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… ookay.
sorry, started typing a bunch and then realized, since I overrode the compile_* functions, then the op_array will probably be NULL on parse failure. I was correct
Anyone with good knowledge about twig templates alive?
No, I murdered them all.
You're next.
@littlepootis good work
I do not like it either, but I have to use
@bwoebi you still around?
@Dereleased just about to go to bed… if it's a quick question, ask now, otherwise, it's for the other day
@bwoebi For the other day, then. Sleep, and I'll catch up with you or someone tomorrow. Thanks again for everything.
Gotta pull class info for the dump, I'll keep reading how phpdbg does it and present any questions on the morrow
Anyone here tried using SWIG to generate extensions?
that looks interesting
wonder how good the result is..
3 hours later…
hey friends , please someone help me here :
Q: Filter results based on From & To Date

abcdI am trying below code to filter values based on From & to Date , but when i click on search button , its just refreshing page and displaying same page. But not displaying filtered results.... php $reg_user=''; $post_at = ""; $post_at_to_date = ""; $queryCondition = ""; if(!empty($_...

@abcd answer is correct it has only syntax error
@abcd $queryCondition .= "WHERE CAST(post_at as DATE) >= CAST(".$post_at." as DATE) AND CAST(post_at as DATE) <= CAST(".$post_at_todate." as DATE) "
@abcd try like this
okay @SagarNaliyapara
when we try to filter b/w From & To Dates, we need to use javascript right ? no need to save those "from & to" values in database ?
posted on November 22, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I know it's a bad idea to use angular with certain php frameworks (stackoverflow.com/questions/31989384/…), but any thoughts on laravel?
the general consensus in here is that Laravel is always a bad choice.
oh hahaha
@Gordon which framework you suggest to use?
/s/Laravel is/Monolithic Frameworks are/
@BarneyStinson the one that meets your projects needs, including just components libraries, and that you are the most familiar with.
Okay Thanks @Gordon (y)
@JoeWatkins I will definitely go through that!
The thing about using a full stack framework is that it will make demands. If you pick up Laravel, Sf, Cake or whatever, you are inheriting the entire history of that project, including all the design flaws, bugs, opinions and other legacy. People tend to be unware of the hidden costs of frameworks thinking that if they pick one, they are faster and cheaper. But like most things in life, using a framework is really a tradeoff decision. There is not only light.
man i'm such a noob
so laravel, yii2, angular are all monolithic frameworks
or is angular modular
angular is monolithic.
a framework is monolithic or a full stack when it tries to solve more than one particular concern, e.g. when it has a router, authentication, templating, etc.
so if you encounter a project that uses both angular and laravel, the architect wasn't very wise
basically, if you dont need any other library, then it's a full stack.
angular is front-end
laravel is backend
they have nothing in common
angular is written in javascript. laravel in php. you can have a single page angular application talk to a laravel php backend
i'm new to angular, but i thought it was full stack since it has 2 way binding with the model
oh right. the model isn't angular though
okay. so you can combine multiple monolithic frameworks
it's not really a combination
they're just playing catch
I assume your laravel is offering some sort of rest api which your angular interfaces with via http
so that means they are independent
oh wow. even though they are in the same project folder
well, more or less. I also assume no one bothered to create a dedicated model in angular but they are just using whatever the rest api returns in which case they are strongly coupled because the backend model leaks into the frontend model
noob way of looking at a project i guess. where the files are located lol
but still, the laravel app is just a datasource to the angular app then.
just like the database is just a data source to the laravel app
ya that makes sense. i'm gonna copy what you said and save it somewhere cuz i feel like it'll make more sense in a week or 2
@tereško I feel you. my recent shift towards javascript makes me totally regret composer.
so how do we actually manage cyclic dependencies in mappers?
woah, I just learned you can write multiple classes into a single file and then drag them from the project tree into a folder and they will get extracted into their own file. awesome.
that is totally supporting my workflow because I like to write stuff into a single file first
oh, that's intellij. I guess it works in phpstorm, too.
so you mean my inner screaming when just about to write a second class in the same file is superfluous?
yes. instead, you can embrace it now.
though I guess you wanna try in phpstorm first
@FélixGagnon-Grenier don't make generic mappers/repo methods. make them client specific. Then you should not need any cyclic dependencies
> 88M -rw-r--r-- 1 krakjoe krakjoe 88M Nov 22 07:55 sdcard.img
Morning everyone
What is a good kind of WIKI way to store your inter-company information, practices and project docs?
I am not talking about tracking system, but lets say documentation regarding deploying on production, setting up a new project, overall IT development flow, etc.
I guess Confluence is a good example
Confluence or in the wiki of your private GitHub or Bitbucket repo. Or in the readme of your app. Basically as close as possible to the source and where people can find it.
Mornin' folks ...
My head hurts ... Is this what php does to you for ever? Or is it just a noob thing?
Forever, get out while you still can
I'm considering gettin' out the uml !!! Any tips on organising code, js ajax json and php?
@JayIsTooCommon Sigh :/
Workin on some code where all the variables have wonderful names like 'div' for example...
best not go to the old sed command to quickly :) could get messy.
@Gordon quite good advice, thank you
Nuff of my whining, anyhoo back to it ...
Oh ... that would be functions not variables.
@lain just until you get to the level that you understand how most things work, and then your head starts hurting from coupled architecture
Haha, oh well, thats to look forwards to then. Thinking about getting into linux on dedicated systems; I think it would be easier.
Mornings all
moin pie eatereda
all o/
What's wrong with this one? :) $filtered_prods = array_filter($prods, function($var) { return !($var % 2); });
I only want the even or odd array elms.
Morning btw :) o/ ôo
@Duikboot Which one is it? odd or even?
I need the even ones.
What you have looks fine to me
What I have returns me all the "$prods" again ><
As in multidimensional array?
1 second
Check what you have in the callback
@PeeHaa hahaha, funny. I keep saying this to your mom
Well... she is fine
mighty fine
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Check what you have in the callback
Ooo, file watchers in phps
Sounds like a "wrong tool for the job" kind of thing :)
equipoise: an even balance; equilibrium.
Brilliant hosting. "Upgrade to a VPN setup, get 16.04 and php7!" Okay, we'll do it. "Oh btw we don't support 16.04 until January, but we can still install php7!" Okay, do it. "Sorry php7 isn't supported because it's not in a default repository"
Get a VPS already...
@Linus morgen
I want to write a PHP implementation.
You dare.
James o/
In Haskell. :3
Who writes the PHP manual, btw?
And is it on GitHub?
@rightfold Everybody can. And some people in here can commit
The docs themselves are still svn
I see.
If you just need to fix small things just use the doceditor
Oh funny.
A: PHP scandir not working for relative path

Sixth SenseFor me I will always use following code for getting image directory like this - <?php $dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/images"; $a = scandir($dir); print_r($a); This will give path from root location.But first check the path in $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and then accordingly adjust image lo...

@JayIsTooCommon yes, just ask for a Logger instance in the ctor
however please can you change it to use the looping approach that we discussed @JayIsTooCommon?
(and add logging at the same time)
since I'm pretty sure that will be generally more reliable
Yeah, will probably need some help with that but will take a look when I can
@JayIsTooCommon k cool, well I'm happy to work through it with you if we can arrange an hour or so to do it
Ok ideal, will give you a shout
@SixthSense $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] is often misleading. If you are looking for a path relative to the currently executing file, __DIR__ is a better solution
Tuesday is supposed to be better than Monday, by at least 1 ... I can't tell the difference ...
@JoeWatkins Tuesdays are currently rationed because of austerity. You only get one a fortnight at the moment. It's currently still monday.
@DaveRandom Actually this is okay when u need to find current directory but here I was thinking about the path upto root dir.
like /var/www/html/
@SixthSense No it is not
Now OP wants to run it from the cli. Guess what happens
If images directory is part of your app source then use __DIR__. If it isn't then put its absolute path in your app's config file and configure it on the particular installation.
Also putting uploads in the app dir is a deployment nightmare.
I never worked on cli ,so never think in that way .In general scenario when we need to find path upto image folder then we use
it's bad advice
and a bad question ...
Goddamnit. At least have the decency to revenge downvote a jquery question...
@SixthSense keys in $_SERVER are supplied by (yep, you guessed it) the upstream server. This makes them unreliable.
@SixthSense No we do not
As everybody is telling you. It's a bad idea
Are there good ideas?
Pick up drinking
@PeeHaa Cool then what will be substitute for exact path location of image which is not present in current dir ?
__DIR__ . '/path/relative/to/current/dir';
^ that is simply the most portable way of doing things. If you are one of those weirdos who wants to have some base path const you can even do the above in some project root @SixthSense
@JaNaMSoNi yo
How does __DIR__ work when the PHP file was included through a symlink?
What do you mean?
Whether it shows the "alias" or the target?
a.php is a symlink to b/c.php, d.php requires a.php, c.php prints __DIR__, what is the output?
Let's try it. :D
> `__FILE__`- The full path and filename of the file with symlinks resolved. If used inside an include, the name of the included file is returned.
`__DIR__` - The directory of the file. If used inside an include, the directory of the included file is returned. This is equivalent to `dirname(__FILE__)`. This directory name does not have a trailing slash unless it is the root directory.
AFAIK you get the symlink not the target
Apparently the symlink is followed.
Does realpath do resolving of symlinks?
The program prints /tmp/test/b.
as long as it has the x bit all the way up the dir heirarchy
nix permissions are weird
So, had interview feedback
I interviewed so well they offered me a deputy role
About that manager position?
congrats @Sean
Deputy? Do you get a deputy badge too?
@Sean Do you get a gun?
But yeah gratz :)
I sure hope so
I'll start wearing spurs
I wish my job came with a gun, I certainly have enough use cases
And bulletproof shoes.
Don't need them, I have bulletproof socks
Also a bulletproof left ear
but is your head mulletproof?
Lord no, thankfully, why on earth would I want that?
No need. Only the useful parts need protection
@MadaraUchiha could you please delete this dupe of a dupe of a dupe of a dupe stackoverflow.com/q/40738392/508666?
They really need to sort that
Detect a dupe of a dupe and use that as the dupe reference. dupe.
There are two main problems: 1) dupe detection is terrible 2) users are stupid and don't read the possible dupes
I like the word dupe
Bitches love dupes
Dupes love bitches
they should get married
you are such a dupe fiend
Q: Give an incentive for finding duplicate questions

Ian RingroseAt present if you see a question that may be a duplicate and has an easy answer you can post the answers or post a link to the duplicate question. (Or the few hi-rep users can vote to close it as duplicate, think of normal users here, not the people that read Meta) It is better for Stack Overfl...

@PeeHaa create a dupe question
lol good one
@PeeHaa No, my vote is binding
Vote for delete yourself
@MadaraUchiha Ugh. The issue with that and what I am trying to prevent is having to downvote the thing first
It's already -1
Also, what's wrong with downvoting it?
20 mins ago, by PeeHaa
There are two main problems: 1) dupe detection is terrible 2) users are stupid and don't read the possible dupes
I am not 100% sure which one it is
Again, what's wrong with downvoting it?
It's accepting delvs now people
I'm not entirely sure it warrants 3 downvotes
lol and it got an upvote...
bubye delvs :P
/me gives up on that one. Aaaaaand another dupe :)
In lighter news. I would say it's almost time for beer right?
a gun would be nice
Ask the deputy
Because I shot the sheriff
Oh BTW. DId you solve the github issue @JayIsTooCommon?
Yes that is a tad late :P
:P nah, gonna go through it at some point and refactor & add logging. It's third party reliance makes it hard to debug
IIRC you can just request a logger in the constructor of the plugin
Yeah chris mentioned that earlier, whether the logging will be useful i don't know but hey
I have a feeling there is just some logic screw up in there somewhere
Probably something you told me to do
But I haven't had a good look yet
It can only be your fault
Hey Guys!
Any one who knows AWS ?
@Marine Just ask your Q, someone will help if they can
I need to downgrade the php version in AWS
Why do you want to downgrade?
gets me error for the php files
What's the error?
check it out
ereg_replace is causing the error
lol you are using the STFU @ operator like it's the best thing since sliced bread
No wonder you get in trouble once you are upgrading
Well, All i need is to make the server to be live so that the other stuff is not messing me around.
Thank you @JayIsTooCommon
@Marine The solution isn't to downgrade, it's to fix your code

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