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@bwoebi Heh, I ran this locally and got a segfault; here's the backtrace:
#0  0x00000000009b374f in zend_ast_destroy_ex (ast=0x7, free=0 '\000')
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_ast.c:485
#1  0x00000000009b3916 in zend_ast_destroy (ast=0x7)
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_ast.c:531
#2  0x00000000008d7755 in yydestruct (yymsg=0x1072738 "Error: popping",
    yytype=268, yyvaluep=0x7fffffffaaa0)
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_language_parser.y:52
#3  0x00000000008dd026 in zendparse ()
    at /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/Zend/zend_language_parser.c:7027
Notice the segfault in the error state.
For what it is worth it does not happen with print.
Hey Levi, how long have you been programming in general?
@Alesana Uhm... something like 13 years?
I won't ping you, because it's really not that important :P
Ah that's a long time. Were you constantly on a quest to learn more or were there lots of periods where you were only working?
I've always pushed to learn more.
How old are you?
I am 27... I think. I have to do the math every year now ^_^
I'm older o_o
yeah, after like 25, I started losing count
I had to remember
I turn 30
I've been dinking with programming since I was like eight or nine, but never really did much until I took programming classes in high school
Have you been constantly learning from then @Tiffany?
not completely. I think around when I turned 21 was when I started focusing more on it, because I actually had a job doing it
I took a typing class in high school.. on typewriters :/
that gave way your age
I self-taught HTML/CSS in high school, a class wasn't offered. I didn't like making powerpoint presentations for projects, so I decided I would build websites instead
back when Geocities was a thing
I really don't like these global state rules in our grammar parser like backup_fn_flags.
what about you Alesana are you new?
When I was like 10 I was on free website builders, then when I was 15 I learned a bit about HTML and CSS (maybe the smallest amount of PHP), but when I turned 16 I had a bit of a downfall and didn't really touch it for about 4 years. Now the past year I have been trying to learn a lot more about HTML, CSS, and PHP
ah you are still young
The past few months have been solely PHP aha
I feel as if I'm learning slowly but maybe I am just impatient
the fundamentals first
I am building a project right now for distribution, it's not going to be the best code but it will work at least
But after that I am going to relearn the fundamentals and theory of coding, etc...
that has to be first
or at the same time
having you taken any formal programming classes?
Ah, believe I've fixed the segfault.
just build things.
taking at least one beginner programming class may be useful. it drills the fundamentals in.
I learned PHP through books.
Well I know how to do a lot of things with PHP, I rarely face a challenge I can't solve and when I do I can google it
But I don't think I go about it the best way always, haha
fair enough
Lynda.com has good course on programming fundamentals
there are lots :P
I was thinking about books as well, I would like to take a physical actual class but my location prevents me from doing so
Khan Academy has a few
Google not always the best way or the best resources
freecodecamp (though doesn't offer php)
Hmm I will have to look into these
find books by Larry Ullman
Someone suggested I don't learn about any language in particular but just programming as a whole
that is programming fundamentals
Larry Ullman?
Read The Art of Computer Programming :P
Haha I subscribed to the reddit
though it's not finished yet
What's not finished yet?
yeah Larry Ullman he has some nice books on php. He works at stripe
@Alesana yeah, my college offers an "intro to programming" course, and it enforces pseudocode. It doesn't teach a language, it just teaches writing pseudocode either through basic syntax or flowcharts
The Art of Computer Programming
Donald Knuth
humorous guy
some people suggest learning
a all oop language like ruby
because it forces you to learn oop right from the start
Donald Knuth is like the father of modern programming
I learned procedural first. I'm barely getting feet wet with oop , and ood
Oh I will look into it! I think I need a course like that, really I've just gone out there and tried to figure out how to do what I've wanted to do... I think having the knowledge to actually do things in PHP will help me get through the basics a lot faster because I will know what they are talking about
It depends on what your learning style is too.
Some people can learn better threw books.
I'm definitely more hands-on learning style
@SalOrozco yeah, I took C++ in high school, first semester was procedural, second semester was OOP. OOP went over my head at the time.
some going to class.
And yeah I do need to learn more about object-oriented programming, but I really want to continue with a language that would be most useful in web design
yeah when you start out i was looking at oop stuff and they all seemed way over my head.
@Tiffany I unsuccessfully tried to learn Java on my own at least twice. I had no prior programming experience then.
Ruby on Rails
they say ruby is good
they pay more
java and ruby
@LeviMorrison Oh geez, I'm sorry. I took Java my senior year of high school. I still cringe at it.
android developers
Python and Django
I didn't understand classes and objects and all this stuff but you had to write all this boilerplate. Since I didn't have a mentor I didn't figure out "just ignore the magic here and type this magic incantation for each program"
Ruby on Rails makes ruby useful for web stuff
java is strick right
Django makes python useful for web stuff
very strict
I just learned today that objects are passed through reference, and what that means, haha
@SalOrozco Compared to PHP? Sure.
@LeviMorrison god, writing I/O shit. I blocked it from my memory at one point, and someone reminded me about it on reddit and I cringed.
@Alesana read about pointers :D
pointers in C++ :P
Alesana you have to look at a lot of code to fully understand oop. I haven't seen enough oop to fully understand it.
Haha same s
Or when i would see oop in books the examples were silly
same concept?*
like animal and ogg
and lion
Teaching people how to program by teaching them "objects" and what not has apparently allowed our industry to survive but man is it horrible. We really shouldn't be doing that. I hope newer beginner books don't do that crap... haven't bothered to look so I don't know if we have learned our lesson there.
what about real world examples
What you mean Levi?
@LeviMorrison I'm no beginner to OOP, but I still can't fucking write it correctly
@LeviMorrison What should be taught instead?
anyway, it's near my bedtime and I still have trash to take out. g'night
@LeviMorrison Classes absolutely need to stop emphasizing extension and teach composition.
@Tiffany lol im with on that. I been looking at oop for sometime.
G'night @Tiffany
@Alesana Pick a language. Teach the primitives of the language and write silly programs.
Ignore inheritance altogether.
no Inheritance, dependency injection?
No dependency injection, man what is wrong with you?
Silly, stupid, simple programs.
@LeviMorrison Hmm, well what I have done is picked a language but I am writing half complex programs, it's been a great learning experience though
no d i?
In procedural languages these concepts are basically universal: variables, functions, conditionals, looping, scoping.
As much as possible ignore everything else in an introduction course...
This is why Java is a horrible language to learn in, by the way. From the very beginning the student is exposed to classes, visibility modifiers, static, the weird void type, and probably more horrible stuff I thankfully don't suffer from.
That no framework tutorial is good
Where is the database part?
In web design is it common people rapidly switch from coding in PHP to Javascript, and back? Or, am I most likely doing it wrong?
Javacript is client
php is server
Javascript is front-end
PHP is on the server back-end
No I know that
so yes
they interact together
But they often interact with eachotehr
for example during ajax request
you use javascript
that calls a reponse.php file
from the server
then there is node.js
I understand all that but my question really was if it is common to rapidly switch back and forth or if it is more common to try to code all your PHP at first, then after all your Javascipt
Oh like your workflow
For example, I think that if I were trying to do my CSS/HTML at the same time as my PHP I would be doing something wrong
You already learn about breaking your html files into parts?
with php ?
Using include?
Such as, `include 'header.php';?
ah yeah
yeah there u go
what I usually do is work on the header first and all of the css and javascript needed for the header part
then the footer
Ah okay, that makes sense
Right now I am working on just backend PHP and the Javascript to accompany it, but no design has been done yet
That will be similar in all your pages
Once my application works 100%, I will start the design
The design comes first
But i have done projects where i just worry about it later
I couldn't possibly do the design first
Desing pretty easy
I think the front-end depends on the backend
You know how to Design in photoshop then slide it up into html?
slice it up^^
You make websites that are just different images put together?
I mean you Design the color theme fonts Header body everything
then you convert it to code
Gives you a better direction of what the goal is .
Instead of just building something with no direction.
You mean to say that PS has a tool to convert it for you, or that once you've done it in PS you have a better idea of what to code?
It has no tool you have to do it own your own .
Ah okay
morning o/
Is night here
let me know if you find such tool @SalOrozco :p
There is no tool for that
I usually just try to write it on paper an idea of where things will go.. then from there I can inspect element and play around with the colors lol
That be magic
paper is good i do that too
Ahh It's 10:47 AM here!
Ah it's 2:17am here, technically morning xP
Where are u Alesana
What about you?
Well me also design first so I can get better idea what I am going to do! :D
That's interesting, for me I have to do the backend first and then from there I know what needs to be designed
yeah its standard
What ever works for you
But always be open to new workflows
It might cut down your development time.
^ +1;
I definitely agree on being open to changing how you do things, I am just now researching on what is more convenient
Lots of different answers online
That is why you have to make sure is a good source.
Or else you will be learning bad habits
I think it also depends on how a person thinks
Maybe it also depends on the app..I think that I wasn't really sure of all the functionalities that my app would have before I started on it so I wouldn't know what to design on the front end
Maybe though, that's a sign of a deeper problem I need to take care of. Haha
What app is it?
It is a tool for advertisers
Or, publishers, moreso
You might be on to something.
When I was learning. I build at a social app. Didn't know where I was going with it.
:) It lets them utilize multiple advertising networks within their same widget, and also gives them more control over their advertising spaces than the advertising networks do with their pre-provided widgets
Oh, did you get anywhere with it?
Yeah like a facebook clone lol
It was good learning experience
That's good, yeah it's hard to go from 0 users to some users on an app that can only grow if it already has users
you right about that
So, you'd have to start with a non-social media app and then as it grows start slowly implementing social features
i had to do some promotion where people would enter to win something
if they signed up
just to get people to test it
Ah nice
How'd that work?
some people actually singed up
Haha did they win anything?
It was a amazon fire stick
yeah someone won.
Yeah is also about picking the right niche
It is very hard to get users on a social media app
That too
You tryed?
A while back I started on a wordpress based philosophical related social media
I never went anywhere with it though
zero users
After reading about getting users on a social media
What did you read.
The thing is you have to know marketing
Basically that it takes a large investment and even then you're destined to fail
Right ^^
None of what I knew
and people wont find you
Marketing and SEO are my strong suites :D
on google
I know a little bit of SEO
About not targeting high ranting keywords
or I know very little
Unless you have a really high budget
Yeah, it's always changing too so it's hard to keep up with
That what I need money lol
Affiliate marketing
You see those guys trying to sell people the knowledge of affiliate marketing on youtube.
They're selling you information about how to sell information about how to sell information about.....
haha they come out with fancy cars and houses
that catches a lot of peoples attention.
echo "They're selling you ";
$i = 1;
while ($i > 0) {
    echo "information about how to sell ";
@Danack I don't have any decent abstracts thought up right now ... or time to work on producing a talk really ... I might show up at the last minute though ...
Yeah it really annoys me when the ads come up on youtube
facebook too
if you click on one
they will come up on all the sites you visit lol
Yeah it's the worst
I hate how they share all your data with different sites
You search for hosting
Now you are getting hosting ads everyewhere
Like I'll have to buy something once, like a blender for example. So I buy a blender, now I don't need a blender. But, all the ads that come up are trying to sell me a blender.
How hard do you think it is for them to detect that I already bought the damn blender
its like mind control
do you have a portfolio
No I haven't put one together
That is the key
What ever you build
Put it on there
What for? I am not looking for a job in web design
Just a hobby
Also a hobby
Well I made a lot of money when I was younger with basic web design/SEO, but now I want to make products and sell them
Like apps.
I am working on what I told you right now
That is very good idea.
Then after I am going to join a team to help build a medical related app
But I will do that just part time so I can focus more time into learning
afternoon gentlemen
Today I have been programming for 12 hours with just a small lunch break haha
Good afternoon ^^
go for a walk
Where are you from.
It's night here
I am from the US, but I live in Argentina
it is also night here I am about to sleep
I was thinking of going to the gym, but no.
not feeling it.
I was also thinking to go to the gym but my pokemon are too weak I think
posted on January 31, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Is pokemon go still popular in other countires ? It finally got released here last week (south korea)
Feel like after a long day of being in front of the computer always helps me out to work out a little bit.
I feel stupid to only try now ^^
Not here any more
only at first
because of the lack of updates ?
Don't know it was just something different and fun.
So everyone wanted to try it.
Even started having special poke stops at mcdonals lol
I think it's a good ice breaker in the street
Also not any more! When it got release here you can see big banners on the banks and other shops saying that "No pokemon availible here"
business would buy those poke balls to lure the pokemon lol
yeah I haven't heard anything about it in a while
i used to drive and pokenmon lol
dangerous i know
Yeah that's not good
It is a good way to start talking to people
Hahaha as someone who is never going to have kids I can appreciate the cyanide and happiness comic of the day
Never ^^
things could change
Not really
never know
might find the man or women of your life
I got a vasectomy xP
I will still find the women of my life, that's irrelevant to kids
she will want kids
Then she won't be the woman of my life
I don't believe anyone has a responsibility to fulfill someone else's need for kids
Yii Kindeditor not uploading image shows as Unable to resolve the request upload_json.php
people are anti freameworks here
anyone here pls look at the above error
am facing
not really, mostly anti laravel :B
I suffered a sprained ankle 2 weeks ago.
playing basketball
Whats a good framework then?
best php framework
I get it Laravel is bad because it used singletons
and is bad for testing
some here use silex or symfony. and doctrine, that too
I haven't learned a framework because some people's advice here was that I wasn't experienced enough in PHP yet
probably a good advice
Moing @Gordon @Wes
Yeah frameworks are easy, but if you don't know what is going on, that is very pointless.
Alright I am going to head to sleep
almost 4 here

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