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And I RP too.
@Antono I no longer make the time for it, but I used to. Been a member of that group for 20 years. Goddamn I'm getting old.
I'm only 15 . . .
God.. the php.net mail setup is still broken.
@JoeWatkins Didn't you say the spammy url issue has been fixed?
@Kelunik Yup
I need to go bikeshed about argument order.
@Charles lol
@charles Don't become grumpy!
I don't think I'll ever become grumpy.
The question you're asking appears subjective and is likely to be closed
didn't even start writing it...
stackoverflow knows me well
@Wes they probably know where we live! O.o
ok /me is annoyed enough to debug phpunit now
@LeviMorrison Date: 2016-05-29 < It's quite old..
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

     [email protected]

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain lists.php.net by pair1.php.net. [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550-5.7.1 mail rejected by policy.  SURBL hit
550-Spammy URLs in your message
550 See master.php.net/mail/why.php?why=SURBL
wtf I thought that was fixed
Ok, my latest mail actually reached news.php.net, but not the subscribers... news.php.net/php.internals/97636
@LeviMorrison Yes, php.net URLs are rejected again.
The only URLs are the ones I quoted in the original message...
go home surbl you're drunk
> string(15) "anonymous class"
Also go home phpunit you're drunk too
@LeviMorrison Just sent a mail to systems@, but that's probably failing, too, right?
I kindly request that this voting be delayed until the mailing list
issues are completely fixed.

The mailing list software still rejects some messages with URLs; this
was seemingly fixed but I am unable to send any messages with URLs in
them, including quoting the original message.
^ I am unable to even send this message.
It doesn't quote anything.
I'm redirecting with header("Location :/ncp/index.php?id=3"), but it's ignoring everything after the /ncp/. Why would that be?
Am I not understanding the purpose of a shared interface… with that PR, React should have interoperable promises… but some of them may not be.
@Trowski wtf.
can i ask about best practices on stackoverflow, or also those are considered subjective stuff?
@Wes Subjective
@Wes They're rather fit for programmers
I'm assuming you want to ask something like "What is the best practice when doing specific thing X?"
god. why does SO (excluding the chat) even exist :B
It might be on-topic on Software Engineering, read their FAQ first
@Wes To kindly do the needful, sir dear.
@Trowski Added a second comment.
I'm trying to expand my own written regex for dates, to allow DD/MM/YY and DD.MM.YY but not DD.MM/YY or DD/MM.YY - Here is my regex so far /^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[/](0[1-9]|1[012])[/](\d\d\d[1-9]|\d\d[1-9]\d|\d[1-9]\‌​d\d|[1-9]\d\d\d)$/
YYYY* sorry
@madcrazydrumma why do that?
@kelunik Hopefully some others will speak up. I don't think I could make a constructive comment at the moment.
Part of some challenge thing im doing haha
@madcrazydrumma I'm not very good with regex because it's messy.
!!reminder list
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Seconds left: 9476586
• finish cleanup of http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php → Id: :34521502 → Monday, 09th January 2017 22:32 (UTC) - Set by PeeHaa - Seconds left: 10460
• http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/338573/sensitive-info-disclosure/338583#‌​comment425942_338583 → Id: :34823661 → Wednesday, 11th January 2017 14:13 (UTC) - Set by PeeHaa - Seconds left: 153341
@Antono yeah I was getting really messy with it
> Friday, 13th January 2017
That can only fail...
@madcrazydrumma Are you working with MySQL?
@madcrazydrumma I mean, are your dates in a table?
Nope its just for some challenge thing im doing or i would specify the date format in sql
@PeeHaa :P
@JayIsTooCommon :P
Do normal emails for php.net work? i.e. does [email protected] work?
stackoverflow.com/questions/41555831 phpunit question... i don't think i have many options but i asked anyway... :\
@Wes Code that throws is caught by the expectException
I have a question with a fresh demo symfony instalation on xammp
So why do you have the try?
I'm such a dummy, I got dev and pro mixed up.
damn, i thought it was clear :B i need to assert stuff after the exception has thrown @PeeHaa
@Wes Answered.
I have a question that is bugging me. What's a RESTful API?
@Wes :P
A few good links would be helpful. XD
!!? restful API
Search for "restful API" (https://www.google.com/search?q=restful+API&lr=lang_en)
• RESTful - Wikipedia - Representational state transfer (REST) or RESTful Web services are one way of providing …. HTTP-bas… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_state_transfer)
• REST API Tutorial - The REST API Tutorial. Learn REST API best practices. (http://www.restapitutorial.com/)
• What is RESTful API? - Definition from WhatIs.com - A RESTful API is a method of allowing communication between a web-based client and server that empl… (http://searchcloudstorage.techtarget.com/definition/RESTful-
^ There, have some links.
I have a question with a fresh demo symfony instalation on xammp
@kelunik eh. that pisses me off :P trying to think of something that is more conventional but i don't think i can do otherwise than that :P
Is Jeeves a bot? :)
Are you @Jeeves?
hmmm he's afk I think :P
@Ekin I have been running for 9 hours, 23 minutes and 29 seconds, since 2017-01-09 10:40:18
@Jeeves are you a bot?
@Ekin Step aside you filthy human.
@PeeHaa by asking him if he is who he is you proved he doesn't pass the turing test
See? He just doesn't like you guys today :P
I have a question with a fresh demo symfony instalation on xammp
@Wes Wow. So hard to read that sentence
@Wes I don't even get an upvote? :-(
I have a question with a fresh demo symfony instalation on xampp
@PeeHaa i am afraid that means you don't pass the turing test too.
ok just stop now @GunthervonGoetzenSanchez
@Wes hahahah
@kelunik whore :B
If somebody is here and wants to help they will
No need to spam
Have anybody worked with Symfony?
@Wes I even did that for free. :P
for "free", but in the mean time there is an invoice coming your way @Wes
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez don't ask to ask, just ask. Please follow the guidelines.
congrats for asking 4 times the same thing without nobody complaining
a have this error:An exception occured in driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'database_url' on a new symfony demo installation on xampp
dear me.
dear jay
jay, dear.
i cannot figure out what the url could be
no no, deer run too fast
Do you guys have experience writing cron jobs?
oh god zach is here again
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez not sure why you think it should be a url, but if you are using xampp chances are you are trying to connect to a local database. hence just write the name you used while creating your database
Everybody keep still and maybe he won't see us
stays perfectly still
What's your actual question @ZachSaucier? :)
what type of file do I put the command to run in?
All the examples say /path/to/command
Where's felix gone?
php /path/to/not-publicly-visible-file.php
@ZachSaucier Anything that just can execute
@JayIsTooCommon o/
I just want to run letsencrypt renew (usually done on the command line)
Get the full path to the binary and add /path/to/letsencrypt renew
@ZachSaucier Hold on, let me fetch my script as an example
full path is often not needed but smart to do
Ah crap, I'm on a windows machine without an ssh client
@PeeHaa k
@MadaraUchiha who even does that?? :P
@ZachSaucier He who plays games
I play games on my Windows PC with an SSH client
whaaaaaat :O
Speaking of games... I'm done with the tests for tonight @Ekin will add the missing Result tests tomorrow
Blame phpunit
Cool :-) I made plenty of progress on interval parser, but my eyes hurt now. Long tiring day again
yay \o/
The parser one not the hurting of eyes
But I got Separator, Separators and PatternBuilder almost done among other things. Still not sure if PatternBuilder or Pattern()->build() but I think I may continue on that tomorrow
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i think i got it... env(DATABASE_URL): 'mysql://root:[email protected]:3306/symfony_demo'
Guys I'm gonna need your input on something..it's about the awesome nodejs vs php battle
@Ekin Nice
@FélixGagnon-Grenier i uncomented this env(DATABASE_URL): 'mysql://root:[email protected]:3306/symfony_demo'
@wadie what do you need to know?
@PeeHaa does that mean we might raid a bit? I am going to get my revenge anyways... with or without you :P
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez is php still worth it anymore ? I mean with the whole laravel and what not it's cool, but nodejs is the modern web apps language don't you think ?
@Ekin Sure. Lemme grab a beer and I will join you
Alrite, same & need to switch to windoze
@wadie I used PHP and node.js BOTH are a good idea. But both are better for different uses.
@wadie Yeah you're right, Laravel makes PHP really cool
@wadie Node.js will never replace php
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez maybe not, but it can surpass it
@JayIsTooCommon it's like a different language :D
@wadie Yeah because it's javascript.
@Antono it's a reply about laravel making php so cool..because it's almost like another language haha
node.js can't replace php and php can't replace node.js
on that note. I'm out.
Take care..
See ya jay.
node.js is great for handling real time applications along with it's best friend socket.io
php however sucks with handling real time as it has to make requests constantly.
@wadie This story, "Node.js is the latest security risk for developers," was originally published at InfoWorld.com. Get the first word on what the important tech news really means with the InfoWorld Tech Watch blog. For the latest developments in business technology news, follow InfoWorld.com on Twitter.
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez you are very welcome to keep spam to a minimum please.
@ i found that on the internet and wanted to share it with you
@GunthervonGoetzenSanchez I'll check it out, thanks.
And there you have it, the security risks.
@Antono Real time communication works fine for us though
@PeeHaa Those blue ticks hurt btw
@wadie you will never be able to do with Node.js what you do with PHP
@PeeHaa I know, but it can slightly more heavy on PHP with AJAX calls.
@Antono No ajax involved
Just websockets
@JayIsTooCommon blue ticks?
Oh I forgot we have websockets.
I'm laughing at myself
It's ok. I also always find myself incredibly funny ;-)
BTW care to join @JayIsTooCommon? nvm after that
I am officially offended
@PeeHaa what is app, it's like you don't want to see my face which is crazy
Yeah sure, i'll hop on in a bit :)
those blue ticks :) Yeah will have a look what was said last. I kinda forgot
cracks are starting to show in this relationship
That was metaphoric... honest.
anyway, i'll join you's when back. Should be bout 30 :)
How old are you guys?
@JayIsTooCommon kk
@PeeHaa can you point me where catch(Throwable $e){ if(expecting exception){ }else{} } is done in phpunit?
try{ run test }
catch(Throwable $e){
   if(expecting exception){
       // verifies type, message, etc are ok
       // rethrow
@Antono 20, PeeHaa is 52 or something
@JayIsTooCommon 52 dutch years though
aye, you double it because of the weed effects, right?
@Wes 52 dutch years are like 25?
no, are like 104 human years :B
@Wes i understand
@Levi ping
Does anyone have any recommendations for a Linux flavour to be used as a desktop, for someone who only really uses PHPStorm and a browser. In particular, which Fedora distributions are good?
@Danack Ubuntu
+1 for ubuntu
although I have used and colleagues use fc25
-INF for ubuntu
nice, but not as easy ... there is a plethora of information about ubuntu on the interweb, a novice can find out how to do anything
+/-0 for Fedora
what are you using @Leigh ?
@Andrea you making comments and then deleting them? There is int conversion stuff in zend_operators.c, but it macros away to strtoll, same as used in intval, and it doesn't handle the 0b prefix so that still has to be dealt with.
@JoeWatkins At work, Ubuntu :D
At home, Arch
/me is stuck on ubuntu 14 because can't do upgrade and can't be bothered to manually do it
Previously when I was forced to use a Macbook, Fedora
I like arch too ...
tbh I like anything that isn't windows or mac
We use ubuntu for servers which works pretty well.. never used *nix as desktop
Well, on windows right now because I've been playing games
@JoeWatkins I used it before, right when they seemed to be changing it around a significant amount.
Ubuntu... for... servers....
Windows works pretty well for php dvl
@Leigh I done exactly that a few weeks ago ... there is a non-stupid ubuntu image for servers ...
I'm half expecting it to run X by default
no it's really non-stupid
No X involved :-)
So how can their desktop distro be so full of garbage
txt mode installer and everything
that's what a desktop is ...
Yeah, like mac and windows ... bundled with stuff noone needs :-)
like, Unity
@Danack I wanted to swap to fc25 when I saw on colleagues machines, it looks very nice, does come with good productivity stuff ... but there are so many little files on this that make it work for all the things I have to do, and I don't know their names any more ... so I just continue with ubuntu 14 ... I'm so crap ...
@Leigh this is the first thing I disable ... I hate that ... I use kubuntu to be precise ...
I'm not allowed to at work :(
that sucks ...
couldn't you accidentally do it ?
by accident
my hatred of windows feels mostly irrational all the time I am not using it ... then I have to use it for something, and it feels perfectly rational ... mac I just don't get ... all that effort (and money) for sub standard hardware, and they make it impossible to run it (properly) on good hardware
I do actually have a working osx vm at the moment, this has only happened three times in forever ... shiny but stupid ... having to have my address to download an ide is totally crap ...
@JoeWatkins it's usually not that substandard, but the newest update is a little of a joke… ^^
@bwoebi you pay top of the range prices for middle of the road hardware, that's how they work ... there are no really really good macs ...
looks very pretty, very nicely designed, both hard and software ... but that is not enough for me
@JoeWatkins well… my two year old iMac is giving 70% of the performance of your 2 CPU server from 4 years ago (when it was released I mean)…
it's not a top of the range server ...
not even when it was new ...
you can't argue that macs are value for money ... they definitely are not that
@JoeWatkins nah, but when it was new they were also a lot more expensive
yeah that's true, but not really a fair comparison, servers are always more expensive ...
@JoeWatkins .
@LeviMorrison ,
@NikiC :
@bwoebi ;
@LeviMorrison I was going to ask what was going to a vote, but then got the email about change keys rfc, looks like it was held off ... anyway, I can deliver mail to internals, want me to announce that all rfc's should be held off a while until this is resolved ?
related, sysadmins where I work have offered to administer systems for us ... they are proper sysadmins, and won't let me down every other day ...
@JoeWatkins yes, please
@Leigh deleted because it's clear intval() doesn't use it
> In light of the problems that we are having communicating with each other at the moment, we request that all RFC discussions are placed on hold:

* anything that is in discussion phase may continue to be discussed, discounting the period from 1st January until further notice.
* anything that is in voting will have to be restarted when our communication problems are resolved.

An announcement will be made when communications are back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
> the problems that we are having communicating with each other
Also, the email delivery is unreliable.
did you do a funny ?
@JoeWatkins serious though s/that we are having communicating with each other/that we are experiencing with email delivery/
oh okay
> In light of the problems that we are experiencing with email delivery at the moment, we request that all RFC discussions are placed on hold:

* anything that is in discussion phase may continue to be discussed, discounting the period from 1st January until further notice.
* anything that is in voting will have to be restarted when our communication problems are resolved.

An announcement will be made when communications are back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
@NikiC ?
What is currently in voting?
I'm wondering whether it should be restarted or just extended
array change keys was, and the throwable type generalization is
oh and param type widening is
> Voting started on 9th of January and will end on 30th of January in the evening (UTC).
from param type widening ...
okay, I missed that last one
@NikiC since we don't know how long it will take to resolve (which is unbelievable), may be better to just call for restart I think ...
ok hitting send ... in ... 3
^ have you hit the chats rate-limiting by now? :-P
@rdlowrey o/
@bwoebi I did
yo @rdlowrey
@rdlowrey o/
i miss being a regular here ... really trying to work on that
amp-stomp still in-progress ... working on it for the next couple of hours
@rdlowrey And we miss you being a regular here :-)
@rdlowrey I'd love to give some feedback soon :o)
sometime this week i'll have the first pass up on github
and I can't not do it because it's a hard requirement for some stuff I'm making folks do at work :)
@Machavity how exactly? :\
without repeating the code twice?
Question: is there a name for the process that PHP does to move a file from the temp directory (specified in upload_tmp_dir) to the appropriate folder?
Like something actionable that can be performed with that process?
@Tiffany not understanding. which process? you mean the operation of moving the file?
I guess. I'm using "process" as a generic term in this instance because I don't know how PHP does it.
@Tiffany "operation" is usually the term
e.g. I upload a file to web server using $_FILES. PHP puts the file in directory specified in upload_tmp_dir, then moves it to the folder I uploaded it into.
alright, is there a name for the operation?
The problem that's occurring, files are getting uploaded to the webserver, and permissions are not getting inherited, even after I changed the upload_tmp_dir configuration to a folder that's located in the web root. Which this behavior only occurs in Windows. yay.
there is no name for the operation, it is just a file rename (move) with the additional checks specified in the manual page
the permissions not getting inherited I mean
Noight o/
@rdlowrey Are you making a version for both v1 and v2?
@Wes we were thinking about adding a command that was piggybacking off the operation so that the permissions are added appropriately, to use as a workaround until we figure out wtf is going on.
@rdlowrey we miss you too
@Trowski not concurrently. I'm making a v1 version first just because that's what I need right away for work
then v2 soon after once I verify that everything is working as expected
@Tiffany there are no permissions on windows though
@rdlowrey v1 to v2 shouldn't be too difficult unless you use PromiseStream (and even then it's not too bad…)
@Wes files need IIS_IUSRS group added in order for them to be viewed on a website
otherwise a server 500 error is returned
iis? argh
@Wes there are....just fucked up ones.
@Trowski Yeah, I'm not going to use streaming functionality in the v1 version for that reason. Just a callback for v1 then I'll do it correctly with an Emitter stream for v2
Seems like it's something that can't be fixed with something tricky, so back to the drawing board
@Danack consistent with the rest of the system :B
my personal project of setting up a LAMP server over my 17 day break wasn't completed... blah
but not like I'd be able to migrate to one immediately anyway
@Tiffany Setting up a LAMP server takes around 30 minutes to an experienced person
keyword: experienced
@MadaraUchiha 30 minutes?
So to an inexperienced person it should take... a day?
dude, it takes 2 minutes tops
I have limited knowledge of Apache, and even less knowledge of Linux.
@FlorianMargaine Installing, configuring, etc.
@MadaraUchiha you might underestimate it a bit
@Tiffany Best time to learn is 5 years ago, next best time is now.
@MadaraUchiha yes..
I had to take what I was given
@FlorianMargaine I also gave in a margin for silly errors and debugging them
Tiffany Best time to learn is 5 years ago, next best time is now.
I think I'll take a week off next month and make that my focus. If I can get the time off.
@Wes no context
@MadaraUchiha I call BS on that.
it would take at least 30min just to securely set up a linux distro
@tereško vOv
@NikiC re #2292 I didn't merge that immediately because I found that systemd and euvdev were doing the same ac check, and then conditionally declaring it in some missing.h ... I don't know why that is, maybe they know something we don't ?
there is some fiddling with ssh key, iptables and groups required just for the start
Go to DigitalOcean, get the smallest possible server for $5, and start hacking
@tereško Meh
The error I'm encountering has been haunting me for a few months. I thought I fixed it, but no. Logs say it's an error with the URL Rewrite module in IIS, but the solutions to the issue are nonsensical. I would like to fix the root problem, that is, whatever is plaguing the files through URL Rewrite module so that I can learn something new.
and that's ignoring shit related to SElinux and/or systemd
@JoeWatkins probably forward compat for the availability of the libc function
It's more elegant to call the libc function and emulate it via syscall until available
my estimate would be 4 hours to set up basics from scratch
@tereško @MadaraUchiha the server would be hosted onsite, so I'd rather start from scratch than use a VPS
@Tiffany How does "start from scratch" contradict "use a VPS"?
like borrow a box from a friend and install linux, install apache, etc
@NikiC yeah it seems that way ... not sure if we should be doing that ...
@Tiffany there is no appreciable difference between a dedicated server and a VPS, when it comes to setup
Does a VPS come with Linux installed already?
@Tiffany Yeah
installing linux takes like 2 min
Then not what I want
because I don't know how to install Linux, so that's something I would need to learn too
you want to install OSX server?
@JoeWatkins if someone wants to implement it :P
and I know it depends on what distro of Linux I want to use
which I'd research
@NikiC the syscall isn't going to disappear whatever, so no harm done, we can always change when/if it does become available in libc (which by most accounts looks unlikely, read many trackers to find out what was going on)
Point is, I want to do all of the work so that I can learn how to do it, so when I bring up wanting to switch to a LAMP server, I can say that I know how to do because I've taken the time to do it myself.
none of them say what is going on, but it's a conversation that has been going on for years ... so probably won't get solved ...
my recommendations would be Arch - if you like to fiddle with things and require bleeding edge software, CentOS - for "install and forget"
FreeBSD - if you are me
We may use CentOS for something already, but I dunno what. I just remember hearing it in meetings
@JoeWatkins in that case I'd say leave as is for now
I could run a VM on my home machine and install CentOS (maybe) and go from there
@MadaraUchiha I appreciate your help, but I have to argue to make the switch, and I can't effectively argue it if I don't know it well enough. I feel that a VPS wouldn't given me the experience I'd need for our environment. I don't want to encounter a problem that I don't know how to fix.
We're already on WIMP and established on WIMP, so switching to a completely new environment would require some pushing of my superiors.
@MadaraUchiha you should award the bounty to the OP's self-answer on the grounds that it contains an actual working researched solution rather than a vague idea, plus I really don't need the rep.

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