is there a way to sort array(0=>array("field"=>"b"), 1 => array("field"=>"a")); by field ascending lets say, via a single php function like usort or etc without having to do foreach loops to create a new reference array and then loop the actual array into the new one?
every example I found says to create a new array, then loop
something like array_sort($array, 2-nd-level-key);
@Wes Sorry for late reply, The original purpose of my question is I have a complex union query with 7 tables, and the column names or number of columns don't match so I keep having to add empty columns. So I figured for efficiency I'll simplify the queries and just run all 7 queries separately, then push them into one array, but then I need them to be intermingled and sorted by date_uploaded. So that's why I wanted to sort a multidimensional array using a specific key 2n down into the array
because the one column they all have in common is date_uploaded
the database results are array("0"=>array("date_uploaded", "col1"=>1,"col2"=>2,"col3"=>3), 1=> array("othernamecol1"=>"","col2"=>"","date_uploaded","col3"=""etc) so it would sort the keys, not rearrange them based on "date_uploaded"
I'm letting the Democrats wallow in their own mess.
They rigged primary and outed Bernie Sanders, and chose the weaker candidate to go up against Trump, and also DNC leaks showed they were colluding with media to prop him up to garner more fear to vote Hillary, which of course backfired.
I'm kinda enjoying watching America fall apart. *evil laugh*
I'm sure they are, but they are still listed as a hate group under the FBI, so it's not like they suddenly get to go running around doing lynchings. Trump is not the one in charge, his VP Pence is. It's like Bush and Cheney. Bush was the little child that represented the face of the Presidency, while Cheney was the one running it all behind the scenes.
When put against Trump, Sanders was double digits ahead, but when put against Hillary she lost. This was at the time of the primaries.
I did too
The DNC fucked everyone by getting rid of Sanders. Who in their right mind nominates the candidate that loses against your opponent, over a candidate that would win with double digits?
@Wes Definitely. By at least one definition Clinton was stronger: more Dems voted for her than Sanders.
I don't think the next 4 years will be as bad as people seem to make it seem. People scrambling around doing stupid stuff like #calexit is just paranoia.
What's obvious to me is that the senate, house and presidency were won in majority by Republicans despite strong predictions otherwise and thereby indicates that many of the Democrats had no clue what was going on in the country.
@Gordon thank you .. it was comforting (A statement on Donald Trump's plan to ban all Muslims from entering the US has mysteriously disappeared from his website.)
Having a brain fart moment with mysql, how do I get a group_concat of all ID's with account_id = 12 from 3 tables ? table_1, table_2, table_3. all 3 use account_id as reference. so table_1.account_id = table_2.account_id = table_3.account_id . I was trying something along the lines of SELECT group_concat( AS table_one_list, group_concat( as table_two_list etc, but table 2's concat always ends up repeating a value instead of unique values.
I am gettting this error :-Couldn't connect to database server.Couldn't find database cjquery.An unexpected problem has occured with the application. SELECT statscurl_id FROM `statscurl` WHERE statscurl_ip = '';
hello, I am a newbie here. pardon me if anything wrong. I am working with PHP & PostgreSQL in Redhat 7. I have been searching for a php_pgsql package for my project. but i could not find the desired rpm instead of that pdo_pgdql is there. please help me.
ahhh brain failure is over after 6 hours of trying to figure out how to make a complex mysql query work faster by offloading some of the work and simplifying the queries.
@JoeWatkins If you rewrite the second example to use declarations at the top, it doesn't get any better
@JoeWatkins Arguably gets worse, at least if that while() loop is actually 150 lines of code. You don't want variables that are needed only below the loop to declared 200 lines further up, just because
@JoeWatkins please check through the instances where Anatol or Kalle did C99 -> C89 "fixes" in the git history. Then you see actual examples where it happens…
Would you guys mind if I pin a message about the 7.1 migration guide in here? It's well on the way but could do with some finishing up and I just don't have the time to do this myself.
but I can't refute the argument that they are far removed from their source, or that their lifetime should be minimal ...
maybe I was just wrong, and just repeating mantra ... I do think it's more difficult to scan for declarations if they can, in principle, be anywhere ....
while you will always be able to defend the position of your declarations, I genuinely fear that it will lead to the acceptance of a worse standard for everyone ... if I can't say to someone "please tidy this up, because ...", we have to merge crap, right ?
also I don't get the argument for mixed declarations harming readability. I mean… that's, that's what PHP does. PHP doesn't have variable declarations. Is PHP code unreadable?
And you could argue, okay, if you don't group declarations, then they're not all in one place, sure. But inherently their first meaningful values cannot all be in one place, because various kinds of computation will have to be done.
it's not so hard to scan php for the special character denoting variables, C doesn't have that ... what we have to delimit C when scanning it is blocks
and apparently some people can use basic blocks, and I'm sure I'll be able to after I seen it 10,000 times ...
What are proven ways of getting user friendly error messages to the UI? For example an exception is thrown in my domain layer, it will get caught in my application layer and an application layer level exception will be thrown back to the controller. I don't want to basically recreate my domain layer exceptions in the application layer just so I can not leak the abstraction and let domain exceptions reach the controller. Should I convert the domain exceptions to user friendly messages in the
...application layer
This is something which has plagued me for years. I've tried all sorts of solutions but none i'm ever really happy with
if you have something with proper indentation as visual reference, you notice it, but if you start with an empty file, you don't notice the fifth space. super annoying...
so, in summary: today has been crap and for some reason I am sleepy since 17:00
I think I have a caffeine withdrawal
@kelunik ya know what makes it even worse? That method doesnt even use those variables. It just passes it along. The variables that it need, it pulls in from session globals.