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meh goes back to http
I remember letsencrypt being a complete ballsack to set up
It shouldn't be
If you have plesk or something it does it for you nicely
You just need to make /.well-known/ accessible via HTTP
What web server are you using?
I have template nginx config you can use
it wasn't that hard. I mean, compared to ordering and setting up a "regular" cert
@Gordon For someone who has never done that before ;)
@Jimbo I DM'ed you on Twitter in case you didnt see
@Gordon I did, thanks. I need to come up with a solid list :-)
@Jimbo a rough outline is enough. You can discuss the details with the trainer then in case I find someone
@DaveRandom I don't know why there are two keys...
Haven't looked at doc... you might need to change some things
@Gordon Don't ask yet, let me talk to the group and come up with what we want to achieve together first :)
@Jimbo aye
@iroegbu no worries, thanks for that :-)
!!reminder list
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Seconds left: 8124429
• bench pack() and unpack() in libdns → Id: :35268991 → Thursday, 26th January 2017 21:00 (UTC) - Set by DaveRandom - Seconds left: 121569
!!remind me to call @PeeHaa's mom in 5 seconds
Reminder set.
@Jimbo me to call @⁠PeeHaa's mom
Nope, no NLP yet ;)
simpatico: congenial or like-minded; likable.
@DaveRandom Ngnix
But Im for this project on a shared host. ... So I have limitations.
@iroegbu are those keys just labelled "key 1" and "key 2" in the portal? Is it possible that one is for the text API and one is for the speech API?
@Duikboot Are you able to configure server {} containers?
@DaveRandom No, Speech API is entirely different... I'll need to subscribe that if we need it.
@iroegbu we don't need it, just unsure why we would have 2 keys from the docs
meh, I'll just try both of them and see what happens
Usage: !!reminder [ examples | list | <text> [ at <time> | in <delay> ] | unset <id> ] Try !!reminder examples
excellent ...
@JoeWatkins Usage: !!issue [<title> - <body>]
Yes, @Ekin writes docs and everything
so does @JayIsTooCommon
!!issue reminder does not return id - reminder should return id in response for deletion
@DaveRandom I was just looking around I can go to /etc/ssl/certs ?
@DaveRandom just to impress you
@JoeWatkins it's the message ID of the request that created it
!!remind me nothing at 12:00
Reminder set.
!!reminder unset 35290642
Reminder unset.
@DaveRandom would be nice to be able to copy/paste that id is all ...
!!reminder shout at @DaveRandom in 5 seconds
Reminder set.
@JoeWatkins shout at @⁠DaveRandom
okay good ...
moin daniel
I have lots of responses to messages from Bob coming ... sorry for the room spam
@rdlowrey gist.github.com/bwoebi/57fb42a7c6979f17839508bfc1dfa5e4 removing gotos… how readable/unreadable is this?
Agree. That's better than the goto approach.
@rdlowrey any reason why you defer promise resolution to next tick in onServerReceiptFrame - same with error case?
Not really. Can remove the deferral.
@rdlowrey also: any reason why you need to directly provide a read(): Promise<Frame> function? I can see usage for debugging, but that's all … wouldn't it be better to just provide some debug flag you can toggle off and on which will dump data then?
read() is the only method to receive data from the server. It's how you listen to data from subscriptions. Currently the client functions as a lowest common denominator to simply send commands. When you call $client->subscribe() it only activates the subscription. You still need to call $client->read() to actually consume data from the subscription.
It's just the minimum possible API right now ... I plan to iterate on it.
@rdlowrey Client::OPTIONS["vhost"] looks a bit clumsy… why not just "vhost" as array key then? (same for all the other options)
Possibly ... will iterate on that.
I'd put the $this->connectionPromise = null; into the when() in connect() function instead of in the doConnect()
@rdlowrey the determineNegotiatedVersion switch could just use array search … if ($version = array_search($versionHeader, Version::STRINGS)) { return $version; } throw ...;
@rdlowrey Is it possible (yeah, it's early) to put a layer on top which ensures that connection never goes away, i.e. retries each 1, 2, 4, …, 128, 256 and then each 256 seconds repeatedly (configurable … your backoff thing ;o))? I do not like to guard a lot of places against StompExceptions nor do I want to crash the whole process because of that)
That's exactly why I wrote the backoff function for which I just need to create an amp PR so it'll be available to use here and elsewhere. That kind of retry logic is a critical part of any network-enabled functionality and I don't know how we've survived without it to this point :)
@rdlowrey Oh, okay, it read a bit like debugging info, and not like a highlevel API for consuming the actual pushed info…
@rdlowrey … well, you already have filter … then why do we need read()?
^ yeah okay
Filter is for modifying the frames coming in and out ... it makes middleware possible.
@rdlowrey oh spam. by all means. spam. it means, we'll get to see your avatar more often. and bigger.
I was under the assumption read was for debug
@bwoebi you're just coming across desperate now.
@JayIsTooCommon ??
I more or less agree with all your input @bwoebi ... really appreciate the close examination ... will set about implementing
I <3 R11
I will probably change read() to listen($subscriptionId = null)
@rdlowrey In that case, why does it have subscribe instead of write then?
So you can use listen() as a firehose to react to any and everything or filter it down to just messages for $subscriptionId
@rdlowrey Those options should at least have a constant each.
Morning v1.1 bitches
@kelunik agree
While autocompletion is nice, using constants fucking sucks …
@bwoebi just ask him out already.
hey pie
@bwoebi Why?
james o/
It's not only auto completion, it makes also usages easier to find.
Anyway, just finished working out. Gotta jog home to shower then come back to work. Hopefully will be able to work on some of this later.
@kelunik all caps in particular…
@kelunik I'm with you on the constants FYI
@bwoebi wat
@bwoebi wat?!
No idea what you are talking about but what to the fuck?
@rdlowrey Grovo don't have showers? pfft.
@kelunik constant names are typically all caps… I'd prefer "foo_bar" to FOO_BAR
Yes WAT!?
@bwoebi ewwww
I will stop now and let you people yell at bob :P
constants are good to highlight constant values
but options…
is there some magic something to get pdo sqlite running on centos5? I did yum install php-pdo and sqlite which I shouldnt need because --with-pdo anyway but it keeps telling me the driver is missing
or something like that
doesnt work. tried already
You need the pdo sqlite driver
is it sqlite3 ?
@Gordon Search the repo
What repo are you on?
Search you php.ini for sqlite
@PeeHaa I mean, constants yell at me, while I'm interested in their values
@PeeHaa no repo. official php downloaded from php.net and built on machine
@Gordon grep sqlite your php ini?
what do you guys think of Go Language ( except all the typical " its shit" ) :D
--with-sqlite3 @Gordon
@Izopi4a From the limited stuff I have seen about it it's ok I guess
@JoeWatkins do I have to have that? Is there no way to add this later?
becuase I think that is the issue indeed
the pdo driver uses the underlying library
so it should work when I fill in the php.ini setting for the sqlite lib path?
no, I don't think it can build pdo_sqlite without sqlite3 library
PDO: sqlite 3 support. DIR is the sqlite base
either you need --with-sqlite3 and --with-pdo-sqlite, or --with-pdo-sqlite (both point to sqlite3 base directory)
I don't think I've ever tried the latter ...
oh wait, sqlite3 is it's own extension ... so probably the latter on it's own if you don't want that ...
@PeeHaa sigh
thanks. will try
there might be some wierd coupling between the two, we bundle sqlite3 for ext/sqlite3
PHP_ADD_SOURCES(PHP_EXT_DIR(sqlite3), libsqlite/sqlite3.c)
(from pdo config.m4 for sqlite driver)
I've always done both ...
@kelunik sigh, where does travis segfault?
@rdlowrey okay, pushed that
@kelunik ah, I see on amphp/dns
@kelunik okay, that was a dumb mistake…
Hi all :) If I have a function that cannot complete because (for example) the user doesn't exist, should I throw an exception or return something like 'false' or '-1'?
I've found a couple of differing view points. Some say 'if it's expected to fail' return false (a validation function for example) but if it was a missing resource, throw an exception.
It depends
I was worried that might be the answer :P
^ I'm interested in the answer aswell
@Henders if the function fails, does it make the rest of the execution path fucked?
if yes => exception, if not => return false;
@tereško If it failed it would be handled in some way (logged or return an error) but I was concerned about what the user of the code would feel.

If I return false maybe it suggests that the answer to my question is 'no'. If I throw an exception its obvious that I never got to ask my question because there was a problem and thus there is no answer yet until I fix the issue.
Sorry, that's not very clear., let me try another way
please stop trying to talk in metaphors - you suck at it
@tereško Be nice, please.
He's right, though :P
right !== nice
@Izopi4a It's good except for the exceptions which they mucked up for stupid reasons.
@Henders Could you maybe share a short gist of what it is you are doing / the function is doing?
@PeeHaa - sure hang on a second
nice, thank you @Danack @PeeHaa
@Henders there is no real difference between the two... It all comes down to: convention and subjective terms like what you like more. Some could say though that returning error states is better than throwing them because it makes it more obvious for the caller that this function can fail and with which fail-states it can fail.
On the same note it can get quite tiresome for the caller to handle all error-states if they are returned instead of thrown (that's why, for example, Haskell chooses to throw exceptions from IO functions instead of returning another monads)
Sometimes it can be quite obvious which one you should use (for example with validation function, if your validation fails it is more appropriate to return a list of failures, and not raise an exception)
@nikita2206 - thanks. Yeah that's kind of what I thought. It's a bit debatable based on the specific circumstances.
Hey! Just a quick question: Is there any security I should be concerned about in $_SESSION? People say that session_regenerate_id() is a must have, but apart from that is there anything else I should be aware of?
Sorry for the pseudo-code but something like this:

` //Find out if a user's level is greater than 5 or not
function checkUserLevelIsGreaterThan5($userID){

- Go off and look up the user by their ID

- if the user doesn't exist: return false or throw exception?

- User does exist:
- if userLevel > 5: return true, else return: false

} `
imo, if any lookup based on a primary ID of a table fails, then it is more standard to have that as an exception.
@bwoebi PHP 7.1.0 leaks memory with phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text on current amphp/dns on the amp_v2 branch with composer update --prefer-lowest.
(other people disagree...)
@Danack Okay thanks. I think the gist i'm getting is that it is pretty dependant on the circumstance and exact function it's being used in...
just add that function to your class? which would mean a user needs to exists already..
@Danack yes, it is logical, because it is like having an invalid pointer (dangling pointer), it is pretty much a fatal error
@Henders IMO it is more logical here to use return as the sole purpose of this function is checking
That's interesting because to me, if I return false it almost feels like I'm suggesting that their userLevel is less than 5 even though they really don't have one at all.
(Although I suppose non existent could be < 5...)
@kelunik it doesn't actually leak … it's just overwriting allocator data which gets misinterpreted as leak
GitHub's new blame system is really awesome to track down dependency requirements. amphp/dns builds fixed.
is any of you using github.com/phpbrew/phpbrew? does it work well?
what do you guys use to code in php-src, what ide would you recommend to me ? i am using gdb and kdbg ( ubuntu )
@Gordon Couldn't get it to work 2-3 years ago, installed few versions manually :-)
@Izopi4a I am using VS.code
@Gordon +1 the debugger is really nice IMHO
@Trowski Your piping doesn't seem to work on Windows. ci.appveyor.com/project/kelunik/dns/build/30/job/…
@JoeWatkins can you DM me your postal address please? Should be able to get the router in the post tomorrow
got it
@JoeWatkins yw :-)
@Henders Imo it should return false
Because the user level is not greater than 5
@pmmaga VS.code has a debugger?
@Gordon Yup! code.visualstudio.com/Docs/editor/debugging It's the fourth icon in the left
I initially wanted to use CLIon because jetbrains. But it would never finish indexing the php-src so I tried vim for a while, but then it's a PITA to get autocompletion and inspections. Atom sucked. VS.code is quite nice.
@pmmaga I never tried that. Thanks.
@PeeHaa Thanks :)
I really do just use any text editor ... I haven't really given any IDE's a chance for years ...
the only thing I need/like it to have is syntax highlighting ... the rest is just frilly nonsense
@JoeWatkins Finding usages and autocomplete is really helpful.
isn't auto complete only useful when you start out ?
I do the things that IDE's do, but with commands, that have never changed, and are language agnostic ...
i do like it in pure php code, i do not have to remmeber my method names, only their first letters :D
also, it's not true that I never ever use an IDE ... I'll use one if you point a gun at my head and tell me to write java ...
I don't remember much of that ... and never did ... and refactoring is useful ...
PHPStorm has a good refactoring support, it saves a lot of time and allows to avoid typos
if the IDE doesnt lagg like hell, i guess there is nothing wrong using it ? am I wrong ?
@JoeWatkins well, I use PHPStorm … but for C I don't feel like I need an IDE
hmmf ... now I'm thinking about how much I hate java ...
Java is quite awesome
besides GC
@bwoebi yeah, well that's what I mainly write now
Java introduces module system in v9
they could introduce magical fairies and unicorns, and I still wouldn't be interested in using it again ...
@Ocramius and a ton of worst practices in the standard library
@Ocramius There are few things in Java which would be nice to have in PHP IMO
imagine a world where you only get to write in java, for years and years ... I used to live in that world, it's a dark, damp, disgusting place ... I'll never go back ...
@bwoebi true that
@Ocramius and method overloading … ugh.
"besides GC" you say that so quickly, that you could be forgiven for thinking it's only a small problem ... in reality it means that if you write any software of reasonable complexity, you will spend your life staring at a profiler, trying to determine what the fuck is going on with memory usage, and inventing nasty ways around it ...
@JoeWatkins I already do that with PHP, and we're not even in long running apps :-P
still, it's not a bad language, it's a powerful one, with excellent features ... just produces bad experiences ... in my experience ...
Come to haskell, we got transpilers for everything
@Ocramius Haskell to PHP?
I never learned that
@Ocramius "we"? you mean there is more than one person using Haskell?
also most Java devs doesn't like PHP devs, thats minus for Java :)
Probably exists, would need to check
@Gordon haha, yep, but you can never know without querying the real world, so I don't know
Experimental Haskell PHP parser / evaluator / code generator github.com/jhartikainen/hs-language-php
I don't mind Java. Some things are horribly tedious to achieve with it, like starting and fetching the output of a process. But in general I find it straightforward to use, especially with Intellij
@brzuchal jealousy, because their lives are so miserable, and ours are full of elephpants ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, probably, they do have only coffee cup
@JoeWatkins you say that as if elephpants were the sole source of happiness on this world
Speaking of programmers, the worse may be the python programmers
So full of themselves…
Not those from RoR ?
@bwoebi haha ... no but we have cuddly toys, and they have nights sitting in front of profilers wtfing to themselves, and screaming "I thought this shit was supposed to be memory managed" ...
@brzuchal never spoke to them
Does anyone have any good ideas to instantly save database somewhere out of /var/lib/mysql
I have a friend who code in RoR, and he only says that RoR is pretty cool and you should definitely give it a shot
@brzuchal WOAH, nice!
@samayo instant ? do you have a magic wand ?
@samayo won't a mysqldump work for you?
@Trucy I forgets :)
you could also use replication if live website and you can't cope with the database locking up while dumping
@JoeWatkins I'm serious, there should be something like Google Drive, that syncs database to the could
Maybe I should mount /var/lib/mysql to /share/Google_Drive/mysql ...
Does anybody work from remote in full time here?
I'm remote
Not full time, but only today
(hi remote, I'm Trucy)
I can remote to that
@samayo some engines may require certain features of underlying filesystem, but I can't tell you what ... I can see much reading in your future :)
@brzuchal There, updated my question :D
Me to
I'm remote full time ...
what if we're all remote? ... life.
@Jeeves Is life a lie and we're all in the matrix?
@Trucy And tell me... Do you like Tom Hanks?
@Jeeves What does Tom Hanks got to do with Matrix?
@brzuchal It's got everything to do with anything!
@Jeeves You're so clever :)
@brzuchal Thank you.
Nice one @Jeeves
@samayo What do you like to eat?
@JoeWatkins from experience, what are the main differences between working on site and from remote? Also, do you have some advice to spare about working remote?
@Jeeves I like to eat elephants
@samayo Meme.
(I think I'll explore workplace.SE in depth this evening)
Does living in your workplace count as remote?
@Trucy on site you don't get to work, because of endless and stupid interruptions ... I can't focus in that environment ... you work for a few hours and everybody wants to go out for lunch, or coffee or whatever, you come back and are endlessly interrupted again until it's home time, which is decided for you ...
discipline is all you need to work remotely, and peace and quiet is all you need to work anywhere ...
Working from home is unproductive IMO, maybe it's a matter of self discipline. But unreachable when kids are at home.
you should get other peoples opinions about working in offices though, for balance ... maybe it suits some individuals, maybe it's better when you need to collaborate with other teams or whatever ...
@JoeWatkins you clearly miss a pair of bose quiet comfort headphones
maybe I've only been in offices with assholes ... who would happily remove headphones, who will send people from teams you don't and never work with to ask you questions, who will send you juniors to sit near you and ask a question every minute ...
I get your point Joe.
I seriously hate it ... but that's just me ... clearly most people work in offices, so they must be able to function ...
Eh I like the social aspect of being in an office, not sure i could handle remote 24/7
I had the bad experience in office with headphones… and bad colleagues
I like coming to the office. We recently moved into our new building which is full of awesome, incl. a kicker, arcade machine, snooker, soda and beer on tap, plants, comfy lounges, etc, etc. My colleagues are nice. I am usually not disturbed and coordinating is much easier when colocated.
@Gordon we've got coat hangers... which is nice.
@Gordon Yeah, I'd hapily work in this kind of workplace
I also like doing HO because I don't need to commute then, but it's a bit more difficult, especially when the son is at home. it works, but there is more distractions.
I find the social aspect of life extremely uncomfortable ... I am myself electronically, or when I have my dog with me ... all the rest of the time, I'm a nervous wreck ...
@JayIsTooCommon And I like the social aspect of the office here
kids made it difficult, but they are both at school now, and pretty much look after themselves (when I need them too) ...
needless to say, the biggest distractions in both workplaces is you people, which is obvious from the fact that I am typing here instead of my IDE
we're the worst
I'm doing three things while having this conversation though ...
@JoeWatkins :(
But I've been socialising over internet for 11 years now, so if the coworkers are on IRC/whatev, it'll be as usual
I also like working in an office, sure there are headphones, but I've got only 5 more dev's in my room, we've got Slack for communication with others so everyone who has a question doesn't interrupt others. An office also helps me to focus on work, not on doing all unnecessary things, when working from home. Like now chatting and not working at all :(
@Trowski Why do we even use the piping instead of the previous approach for exit codes?
oh it's mostly understood by programmers that you should not interrupt, it's every other department in the place, support staff and marketing and whatever that get in your face ...
Here is some pics of our office: facebook.com/InstanaHQ/posts/374521566230485
@JoeWatkins How do you deal with that when kids are sick and need to stay at home? I've tried some times but with any productive work then.
@Gordon dang
my kids come first, always ... if they are sick, I'll take a day off to be with them ... simple as that, I would require that freedom if I did work in an office ...
@brzuchal call in sick yourself?
also, just practically, sick kids sleep a lot ... so it's not a total blocker when they are sick ... I'll just work that night or whatever ...
@JayIsTooCommon No, I'm telling I'll work remote then, but also have some other works around so I need to work for someone then.
@brzuchal eh i'd tell them my kids were ill and that's that :P do one for the day
if you can't get a clear day off when your children are sick, there is something wrong with your employer ... I'm never even asked to do stuff on those days ... I do anyway, when I can (sleeping/night time) ... but it should be understood that "my children are sick" means "you don't matter for today"
also, my equipment in the office is better than at home. I got a height adjustable table and proper ergonomic chair and a 27" 4k screen. At home it's just a cheap IKEA table and some cheap office chair and a 24" HD dell. That makes a noticeable difference at the end of the day.
@JayIsTooCommon Well, I'm payed for worked hours right now :(
@Gordon my codestation is way better at home
Well, maybe it's time to change employer :/
I worked remote at previous jobs more often. For instance, last job was three days on site every other week. And I had several remote jobs when I was still freelancing. The main issue back then for me was that feeling of exclusion with the team. You don't go to lunch together. You are not part of the jokes, you cannot just grab your colleague for some rubber duck debugging, etc.
but you are mostly in control over your time, which is nice.
@brzuchal That's what I'm doing!
@brzuchal oh rly ... why not salary ?
You don't go to lunch together. You are not part of the jokes, you cannot just grab your colleague for some rubber duck debugging, etc.
with the current job, I can do Home Office if I need to which is nice. I usually come to the office though. That's a perfect combination for me.
I prefer this ... I don't have time to work on my social issues while trying to get shit done ...
also, the best rubber ducks I can call on don't work with me ...
speaking of social.. we should do an R11 meet up
at @Jimbo's place.
I can't take my dog there ...
He's in Spain?
@JoeWatkins I'm trying to change my salary from october '16 and always hear I need to wait for that conversation till february '17
I hate waiting for those moments.
@brzuchal I dunno what that means ... but haven't accepted hourly wages for years ... nobody is willing to pay for those days when you are up all night, so we come to a figure that's a reasonable salary ... then I require that it's increased every year, or whenever I take on new responsibilities ...
@iroegbu yes. Very nice office, too.
@JayIsTooCommon I am not sure he has the place yet
I'm seriously considering emigration, now.
My country is falling apart... :(
@JayIsTooCommon \o/
Haha! They are better off

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