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I've been using PHP for years, and I am very confident with it, but I've been hearing a lot about RoR, any thoughts?
oh lord :P
subjective and argumentative :)
I move to strike from the record, your honor
kinda apples-to-oranges, actually, RoR is a framework, PHP is a language
a better comparison would be Ruby-to-PHP or Rails-to-CakePHP, for instance
Haha, what else is a chat room for?
I am aware, then, Ruby to PHP.
CakePHP has too much of an overheard, and if that's any comparison itself it answers my questions
I would point you towards Ruel's statement over there ----->
I think generally, Rubyists would argue that Ruby's syntax is elegant, concise, and expressive, while PHP is an ugly patchwork
Hmm okay
and conversely, PHPists(?) would argue that PHP is a time-tested language that runs the web, is easy to learn, use, and deploy
who's right? well, that's the subjective and argumentative part :)
I'd hold up to that. Also, much easier to find PHPists
though I wouldn't use the term PHPists
sounds vaguely vulgar
Right, I was looking for what you gave on it, I've been thinking about taking a dive in to be a little bit more educated on the topic
PHPors isn't much better. And "people who use PHP" is too long, and awkward sounding when you make that PWUPHP
I'm not comfortable with writing Ruby/Rails, but certainly I recognize its strengths and it's positive influences on other languages and the developer community as a whole
PHPers then ?
PHP devs don't need their own special label :P
All the PHP developers I know argue that it's a horrible language, but that there are so many PHP libraries, frameworks, and applications available that we're better off coding with PHP than with a language that's not getting as much outside work.
I think it is what you make it -- if it's horrible, I'd stop coding that way.
I don't think it's a horrible language at all
that might have been true for older versions, but PHP has come a long way
and I always say, "You can write FORTRAN in any language"
Its slow progress is the downside the people I work with (including me) dislike.
even a PHP hater like Atwood recognizes the insignificance of the language as long as it produces a valuable result
doesn't matter if you used Ruby, PHP, or static HTML, what matters is "does it do the job"
6 I'm all about the PHP. It is the only language that matters, man! :) - oct 16 at 6:26 by Jeff Atwood ▼
BTW, there was an interesting if rather lengthy and of course, troll-feeding, discussion on reddit
spawned by a PHP feature, that is "variable variables"
yeah I don't really see the point of arguing really
use PHP or don't, use RoR or don't
I wasn't meaning to create an entire discussion, your first 2-3 sentences answered my question.
sorry, I get carried away
PHP gets so much flak and Ruby always seems to get elevated to some special level
hey guys... does php session continue when a page is redicrcted using header()??
It's one of the reasons I've stayed away from it -- they seem to have a bit of an attitude
@ Ram -- yes, make sure you start the session on the redirected page
so long as you are using session_start() on both pages, yep
yep, for every lover it gets, RoR ends up with 10 haters because of the fanboyism
well I don't see the point in hating RoR either, like I said, it really has been a positive influence in general
@ram: yep, that's the point of session: persistent data between requests
I doubt we'd have CakePHP or ASP.NET MVC without Rails
and we're probably using ASP.NET MVC right now :)
@mgoves: very true, nor Grails or Play! framework
Yep, SO is developed with ASP.Net MVC
Structs is the granddaddy of MVC for webapps!
You mean Struts right ?
's true
yup, and although Struts layed the foundations for dozens of other MVC frameworks, at least in the java world, one canno't say it was a pleasure to work with it
Okay, another question. How easy/hard is it to implement HipHop?
first you need to requisition a beat
IMHO, very hard
then you need to lay your game down, quite flat
and then, I don't know, bust a cap, perhaps?
or bust a move
seriously though, you'll need to code a parser, and AFAIK, PHP lacks an 'official' grammar
then, you'll need to operate on the AST to generate the target language (C++) code
I write pretty strong to my "coding standards", but good to know, I thought it was a code parser that then compiled to C++
which'll mean you'll need to reimplement a couple of PHP's datastrcutures and functions in C++
I don't understand, you can't just use HipHop to compile your PHP app?
you can, but @Kerry's question was about implementing HipHop, not using it
at least, that's what I understood
why would you want to implement it?
maybe to translate to another language, or just for the pleasure of it :P
Hellop !
anyone here know about drupals apache solr module?
I need to change the layout of a facet block but can't seem to find how to do this :(
Sorry, not for me
:( thanks anyway
Sorry, had some work to handle, yeah, I would like to use it, but to use it, I figured I'd have to set it up in the first place, which is my definition of implement
hi @Isis
If I can just use HipHop, that'd be awesome, I'm looking at a system that will need potential scaling, and I have 3 services that I'm looking at to do that. HipHop is the one that i'm the most iffy about (Memcached and Varnish)
@Jawher hi, bad english ... :D
@Kerry the 3 systems you cite are complementary
and you might just use an opcode cache instead of hiphop
@Isis sorry, mine ?
What is opcode cache?
Right, I'm aware
I know of opcode cache (saw it recently in W3 Total Cache plugin for WP)
I just don't know what it does or how it works, and is the performance comparable
an opcode cache caches the results of parsing a PHP file (an intermediate code called opcode) so that it doesn't need to be parsed again in subsequent requests
speeding up things considerably
I've tried eAccelerator and it was very unstable: and generates a lot of random errors
APC performs well
and is rock solid stable
quick question, without thinking, Kohana or CI? go!
heey! :]
@Ben - not Kohana, CI
I used Kohana, it has very little support (at least it did, didn't seem like it was going anywhere)
very little documentation
and i was not satisfied with the result
I have not used CI, but I've heard many good stories about CI
@Kerry I thought the same, CI learning curve was pretty smooth. Yesterday I tried Kohana and a simple query beat me down.Docs suck as well.
Yeah, I forced myself through it, I have a very large system built in it, and I really dislike it.
@Jawher -- thanks for the tips on APC/opcode
Is it possible to encrypt some user information (password) with MYSQL AES commands and keep the only private decryption key on a local machine in our office as opposed to the server itself?
There is a MySQL chat
well, i am coding in php so regardless, perhaps I should have said that is where my encrypted data will be stored. If I ever need to access that data, I will pull down the encrypted info and decrypt using PHP
Not to push you away -- I don't have the answer
no worries
Ahh, okay.
1 hour later…
wow, dead in here
We aren't in office hour anymore
There's only crazy student that are still in class when it's 8PM

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