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@ChaCol is the order of pages important or not?
@Leigh From now on this should be every friday must heared song :)
@Naruto The order isn't important as long as the variables are maintained regardless of what page the user clicks on.
Which is difficult because I need $_SESSION = $_POST to save the variables from the forms, but I also need $variables = $_SESSION to access the variables if he goes back to that page without updating the variable to a blank form
What does the header command do? Does that just redirect the user to a different page or can I use it in a if statement that says "if redirected to this page from page 1 do this.. else do this."?
Or should I just create a blank page that saves the session variables from the form and then redirect to another page that can be use to call for them
@Fabor omfg
Heh @Jeeves <3 yeah will do
@Ekin I love you too :-)
@JoeWatkins is this a 2/3 RFC? wiki.php.net/rfc/random-function-exceptions it doesn't explicitly state it but it seems like it should be
@JoeWatkins I saw that you're working with @bwoebi on a `typed_ref_properties` that's wight?
I've been thinking about that, there are no typed variables right now, but using such typed properties with referencies could lead people will create some hacks based on typed properties like that:

function &createTypedInt(int $value) : int {
$data = (new class { public int $data = 0; })->data;
$data = $value;
return $data;

var_dump($integer = createTypedInt(3));

Am i corrrect?
@brzuchal if you pass it around by-ref all the time, yes…
@bwoebi Cool, so if someones need TypedVariables he can use such hacky construct for every type (in case of classes by hack with eval) right ?
it should be possible
Aren't you aware that people will do the stuff like that to achieve typed variables and use it for differend purposes than it was designed ?
@brzuchal Does that matter?
Don't tak me wrong, I'm waiting for typed properties from the first anounce and am happy that this feature isn't dead
We provide possibilities; if people do clever usage of them and build great things upon it, I appreciate it :-)
I don't know,
TIL You can use apostrophes in the local part of an email address.
TIL This system does not cope well with apostrophes in email addresses.
@Sean I know it's valid and all, but anyone who uses something outside [a-z0-9.\-_] in the left side of their email address deserves everything they get, or more to the point don't get.
I will also possibly include + as legit but even that is weird and annoying
I use + occasionally for spam filtering
Well that's just it, that is hacking the way that your mail provider works
Although I'm all in favour of abandoning email as a concept tomorrow and replacing it with something designed this millenium that is fit for purpose
Also I'm in favour of hunting down the people responsible for SMTP and hanging them
> subject is very slow
@ChaCol check if there is a $_POST before you assign values to the session?
@JoeWatkins just fyi: do not put a / after a t in zpp …
@JayIsTooCommon o/
morngin all
Nothing like the smell of fresh bugs in prod while going live because of last minute changes \o/
good mornings :)
mornin PeeHaa,hakre
@PeeHaa :P
@DaveRandom it wouldn't have been at the time, because it 7.0 wasn't released I think
@JoeWatkins I've stopped compiling the data for now because of real work to do and also because my simplistic approach of "all passed with 50%+1 RFCs" is somewhat ambiguous and not actually that useful. I might pick it up again later.
@DaveRandom cool, I think we found out what we wanted to know anyway ...
One thing that has struck me more than ever in attempting to do that, though, is that the tools currently available in wiki aren't really adequate for handling the complexity of some of the more contentious things that have happened in the past
Hi folks. $needle = preg_replace ("/(?![a-z])/ius", '|', $needle); instead of replacing anything that's not a-z it appends to every such character. What am I doing wrong?
that guy who mailed in saying he knew stuff about voting systems should probably be listened to
reflecting on that mail in the context of what I've looked at - and I only got as far as about half way through 7.0 RFCs - a lot of what he was said in that first mail made total sense
@ЗахарJoe (?!) is a lookahead, i.e. it's zero-width, it doesn't consume a character
try (?![a-z].) instead
you may want dot-matches-newline but looking at the original I guess probably not
oh you already have it
@Jimbo I have been running for 1 day, 20 hours, 13 minutes and 27 seconds, since 2016-11-16 16:34:33
Waheyyyy, he's alive
Nope, (?![a-z].) gives me exactly the same result.
Can you put a failing example on 3v4l.org?
OH: "It will be quicker to rewrite a huge legacy system from scratch rather than refactoring it." orly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemantics
my company has issues.
@DaveRandom that's still zero-width
oh god damn it
yes the . should go outside the (?!) @ЗахарJoe
why are you using the assertion at all?
oh good point
/me will crawl back under rock
And stay there
Ah yes. It works now, DaveRando. Thanks!
3v4l.org/mhL8Y @ЗахарJoe use that instead
@ЗахарJoe It's Weirdo. Not Rando
@DaveRandom now we don't need the s modifier
@Wes Today's the day
Yeah, that one is better. I just forgot about the ^
@JayIsTooCommon wut
I assume he means the grand tour
TGT - Watching it tonight, reviews up to now have been really good
Gah, debugging PHP 5.4 segfaults
oh right
such a fun activity
Gimme torrent. I'm not a bitch like wes
@rightfold Just upgrade. gees
Is a newer version available on Debian 7?
I can't reboot since nobody knows how to start some of the applications running on this server with 952 days uptime.
Dunno if in stable or they are waiting 10 years for it
@rightfold so it's not being updated at all?
Hi! I'm new here.
Which do you prefer, PHP 5.x or PHP 7.x for new projects?
@srifqi Hi new. I am PeeHaa. But you can call me Pee
because of what?
@srifqi php 7
@srifqi 7
@PeeHaa ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@srifqi Because everything else is dead
because it's twice as fast?
@srifqi 6
@Wes hhvm
@PeeHaa Hi Pee. I'm srifqi.
hhvm sux
indeed, hi @Pee
I thought you were new here
@srifqi many, many, many reasons. The most important being that 5.x will be security only in about 2 months.
@PeeHaa Then why somebody is still debugging PHP 5.4 segfault when he can just upgrade to PHP 7?
Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field
@srifqi who?
4 mins ago, by rightfold
Gah, debugging PHP 5.4 segfaults
We recently ported a PHP app from 5.6 to 7 and it was fairly painless. :)
@srifqi sometimes you can't "just update"
if you feel bad about that @rightfold, you can just stab yourself in the hand with a fork
@JayIsTooCommon That's code for, "spinning around on my chair".
Also, in your opinion, is PHP a scripting language or programming language?
We did an upgrade from 5.5 to 5.6 before, and it broke one thing: php.net/manual/en/…
@DaveRandom ._.
@srifqi Same thing.
Scripting language is a subset of programming language. All scripting languages are programming languages.
@rightfold Couldn't you just provide the right size?
you'll find it pretty hard to define what scripting language means ...
But yes, PHP can be used for things that you wouldn't call "scripting"
@DaveRandom Thanks for that info.
there are interpreters for C, JIT's for lua ...
@JoeWatkins HEEELP
@DaveRandom PHP can be used for things that you wouldn't call "programming" either. :)
/me writes C interpreter in PHP
what happened @bwoebi ?
@srifqi Yes, that was the fix.
@JoeWatkins I somehow broke cli_server.inc and cannot find the issue
@rightfold So, it is already fixed?
@DaveRandom How could? ><
in what branch and when ?
@salathe indeed, that's probably true of most things written in PHP har har har
@JoeWatkins typed refs … sapi/cli/tests/bug64878.phpt for example
@DaveRandom *grin*
@srifqi just like this, only for C. In theory you could write a C compiler in PHP if you wanted to. You wouldn't because it would be comically slow, but you could.
@bwoebi PASS Bug #64878 (304 responses return Content-Type header) [sapi/cli/tests/bug64878.phpt]
am I waiting for push
@JoeWatkins o_O
that was distclean
you might want to cleanup your build maybe
@Jeeves o.O
oh dammit Jeeves
@JoeWatkins I'm dumb
doubt it, what happened ?
@JoeWatkins Forget it, it's all fine :-D
cool :)
@JoeWatkins I invoked the test directly instead of make test
causing the env var not being defined
Oh, the security RFC vote is closed. It was on my to-come-back-and-read-later list.
@JoeWatkins Anyways, I'm expecting the build to turn green now
@Leigh no worries, flew through anyway
@bwoebi excellent
I'm being nagged to go out the door, back in a while peepz
Also found bugs.php.net/73563 … just to annoy @NikiC or Dmitry :-D [because the fix isn't an one-liner]
@JoeWatkins Go out the window to spite them
@Jimbo I have been running for 1 day, 20 hours, 33 minutes and 41 seconds, since 2016-11-16 16:34:33
rfcs takes ages
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
what about nasty things then?
That shouldn't have taken that long I think
I will look into it a bit more
I have one div which contains -
<span class="red mandatory_note">
Note: * marked fields are mandatory
and my jquery is -
language: myLanguage,
modules : 'security',
onSuccess : function() {

keyboard: false
onError: function() {

I am using form validator http://www.formvalidator.net/
The question is whenever I hit submit button error message shows even if there is no error and then form submit as normal
That's pretty clearly a Javascript issue
asked in that group as well
but no answer till now
i committed the vendor folder accidentally. damnit
@bwoebi how do we automatically test that all cases where references are modified are handled
@Wes n00b
@NikiC See the new added tests from 61 to 65 (I mean Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_061.phpt until Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_065.phpt)
is there a way to exclude it automatically, somehow?
@JoeWatkins you mean the dtrace change?
gitignore, right
@bwoebi I'm looking for something more comprehensive
not for production, just for our testing
@NikiC how do you mean?
like protect the memory of all refs, unprotect it in assignment
something that can guarantee us that we aren't doing any direct changes
@NikiC ah
it's quite likely that the patch is not 100% complete and it would be nice to have an automated way of finding the missing pieces. I'm just not sure how to do this yet
@NikiC create a shadow copy of the zval and compare it before each assignment?
I think that should be the best we could get…
@bwoebi not sure I understand
@NikiC add a new zval field to zend_reference and each time we assign, first we check whether the new zval field is equal to the actual refval and afterwards we copy the refval into that zval.
@Exception well I'm afraid I got nothing and you are unlikely to get a useful response here either, sorry :-(
@bwoebi Sorry, I still don't get it
so zend_reference has two zvals now
When do you modify / compare them?
@NikiC you compare before each modification, afterwards you copy the newly assigned value to the other zval too
@bwoebi Ah, I see!
Yeah, that should work
Only problem is that probably a lot of your Zend code is not using the assign macro
So would need some more manual handling
@NikiC could you please give that a try then? (that way you'll anyway have to browse through my code and can review at the same time)
@Gordon Ooh, thanks. Didn't know about valid!
@NikiC yeah but dmitry measured wrong and turned out to be 5-10%
@JoeWatkins that's more realistic
I was shocked too, but he seemed to have numbers ... disabled o+
@JoeWatkins yeah, that's more like it
2x is too good to be true :D
it's a bit early for christmas :P
still 5-10% is not bad at all
I'm looking for a premium proxy service do you guys have any recommendation for me ?
what's this dtrace?
it's only because it's dtrace, which is debugging kit ... it's not totally out of the ordinary for that kind of thing to have that kind of impact
yeah 5-10% on real life apps too, I'll take that ...
@JoeWatkins I think it has less to do with dtrace and more with the fact that it was implemented using execute_ex intercepts
have you ever actually used it ?
me neither
can't find anyone who has
seems pretty useless
yeah, shortlist for removal I think ...
but well, now it doesn't hurt either :)
/me looks at 81 sec bugs that need review and is instantly bored
hey guys, help me out please, i have an array of results $result, this array contains theses values ,
label mode_id value_id value
FCDP 3 9 texas
FCDP 3 10 paris
FCDP 3 11 nyc
GNSS 6 18 text
GNSS 6 19 texting
LTSL 5 17 milan
MWL 7 21 spacex
PHARAO 2 5 someval1
PHARAO 2 6 someval2
PHARAO 2 7 someval3
PHARAO 2 8 someval4
STSL 4 13 milan
STSL 4 14 rome
STSL 4 15 blabla
STSL 4 16 bla
STSL 4 22 ariane
I am having trouble with the first and the last select
this is a bin , pastebin.com/B9zRYWhE
HI I'D LIKE TO ADD YOU TO MY PROFESS-- I'm returning this damn ouija board
@Saitama when can I watch some new stuff from you?
@Naruto idk... but they told they'd air a new season about me in early 2017
wondered why I'm not getting any responses on an rfc
turns out I send it to the wrong mail
@PeeHaa haha just checked, latest PHP 5 in Wheezy repo is 5.4
@Gordon FYI, noticed this Meta thread last night. Since that Q yours, thought you might want to weigh in
@NikiC Spelled PHP backwards again?
@Saitama you should try to get a new promotor.. they just slacking and stealing your money atm...
@JayIsTooCommon Yeah, well, you're using PHP, so I figured you all were gluttons for punishment ;). — Mike McCaughan 1 min ago
@rightfold lol
@Saitama just push em once, that should do the trick ;)
that should do it
@NikiC ha
@Wes With composer users anyway.
s/composer users/the kind of people you would want to know/
moin levi :D
hehe :P
Our plan is to upgrade to PHP 7.1 in May. We are on 5.6 right now.
@NikiC Are you hinting that the 2x speedup by the JIT project will be ready for Christmas? :-)
@NikiC could I encourage you to change the assert stuff, or could I work on that section ?
the whole implementation is ruined by that requirement
I hate it
What assert stuff?
in the deprecations rfc
@JoeWatkins Still pretty nice though.
It's not 2x but I'll take it.
@LeviMorrison yeah not bad irl apps
it's only in narrow cases, where dtrace support is compiled into php binary
but it turns out to be most rh derivs
at least
Is there a php feature that allows me to write custom code dumping some relevant variables whenever i fail or raise an exception?
@JoeWatkins what exactly is the issue there?!
Did 5.4 use COW arrays?
@bwoebi remember the way it always calls the assert function
but I guess we are only talking about deprecation now whatever ...
Yeah, just deprecating
For example when I enter a loop, make it so the index gets added to an exception, or error message.
LONG LIVE (unset) cast
super useful for code golf, set something to null while doing anything else

e.g. $foo = (unset)($bar = 3);
which bits are meant to be controversial @NikiC ?
@Dereleased you are using the word useful wrong
@JoeWatkins each() deprecation possibly. IMHO it shouldn't be removed as long as we have the IAP... \cc @NikiC
@JoeWatkins huh?
@bwoebi each() is actively causing problems (see the array warning rfc), so I think it should be deprecated
@JoeWatkins to be clear, all of those are separate proposals in a single rfc, so it's fine to vote against just assert, for example ;)
@rightfold sure
@NikiC I'm not sure... need to think about it... It's the only listed one I see as a bit controversial
@NikiC I would personally like to see the deprecation of string usage of assert delayed until 8.0 OR until the last 7.X release.
But may vote yes anyway.
You lot, DB design, a project can have multiple statuses, and each status has multiple different fields for each one. You go through the statuses one by one, so eventually the project gets to the 'completed' status and has all of the fields from the previous statuses filled. A colleague suggested shoving all the fields as db columns but I feel it's dirty as they're all null initially and i have a gut feeling there's a better way - any takers?
@LeviMorrison Given that the only thing you get if you use the "normal" assert form on PHP 5 is a performance penalty, I think it's fine
Because if you're using PHP 5 you clearly aren't interested in performance
Or not sufficiently interested in it that it should impact your assert usage
@NikiC aww :(
@rightfold why aww?
Because I wish lack of COW would be causing my issue. :P
@NikiC Some of these libraries I'm using do a lot of asserts. I can understand your viewpoint (which is why I said I may vote yes anyway) but would much prefer it to be delayed.
Is there some particular reason that one you want deprecated ASAP?
I definitely agree with the change, just not the timing.
I suspect that I may be one of the few people actually using assert extensively pre-7 though.
So if it's pretty much just me impacted... sure, why not?
omfg I hate BASIC in all it's forms so fucking much
@Jimbo Will they all eventually be filled ?
@NikiC was overexcited at the possibility of getting to fix assert properly ... it's okay, I calmed down, we are just doing deprecations ...
evening room
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 4 mins ago, by Cold Fire
@Machavity lol its android room effect and that peeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@PeeHaa ^
@PeeHaa bool(false)
@DaveRandom Not sure if I don't get it or you're not funny :P
Suspected that
@LeviMorrison Not really ... I just prefer to deprecate everything ASAP
@Leigh Yes
Still feel dirty though
@PeeHaa yaya \o/
oh wow. Welcome to the dark side :P
@Jimbo So what are you proposing as an alternative? EAV?
* @deprecated
/* {{{ main
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int free_query_string = 0;
int exit_status = SUCCESS;
any freelancer
Don't think we have that many
i may have some backend php work
@PeeHaa <?php // E_DEPRECATED
@salathe dokuwiki changes pushed; am now babysitting.
Interesting, a guy from India outsourcing to here...
@ColdFire I'm waaaaaay too busy as it is
Also, we're all kind of expensive in here.
@PeeHaa doesnt look like it
lol touche
Jeeves isn't going to break itself
Well it sometimes does but that's not the point
@Leigh why is that interesting
Because usually India is the destination of the outsourcing.
well i can afford expensive dev alright, but anyways this is for a client not me
PeeHaa sounds like spanish slang for dick.
Anyone feel like reviewing github.com/php/php-src/pull/2207?
I'm a bit afraid of changing that code
Full disclosure: I often cancel the stars if the message is vulgar. So if you are ever wondering who does that it is probably me.
@LeviMorrison @JoeWatkins does the same
Most likely not much of value will be lost anyway :)
is there a place where I can download a new php.ini file?
for a specific PHP version
@Tiffany github, pick the tag for the version you want
alright, thanks @Leigh
@NikiC I've done one read through, I can't see any obvious mistakes ... I wouldn't be brave enough to change it either, I don't think ...
I got halfway through and wasn't sure what I was reading anymore
it is difficult to re - a + d
will read through it again later on .... and probably again tomorrow morning ...
@JoeWatkins context is bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=73497, btw
memcache uses php_url_parse_ex with unterminated strings
> I like to propose a creation of a new declare() directive that allows
"emulates a future engine version". And where I say engine I mean PHP
sounds magical

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