anyone with a second, I would appreciate any help with this problem:
@Hajo It doesn't seem to be working. My script writes a "[" at the start of all my database entries, but the comma/space are still at the end of it, and the "]" isn't appearing
well my snippet was made to be executed only once on data.txt, every time that file is rebuild
since you are extending both files as it seems you may try to move ", " to the start instead of the end and cut it only at the beginning of the whole file, might be easier
Im sorry I didn't quite understand what you meant, but the problem is that I need a space/comma after every entry it grabs from the database, but then at the last entry i need to get rid of them and put a "]" .. That means in my second php script I first have to write an opening bracket, then remove the last 2 characters, then write the last bracket in three steps. It's a very long winded way of doing it but It's because I need the exact formatting >.<
hmm nope, the comma/space are at the start and the square brackets aren't there. I think I put It in the correct place, Just after the while loop that gets the db values in data.php
I Just need that trim command to take off the first two characters of the file, and write the brackets at the start and end
ah i think its working! however its duplicating the database entries.. but I think this is because i've put all the script on one page, hang on a sec :)
Your 'else' condition should include:
$login_url = $this->facebook->getLoginUrl();
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>top.location.href = '$login_url'</script>";
This way the user can authenticate your app.
@SmartWork hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
@tereško SmartWork hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
@Sam hi I have one doubt that, is relating to a form of username ,email and phone number. emailid is unique and if the user logs on to the second time with the same mailid the corresponding username should display on the result page
@Sam , I have a form data ..usename,mailid,phoneno.. , the user needs to log in everytime, once user login for the first time, the result page should display his name as Guest and if the same user with same mailid login for the second time the corresponding username should display in the result page.
question? what question? I didn't hear that question that I couldn't answer. If I wait long enough maybe it will go away. Let me just walk away from the computer now.
suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page
@Sam suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page
@Sam If you can find the right objects to represent the problem you are dealing with then you will find that you don't call many standalone functions. There may be some that you cannot find a place for. In this case I think it is better to keep them out of the classes. I think having an object that only executes functions is a bad idea.
@Sam what sort of functions do you have that don't fit into your existing objects?
ok.....I usually have a function that validates any input from users....that's all it does; so, I'm wondering if it's necessary to create a class for just that single functionality
you know should have a class; especially since I might need other methods to validate specific inputs
that way, it can just be a Validation class or something like that
First, a few minor comments:
Class properties should almost always be protected or private. This forces you to use a known tested interface (the class methods) to interact with the state stored in the class. The properties section, something and validation should have all been protected or pri...
Firstly, let me say, Michael made very good comments which I agree with.
Minor Comments
The first thing I want to see in a class are the important parts. private methods do not help me interact with the class, so I always write them at the end of my class definitions.
Relying on user input ca...
Using a validation interface can be handy if you want to define types of validation. Polymorphism then helps because we can use the derived validation objects as though they are a Validation object. So you can have email, phone, xxx validations and check all of them.
I just understood interfaces yesterday, so I might still be dis-inclined to use them for my applications; but once I understand them better, I'll convert the necessary classes into interfaces
btw, codereview seems to have a better design UI than stackoverflow
Hi everybody! I'm doing some cUrl request to mapQuest adress service. It's about adresses outside the USA (Europe). I'm getting some strange coordinates back, like Can anybody help me with that? I can provide some code if neccesary. Thanks!
@ArtjomKurapov suppose user wants to search for some data in the application. by clicking on the link a popup window opens and asks for a username , mailid and phone number for future reference and store in the DB , if the same user next day logs and click on the link ,againg popup asks the same information i.e username, phone,email. if the emailid exists in the database , the correspondind username should display in the result page..can u give any idea
@Truth generally my application deals with courses and institutes, users will search for institutes or courses , we will collect the user information ,,,email,phone and username.. and this data will be stored in a database, next time or next day the same user with the same emailid , provides , it should checks in the database this time his username should display on the header of the result page
I am looking for some answers if it is possible to do using PHP. The thing is, I need a certain function that can read the number of 'pages' of a certain uploaded file. Specifically, .doc and .pdf file. Is this possible to do using PHP. I am still searching over google and an hour already had pass and I still can't find the right information.
@Ram Why not have the user input a username and a password, and have each user have a profile page where his email, phone numbers, and whatever other information you may want to him will be saved?
@TeodyCSeguin Good question, I don't know how to answer you, you should post this on SO. Explain extensively what you want, and show what you've tried so far. If you have links to articles you've read that may be relevant post them too
I am creating a digital art project where I am echoing images in correlation to how many visits a webpage receives. 10 visits = 10 images and so on... My code at the moment displays a random image out of 10 images for each visitor, but it often echos the same image twice, how can I make it so tha...
Hi guys, im building an app to store images from twitter. From most sites this is ok, but for facebook the only way to get the image is from the html response body as the image is loaded after the page. I understand how to use get_headers(), but can i use this to grab the html response body without cURL? Thx in advance
I was wondering what to do when changing database on the fly, Say I have a UserMapper class which constructor prepares statements, after I have initialzed the mapper and then I change the DB, it still makes those queries to the previous DB
I argue you should also omit the units.
From a programmer's perspective, 0 == null == none == false, where 0px == 0px only.
Which means that if you specify a border width of 0 then no border will be there, but if you specify a 0px border, then a border of 0 px will be created (that's the idea b...
@webarto 5 meters is possible, based on the threshold of floating points
now, if you're talking about an Arduino, it's not possible, since the floating point threshold is 16 bit, and therefore you can't represent under about 100 meters accurately
1 degree == 112000 meters. Therefore, 1 meter is about 0.000001 degrees, so 0.000005 degrees for 5 meters. Now, since you usually calculate in radians, 0.0000000872 rads
@RepWhoringPeeHaa guess what, im trying to install mac osx on top of ubuntu and win7 , ub and win7 worked alright until this morning, i've literally not got up from my comp chair for 6 hours now
submitting radio buttons yes or no) with PHP POST, if no is selected I want a text are to display, what would be the best way of doing this? ie is it possible with PHP or would it look/work better with JS ?
a bit could you help me out a bit, i got usb live ubuntu running right now
how do i find out my mbr
@Paul i dont think it should change it , because grub loader worked fine after installing mac osx, it was when i went to my normal ubuntu 12.04 and entered sudo grub-install /dev/sda3
and /dev/sda3 is your boot partition for 12.04? I believe you made the MBR point to your /dev/sda3 boot but you replaced the MBR for the one that "worked fine". The reason that 12.04 may no longer be booting is a change in disk partitions.
the problem is i dont even see the grub loader win and ubuntu and the grub loader and everything was working fine till i changed the grub directory or something
although, these are speculations, I wouldn't trust myself, so you should probably look for better help, its been a while since I've had any of these issues to fix lately (thankfully).
working fine and not working aren't specific enough here.
Boot Info Script 0.61 [1 April 2012]
============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================
=> Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of
the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks
for (,msdos1)/grub on this drive.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc.
=> Syslinux MBR (4.04 and higher) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdd.
grub-install is very powerful... i'm guessing you are seeing the ubuntu 12.04 one rather than your newer ubuntu installation... and that the partitions listed within your boot menu there don't match your system now that it has been altered. (so it can't boot it or any of the o/s that you have defined).
@Truth my colleagues are making some website for some game... they use node.js / for chat, if I understand correctly...
@Paul i finally formatted my ubuntu partition and reinstalled it, while grdoing the setup it did a update-grub itself and now i can see the grub menu and everything....i might be a bit crazy but im going to try installing mac on top of ubuntu and win the second time :D
@NikiC yeah, good for scraping though, but i guess even php can do that , i dont know why people get carried away by the name "python"
I recently tried to work with SciPy, but it was a real desaster. Nothing works there. Switching to C++ made everything sooo much easier (and three orders of magnitude faster...).
@MatisseVerDuyn Yup. It's completely open to all kinds of XSS attacks, injections and other awesome things. That being said, admin side works, kind of, and am currently designing the UI for it.
flag: needs moderator attention... reason? @Chris isn't open to discussion, suggestions, or opinions. he is the discussion, suggestion, and final opinion.
If a lion rawrs, then the rawr is the outcome and hence secondary, correct? So, if I'm not mistaking, I'm going to call the admin class Lion{} and the front-end class Rawr{}