@MadaraUchiha Step zero: encourage small women to play less with barbies and instead get them to craftier tasks and encourage them to be early open minded and like computers (and not these tablets with far too many distracting games)
@bwoebi is there any way to see which route the present request was resolved with... like I have a route /foo/{BAR} is the request was for the uri /foo/baz
is it possible to extract /foo/{BAR} from the Request object
One question, A version control like github, doesn't support local databases? For example if my hard drive dies, then all my databases will be gone ..! Isn't there any workaround to upload them on github like my project's codes?
Anyone know how to make this query work? select *, (select count(*) from comments where userid = :userid) as total from comments LEFT JOIN members on comments.userid = members.userid where networkid = :netid GROUP BY comments.postedat desc
How about this:
function MyHereDoc(){
This is written in the HEREDOC, notice the multilines :D.
And Here
var here = "HERE";
var reobj = new RegExp("/\\*"+here+"\\n[\\s\\S]*?\\n"+here+"\\*/", "m...
I actually only saw one real mistake and wanted to correct some wording, but thought I'd put some effort in, not going to drag it out over days ... that's a waste of my and your time ...
In PHP, I cannot even get the SFTP connection to work. I have tried to use the native SFTP functionality (ssh_connect), and it fails to connect. I have also tried to use phpseclib, but it fails as well. Neither of my aforementioned attempts have provided much in the way of log info.
The nati...
dogs are so miserable tonight ... I don't even understand childish obsession with fireworks ... it's nowhere near midnight either, what exactly are you celebrating at 8pm and why do you need to do it with explosions ...
Actually I need to upload files in specific SFTP with credential. Now am using phpseclib for it. But while using it, i cannot upload it because of some error which is related to missing includes files. I am facing the problem like i sent below question. If you read out the comments, you will come to know my problem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31363709/why-does-sftp-via-php-fail-but-succeeds-in-filezilla-on-my-windows-8-1-machine
> There is nothing worse than “My printer doesn’t work.” or “My mail server doesn’t work.“. How are others supposed to help you when you don’t give them any information? Make sure you include at least this information:
@WyriHaximus one of my two cats are bothered, the one that isn't bothered is real strange, has taken the female dog for his friend, sits on/next to her all the time ... the one that is bothered just goes and sits in a cupboard, but no shaking or anything ... dogs are visibly distressed though ...
This is the error which i have. Warning: include_once(): Failed opening 'Math/BigInteger.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/pear:/opt/alt/php56/usr/share/php:./home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib:./home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib/Crypt/RC4.php:./home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib/Net/SFTP.php:./home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib/Math/BigInteger.php') in /home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php on line 891
@JoeWatkins Most of the fireworks aren't close at the moment and they seem to like the pretty fireworks where they aren't much sound involved. But they scatter when the explosion only fireworks comes in play. we pretty much left all doors open inside the house so they can hide when they want to. It breaks me up to see them in distress, and hear the same from others :(. The only thing we can do is turn the TV up and close the curtains. It's a shitty week for pets
it really is, there should be rules ... if in the middle of march I started to set off explosions in my garden, the police would come ... but now, whoever wants to do it can, seems wrong to me ... I don't object to 10 minutes of fireworks, but it does drag on until the shops sell out ...
not just pets either ... I feel even more sorry for the poor animals we are going to eat, or squeeze juice from, with nowhere to hide ...
@Danack Notice: Cannot connect to ftp.****.com:22. Error 110. Connection timed out in /home/eibahhxo/public_html/EibaMed/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php on line 1046 Array ( ) sftp Login Failed
We have rules here but they don't really help against illegally imported fireworks. They're allowed to sell the last 3 days of the year, and you're only allowed to light the fireworks the last 6 hours old year, and the first two hours of the new year.
They start the moment they're awake on the last day
I think we only have rules regarding age, but would love to be wrong ... I know that there are a few occasions across the year where this is a problem ... we seem to set them off for whatever ...
> Note: Enabling session.use_strict_mode is mandatory for general session security. All sites are advised to enable this. See session_create_id() example code for more details.
wonder who wrote that ...
nah, not really, I can guess ...
is anyone familiar with this stuff ?
guy is desperate enough to reach out to me on twitter, but I don't know the answer
Since PHP 5.5.2 there is a runtime configuration option (session.use_strict_mode) that is meant to prevent session fixation by malicious clients. When this option is enabled and the native session handler is used (files), PHP will not accept any incoming session ID that did not previously ...
But I think session fixation usually refers to the issue of you visit a computer, visit a site, write down the cookie, let another guy log in, then you use that cookie to "steal" the session / use the session concurrently, because it didn't change on auth.
that's also what I understand to be fixation, I don't see the connection between that kind of attack/malicious activity, and refusing to allow non-existent sessions ...
On a quick thought, the only reason I can see immediately is to prevent clients from doing insane things like using an empty cookie value and seeing that as valid.
@JoeWatkins big explosions are for imbeciles. back when i was a kid, when we didn't care of the risks because that was how we rolled in the '90, we used to play actual rocket wars between buildings. i miss those naive days. only few cities are keeping this "tradition" alive
This is precisely why I don't trust the "It was Russia!" lines we've been getting from the US Govt lately: https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2016/12/russia-malware-ip-hack/
@brzuchal Happy new year @brzuchal. In the next few days I will chase levi and kelunik regarding their objections to your object type RFC, so that we can figure out what to do with the voting.