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@DaveRandom My fault.

I'm having trouble listening to child process `stdin`s when they are run after the loop has started.
OK so first things first: listening to stdin doesn't work in a sane fashion on Windows
I'm on a Linux machine, my team is also on *NIX. The servers clusters will also be Debian.
  class Controller extends Process
    public $workers = array();
    function __construct()
      //Run the Process constructor before doing anything else.
      //Start the controller on construct.
    function spawnWorker($businessId)
      $this->workers[$businessId] = new \React\ChildProcess\Process("exec php index.php worker $businessId");
      $this->workers[$businessId]->stdout->on("data", function($workerOutput) {
fyi you can edit your message for 2 minutes if you click on the context arrow on the left that appears when you hover over it, or by pressing up when here is nothing in the text box
My fault. I tried to make an edit, but I was a bit late. Thanks.
Anyways, here's how I run it...
$controller = new Controller;
@Allenph OK seems reasonably reasonable, although I'm suspicious of that $this->loop->run(); in the constructor
If I don't run the loop from the constructor, and run it explicitly after I spawn a worker, it works fine.
Right, there's your problem
it doesn't make sense to run the loop in the constructor
The constructor would never finish and the object would never actually be constructed
why do you want to do that? i.e. what are you hoping to accomplish by doing it that way?
Works fine here with timers instead of child processes...

class Worker extends Process
    function __construct($businessId)
      // Run the Process constructor before doing anything else.
      // Assign a business to this worker.
      $this->businessId = $businessId;
      // Create a queue object for this worker.
      $this->queue = new \stdClass;
      // Start the worker on construct.
    function stop()
Although, in the second case the loop is actually run in a method which is called from the constructor.
Well yes but it's the same thing in effect
Right. It works fine for the worker.
I was probably too harsh when replying to this: reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/5r2bte/…
I wouldn't bother trying to figure out exactly why it behaves that way tbh, because it 100% definitely does not make sense to call Loop::run() in a constructor. Your calling code would end up looking like this:
new Thing(); // this is a statement on it's own that appears to do nothing
Rather you should do this:
(new Thing())->run(); // create an object and tell it to do something
That way, not only does your code make more sense when you read it, but also the object actually gets to finish constructing itself before you try and get it to do something...
class Controller extends Process
    public $workers = array();
    function __construct()
      //Run the Process constructor before doing anything else.
    function spawnWorker($businessId)
      $this->workers[$businessId] = new \React\ChildProcess\Process("exec php index.php worker $businessId");
      $this->workers[$businessId]->stdout->on("data", function($workerOutput) {
        echo "Controller Heard A Worker Say: $workerOutput";
$controller = new Controller;
you need to flip those last two lines
That's part of the problem.
how so?
I need to call the function on the fly while the loop is running.
And they say the Dutch are not funny.
It hurts
@PeeHaa That response is the personification of code frustration.
@Allenph OK yes, the run() call is always at the bottom of the stack, that's implied. Your application needs to set everything up and call run() as the last thing it does
Well, anything you do afterwards is just cleanup, i.e. shutdown routines
That's not going to work. I need to pop workers in and out of existence.
@PeeHaa What is love?
no morse
@Allenph Sure, that's why you have an arrangement like this:
Can I do something similar to the workers? I.E. listen for some event, and run that function while the loop is running?
@Allenph OK it might be easier to work with some actual context here, I assume that you are trying to execute a queue of tasks in worker processes?
Yes. Each worker will represent the queue of a business in the DB. Every second, the queue will make a few SQL queries, and send a value (based on those SQL queries) to a third-party API.
Excuse me for a moment, I just need to go to Redmond and brutally murder every Microsoft employee, I'll be right back.
Get on that Ubuntu train.
Debian based OS FTW.
But what if I don't want my password to be "p"?
Then you're not really living.
ftr I'm RHEL for *nix-y things
I really shouldnt bother discussing politics with people
@Allenph every second? :-(
Every second.
Don't worry. Autoscaling server cluster.
Polling databases makes me a sad panda
You need a proper job queue
I tried to find a way around it. There's just no way.
I tried a couple.
Have you tried PostgreSQL?
PostgreSQL Is Great And Does All The Things
I'm on AWS.
And my company already has a MySQL RDS.
specifically it does this
I usually use Maria, though.
@DaveRandom why did it remind me about punjabigraphics.com/images/143/…
+ it generally actually works properly
@tereško I love that so much
You know, that's actually the next engineering hurdle after this one. The worker actually DOES have to make the statements every second.
The controller on the other hand, should just listen for some stuff.
Wait, the worker needs to poll the database?
Yep. Beautiful. I know.
What else does the worker do? Or are you just using the workers to poll the db without blocking the main loop?
Bob, we got another customer here! :-P
^ non blocking MySQL client
I also am doing it that way because the server cluster is decentralized, and the controllers will have a very minimal resource consumption that is largely the same across all controller instances. The workers, on the other hand, will be have a large range of system resource consumption.
But does it have Eloquent support?1 ;)
@Allenph With that, you don't need any workers. You can do it all in one process, in a much simpler way.
I know what you're about to suggest.
we dont do laravel here
try reddit
Actually, I just use the ORM.
why would you pick one of the worst parts of it?
@Allenph I will place $5 on you not knowing what I am about to suggest
I wrote my own framework for my API. I just need React for this service.
@tereško, my framework is made a for a specific purpose that the other ORM's didn't fit with.
They're two different server clusters. Completely different applications.
so you wen with the worst one of the non-working options
Eloquent works fine.
@DaveRandom I'm guessing you're going to suggest storing the queue in a DB and having the cluster act as one resource pool.
But that won't work. The queue interval has ranges.
And the interval is offset between businesses.
looks like there has been some new shooting
function pollBusiness(Pool $pool, $id)
    while (true) {
        $results = (yield $pool->query("SELECT ..."));
        // process results
        yield new Pause(1000); // wait 1000ms

$pool = new Pool("host=".DB_HOST.";user=".DB_USER.";pass=".DB_PASS);

foreach ($businessIds as $id) {
    \Amp\resolve(pollBusiness($pool, $id));

@Allenph ^
that's the amp way
Not parallel
Yes parallel
Not when you have a literal crap ton of businesses.
And there is different interval timing which changes on the fly.
That would be a promise mess.
Although I will probably use this in the workers.
Is your work CPU-bound?
If the answer is no, workers don't gain you anything and they cost you a lot
You don't have to believe me but I promise (ha!) you that I know whereof I speak
@DaveRandom Is the Amp MySQL lib something I should be upgrading to v2, or is that in need of some other attention?
The problem is not that it is super resource-intensive, the problem is managing which of the servers in the cluster are managing what businesses.
@Trowski That is 100% Bob's domain, but I would imagine the answer is yes
Or maybe I can just assign a server businesses and then run this...
@Allenph So you were planning on having a worker per server?
you have that problem no matter what you do or where you put the logic
Mmmmm. This still won't work actually.
The third-party API has a 1-request per second stipulation. I don't particularly care when I get the MySQL responses (That doesn't have to have an interval) rather, I need to have the requests to the API time...which will be blocking.
So you need to poll an (HTTP?) API once per second?
/smoke + tea, brb 4 mins
Yep. Plus, like I said, there will be some business logic governing the interval of the requests. Plus, another layer. The queue is a timeline where a list item is sent every X second, and one-offs are prioritized and can send in between the list items.
I'm also going to end up setting up promises for the API's return, because I don't want to sit there and wait for the third-party to reply.
oh well... seems we have our home-made quebec extremists too. shooting in a mosque in the capital, facebook is raging, huge vigils in public spaces
stupid oneboxes
You can interleave everything in a single process
The problem you have is one that I often have, which is simply figuring out an object model. Once you have that, it's (relatively) trivial to put it all together.
I'm, like, 100% confident you can do it in a single process, and that it will be more efficient and more maintainable to do it like that, if you can figure out the object model and program flow.
> “It’s sad that our politics have become so politicized that you have people refusing to enforce our laws.”
It's sad that our computers have become so computerized.
dont read the news.
Google Voluntaryism. That's all I have to say about politics.
!!? Voluntaryism
Search for "Voluntaryism" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Voluntaryism&lr=lang_en)
• Voluntaryism - Wikipedia - Voluntaryism (UK /ˈvɒləntərɪˌɪzəm/, US /ˈvɒləntɛriˌɪzəm/; sometimes voluntarism /ˈvɒləntəˌrɪzəm/),… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voluntaryism)
• voluntaryist.com - Fundamentals of Voluntaryism - Introduction. Voluntaryism is the doctrine that relations among people should be by mutual consent,… (http://voluntaryist.com/fundamentals/introduction.html)
• Voluntaryist.com - Voluntaryists are advocates of non-political, non-violent strategies to achieve a free society. We… (http://
@DaveRandom I've stayed late at work too long. Hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have more questions. I'll take a look. Appreciate your help.
@Allenph No worries, and btw if you want to inspect my credentials for knowing wtf I am talking about with async stuff, @Jeeves over there is a good place to look github.com/Room-11/Jeeves
@DaveRandom Yes.
oh be quiet you daft robot
Is the only purpose of PDO's bind function for security?
The short answer is "no, there are many reasons for it". The long answer is incredibly long and involved and I don't have the time right now, sorry.
Well I will see what I can get out in 2 mins
The two primary reasons to use parameterized queries are security and, more generally, error prevention. A prepared statement is a special type of parameterized query, where the query string is sent to the server and parsed and an execution plan is built without actually executing it, allowing you to use the returned "handle" many times to execute the same set of operations where only the values differ many times very efficiently.
In the general case in PHP, because it is so commonly used with MySQL, prepared statements and parameterized queries are "the same thing", i.e. MySQL can only do prepared statements and PDO only exposes an API that involves a preparation step.
Explicit bindParam()/bindValue() calls (instead of passing an array to execute()) is usually used to specify the types, giving you fine grained control over the way they are handled and translated.
They can also be used to partially apply some values, enabling you to only change the values that actually change for subsequent executions, but this use case is rare
I really actually need to stop fucking about in chat and do some work now :-P
that was very informative tho
@bwoebi Can you respond to Andrea's question about this:
function ($x) {
    return $arr[$x];
Being made to close over variables properly?
Or, if you don't respond to her at least respond to me with some specific examples of BC break other than "this previously was valid but wrong code that now works"?
build an api with php
hmmm, so debian installs with a GUI by default?
CentOS, CentOS, CentOS
2 hours ago, by tereško
@DaveRandom why did it remind me about http://www.punjabigraphics.com/images/143/Excuse-Me-Do-You-Have-A-Moment-To-Talk‌​-About-Linux.jpg
you guys use chatbots in here
@DaveRandom CentOS is my next venture. I'm trying debian because someone recommended it, I forget who.
@SalOrozco @Jeeves
@Tiffany Ask Jeeves.
Wow you are annoying @Jeeves
how do you do that
@DaveRandom And you are lying.
@Jeeves Nope, wrong again, I'm sitting.
@Jeeves is special
@DaveRandom I know my name. What's your name?
@Tiffany Special, like?
@Jeeves I literally just told you. It's Sitting.
@DaveRandom What a beautiful name.
@Jeeves Thanks
@DaveRandom You're welcome!
where is the link
something something github room-11 jeeves
or do you mean something else?
link to the chatboot @Jeeves
@SalOrozco Is that the name of the game you're playing?
I need to memorize what is in which directory in linux
and why doesn't debian come with sudo?
hu what game
@Tiffany OK, you do that, I'm going to continue being productive and taking the 3 seconds to Google when I need to know where something is :-P
that's normally what I do, but I'm getting bored of googling "where's bashrc"
"how do I make an alias"
@Tiffany ~/ <-- home
the no-framework-tutorial source?
The ~ is a magic shortcut for the current user
and what if I want to make an alias for all users?
I know that but the actual files
Useful ones to know are: /srv <-- structural application data goes in here, i.e. this is where your web root should be (somewhere under here). /var <-- temporary application data goes here - session files, logs etc. /opt <-- custom user installed binaries go in here, so stuff that you compiled yourself.
git clone
or download them from there
/usr <-- here be dragons
Its all a bunch of md files.
@Tiffany how do you mean sorry?
@DaveRandom I want to alias ll="ls -l..." I forget all of the flags
but gives full info on files
to be usable by my account and root
Just add it to both .bashrc files
but isn't there a global one?
Or you could just create an actual script in /usr/bin
maybe that's what I'm thinking of
Never used it
before I forget, install vim
it's weird, I'm so used ot having to type sudo to run apt-get, and after installing sudo, it still doesn't require it
personally I'd probably just echo "#!/bin/bash\nls -la \$*\n" > /usr/bin/ll && chmod 755 /usr/bin/ll
cba with global bash magic, sounds like a recipe for foot shooting
At least with that it's somewhere that you might sanely remember where to look for it
I'm trying to work on this, and cat thinks it's perfect time to use my arm as a pillow
@FélixGagnon-Grenier took longer than I expected, honestly
@DaveRandom did you google this, or write it on the fly? if the latter, I'm trying to make sense of it.
I know > is output to file
I wrote it on the fly and did not test it
and that there's regex in there
@Tiffany everything to the left of > is valid PHP and will do the exact same thing
It's just an echo
It's just a string
so output to file, change mode to 755 on file
first I need to install php
or should I install nginx first?
Yes, basically it's creating a shell script that will run ls -la and putting it in /usr/bin/ll
echo runs in commandline fine. didn't know that
The $* part just passes the arguments through
@Tiffany It makes no difference, however make sure you install php-fpm, IIRC the default .deb wants to install apache when you do apt-get install php
I could be wrong about that, I don't really debian
yum ftw
!/bin/bash\nls: event not found
When you ran ^ that or when you did ll?
when I ran your command
Huh, maybe # is magic in some way I don't know
what if I do #!/bin/bash\n ls -la?
@Tiffany Well you could just vim /usr/bin/ll and write the file manually :-P
I was just trying to put this in a file:
ls -la $*
but what fun is that! I wanna learn how to write it in a single line :P
that's it
yeah, that's what I figured
@Tiffany probably the # needs escaping for some reason, investigating
what does #!/bin/bash do?
I have eight million cat beds, and my cat wants me
@Tiffany it's a shebang
@littlepootis that tells me literally nothing, but I'll take your word for it 😃 I'll google it after I'm done reading about permissions
I hate bash
Q: What is "-bash: !": event not found"

Maxim VekslerTry executing the following under a bash shell echo "Reboot your instance!" On my installation: root@domU-12-31-39-04-11-83:/usr/local/bin# bash --version GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 o...

printf "#!""/bin/bash\nls -la \$*\n" > /usr/bin/ll && chmod 755 /usr/bin/ll
You also have to printf, echo doesn't interpolate the newlines
bash = scripting environment for debian-based OS, shell = scripting environment for CentOS, or whatever -based environment it is?
what's ll?
ls -la
I'm lazy
why would you put that there?
Create an alias..
that's what I was going to do
@Tiffany bash is the "Bourne Again SHell", and it's found by default in all sort of POSIX-y things, including a lot of RHEL children like CentOS and Fedora
@littlepootis she wants it global, and global aliases sounds like a recipe for trouble to me, but that's me.
this is worse
I dunno, I'm using my work's linux environment as a loose example, and I thought ll was made an alias in a global .bashrc file
is .bashrc even the right file?
I think I need to get a book to get a better understanding of Linux first. blargh.
What does your /etc/profile contain?
Does it contain lines akin to:
if test -d /etc/profile.d/; then
	for profile in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
		test -r "$profile" && . "$profile"
	unset profile
err, not exactly
need to figure out how to copy from VM 😛 sec
It doesn't need to be exact, as long it does the same thing.
if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
for i in /etc/profile.d*.sh; do
if [ -r $i ]; then
. $i
unset i
won't let me fixed font, boo
there were spaces
It does the same thing. Checks if the directory exists, and if it does.. sources all files ending in *.sh present in that directory.
Create a file /etc/profile.d/aliases.sh and put all your aliases there.
so it will check /etc/profile.d for a file, in this case aliases.sh, and run what's inside?
neat :D
PHP will not print anything until ALL PHP is completed, right?
Or I should say, output anything
@Tiffany No.
so if I'm creating a media directory where content authors should be able to upload into through a WYSIWYG (tinymce and PHP), what permissions should the directory have?
@LeviMorrison I tried an install with desktop, and an install with web server and both had GUI. Maybe it was the iso I used?
@Tiffany Yes.
or both desktop and web server install a GUI
@Tiffany Needs to be writeable/readable by the user the web server runs as, and probably closed to everyone else.
Often accomplished as 600 where the owner is set to www-data (Debian)
doing that no framework tutorial on dynamic pages part. I get no page was found. Instead of a 404 page not found.
@LeviMorrison how would i know what user the web server is running as?
Unless you changed it on Debian it is www-data
whatever the user that owns the server executable?
I don't think I created a web user, but this is a sandbox...box
@Tiffany Is apache running?
my goal is to be able to understand linux and nginx well enough to migrate our web servers to that environment
not sure that it's installed yet
like I just built this up an hour ago and slowly getting it set up
@Tiffany sudo service apache2 status
loaded: not-found, active: inactive (dead)
Then I don't think you've installed it ^_^
huh, apache2 exists in /etc
I didn't think it would
I'd rather use nginx though
/etc just has config files
/bin is where stuff is installed?
/usr/bin is where it usually goes
I answered my question
Various places, actually.
do echo $PATH
Should show you various paths things are installed to
I see
You did apt install sudo as root, right?
yeah, I figured it out. I was installing it as root. I switched back to my user account and tried sudo, and it gave me the answer
Need to add your user to the sudo group
!!? add user to sudo group
Search for "add user to sudo group" (https://www.google.com/search?q=add+user+to+sudo+group&lr=lang_en)
• How do I add a user to the "sudo" group? - Ask Ub… - 13 aug. 2010 - In /etc/sudoers I see this: # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command aft… (http://askubuntu.com/questions/2214/how-do-i-add-a-user-to-the-sudo-group)
• How To Create a Sudo User on Ubuntu [Quickstart]… - 28 mrt. 2016 - This guide will show you the easiest way to create a new user with sudo … Use the us… (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-create-a-sudo-user-on-ubuntu-quickstart)
lol, thanks linux. "This incident will be reported."
(I get that it's there for in the case of a user trying to run something they should on a linux box, but it humors me when I'm the only user)
on our linux environment at work, I have to switch to a different user account every time, I though su meant "switch user" ... how wrong I was ...
I'm done messing with this for tonight, I learned several new things. I appreciate the guidance.
git status
ugh wrong window :-P
/me giggles
made a cheatsheet
!!man hier
@PaulCrovella Command not found. Have you tried Windows instead? It's great and does all the things!
@Jeeves you're a complete and total failure
@PaulCrovella I think that I couldn't do that.
!!? man hier
Search for "man hier" (https://www.google.com/search?q=man+hier&lr=lang_en)
• hier(7): description of file system hierarchy - L… - A typical Linux system has, among others, the following directories: / (https://linux.die.net/man/7/hier)
• hier(7) - Linux manual page - man7.org - HIER(7) Linux Programmer's Manual HIER(7) …. /usr/share/man//man[1-9] These directories contain man… (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hier.7.html)
• man hier - Apple Developer - Er is geen beschrijving beschikbaar voor dit resultaat vanwege de robots.txt van deze site.Meer inf… (https://developer.apple.com/lega

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