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anyone able to help me fix something in a PHP page?
I've got an index.php file which will auto-include a page/code into a div when index.php?page=[validpage] is defined, but when I use just index.php, it errors out. How do I fix this? Code is here: codepad.org/FYFXWDPv
@ThomasWard What error is it giving?
wait a sec
checks something
this makes no sense...
hang on, lemme re-push my code
Also, no need to do an else if with a need to call empty() again. Simply put an else after the if (!empty($page)) check
i know what i did wrong
didn't define the correct include path where its giving the error
Also, you'll probably want to do an isset($_GET['page']) before you attempt to access the variable
I'm sure you're geting a E_NOTICE level warning when you don't include that GET var
@CharlesSprayberry you preempted that next question xD
nice going :P
'tis all working now
i guess i should learn not to code while extremely tired... i make stupid mistakes... xD
@ThomasWard Eh, mistakes happen. You're a human, not a computer. More important that you learn from your mistakes then anything else.
I sincerely wish PHP had a __toArray() method.
1 hour later…
Anyone here good with cron?
@Tomirammstein, Is that a yes?\
¿Do you need something about daemons?
Somebody know facebook php sdk?
1 hour later…
can you use the const keyword inside a namespace but outside a class?
answer is no
Anyone here ? Ever Designed a Content locking network?
@GregBair Yes you can
Woot, going to Disney next month
@ircmaxell For you or the kids? ;p
1 hour later…
weeeeekeeeeeeend~ yeah!
anybody there to help me up with joomla extensions?
"Recently, a guy named Eevee wrote..."
Didn't know eevee's could write :o
3 hours later…
You could just highlight my name here you know, you don't need to post comments on questions :P
@Sam like so
Hey thanks for coming, ive got a bit of a php problem, but its a little nooby and hard to explain :P
I didnt know you could do that @Truth
Go ahead
Im testing out using php in css to make it more dynamic and easy to edit by using placeholders for values
such as @color = #2b2b2b
I've been there :P Where are you stuck?
my problem is how to read these lines into an array
so at the top of my css page i have this :
@resets = *{border:0 none;margin:0;outline:0 none;padding: 0;}
@width = 1000px
You're trying to make a preprocessor
i need to push these into an associative array like this
$dynamic = array(
"@resets" => "*{border:0 none;margin:0;outline:0 none;padding: 0;}",
"@width" => "1000px",
I wouldn't do that
How come?
Why not just
<?php $width = "1000px"; ?>
And then
div { width: <?php echo $width ?>; }
Seems a lot simpler.
There are many (very good) CSS preprocessors out there, (SASS, SCSS, COMPASS)
It was to make it easier to read for the people that will be using the file. So they only have to remember @width rather than <?php echo $width ?>
I know where your going with the preprocessors, i always prefer making them myself because i fully understand how they work then :p
If you wish, you could use the shorthand syntax, ie <?= $width ?> although I generally try to avoid it
I guess i could
Do you have any idea how i could read a line into an array?
I once had a full fledged CSS class, filled with methods and data structure and all
@color = #2b2b2b
an associative array $key => $value
Well, it seems like a simple enough file manipulation
Have a look at fopen
Specifically, fgets
But do know this, by preprocessing this way you are constricting yourself and your users, if a line doesn't explicitly start with a @, or has too many spaces or whatever, your code will fail. Think well about what syntax you wish to support
o.O that looks a little beyond my skill level a the moment. So the basic concept is to open the file, do a regex to find the lines i need and read them into memory. Then explode these lines into separate variables and then add them to the array? Does that make sense? haha
@Sam I'd recommend lesscss. lesscss.org
Have you used that before?
oh wait, not that one, the php one. leafo.net/lessphp
yes, I use it. Its good for simple variables and nested matching of elements.
Ok ill give it a go, i may just look at the source to see how they did it :p
the websites are pretty good, it does add an extra step (you have to compile your .less files to produce your .css)
the syntax is really easy and it is only an extension to css (so compiling a css file is ok, as it keeps it the same)
Ok cheers for the tips @Paul :) I was saying to truth that i like creating the preprocessors myself to become a better programmer
Because ive learnt all i know on the job, i don't quite understand how it works but i do know how to write it. if that makes sense?
@Sam Don't worry, I'm sure there will be other tasks ahead that will help you to become a better programmer. I like keeping my css separate from my application, so I don't like to mix it in with my PHP anyway.
But you do use preprocessors such as lessphp?
yes, i find that useful. CSS is missing variables for common colors and nesting definitions, so thats where less helps out.
Ok i shall give that a go! :)
Im getting off for now so thanks @truth & @paul
@Sam no problems, I'll be interested to know if you like it later on.
I shall ping you later on when i have tried it
Hello everyone :)
Guys, I really need your advice on something. I'm building a portal website which catches news feeds from several websites. Those feeds contain: title, date and URL of post.. I want to get the full post from the URL, but what's my best way to do that?

I've tried to file_get_contents(web_url) and then scan for the html tag and get the post out, but file_get_contents takes around 3 minutes to load that page.
Any ideas?
what are you talking about ?
are you making some sort of rss aggregator ?
@Mittchel try cURL
or is that some sort of data mining project ?
Give me a second to type out the full meaning of this 'project'
There are a lot of football sites available in the Netherlands which provide you with the latest news. There are also a lot of fan websites from a certain club. So what my goal is is to create one single location which retrieves all the news from all those websites and show them in 1 spot.
All the RSS feeds just provide links to the full post and don't have the full post in them, so I need to filter their pages.
then what you need is to separate the whole thing
What you mean by 'seperate the whole thing'?
first , you need to read all the rss feed , every X minutes and store all the new links in a queue .. DB table might make sense
yep and check if there are any updates, right?
then you need a serverside process which is fetching content from the links that are in the queue
Yea makes sense..
Do you think it's good to store all the RSS feeds that I fetch? so I can check for updates inside my local database?
and the website itself is just showing items from "processed" links
@MatisseVerDuyn , each feed item will have unique URL
What about the performance for loading every full HTML page to obtain the full post?
as° in UNIQUE constraint in the DB table
Will it be bad performance to load every page in HTML and filter for the post?
@tereško @Mittchel you can save time and resources by only updating the database when a user requests the data (and only every several minutes), it's called caching
@Mittchel that could be done by same process which is fetching the content , or you could just fetch the content and let different process to deal with parsing and extraction of information
@Truth , i think you do not understand what he wants
@Mittchel It will, you should try to find some sort of API that the server provides and hopefully get only the post (in JSON or RSS)
@tereško I read his question, he wants to aggregate posts and feeds from different sites
@Truth , that wil NOT save time
instead of a cron operation running at the background and updating regularly, you only update when you need, which would save server load.
There's no point of updating the database if no one requests for it for days
@tereško No need to SHOUT, I can read perfectly fine with regular caps.
Also, please explain your position before claiming that "IT WILL NOT"
@Truth , and what will happen when the football fanatics of Netherlands start hitting that site
You cache
please stop suggesting things that would make sense for blog that noone visits
You only update if you haven't updated within the last several minutes
bitch please
The first user to force the update of the cache will think that the site is down and give up.
That would depend on how long fetching those updates take
Yall just talk about cache with different characteristics
how did this noob earn so much rep ?
True, if it takes too long, you shouldn't work that way.
it can update regularly.. and it can update based on view stats
oh .. jquery and html .. right
@tereško Excuse me?
@Truth There is no further RSS or JSON for the full post available, thats the issue.
@tereško Are you starting a flame war? What are you? 10 years old?
Maybe it's better for me to read all the RSS titles and as @tereško
i mean there is no point in regular cache if noone uses the system.. and entire history is not that important
mentioned.. just check for unique id
@Mittchel In that case, disregard my previous posts, you should definitely use a cron job to update regularly, especially if you expect many users.
and if a new post is available, I filter html and store post as plain text in my local database
So when a user request comes in for certain post.. I already have it in plain text locally in my database
unique URL , not ID
you can hash the url's
Whats the benefit of hashing them?
@Mittchel They generally take less space, and their easily distinguishable
Also, an attacker can't tell what post is from which website
constant 32 or 40 characters long string as unique key , instead of 200+ char URL
it is to speed up the addition of new items in queue
of course i am assuming that Netherlands has like 100+ football related sites that you have too go through
Well might not be as large as that lol, Netherlands is quite small
but lots of pages are providing a rss for each club news
and there are a lot of clubs, so a lot of feeds:P
So it basically is a good idea to do it in these steps:
1. Read the RSS feeds check for new headlines
2. There is a new headline, so get the HTML page, filter it and place the post in plain text in local database
3. User wants to read a full post, the plain text is available in my local database
no really
1. check the RSS for new URLs
2. put the new URLs in the queue
3. pick the next RSS feed
4. repeat 1.
different process
1. check for new items in queue .. if none : do nothing
2. read the content from URL that is oldest item in the queue
3. execute parser for that specific site
4. store the prepared content in database
5. move item from queue , to "articles"
6. repeat 1.
Are these processes running async?
@Mittchel , something like this
Cool new challenge.. never did this in PHP
you can actually do it in any language you know
Should I run the process every 10 minutes or so?
the whole thing does not have a "public" interface
@Mittchel , i doubt that you would need to do it so often .. unless there is some event going on
Yep, maybe good idea to design something that is able to change the process time when needed.
Like when the transfer market is open
this also has the benefit of creating an archive of news
sounds cool :D
Only one problem is that every website has a different markup and needs to be filtered in a different way.. so I'm thinking of a Strategy pattern which makes it possible to add websites very easily
6 mins ago, by tereško
3. execute parser for that specific site
haha you're right:P
Different question; do you know a framework that supports OOP interfaces (PHP5)? Thought CodeIgniter didn't
you don't need a framework for this
No, but should be easier to seperate logic from view
for the data gathering you don't need a "view" =P
You are a hero!
Bit overkill I guess to use a framework haha
Btw the async process they run in PHP or jquery stuff?
the processes run on the server
in the "background"
the are in no way directly related to website
the website only read the parsed list of articles
e.g async via cron
and cron doesn't support jquery (thank gods for the small blessings)
Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION <-- Means that $_SESSION is empty, correct?
thanks for your help @tereško
@Chris , or that you have not started the session .. as in session_start()
Ah, I haven't indeed. Sometimes I feel so stupid. Thanks @tereško
Morning, you!
You know what sucks? Learning to code. You know what sucks even more? Learning to code in language other than English.
Also, I can't down vote. So that sucks, too.
you have "programming books" in estonian ?
only books that i bought were in russian : 3 for pascal , 2 for delphi and 2 for assembler
That, too. But in universities it's all in Estonian, so when I come back here I can't understand anything. Or the other way around.
@Chris , we usually have slides in english at the university
We have slides, too. But in Estonian. Sometimes in Russian, too .. But I can't read/speak Russian.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa You really love cv-pls don't you?
and morning :D
Anyone know why The Pipeline by 5by5 is no longer running? I loved that podcast :(
@Truth it's the least I can do :)
Hmm, let's see
14892, what are my chances of getting to 15k today? :o
I'm gonna say no.
Or then again, in some weird mysterious way I got 75 with a few hours yesterday. So, probably yes.
i want to sort the array by IDlisting
sorry i dont know how exactly
ok ty all
have a great day
Why can't Hacker News look like this: taiyab.co.uk/work/hackernews
I'm looking for a good slide format for a presentation I'm making for an intelligence company (a service like google earth which takes photos of a specific place)
Anyone has something good in mind?
Should be with brighter colors (I know this has nothing to do with this room, but I hope you'll forgive me :D)
GitHub just recently bought a presentation platform.
Let me google for it.
speakerdeck.com there you go.
There are good stuff there
Yeah, it looks good, too.
Looks awesome
Plus, it goes full screen so no need for some third-party app.
@NikiC hey. Could you tell me, is there a way to pass a value on every iteration of the loop into array {{ some_function( { 'param': 'param'{{ value }} } ) }}? It's regarding Twig or I should make another custom TokenParser to achieve that?
@NikiC The loop part doesn't probably even matter. Just the passing of var in template to some other function called from template
@Eugene Not sure I understand. Do you want to register a function Twig?
I'm trying to use multithreading, but my host doesn't have this library installed: php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php are there any other ways or do I need to contact them?
@Mittchel Is there anything stopping you just using cron?
@Paul never used cron, am I able to use it with just some plain host at a provider? or do I need more rights on the unix server
@NikiC function already is registered and is useable. I need to call it inside the loop in template and pass some values from the loop.
@Mittchel You should have full control of your host for what you have in mind.
@NikiC Currently I been able only to pass static strings.
@NikiC Works: {{ some_function( { 'param': 'param' } ) }}
@Mittchel Still on that feed aggregator from earlier?
@Eugene You should be able to pass whatever your want
@NikiC Doesn't work: {{ some_function( { 'param': 'param'{{ value }} } ) }}
@Eugene Could you explain again what you need to pass?
@NikiC just diid.
@Eugene {{ some_function({ 'param': value }) }} maybe?
or {{ some_function({ 'param': 'param' ~ value }) }}?
@NikiC One sec. Will try second choice.
Depending on what 'param'{{ value }} is supposed to mean
yep @truth
@NikiC Oh. I think this was it. ~
@NikiC I always keep forgetting about it.
@NikiC Thank you.
np :)
hello Gordon
things are pretty good. and for you?
so far so well. about to extend my stay at $currentProject
@Paul I can add cronjobs in direct admin ;D
@Gordon thats nice, I'm guessing they have been keeping you pretty busy
@Mittchel That will be much much easier than pcntl (cron will be more reliable and scalable too).
Great :-)
gotta love working on weekends... haha
@Paul kind of :)
@Paul how can I check if a Cronjob is actually executed? :p
Let it send me a e-mail? with the mail function maybe
@Mittchel Possible, or just log to a file, to keep things less messy.
Could you not just generate a log file?
@Sam Your posts are editable. Press the up arrow.
I think the standard place for crons log is: /var/log/cron
Quick question. I need a regular expression to match the whitespace between a semi colon and any letter or number. Im having trouble building it. Any ideas?
@Paul I'll just write to a file when it's executed.
/usr/local/bin/php -q -f /home/cxgmebft/domains/mydomain.com/public_html/cronjob.php
does this look okay?
@Mittchel Your cronjob doesn't belong in public_html (its not for the public)
Where should I put it then?
hmm, i like to put that sort of thing in /srv but I can't think of a good reason to back me up on that.
I don't have that folder lol:o
i would place it in /home/cxgmebft/domains/mydomain.com/cron
Ideally you would have selinux running and the files labeled appropriately (but that is getting a bit detailed to go into and may not be easy or possible with your particular hosting).
the point is: such scripts should not be exposed via the webserver
Q: Comment upvotes to yield reputation

TruthI have a proposal, I suggest that comment upvotes would yield a small amount of reputation. Reasoning Comments are an important part of SO, it help clarify and expand on questions and answers. Great comments generally mean clearer and more robust posts. Suggestion I suggest that an upvote on ...

@Truth duuuuplicate :)
@Gordon :P
How long does it take until the cron is saved pff:P
I did it few minutes ago, but still nothing in log
hi all , i have a table row with id like this '<tr id= '".$wnumber."'>' and want to make if statment by this id if this row is clicked if its possible.
Start of small with cron, it can be hard to get it working at first. You really need to work out how to look at the system logs so that you can see what is going on. There is a cron log for the system (and that would show you as soon as the cron was started).
@Paul I can't find the folder with logs in my host rofl
@Mittchel How often are you running it?
I see a folder called logs but hasn't been updated since 6:20 this morning
I'm running it every 5 minutes now
I still placed it in my public_html everything outside there gets deleted for some reason :/ first trying public_html to test the cronjob
@user1291295 you can't detect clicks with php on the server. you can however with javascript on the client side
@sg3s yes i have it i javascript but want use if statment when this id is clicked
@sg3s it alert the id of this row , but i want make if stament to this id to output special data for this row
@user1294163 change your nickname, please, and you could assign a class depending on a condition and then pick up the element in js by looking for that class / or id
A quick update; my blogging platform thing is going quite smoothly.
Any previews?
I'm going to dribbble a preview in a few.
@user1291295 , why do you need 30KB+ of jquery for that ? jsfiddle.net/teresko/CbC6L
@user1291295 This is a JavaScript question, not PHP. You're in the wrong room.
@tereško & @Paul
got the cron working;p
@Truth ok sorry i go to js
what's going on?
@tereško Why do you need JS at all? You can do all of that with CSS hover states
it is an example of event delegation , not of "how do do pretty rows"
well, but my point stands. A lot of what most people use JS for can be done right in CSS
13 messages moved to bin
no it does not stand
Dang you beat me to it (by a lot :P)
Here in the Netherlands our domains go 'in-quarantaine' if you haven't payed your bill.. this lasts for 40 days and this gives the user the oppertunity to still pay the bill.. is this similar to .com domains?
But I think the point is to not insert the class manually on each even line
@Mittchel I have a website which I haven't paid for its domain for like, a year? and it's still running
A: Session variable not adding to array?

TruthPHP supports nested arrays. Meaning, you could do something like this: $_SESSION['cart_array'][] = array('item' => $item, 'quantity' => 1);

See, this is why I don't answer noob questions
Answers can't be very thorough, and they don't understand and ask you for details -_-
@Mittchel Am I a what? I don't think this can get any more off topic.
Then they ask why the level of people is dropping
@Truth does your hosting company actually take care of their business? haha
Basically what I'm heading at is the following: There is a specific dutch domain coming out of quarantaine 10th May.. I would like to setup a cronjob that runs a script every second to check it's domain status and then register that domain.. but I don't think I'll beat the big companies :P
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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