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I made something with procedural PHP. I hate it.
If I make something with OOP (my understanding of it anyway) it grows too complex for my brain.
PHP sucks.
Anyone want to help with with regex/strings? I need to display word matches from a database that contain x number of characters in a string/array. Below code displays all 3 letter words. I need to filter the words to display only the ones that contain exactly 3 letters from $word.
$word = "catfree";
$letters = 3;

$query = "SELECT * FROM words WHERE letters = '$letters'";
mysql_select_db($db, $con);
$result = mysql_query($query, $con);
if (empty($result)) {
echo("No Results");
} else {

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

$rword = $row["word"];

echo ("<p>$rword</p>");
@Chris Playing the sims helps!
I'm seriously starting to think @hakre has brain damage.
My code needs to result in cat and fat
Why are you using () on echo?
Why are you using mysql_query?
It's from an example I found elsewhere. I will clean it up.
Also PHP sucks because most tutorials are 5 or more years old.
And mostly from idiots.
I'm still a noob and even I know that example sucks
@Chris, that doesn't even make sense Also PHP sucks because most tutorials are 5 or more years old.
It does.
Google a little, look at the results.
SO seems to be the only reliable source
But think about those who do not find SO?
no, your statement, that the language PHP sucks.. because there are old tutorials present..
They probably find some old blog post by some idiot.
That statement was idiotic, I was hoping people understand that. Apparently not.
so, you're proposing we ban idios from the interwebs now? Ugh oh...
... The old tutorials are probably all valid anyways
mysql_ is also valid.
What? It returns results, doesn't it?
that's just a pessimistic way of looking at it
echo('yay'); is also valid, isn't it?
People new to PHP benefit from archaic, simple examples
Does anybody know whether there is a not so ugly markdown parser for PHP?
to some degree, anywasy
@orourkek, agree...
So the solution is to teach them bad stuff first, so they can learn from mistakes made by learning bad stuff first?
Hello guys:D
And honestly if it's that bad for you then maybe try another language? No sense "suffering" through something that's not enjoyable
I love suffering. I love whining about suffering.
The solution is to research things, and not take some guy's blog as word of the ultimate authority...
The problem is there are tons of those blogs.
@Chris, your point seems to be the language sucks because idiots choose to write their own tutorials?
No. Again, the "PHP sucks" was intended a joke.
Age old answer is always, check your sources
Too bad you suck at understanding jokes.
I only misunderstand bad jokes ;)
Bad, good .. still a joke.
Lets agree to disagree :D
Makes no sense.
Makes perfect sense
Guys.. I've got a 'loop' issue :D
Agreeing to disagree is still agreeing, making it a paradox.
Or not, in which case it's still agreeing.
... wha... but the end result is we are agreeing... on disagreeing
so were both happy
I have 3 functions to execute.. and I want them to execute after each other so what I want:

for($loop = 0; $loop < 100; $loop++)
$loop = 1 -> execute Function1
$loop = 2 -> execute Function2
$loop = 3 -> execute Function3

... start over with 1
Perhaps you are.
how am I able to do this?:O
i'm trying to wrap my head around pass by reference. @Jakub the link you gave me helped a little. here is sample data bin.cakephp.org/saved/74197, and here is a simple function receiving the data. bin.cakephp.org/saved/74210. when i run it, the original array is not affected.
Oh and my podcast has been accepted by iTunes. Which is probably a bad thing.
lol you have a podcast?
Yes, but it's name is not "LOL"
i set the reference on the parameter, but should it go on the foreach key instead? ugh, i feel so think-headed about this some days.
@mittchel So you need it to run a different function on each time through the loop?
@MikeS, yes in the foreach, you are assigning into a new variable
@MikeS foreach passes implicitly by reference, if I recall correctly
@Chris No where did I indicate that I thought your podcast was called "lol", are you trying to be clever ?
$detail['CONTENDDTE'] != $invoice['InvoiceDetail']['CONTENDDTE']
@MikeS e.g. try: foreach ($data as &$invoice) {
@ybouchard Yes. "lol" did not fit there, or did in which case you wanted to insult me .. but if so, go f. yourself.
yea basicly sam
if (work <= time) {
echo "Celebrate";
} else {
echo "Panic";
@orourkek yea, that's what had me confused, what needed the reference
@sam That's basicly what I want ye:P
Aha, let me make some code to cycle through some loops. Give me a sec
@Sam you're amazing
@orourkek ST2 not like network drives as FOlders seems to freeze real bad if I do
@Shane FTP?
@Chris I wasn't insulting you, did I insult you?
is there FTP built into it?
@ybouchard Nope. But I thought you did.
@Shane There's a great plugin for it that does SFTP like a charm. Lets you map local folders to remote locations
@Shane wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp Costs $16, but is well worth it IMO
@Chris man you just got real sensitive
yep :)
@ybouchard I'm always sensitive. Mostly faking it to make a joke nobody understands and sometimes not faking which will show that I obviously don't care or care but not really.
@Chris If nobody getting your jokes becomes a pattern, then maybe you're hitting the wrong audience...
There's no better audience than the wrong audience @orourkek
how do you remove a folder?
its lagging so hard :P
There's no fun in succeeding, people like to watch at those who fail more than those who succeed - 90% of TV content is pretty much that.
@Chris maybe for a comedy club but not for a chatroom, where all context and meaning is lost when the words are typed
@PolluxKhafra Kay so what's your problem ?
almost there @Mittchel
@orourkek Perhaps.
@Shane The way the plugin normally works is kinda crappy. Once you map a local folder to a remote, you can sync it so it becomes like a repository without the version control. Everything becomes much smoother and faster
Thanks. I tried stuffl like: ($i % 2) but didn't quite seem what I wanted
@Shane then you can set up all the options like 'sync on save', etc
@orourkek awesome, just what i need
Well the problem hakre brought up was what if they change there url structure for thumbs. Do you think there is a way to use the youtube api that won't result in the added page load time. Giving up 2 seconds for that is excessive.
i work from home and use VPN, so i usually just map to the drive when coding/saving work
@PolluxKhafra I think you have the idea wrong for the data api thing
@PolluxKhafra does your id function work ?
@ybouchard Yes it does
@RepWhoringPeeHaa hey can you link me to your soundcloud?
@Mittchel Just putting my code online now
@PolluxKhafra k wait i'll write it out
@Sam thanks appreciate it
Does anyone know if it's possible to check domains unlimited?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thanks, i was listening to it the other day and was intrigued :P
@Mittchel http://jsfiddle.net/3Mq2e/
-Anyone mine giving me a code review? The point of this code is to run 3 different functions dependant on the counter. Is this how you would approach the problem?
There are companies that do 'drop catching'
@RepWhoringPeeHaa No way that's your stuffs.
@Chris yups
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I have my imaginary band also on SoundCloud. But I'm far from that good
@Chris what's the link?
@Mittchel Is that the sort of thing you had in mind? i tested in it on my localhost and appears to be working as intended
@Sam I gotta be honest.. this is clean code hehe
@Mittchel Why thank you :)
Kinda obvious now I see the code lol
Problem I'm trying to face is to reach unlimited domein look ups.. if someone is out of the 'deleted' zone
Dont worry about it ;)
Need various hosting accounts to get 'unlimited'
@PolluxKhafra try this -> pastebin.com/bSw6dsbw
@ybouchard Oh I thought you were gonna use the youtube api in a better way. Ok I see what you mean there.
hi can anyone help for a mongoDB issuse?
@PolluxKhafra Well that's if you want the thumbnails super small
Q: insert or ignore multiple documents in mongoDB

loveshi have a collection in which all of my documents have at least these 2 fields say name and url,where url is unique so i set up a unique index on url. Now if i try to insert a document with a duplicate url, it will give an error and halt the program. I dont want this behavior but i need something ...

the api comes with the hd default one
@Chris kewl. I like it chill
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Yea, I like emotional, slow, weird stuff.
@ybouchard I was using this method with the id which provides a link the non hd default.
really for the api?
Yeah it worked. It just added 2 seconds to page speed.
which is not good haha
@ybouchard I forgot the link to the example stackoverflow.com/a/2108248/1148701
the thing you have to think about, if you're using the json file_content_get() method. You're requesting data from youtube everytime
which will slow it down
what you could always do is when the user submits the youtube video it uses the json method and dumps to a database...
@Jakub or @orourkek, i changed the assignment to $invoice['InvoiceDetail'][0]['CONTENDDTE'] = $today;. but it only updated the 0'th element, probably because of the [0].
if the array is $invoice->InvoiceDetail->0->CONTENDDTE, how do i properly access all elements?
@ybouchard You're the one working with the youtube API right?
@MikeS I'm not sure, do you still have the paste from it?
@orourkek Yeah he's trying to help me out with this stackoverflow.com/a/10401352/1148701
@PolluxKhafra Ah it was you. Just wondering if you've found the apigee console, they have one for youtube's api
probably a little late in the game for that tool, but you never know
hmm im getting a bunch of /_vti_inf.html and /_vti_bin in my apache error.log file
@MikeS is $detail ever used in that loop, or is it just not used in that paste?
@orourkek no, because of what @jakub said earlier $detail['CONTENDDTE'] != $invoice['InvoiceDetail']['CONTENDDTE'].
@MikeS i think you need to change your inner foreach loop to have $detail['InvoiceDetail']['CONTENDDTE'] = $today;
your looping $invoice['InvoiceDetail'] as $detail but not using $detail anywhere
@Shane i tried that, but it wasn't updating the referenced array
your referring to [0] ?
the original assignment looked like this: $detail['CONTENDDTE'] = $today;
foreach ($data as &$invoice) {
foreach ($invoice['InvoiceDetail'] as $detail) {

$today = date('Y-m-d');
$detail[0]['CONTENDDTE'] = $today;
return $data;
try that
ahh. the dreaded [0]. that's what i missed. lemme give it a whirl. tyvm
@Shane i'm expecting this: [CONTENDDTE] => 2012-05-01, but using $detail[0]['CONTENDDTE'] = $today; returns [CONTENDDTE] => 2012-04-30 00:00:00 which is the original value.
@MikeS I'm not convinced the [0] is needed, given that code
the array position is covered with the foreach()
yeah the only way it would be needed is if $Invoice['InvoiceDetail'] has data with other things in it
do you still have that paste with the sample data?
@orourkek running this: $detail['CONTENDDTE'] = $today; returns [CONTENDDTE] => 2012-04-30 00:00:00. still not right
@orourkek here's a sample record bin.cakephp.org/saved/74197
@MikeS and [InvoiceDetail] will contain more than just the [0] element?
yeah whats the reason for having the double array for InvoiceDetail?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Kriti Vibes 2010 is awesome
@CarrieKendall Thanks!
@orourkek yes, InvoiceHeader $hasMany InvoiceDetail
@RepWhoringPeeHaa how long did it take?
Idunno it's been a while. Not that long.
@Shane double array?
Once you are in the mood... (read have smoked the good stuff and drank the other good stuff) ;)
@MikeS this was the last thing you tried, right?
and which records got updated?
hah, well nice mix.
@orourkek the [0] record
@orourkek more specifically, ['InvoiceDetail'][0]
are you sure your using $index => $detail in the foreach loop?
@shane the code i pasted is what i'm working with now
@MikeS My next debugging step would be something like this, to make sure the foreach is behaving as expected
@orourkek so use key/values on the inner loop?
@orourkek but the value won't get updated. $today is not used in your example.
@MikeS Yeah, it was justa debugging step, to make sure the foreach() is iterating properly
$index = 0 @orourkek
@MikeS this paste is the one that looks like it should work
Personally I always specify multiple values in the foreach(), just so I'm sure of what's going on, but it's not totally necessary
@orourkek :( [tag: sad-panda-face]
@orourkek it didn't work
@MikeS Well if you're ina debug environment, I would throw in a few var_dump() in those foreach(), just to be sure the variables are bing set properly and everything is working as expected
@MikeS Specifically, something like this, to be sure $detail is actually a direct child of [invoiceDetail]
@orourkek yep, i am. not sure what's going on. of course, this is just an exercise for me to test how reference passing works. i stripped out all the actual stuff that needs done. gotta get back to basics on this one.
Oh, and on the second foreach try adding a reference flag to $detail
forgot about that :/
reference flag?
o, didn't know that was its name. lol
I don't know if it is or not, thats just what i call it
works for me
@orourkek here's the output bin.cakephp.org/saved/74218
After adding the ampersand?
and was that the same output as without the ampersand?
I rarely pass by reference to foreach(), so I'm a bit stumped
well, i'm not married to this code. if you know of a simpler, i.e. better way, then i'm open for suggestions
$detail is definitely the sub-array you want to change, so setting $detail['CONTENDDTE'] = $today should work
i'm just trying to figure out how i can look through and update the child table
./facepalm @orourkek i didn't uncomment the assignment. gawd, it's been a long day. here's the output array
'ITEMNMBR' => string 'SERVICE ' (length=31)
'QUANTITY' => string '1.00000' (length=7)
'UOFM' => string 'EA ' (length=9)
'UNITPRCE' => string '.00000' (length=6)
'TAXAMNT' => string '.00000' (length=6)
'CONTSTARTDTE' => string '2012-04-17 00:00:00' (length=19)
'CONTENDDTE' => string '2012-05-02' (length=10)
'SOPNUMBE' => string 'SVC0202088 ' (length=21)
CONTENDDTE got updated on all of them
ooo, so which step did it?
adding the & on $detail
@orourkek so it looks like this foreach ($invoice['InvoiceDetail'] as $index => &$detail)
@MikeS It's always a darn foreach()...
@orourkek i am in your debt. this has plagued me all day.
@MikeS Confirms my suspicions that you need to add reference flags(?) to all of the foreach()'s
now on to the next problem...lol. +1 virtual beers for @orourkek.
@MikeS The little bugs are always the worst. On the bright side, neither of us will ever make this mistake again :]
u got dat rite!
all foreach() get &. tattoo it on my bald head
When passing by reference, anyways. Would be bad to do that for all foreach()
@orourkek yea, that's what i meant. was just happy i got it resolved.
now i can strip out the fake code and put the real stuff in. \o/
g'nite all. and special thanks to @Jakub and @orourkek for getting me back on track.
* an explosion is heard in the distance *
Later @MikeS, good luck
A: Error in PHP when using $_SESSION to save state of DOMElement -- Warning: DOMNode::appendChild() [domnode.appendchild]: Couldn't fetch DOMElement

hakreYou can not store a DOMElement object inside $_SESSION. It will work at first, but with the next request, it will be unset because it can not be serialized. That's the same like for DOMDocument as you write about in your question. Store it as XML instead or encapsulate the serialization mechani...

nice @hakre
@hakre I'm not sure that guy even knows what he wants...
@Sam break; stops the loop right?
@Mittchel break; works on for, foreach, while, and switch
maybe some more
but those are the big ones
ah oke
@orourkek he knows, I chatted with him this evening.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa thx ;)
@hakre at least it was a well-formatted question :)
hmm I'm having some problems:P
@Sam made me this piece of code which works quite wel..
I want every loop to execute a different function. and start over again.
What I'm trying to achieve is I've got 4 hosting providers to check a domain status.. I want to check every other company at every other loop.. so I won't reach their limited requests amount.
Though because I've the switch.. it breaks my while loop I think
Does anyone use a class for autoloading? e.g. register the class' function(s) as the autoloader(s). I'm wondering if there are benefits to this that I'm overlooking
@orourkek And the error message is really specifc. It only pops up if you register on a DOMDocument a NodeClass when it's constructor has not been called yet.
@Mittchel The inner break; statements shouldn't break out of the outer loop
@hakre When these people actually see some larger codebase, their head just might explode
@Mittchel whats up sorry?
@Sam nothing mate.. just wanted to thank you lol:P
Works great I think.. I'll see the reslts tomorrow (hopefully)
@Mittchel Ok good to hear, did you sort out the issue with "break;"?
Yep I think so:P
ok :)
Thanks again.. I'm going to bed.. gotta hit the gym early tomorrow
Ok cya later @Mittchel
@NikiC: because of consistency...

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