quite a bit, I can't remember how usable it is
I know it was annoyingly complicated to implement
:P someone was already on Server.php
kinda got scared for a second there
Sorry that's me, I'm out
nope please continue
Wasn't actually doing anything
I have no clue anyway so far :(
Well when stack traces don't match the code I would look in two places: opcache shitness and unexpected chroot making the paths lie
@DaveRandom It was a pretty decent start iirc
As in I could have finished that, but got distracted
hey puss o/
@Leigh Congratulations!
@kelunik Adapter for React?
@JayIsTooCommon going to use CodeIgniter then?
Don't forget to vote on list() by reference. The voting turnout is fairly low, so whether you vote yes or no or deliberately choose to not vote, please go look at the RFC again!
@JoeWatkins having issues getting it up and running, thought bugsnet was on 5.6 but appears to be 5.5, trying to get that running on a ubuntu vm atm so can then get up and running with pear etc
@MarkR okay, cool, I did see a commit in logs about php7, so guess someone did start on 7 compat but probably didn't finish
yeah, i had issues with getting it up on pear with PHP7 on my local machine
gonna try and get up and running on something at least and then take it from there
@JoeWatkins working on php7 compat -> rm -Rf /srv/www/bugsnet -> start from scratch :P
nvm firewall issues
@Trowski Loop adapter, yes.
@PeeHaa I have a working Composer + PHP 7 setup for it.
@LeviMorrison this is like those questions about switching a trolley/tram from hitting one set of people to hitting another set of people.
@kelunik You mean want to ping @MarkR
He seems to struggle
@Danack "how do we make it hit them both"
@Danack lol nice one
It's my thoughts only actually properly worded
@Danack Personally I'm against it. I'm not convinced of the benefits.
Let's hit the people we would ordinarily hit :D
I'm against it, for reasons that I would crtiticize other people for using.
criticize *
@DaveRandom #6 to #9 actually does make sense, I mean they are correct numbers
not sure about 5 and totally not sure about why the trace is this weird
@kelunik you have the setup for bugs.php.net running on 7?
@MarkR Up arrow to edit your message
Or just ping @kel again :-)
ahh, thanks @PeeHaa, haven,t been around here much
Don't worry about it :)
The only thing ask from you is to remind @DaveRandom to fix dnslib once in a while
@MarkR Kinda, the front page works, yes.
Reporting bugs doesn't work yet.
ahh right
do you have it up on github anywhere? could take a look from there to see what's going on
Not yet, let me quickly recompile PHP with session support, so I can see again, what the error was.
It's currently failing with [Tue Feb 21 17:21:53 2017] [500]: /report.php - Call to undefined function: MDB2_Driver_mysqli::raiseError(). in /home/kelunik/GitHub/php/web-bugs/vendor/pear-pear.php.net/MDB2/MDB2.php on line 1936
But it's just failing, because something in regarding my DB setup is wrong.
Can't even get rid of my notifications lol
@kelunik Looks good, nice and simple. Maybe a function Amp\ReactAdapter\loop() that returns an instance that's held in loop storage.
i am using lumen (laravel microframework) for my api development
and i am sending post request
That adapter plus the react-compatibility branch would make using any React code in Amp very straightforward.
but getting 404 and some time 500 error.
i think i am missing something on API end.
my request is
$response = $client->request('POST', 'http://httpbin.org/post', [
'form_params' => [
'field_name' => 'abc',
'other_field' => '123',
'nested_field' => [
'nested' => 'hello'
how i can receive posted data on API serve r
my function in on which url is hitting
public function functionName(Request $request)
can any one here help me for this ?
i am using GuzzleHttp for client requests
any one here ?
there are lots of people here
evening room
@Trowski What do we do with the interop things?
@Stephen No it's actually @PeeHaa signed in as loads of different accounts /cc @PeeHaa
@DaveRandom Nice try @PeeHaa /cc @PeeHaa
@kelunik I think we should move forward with the interop project. The adapter you just made isn't so much an adapter for Amp, but for any interop-based project to use React.
We should release something that is agreeable with those who are actually participating in the discussion.
but no one is answering me for my problem
@Trowski I just think we should merge interop and amphp/loop and release that as 1.0
@MuhammadAzam You could try formatting your post. Formatting you sentences. Not be a vampire. That at least tends to help better towards getting people to help you
... that reply doesn't help your case @PeeHaa
@Stephen :P
you're talking to yourself and cc'ing yourself
multiple personalities maybe
@Stephen Yeah I have issues I know /cc @PeeHaa
holy shit Muhammad I just noticed your name. I think we used to work together
@kelunik That would be for the best… there's no reason to have multiple loop implementations.
or maybe your family name is common?
killer app idea for amp - a new bugs.php.net on aerys
< not being a dick
@PaulCrovella I already had that idea. bugsweb is just 8k lines.
@peeHaa ok but this time i am stuck and not able to do any editing. i think its enough for understanding an expert
@Stephen what you want to say ?
!!urban expert
[ expert ] (1.)Someone Who thinks they knew how to do something but actually just screwed everything up. (2.)Someone who goes into a serious explanation of doing something fairly simple or unimportant like how to drive a bumper car. (3.) When something just doesn't work how you want it to. (4.) an Idiot...[Nub]
@MuhammadAzam Hey. I don't need / want help. Fuck if I care what you do or don't do :P
@Jeeves ha!
@kelunik anything particularly complicated to recreate?
@Stephen may be but i don't remember we work together
@PaulCrovella 15 years of shittyness ?
that'll come with time
@JoeWatkins gimme 5 minutes to recreate
@MuhammadAzam you should have a message from a different room. but if that's not obvious. did you used to work for a company whose name started with X- and the end rhymed with "stream" lol
I'd like a new bugsweb, fwiw ... I can wait up to 72 hours ... go ...
secret squirrels about former employers. never know who's watching
@Stephen no i don't work with any company like that
ok. must be a coincidence
@kelunik I'd like to either see your Safe-Execute PR merged, or to just go with Loop::set() and Loop::get(). I'm not crazy about the hybrid we have now.
anyway i can't really help you, i don't use either Laravel, its descendants, or Guzzle
former employers can suck my balls ... are you listening former employers ?? yeah, you ... suck 'em ... bitch ...
@Stephen You work at a company named XTREME? Damn son that's on another level.
i said FORMER, and no it wasn't called xtreme
@Trowski Me, too. Safe execute + close the rest?
sorry, steve
@Trowski I think I prefer the latter (get/set) ultimately as it'll also ease adoption I guess.
Libraries can then create their own API
@kelunik I'm leaning toward @bwoebi's opinion. We can implement scoping within Amp.
@kelunik Parts of my void callback PR would be applicable yet.
@Trowski Why?
@Trowski Yes, that one should be merged, too.
@kelunik For the same reasons: ease of adoption and similarity to loops in other languages that don't require scoping.
I hope a lot of people buy AMD's new Ryzen processors.
I'm not due for a new machine so I won't be buying one on launch.
But I really want more competition in the CPU space.
@Trowski I don't really care about the adoption argument there. We all know Loop::execute is the right way and @bwoebi only proposed that for React.
@kelunik The Rx folks were the ones initially apprehensive toward the scoping.
what's price gonna be @Levi ?
the prices I'm reading can't be right
@Trowski And the ones realizing why it's there.
also, what socket will it be
$489 for top of the range cannot be right
aww, AM4, not going to buy a whole new rig ... will have to wait ... for years ...
@JoeWatkins Do I need github.com/krakjoe/apcu and the BC variant for the BC variant to work?
also, it sounds like a strange architecture
yeah you need krakjoe/apcu and krakjoe/apcu-bc for apc backward compat

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