@Jimbo WOAH!! A talk about DI and it has Justin Bieber in it?
@DaveRandom It'd be spammy in chat so maybe something for when we have a UI but if he were to go to Google for questions, I like the thought of a feedback system. @Jeeves correct! @Jeeves wtf @Jeeves don't answer that question again etc.. But then you need someone who can be arsed to give feedback. Maybe he could make a back-log of answers that he needs feedback for or something. And then you have to store and handle the feedback.. It's like AI isn't simple :D
@Sean :D I think there's like 3 frames out of the whole thing that I'll be happy with, so currently downloading the whole video in 1080p so I can search for a frame to take a screenshot of for a new pic :)
hi all, i am working on signup-signin project, i want to create admin account so that once admin login, he can see list of all users account details, also he can activate/inactive any users account..... i searched in google, i didt found any good links to start with.... can anyone refer some good links.....
@NullPoiиteя Yeah I was worried that would be the case in which I do not know enough knowledge on postcodes to solve this. I have decided to go down an easier route and use a postcode checker from another supplier who has almost identical delivery locations :)
@StephenWolfe you can show suggestion while typing but ultimatly you have to check complete post code so checking only a part of post code wouldn't help imho
@NullPoiиteя So we have a postcode lookup service. What I was trying to solve was the charging. We ship parcels and pallets. The parcel service has an API that tells us delivery times but the Pallet company its old school and just says we ship to ABC XYZ. But doing a partial match didnt work.
Em. `example.dev/components/com_muzplaylist/cache/rss/22` 22 is xml file. can i set http-headers when accessing this file. i tried `<FilesMatch "^[^\.]*$"> RequestHeader set Example "asas" </FilesMatch>` but headers didnt set
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ ./sapi/cli/php -r 'class a { public int $a = 2; } $a = new a; $b = &$a->a; $b /= 3; var_dump($a->a);'
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign float to reference of type integer in Command line code:1
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in Command line code on line 1
@bwoebi exactly. if it's a big enough problem we could merge Dmitry's patch to track array key types, but it provides negligible improvement for small workloads
in a nutshell: you use a bluetooth beacon to advertise a url or some other snippet of data and devices able to read them will give you whatever is associated to that
yeah can see the use of that, definitely ... that's constant expressions ... which should definitely get support for more things ... objects included ...
@JayIsTooCommon @Wes It is the only kind - those that bill themselves as "different" are just trying a different method of being the same money grabbing twat.
Anyone know how to override a service in the Symfony container after it has been compiled? For example service B depends on service A and I want to override service A for an integration test. The problem is I boot the kernel and the container gets compiled and it seems I can't change the object. If I do a $container->set('service_a', $service) and then ask the container for service B it will not pass the set service_a into B, it will just pass in the service A set in the config. Any ideas?
@PeeHaa This is for an integration test. I'm not injecting the container into any objects. I'm using the container at the start of the integration test to get an object out of it to perform the integration test
@Gordon That's what I'm trying but when I explicitly set the service in the setUp() it doesn't seem to override the current service which is weird. I think Symfony caches the container some I'm going to check it out
@PeeHaa Some of the services have tags to attach listeners and what not. If I construct all the objects manually it's not really integration testing it since I won't know if the listeners are added, command handlers etc since in the real application it uses the DIC. If I did it all manually and the tests passed it still doesn't mean it's all working since it wouldn't even be using the real DIC which has a role in integration
@PeeHaa I'm just mocking the Mailer so I know it was called. A command is handled, a domain event is dispatched, now I just need to know the Mailer::send() method was executed. This would ensure the listener was called
In Symfony if you want to use the profiler to check if emails were sent it requires you first used its client to send an HTTP request to a route etc etc but I'm not functional testing yet so no HTTP requests or anything.
It's actually kind of stupid really how you need to send an HTTP request first. If you don't it says it can't collect what emails are sent without an HTTP response or something. Really they shouldn't be coupled like that at all. Anyways
@Gordon Yeah I have a separate integration_test config file. I think I'll just go down this route and add a service for the mock to the config. I will create a simple manual mock mailer. I'm still confused as the why the container has a set() method but yet it doesn't override the service to other services which depend on it
If I set() and then get() it will return the newly set service but to any other services which depend on it they still get the old service - even if you haven't asked for that service from the container yet so it hasn't even been constructed. Annoying but I guess I have to move on
I think the case is very easy if the function only accepts a single arg. it will output arg plus newline. But when the arguments are variadic we can argue whether the newline should apply to all inputs or just the final one
im trying to implement an api to my app, for taking payments
and it says for subscriptions - period string mandatory duration in ISO8601 format, for example: P30D, minimum is 7 days for "recurring" and 2 days for "on-time"
> Repeating intervals are specified in clause "4.5 Recurring time interval". They are formed by adding "R[n]/" to the beginning of an interval expression, where R is used as the letter itself and [n] is replaced by the number of repetitions […] For example, to repeat the interval of "P1Y2M10DT2H30M" five times starting at "2008-03-01T13:00:00Z", use "R5/2008-03-01T13:00:00Z/P1Y2M10DT2H30M".
Personally I like services that normalise to bill on the 1st, and when I cancel the subscription it's valid until the complete month from date of subscription
Apart from anything else, most people get paid around the end of the month, and like their recurring payments to happen shortly afterwards
@virepo No idea, but if they are doing the recurring payments then you don't need to worry about the date problem. You just set your interval to P1M, whenever they do the rebill they notify you with the "rebill" postback. Whenever you get a successful rebill, you just add 1 month to the expiry date of the account in your database.
it extends the ZEND_ECHO opcode, which is probably bad (performance!!1one!!1!!!1!), might be better to insert an extra ZEND_ECHO opcode with a "\n" or whatever. anyway, it works
@virepo Well I assume so, you'd have to ask them about that, the point is that they deal with that problem for you. If you want to know precisely how they deal with it, you need to ask them. But in a way it doesn't matter (although you'll need to know in order to put it into your TOS I guess)
They rebill, they tell you that they did it, and they tell you the date when the subscription ends. You don't really need to know anything else, that's their problem.