but you cant be shocked by someone not converting to html5
Saying that HTML5 is "widely supported" is flat out false, because the core elements of HTML5 are not supported everywhere. Companies (some of them) will not migrate to HTML5 until this happens.
Any CakePHP masters here? I googled this problem and can't seem to find anything. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10379335/cakephp-acl-tutorial-initdb-function-warnings
@Captain, the strange thing is that it works on my localhost, but not on Ho&@G@t0r, that's why I'm quite confused... and also the script it's at the end... it's basically finished... and I need the header redirect at the log-in.
sad? because of coding standards and regulations? not everyone can make that decision. Furthermore, some sites are forced to support older OSs and browsers, and physically can't swap over
you clearly have no idea how certain sites operate. Sometimes reliability is key, as with banks, government portals, etc. Not everyone can jsut use some open source software to hack together a thin veil of "support" for HTML5
not ALL sites, but SOME
you're generalizing everything into being able to use shivs and pen source solutions to html5 compatibility
@Chris ever heard of performance, usability, accessibility? Javascript is not the key to everything. For large scale applications it is a lot of work to get even the simplest element (like a range input) to work in older browsers but that is what html5 should supply
@Chris At my job we struggle to shave milliseconds off page load times, the last thing we need is more javascript to run before showing anything. You arguing against that is just naive
And why, is HTML5 soooo much better than a perfectly functioning site?
Developer blogs have a different audience, usually people you can trust to have the latest version of w/e browser they prefer, or even beta/nightlies of those browsers.... a corporate front is a whole different manner....
it's not the w3c's fault, not Microsofts and not Mozillas fault... this is the way the web grew and they all did their good and bad parts really. What's important is that in about 5 years we'll be a lot more cozy in the world of web-development as sometime in the last decade the larger parties reached a consensus that making and abiding to strict standards would make the web a better place
i'll say this ONE more time. Some sites can't switch to HTML5 because of reliability and/or speed issues. People visit sites with old-as-shit browsers. We can't control that. For you to blame us for 'slowing down the web evolution' is just asinine. We strive for performance and reliability, not to be on the cutting-edge, being held together by some open-source, buggy, javascript
we have customers to worry about, not just a few blog visitors
Be on the cutting edge all you want, but don't blame me for people using older browsers
@NikiC, @ircmaxell, @Gordon, @rdlowrey: I miss you guys. I've been so busy with non-web stuff I haven't even idled in the chatroom.
@LeviMorrison I think you can be excused for not prioritizing SO chat for a few days. There are more important things in life ... like school, spouses ... and video games.
Pretty big website which at first was to go live in januari, but moved to today... now since the client is not done with the content/translations it has been moved to thursday... we'll probably go live on monday :]
That doesn't mean I downvoted you, even though you deserve it there.... the question quality is terrible... What I did is add additional information you gave us in this channel yesterday
I want to add the value of the latest insert from TABLE1 to a subsequent MULTIPLE insert statement into TABLE2 which includes multiple entries - however in MySQL I am just getting a 0 (zero) for each entry added into TABLE2.
I know I need to store the mysql_insert_id in a variable after the firs...
I can't tell you if it's better, but it might just work right-away which normally is better than not working.
@Bella Looks like it returns 0 which means:
> The ID generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous query on success, 0 if the previous query does not generate an AUTO_INCREMENT value, or FALSE if no MySQL connection was established.
@tereško I've read some sources about "dependency injection" as well as st like Factory pattern, Locator pattern, Hollywood principle. I understand some of them, and also now I feel dizzy, what do you really mean? could you say it in more detail ?
In computer programming, the Hollywood principle is stated as "don't call us, we'll call you." It has applications in software engineering; see also implicit invocation for a related architectural principle.
The Hollywood principle is a software design methodology that takes its name from the cliché response given to amateurs auditioning in Hollywood: "Don't call us, we'll call you". It is a useful paradigm that assists in the development of code with high cohesion and low coupling that is easier to debug, maintain and test.
Most beginners are first introduced to programming...
@silentbang Here is an example usage: github.com/Evoke-PHP/Evoke-PHP/blob/master/php/src/Evoke/Init/… (If anyone else is interested it appears the settings class that this uses was starred.) Please don't star this. Keep the stars for something that is likely to interest everyone.
FROM_UNIXTIME() is causing a time difference due to leap years, by like 23 seconds, is there someway to turn it off all together? I know you can do UPDATE mysql.time_zone SET Use_leap_seconds='N' and restart the server but then i'd do this every 4 years?
the problem is I have some records I distribute based on certain days of the month and sometimes at the end of a day say 5/31/2012 23:59:40 it can pass it to 6/1/2012 if use FROM_UNIXTIME and since things in my system are based on service levels it causes issues :(
Anyone think this is worthy of closing? I had my flag marked as disputed -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10398968/generating-a-big-xml-file-using-php-from-data-from-multiple-tables
@user6613 depends on its purpose; if you need to know how many members have reached expiration date, and probably notify them automatically, cron is the way to way, but if you want to inform a member only after they've tried logging into the system, that one works too
when clicking on more details button , it supposed to table2 will appear , but it will dispear again when refresh the page . so i want that forms will not disapear after refreshing
Either you do an AJAX POST to the server to give it this extra information and then make the update on the client side with your JS. OR You just have a standard POST that goes to the server and you update all of the page information with the server.
Yeap..hakre provided a solution to extract the video id and then I would just place that in a standard link to their default thumb but it doesn't process the the long version of youtube links like the one pasted straight from the browser.
He pointed me to this stackoverflow.com/questions/6556559/… . So I could use that to get the id. And then I would just place it in the standard url like http://i3.ytimg.com/vi/<?php youtube_id_from_url($video_url); ?>/default.jpg