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thanks @Madara ^^
A: Remove old git commits

DeveThis is possible with git rebase. Try the following git rebase -i HEAD~4 and then, follow the interactive instructions in your editor. In the first step you "squash" the commits. It should look something like this: pick 2f05aba ... will be preserved squash 3371cec ... will be squashed with da...

@Harikrishnan thx
When you do git push -f, your local version of the repo completely replaces what's on the remote. Careful when doing this on collaborative projects since if people have changes based on commit hashes that change, you're in a world of hurt to merge things back together
@JoeWatkins Yo !
guys, I got familiar with git, has someone a project on github that I join him? :-)
@Wes lol
wow, do you know you can use { instead of [ for array?
@Shafizadeh Yes, welcome to PHP 3.0, but given that no one ever reads the manual I don't expect people to know that (point in case).
Hi I want to enter page break in ckeditor automatically .
how can I do that ?
Happy 1483228800 folks :)
what is this ?
@SagorAhmed Have you tried reading CKEditor's documentation?
I have gone through ckeditors documentation
I have a plugin for inserting page break manually
But I want to do it automatically
@SagorAhmed Great, have you tried reading their documentation, doing some simple Googling, etc... what have you tried?
I have tried googling
Q: Dynamically Insert Pagebreak

amexnMy team working in a project using asp.net mvc3(c#). Based on the project requirement,we need to implement page break like Microsoft Word. I need to save the pagebreak and the page size may be a4, letter, legal, etc. Is it possible to control the page size of the content in the ckeditor and inse...

I have gone through this link
But nothing works
You want a page break in HTML?
Do you maybe mean line break?
No I want page break .
HTML has no concept of pages.
<div style="page-break-after: always"><span style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></div>
When I use manually page breaking , I see the above line is inserting
@SagorAhmed That's only used for when you print the document though.
There is no concept of a page break in your browser.
I want this
OK so then use that.
I want to insert this automatically .
Suppose there are 10 lines in a page
Suppose a page contains at most 10 lines .
Then what I want is , after inserting 10 lines a page break will be automatically inserted
how can I do that ?
I'd probably start by reading the ckeditor API docs.
Please help me
That's about as much help as I can offer. I don't use ckeditor. I wouldn't know how to do what you want off the top of my head. Though that's what I would do if I were you. When I don't know how to do something I go read the docs to figure it out.
@PeeHaa nope, I'm not to blame here :-P
@bwoebi I blame you for everything.
@Sherif yes, you do, but @PeeHaa mustn't.
@bwoebi I blame you for that too.
@Joe github.com/krakjoe/pthreads/issues/607#issuecomment-269897018 isn't it possible to synchronize kill with executor?
@bwoebi the idea of killing a thread that way is not safe, it was removed/deprecated in modern versions of java for that reason ...
the only way to do it properly is do it correctly, properly synchronized execution, carefully crafted code ...
think about what happens when some other thread is waiting on the monitor of the killed thread, or any of the monitors of objects in the property table, this is impossible to make predictable and safe, it simply cannot be done that way ...
@JoeWatkins ah, that's the issue. … but code checking for a flag or such only helps when the task isn't in the middle of big CPU intensive tasks
you mean cpu intensive syscalls?
I'm not sure what that means really ... example ? cpu intensive php can obviously be interrupted with such a flag
@JoeWatkins anything which does work at the C level
right ... well, that's a problem for sure, but we can't solve it this way
possibly an intterrupt is possible ...
possibly ...
@JoeWatkins that'd be an idea
I do not care much about how (as long as it's safe), but it should be possible somehow at least.
I'll have to read how java is doing it ... if it's using pthread_cancel, then I can't do anything about it ... cancel and php are not friendly, I've tried that before I removed kill()
ormin heehaa
qa is so shit, you do 10 minutes of work, and then have to stop for 30 because of stupid api limits ... it's very annoying
I've got a problem 3v4l.org/is8me
]the same code run in CLI gives
➜  ~ php -v
PHP 7.1.0-3+deb.sury.org~xenial+1 (cli) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.1.0-dev, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.1.0-3+deb.sury.org~xenial+1, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
    with Xdebug v2.5.0, Copyright (c) 2002-2016, by Derick Rethans
➜  ~ php -r "var_dump($a = [ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 ]);"
PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '=' in Command line code on line 1
escape $
oh, yea, THX
(ffr 3v4l is cli sapi)
I forgot, maybe I shouldnt code yet!
3v4l is not hardcore enough phplab.io/lab/WJTsd
@Wes cc @JoeWatkins it wasn't killed probably but rate limited
Chat doesn't allow you to repeat the same message
@PeeHaa but I tried normal stuff
help and ping didn't respond
oh oh, you mean chat rate limited @Jeeves ?
Because those aren't things :-)
@JoeWatkins Yes.
@brzuchal or swap single and double quotes
!!command list
Commands currently mapped:
 3v4l - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 > - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 ? - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search)
 anmol - Get a random dad joke (JeevesDad # DadJoke)
 at - Get reminded by an elephpant because, why not? (Reminders # at)
 caniuse - A quick search tool for CanIUse, a browser comparability feature list for modern standards. (CanIUse # CanIUse)
oh I see ... please throw JoeInternalMemoryException
@bwoebi THX, I knew that, I just really shouldn't code yet. It's to early after New Year :)
!!reminder list
Registered reminders are:
• @⁠DaveRandom http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/33706606#33706606 → Id: :33706826 → Saturday, 29th April 2017 12:01 (UTC) - Set by Gordon - Seconds left: 10196216
• finish cleanup of http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-start.php → Id: :34521502 → Monday, 09th January 2017 22:32 (UTC) - Set by PeeHaa - Seconds left: 730090
• http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/338573/sensitive-info-disclosure/338583#‌​comment425942_338583 → Id: :34823661 → Wednesday, 11th January 2017 14:13 (UTC) - Set by PeeHaa - Seconds left: 872971
@PeeHaa !! followed by anything should give a response
(would have avoided a bunch of pings)
But yeah it should probably return a general usage message or something like thta
Also will look into !!help and !!ping
if you set the thing up for me, I can have a look myself ... I mean set it up with jeeves login, in a dummy room ...
related, I have to write an xmpp bot, so getting familiar with jeeves is actually interesting for me now ...
Oh right. I forgot about the message. yeah sure
++sudo ... careful ... setup somewhere like /opt
and thnx
Is it just for testing the bot btw? I.e. can I just use the blocking driver or do you want to run it libuv?
run libuv would be good
Hi guys
Happy new year
happy new year @RosárioPereiraFernandes
@RosárioPereiraFernandes There is no evidence to support that theory.
Have you heard about the last victim of 2016?
Chuck Norris :(
He had since recovered, of course, but still.
Happy new @ all :-))
And a happy new year!
Wow, so many people still sleeping... fresh clone of php-src is bleeding fast!
@MadaraUchiha I'm very glad it's over ... but we are erecting false barriers ... it's going to continue ...
may even get worse ... probably will get worse ... as is the way with everything in the universe ...
@JoeWatkins Of course it is
To be fair, despite a bunch of 70s celebrities dying, 2016 wasn't that bad a year...
well ... for celebs dying perhaps ... ~40 innocents died last night too ...
I wonder if anyone, in the history of humans, has ever thought they were living in peaceful times ...
sorry ... happy new year :D
I dont care if celebs die or not. Just ppl like any other..
ya know, "Kingsglaive" was pretty coole
there are a few intellectuals that I will be sad to see go ... but I know it's coming ...
voice-acting was a bit off, but I liked it
@kelunik These are unsubstantiated claims.
morgne o/
shame that Final Fantasy 15 will not be on PC
when Christopher Hitchens died, I was a kind of upset, when David Attenborough, or Richard Dawkins dies... they only happen to be a kind of celebrity by accident ... they take with them an awful lot, and I see nobody ready to replace them, and I think what they do is important ...
@tereško yeah, I liked it too. Also for some reason the prince Noctis reminded me of Sasuke.
@JoeWatkins Currently we have type_declarations and typehints in Zend/tests, should be fine to merge typehints into type_declarations, no?
@kelunik yeah
@Ekin yeah, there is that
How do I run a single test again with run-tests.php / make test? I always forget that...
TESTS= (env)
happy 2017 all
and morning
aw damn, I need a fucking shave
Happy new year
:) same to you...
happy new years eleveners \o
happy 2016+1 o/
happy new year :-)
am I correct to assume redis incr starts from 0 if the key doesn't exist?
so I don't need to set it before that
/me is too lazy still and need more coffee
hello I'm trying to setup a SQL server on my Windows machine for testing
@samayo, to you too ..! One thing, are you remember you asked me "do I want to join you to a project on github?" And I said "I like it but I don't know git" ..! Ok well, now I'm ready :-) ..! I've learned git and I like to participate on a project .. do you have any case?
what are the advantages of having it as a Windows service ?
@Ekin "Increments the number stored at key by one. If the key does not exist, it is set to 0 before performing the operation."
@tereško for either your head or your face?
@PearlSek I don't know, what are the advantages of having it as a Windows service?
@kelunik Anything happened?!
@Danack yay, thanks
@Shafizadeh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Shafizadeh pubes, obviously
@Wes sounds rude :-) ..!
no, just gross
@Danack What ?
@Wes gross is the same as creepy?
I thought you were doing a joke:
"I say, I say, I say, what are the advantages of having it as a Windows service ?"
"I don't know, what are the advantages of having it as a Windows service?"
"One of it's legs are both the same."
no @Shafizadeh gross = vulgar, disgusting in this case
Ah I see .. and yes it is :-)
gross makes you go ewww
creepy makes you go AAAAAAHHHH
great imagery
I still say you guys are interacting with someone's research project.
however, "ahh" contains multiple concepts: 1) angry 2) Hopeless 3)pain 4) impatient
@bwoebi ?
wiki.php.net/rfc/parameter-no-type-variance < Should I start the vote? @bwoebi @JoeWatkins
you could, but many people will be afk for the next few days, it might be better to start in a few days when everyone is back to work @kelunik
@JoeWatkins It'll anyway be two weeks, so should be fine?
yeah should be, but, we all know that the discussion doesn't start until voting does ... so you may get through the first few days of voting all looking okay, and then someone comes back and points out something wrong ...
I know that dmitry is away for the next 10~ days or so ...
There's likely to be heated discussion. Avoiding starting the vote when people aren't looking will give you more time to persuade people.
Also.....starting a vote on a day when everyone is away, is kind of a dick move.
@Danack Having the complete vote when nobody is around is a dick move, but the actual starting vote doesn't really matter as long as the voting period is long enough?
Can you set it to like 3 or 4 weeks then? For people (like myself) who have had the whole of christmas away from work, the coming week is going to be playing catchup. A lot of people won't have time to think about PHP RFCs until next weekend.
And for a proposal like this, which has a large change to the language, using just the minimum voting period, started at a time when we know people are absent and likely to be not back for another week has the appearance of pulling a fast one.
Can do that, too. But I can also defer it for one more week. Was rather a question whether you guys feel like it's complete content wise.
@Danack It's not really a large change.
yeah I don't think there's much more to say in the RFC, I think there will be much to say in defence of it during discussion ...
I think deferring another week would be wise ... ideally you want dmitry on side at the outset, he holds a lot of sway ... if he only has a few days to review, he is going to vote no because of time, regardless of the impl
> Another practical use-case is, instead of widening the accepted type, allowing parent classes to introduce type declarations and having the sub-classes still compatible, i.e. this allows libraries to be upgraded to use (scalar) type declarations instead of manual checks without requiring an update for all sub-classes.
That could do with re-writing to have fewer sub-clauses in the sentence.
I'm open to suggestions. The sentence is quite long, yes.
I will have some more coffee and attempt to English.
I wonder if we can solve the root problem
The RFC could even be renamed for better 'marketing'. "Parameter No Type Variance" => "Widening type variance".
@JoeWatkins Which root problem?
the problem that we cannot support variance of any kind except invariance
Well, we need autoloading for full support.
do we actually need to solve that? Couldn't we just say "If you don't use an autoloader, you can't use variance" ?
it's not necessarily an autloading problem, it's a class-can-be-anywhere-at-compile-time problem ... autoloading makes the class available, but so does normal include/require
today, we compile classes (literally at compile time) but bind them at runtime: php-lxr.adamharvey.name/source/xref/master/Zend/…
what if, when a class uses variance, we output another opcode to verify the class before binding it
@JoeWatkins The problem with manual require is that it doesn't work anymore at compile time.
If A has a uses type B and B uses type A.
then it doesn't matter in which order the autoloader is invoked or files are included, if by the time you call ZEND_NEW, the class isn't available, then it isn't available, nothing we can do ...
(same as now with extends)
we don't need it too, if we move verify/build to runtime for these cases
at compile time we just create class entry, but do inheritance checks and so on at runtime ...
the difference between compile and runtime is not important for end user at all
@JoeWatkins Extends doesn't throw on new, but on compile of the child.
well then that could use the same kind of trickery
you would ideally want the autoloader invoked in both of those cases ... the class doesn't exist, so it's going to error, but it should invoke autoloader in both cases, right ?
it's obviously more complex than the few sentences I just said, but, I think it may be worth trying to fix the root problems, weird autoloading stuff, and not being able to do contra/covariance ...
hmm ... I wonder why ZEND_DECLARE_INHERITED_CLASS_DELAYED does not invoke autoloader ... there may be something important I don't know ...
also, I don't see that being output anywhere
(I'm certain it is)
Hey guys, I wish you a happy new year.
Could you please tell me how can I get data of youtube channels using array that consists of ten youtube channels
@JoeWatkins But then you can't fail on compile time anymore.
@kelunik yeah true, trade off seems worth it to me
@JoeWatkins But we could also just keep it the current way and just make type declarations for parameters invoke autoloading.
bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=68029 < Could we reopen that one? I think PHP should have a monotic time in core. Especially when using event loops with timers.
@kelunik better to just open a PR I think, anatol seems to have assigned himself for some reason, and then commented that op should use extension, which seems very odd, don't know if he has a plan or what ...
I'm clueless about windows, so couldn't tell you how to do it there ... but probably hrtime is going to be a useful resource for the feature
@kelunik that's another option, I think we already have similar restriction to the one implied there also ... I forget what, maybe with interfaces or something
@JoeWatkins I'll write a mail.
@JoeWatkins you are doing a great job in working thru the PR backlog. Thx for that.
Err, I'm getting this for a simple incr/decr upon onOpen and onClose:
[2017-01-01 14:49:32] debug accept
[2017-01-01 14:49:32] debug GET /ws HTTP/1.1 @
[2017-01-01 14:49:32] debug export
[2017-01-01 14:49:32] error Amp\Redis\ConnectException: Connection went away (read) in /home/ekinhb/PhpstormProjects/audiohub/vendor/amphp/redis/lib/Connection.php:224
Stack trace:
#0 /home/ekinhb/PhpstormProjects/audiohub/vendor/amphp/amp/lib/NativeReactor.php(265): Amp\Redis\Connection->Amp\Redis\{closure}('00000000618bb71...', Resource id #185, NULL)
not sure what I'm doing wrong
(sorry for the dump also)
@Ekin Did you configure Redis correctly? Does Redis run?
ugh it looks like I haven't, going to check it now
lol, typo on port
sorry, and thanks
Does anyone know how to persuade Graphviz how to render that more 'compactly' ?
This is the dot file gist.github.com/Danack/628a8a561f83c3632e014d96a4b360d0 and I'm using the 'circo' tool.
@Crell you're the only person who has admitted to knowing anything about graphviz - any thoughts ^^ ?
hey guys, could you please tell me why this: http://hashb.in/#FDAkEMAIF5IcgIxwNxgEY0gMgq0HYAiAJn0NQFMBjACwHtIIA6QgGkkKf1SA

gives `21, 21`?
I get that the first $b references $a, and the second 21 makes sense, however I don't get why the first 21 appears if I am outputting $a and concatenating $b to it
In my mind it should be 1, 21 ?
> I had mentioned the other day my desire to look at, and attempt
implementation of allowing by-reference assignment within list()'s.
The year is 2017. People are still using references.
@EliecerThoms have you thought about not using references in your code?
It was an interview question breh
Well probably the best answer is Mu - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(negative)
but that code is 'equivalent'* to:
$a = '1';
$a = "2$a";
$b = $a;
echo $a.", ".$b;
(*for small values of equivalent)
> Laszlo Levente Mári is an ex-Googler (front-end) and has taken several interview opportunities for fun.
Intellectual wanking like question detected
can any one advice me on this stackoverflow.com/questions/41415473/…
thanks fam
happy new year
@staabm I'd be going faster, but qa sucks
@JoeWatkins github.com/php/php-src/pull/1414 breaks a test.
@Shafizadeh blasphemy! Why would I shave my head?
@kelunik crap, which ?
would be uber useful if you could pr a fix so I don't have to stop what I'm doing ... or just tell me what's broken and I'll get to it ...
@kelunik related to rfc discussed earlier: github.com/php/php-src/pull/1820
@kelunik fixed failed test
@tereško because you are not a lady :-)
@Shafizadeh you obviously have not walked around in winter, when it's -30C°
@tereško :-))))))))))))
lol, one of the event types github has is called GollumEvent, it represents a wiki change
:34880841 Gollum is a lord of the rings character
yeah I got it .. :-)
@tereško I started going bald at 18 ... I am very jealous of any male who can grow proper head of hair ... do nothing to it ... one day, it may be gone ...
^ exactly my reasoning
my father started balding around 20
@JoeWatkins what do you need hair for? since you and your wife have chosen each other from childhood ..! ;-)
@tereško then lucky you are :-)
it does actually serve a purpose ... when I got out on a cold morning, and a have to wear a hood, I'm very aware that a 30-something year old man driving around with a hood up is totally ridiculous, I look like I stole a car full of children ...
For a read-only table with around 400million rows, is it best to be MyISAM or InnoDB? (using MariaDB so equivalent would be Aria and XtraDB)
@crypticツ unless you're doing fulltext searches then InnoDB is almost always superior, due to row level locking.
(and if you're doing fulltext searches on 400 million rows, you need to use something better than a DB)
do you have any idea what it costs to acquire 400 million locks ?
Yes? Which is why I would avoid ever writing a query that would need to acquire that many locks.
But it's nice to be able to update/insert in one section of the table, without blocking an update elsewhere.
it's easier than you think to write a query that would acquire a large percentage of them, the fact is with 400m rows, it's safe to assume data sets are going to be very large, and with one lock per row, it's reasonable to assume the overhead of acquiring the locks is going to be considerable ...
> But it's nice to be able to update/insert in one section of the table, without blocking an update elsewhere.
innodb cannot do that
it uses many different locking schemes, it just happens to have a lock per row ...
guys.... he said read only. Locks are kinda irrelevant here.
she, and a lock is still acquired
"innodb cannot do that" - I thought it can. Particularly with "select for update".
not only acquired but contended too ...
Pardon the default gendering, but write locking isn't which makes table level locking perfectly adequate (and quicker)
Correct me if I am wrong, a lock is to prevent writing to a row while it is being read by another process. So if no writing is allowed, why is a lock still needed?
@crypticツ tbh I missed the word read-only.
ah now, I thought you meant read-only by convention, I don't know anything about read-only innodb tables, I just learned that was a thing ...
@Sara I agree, it's adequate ... interested to hear your reasoning ?
mine would just be the potential number of locks acquired for any query is massive, too big ...
From the MySQL manual (assume the same for MariaDB). "All background threads other than I/O read threads are turned off. As a consequence, a read-only instance cannot encounter any deadlocks." I've got massive datasets of geographic info that is static.
oh right, so it doesn't start any writing threads, still the locks are acquired, they are not contended is all
Hello guys
@Sara sorry if my response seemed rude, "she" was just a reflex ... I know you didn't mean anything at all by it :)
(I'm sure I made that mistake)
@Danack it can in some circumstances, that's one of them, but in general ... it's not magic ... how it uses row level locking is quite surprising, using rollback magic when it detects "deadlocks" ... you can write quite normal queries that perform absolutely terribly because of it ...
@Danack myisam is way faster. if the table is read only using myisam is actually a nice idea @crypticツ
"" because it's not really a deadlock, because it has a (strange) mechanism to avoid actual deadlocks ...
it also predicts/detects groups of rows to lock at one time ... it's not your straight forward shared lock ...
I didn't take it as rude. I took it as a simple correction, and I reformed my statement in response.
ok cool, it seemed abrupt/rude when I read it back ... it just came out of my fingers without thinking about formatting it or anything :)
so what is your reasoning for prefering myisam in this case ?
I don't. I was only responding to the row versus table locking issue, and since only read locks would be acuired /ever/, table locking seems sufficient.
ok, agree ... I'm very scared of locks, so I went straight to that ... but yeah, you're right ...
(they ruin everything)
with way faster i mean all operations except fulltext search, that is almost identical i think, except that innodb works a bit differently (gives different score)
but actually innodb with read uncommitted must have very little overhead compared to myisam. i never tried tbh
I guess the best idea is to try and profile/bench ... maybe using only decent percentage of actual data
but I'd be surprised if innodb came out on top ... so it may be a waste of time :)
actually using less than full dataset wouldn't be sensible ...
@kelunik I see you commented here assume you reviewed patch and is okay ?
@JoeWatkins I didn't comment there.
And on a first look, no, the patch doesn't look OK.
sorry, and that was my next question ...
is it silly in principle ?
@staabm can I get mo opinion please ?
(and why is it silly, if it's silly @kelunik, I just don't particularly like the resuse of existing superglobal verbs for new things, but don't know if that's harmful in some way)
thnx 4 review
I have no idea of that code in general, but I commented on the code in general.
me neither really, I read the discussion and it was difficult to extract consensus from it ... there was just a lot of people shouting from their corner ... it's obviously useful to support, but feel unsure about this being the right solution ... I was hoping someone like you, marcus, or bob might give a solid yes/no ...
if you were me would you merge it ?
(once fixed)
@JoeWatkins Hard to say, as I don't know the impact.
@JoeWatkins I don't have any projects using other SAPIs as CLI anymore.

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