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@Danack not sure what I can do about the problem. It seems to be a general problem: eval.in/private/b84588ff8d6104
only for html - xml works fine
going to watch some tv
later @Wes. I expect a bloody panda when you get back
@Danack it's the (missing encoding/charset)
You don't have an meta tag with the charset in your html snippet
@ThW I thought the encoding passed to the Document constructor was good enough?
Is there an easy way to force UTF-8 charset for a HTML document, other than manually adding a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> to the head?
@Danack hehe you are not alone ;)
@Danack no
It's fucked up like that
The actual thing I'm testing does actually have <meta charset="utf-8" /> - also presumably not good enough?
That I do not know
bah - utf-8 vs UTF-8 Actually doesn't make a difference.
The situation is kinda retarded sadly :(
@PeeHaa there is also a useful note: php.net/manual/en/class.domdocument.php#118509
@NikiC @bwoebi I've been thinking about small string optimizations for PHP because of the recent thread and so I have a question: how many zend_strings aren't populated by emalloc? Facebook does a trick that their strings are allocator aware and it has some nice properties.
Somebody should just fix libxml already cough @DaveRandom cough
Or extxml whatever
The thing that is broken
@PeeHaa hahaahahaahaahgha
this is awesome
I want two, with sauce
Can't say I didn't put effort in it
what should the A record be set to?
I actually can't understand what he is trying to say... stackoverflow.com/questions/40290092/… ...
@Archer s/A/CNAME
\o/ @JoeWatkins 7.1 GA scheduled for my birthday
I got that... but when I try to access gourab.me it doesn't work, while, www.gourab.me works... :/
@Archer you know you are redacting public records right? :)
I ... do ...
@LeviMorrison Don't know off the top of my head, but excluding interned strings it should be few
Interned strings already have a flag tho, so that should be fine for what I'm thinking of..
@Archer do you have www setup to point to @?
cname www.gourab.me points to gourab.me or @
\o/ it works now magically
well it was the TTL I guess
Btw... does \o/ mean lol or a hooray guy lol
noticed some people using it here haha
@Darius the hooray guy
haha cool.
@PeeHaa You know That Shit? Fuck it.
can anyone give a solution in wordpress or PHP run a function only after the page load completed? Note that the function is a PHP function. Any solution ?
@ParnasreeChowdhury Do you know about the difference between server- and clientside?
@DaveRandom \o/
yeah I know, thats the issue . lol. I know I can check if page loaded through javascript, but after that I need to run a php function.
Why? I smell an XY problem :)
@ParnasreeChowdhury there is no solution
please explain the problem now
no AJAX may do it I think, but without AJAX , nothing alas :(
ok let me explain the exact intention of mine
so, my employer is looking at redesigning and potentially restructuring our website. We're thinking about switching website products too, instead of using proprietary code that we pay someone to write for us, we use a product already made, either open source or SaaS. Anyone familiar with different CMS products built on PHP?
Wordpress isn't an option :P
what's the business domain?
Actually I am writting a wordpress plugin for sending SMS where I am sending http requests to that SMS api server, here at this point while sending the SMS, the send status is being monitored . After the send SMS form has beet submitted, the page is getting refreshed and checking if any $_POST[] data there, if its present then sending http req to send sms , hence send http req to check if sms successfully sent , its taking a 10 - 15 seconds time, till then the page is blank
After all http response have been got , the page loading and showing all echoed messages
use ajax
I wish the page load first and then the function should send the http requests
or use a background worker
Also why are those requests taking 15 seconds??
or cron job which is executed every minute
or an event on the table
oh its taking 15 seconds because I used sleep(5) in my function , because the request is being sent continuously till succesfully sent or failed. but if status is like "message in queue", the request is being sent continuously, so I halted it for 5 seconds
Get a decent sms provider that can actually handle requests instead
btw, still I'm not comfortable with your avatar @PeeHaa :-) change it plz (I'm @Shafizadeh's friend)
You are right PeeHaa, this is really not a decent SMS provider, the first time sending SMS, its returing a response with a OK status in its response body, but It actually has not been sent successfully, to check whether sucessfull or not we have to send another differant request. Really too bad. But this is what my client provided ... :/
I'm still not comfortable with @DaveRandom's face yet I still love the guy
@ParnasreeChowdhury Wow that is shitty
Did you tell the client it is shitty
are there any patterns for doing a work-in-progress/draft/version/publish pattern wrt to sql tables? i have book, section, card hierarchical tables. should i just add 6 tables: book_wip, section_wip, card_wip, book_archive, section_archive, card_archive with version column?
Depending on the use case you could just use flags
@PeeHaa , nop I did not tell him yet.
@ParnasreeChowdhury If you hit something like that instead of painstakingly work around a unworkable service first try to easy route :)
You can always resort to other things when needed
Also it has the benefit of them asking you: have you contacted the provider?
Or perhaps even: yes that happens unless you are doing this thing
lol, really good, I must do this approach to my client. :)
You know the main problem is the SMS api server response is too slow . Sometimes even if the message got sent, its showing error. I really think I should switch
Yes you should. That's the easy and imo correct route to go
@tereško Yeah ... one of my friends love that series and usually uses some of dialogues which are used in it when he is talking :-) ... but I never seen that series yet
the first season is really good
Have you seen The Big Bang Theory series so far? I'm pretty sure it is much better than House Of Cards series. (However I have not seen House Of Cards, but I'm trying to say how much The Big Bang Theory is good)
Big Bang Theory gets trite after a while, the writing becomes "lol, nerdy reference, canned laughter"
Arrested Development, if you want comedy
That didn't work out how I expected
@Tiffany Arrested Development is good too. but not as much as The Big Bang ..! You know, The Big Bang is my first choose between all video files ( even porn videos :P )
o.o that's pretty sad... the writing gets boring in Big Bang
I disagree
@DaveRandom you around?
/me tends to watch Sci-Fi series
@PeeHaa obviously not ..! if he around, then surely he answers this:
34 mins ago, by PeeHaa
I'm still not comfortable with @DaveRandom's face yet I still love the guy
That's true, but maybe he's just shy
@PeeHaa I have been running for 5 minutes and 32 seconds, since 2016-10-27 19:20:54
[ Jeeves ] [ c046529 ] Merge pull request #111 from Nessworthy/pr-rebecca-saturday Rebecca - Saturday video link v2 - Commited by: Pieter Hordijk on 27.10.2016 19:20
Thanks @Sean <3
@Tiffany heh, never seen it, dont have an opinion
@Andrea Will you be my rubber duck for a moment? Thanks. If we put a small string in the zval payload we have 8 bytes total to work with. Do we need a null terminator? If so, that's 7 bytes. Do we need to know the length? Maybe; so we'll say 6 bytes. Basically that's 6 characters. How many strings will actually fit in that length? That doesn't even keep most function names and probably a good share of the class and interface names too.
@Tiffany :-)
Assuming that calculating the length via null terminator is decently fast we can do 7 bytes by not storing the length; how many more strings does that really help?
On the other hand the most common short string is the empty string.
I think the best way forward would be to add some instrumentation that gathers string length information.
how to easily exit vim on the new macbook ps -ef | grep "vim" | grep -v "grep" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
dat first successfull docker deployment on company's open stack network \o/
@PeeHaa ♥
Also got my email a few days ago about hacktoberfest, haha, free t-shirt ftw!
Are they giving php phpstorm licenses again this year @salathe?
@JoeWatkins I told you to declare the next version GA :-(((
@PeeHaa more oop examples (property, abstract class, interface) ... I am still trying to understand the internal variables.
I'm wondering if Jeeves should use omdb api for the imdb plugin
The XML response for imdb's search feature is weird.
the extensions seem to abstract the stuff away, does not make it easy to understand
@Sean It should
The imdb api is useless
Oct 18 at 15:01, by PeeHaa
I think it was something like 1) get id from imdb api call 2) get some info from omdb based on imdb id 3) get more info from omdb based on imdb id
:P omdb has it's own search endpoint, so 2 requests
Yeah wasn't exactly sure how it was when I wrote that
1 for the Title/ID, 1 for the movie details
Hi guys, i'm having a little problem understanding sessions and how you use them with a database. for example once a user is logged in, how do you fetch the users row from mysql if the session isset
At some point I investigated by using the website and got this result github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/issues/54#issuecomment-223246055
who introduced the zend property api?
However because I am stupid and only did it on their website I forgot the steps I took to end up with that result :P
@Kez You would set something in the user's session which can be used to identify them at a later point
So now I am waiting for somebody to do it again :P
A super simple example would be $_SESSION['user_id'] = $myUserId
And on subsequent page loads you could check if the visitor has that session, and try and find a user based on the ID stored.
@Sean yeah of course like their id, but how to fetch from the db?
so .. what the fuck is going on in South Korea?!
@Sean yes, that the session variables, right?
and where is the documentation for the zend string api?
@Sean Ok, so I tried that and that works fine with the username, but not with any other row on the db.
@Kez Yep!
Not sure I'm following, got some example code you can put in a gist or pastebin?
@PeeHaa I gotchu
@tereško context?
@Sean there would have to be a connection to the database and session variables, i'm just struggling to understand how that would be mixed together.
@ThW SK president being controlled by some group called "8 goddesses" and it actually being a legitimate scandal at the moment
@Kez Just to be sure, are you calling session_start() before you're working with sessions?
@Sean yeah I am, on the page at the top.
@Kez it is session_start (not create). It starts the session for the current request
so you need to call that in each request, not just the first page
To be nitpicky, your PDO query should be like "SELECT * FROM vacancies WHERE id=?" And then your execute should be $sql->execute([$id]); look into prepared statements :D
Anyway, you should be setting $_SESSION['id'] elsewhere, right? Because you're not doing it in this code.
@AlmaDo Ah sorry dude I've only just seen this, wouldn't have been able to make it anyway. Are you here until Saturday?
@Sean thanks! sorry, will fix it. I've been looking for an example of this, but no luck, it's all using mysql_query. lol
@Jimbo you're up for a meeting on Saturday? Gordon did not sent any info.
would be nice to be able to plan for the train ...
either the "assistant" is a scapegoat to save face for the president, or there's some real shit going
and there is some funny shit floating about regarding this whole thing
people seem to be freaking out
there are a lot of interesting ... emm ... suppositions floating around in various side channels
it will be a fun weekend in SK
yeah, I tried googling "south korea president eight goddesses" and found an interesting thread on reddit that had a green post screenshot from 4chan
you mean one from r/conspiricy?
lemme check
"Hackers are crippling the websites of companies using the latest in Advanced SQL Injection techniques" https://t.co/pYiN491jT8
yeah @tereško, that's the one
@PeeHaa that's the "advanced tool" that "Russian government cyberattack" used to hack two USA voter registration systems
read the first article, read 3/4s of the second article and skimmed the rest. The thing that irks me is that she's the first female SK president, and she fucked up. I hope this wouldn't create a ripple effect for any future female president running in SK, but that's being too optimistic.
Scary right!
@PeeHaa it's cyber, of course it's scary
@Tiffany dunno .. that country is fucked up more than Australia and Germany
Fan Death
SK has its weirdisms, but some of my favorite esports players are from SK
well , Polt lives in USA and TLO is from EU
Japan has its own set of weirdisms too.
MKP and MC are two of my favorites
TLO is German
I think MKP is retired from SC2, and MC is off and on playing
Do artax's requests need to be yeilded?
SC2 scene seems to be dying slowly
    $result = $this->httpClient->request($request);
    $result = $result->getBody();
Gives me Call to undefined method Amp\PrivatePlaceholder::getBody()
I got to watch Life play Flash at an MLG championship, live
it was awesome
@Sean yes
SC2 was big in the WoL days, and that was the perfect time for Blizzard to take advantage of it and push esports. They started jumping on stuff in HotS, and pushing it more in LotV, but yeah, it seems like people have moved on to other things
I watch hearthstone streamers more often than any other game now
I'm probably going to watch what I can of the WCS though
yield is confusing af :V
I still have to watch latest Shoutcraft tournament
/me doesnt have time for SC2
Need to learn about this stuff.
/me works for esl :-)
@tereško youtu.be/-xxzU8LUWQA?t=86 orange hat
@ThW :O! I'm jelly
@Sean You have now idea how much it used to confuse me
@ThW wasnt ESL responsible for those 240p quality streams?
@tereško youtu.be/ECqyupcKLzs?t=9 this one is better. I'm sitting next to the dork with the TYBG sign.
I see
Okay, apparently managing two remotes is just too much, now my jeeves repo is buggered. Gotta stash nuke and try again >_>
I'm just very excited I got to go to a pretty popular SC2 tournament
I went to a Redbull 2v2 tournament that was hosted at PAX Prime, but it wasn't as big
do I need to run ODBC to use OCI?
nevermind, apparently I needed to uncomment the extension_dir line in the php.ini file. And now I have an entirely different error.
hello from the otter side
so, how's the empire?
so far I see a huge city with way too many cars and people
and I am still floating
all feels too weird at the moment... there is a constant background noise from cars etc
also, welcome to my timezone
yeah I better set that now
@Ekin heya
where are you at? :O
I'm tired and I've been up programming since 10am yesterday, so I do apologise if this is something really simple: stackoverflow.com/questions/40295464/…
@Tiffany Istanbul
Fixed by rebooting the machine. grumble
@Sean I'm glad you said that.. I thought it was me
@Ekin hey o/ everything cool?
yeah except I'm pretty broken :D every single part of my body hurts
it was a really long trip... but yes, it's cool so far =)
:P at least you're there safe. Sleep time, nn all o/
\o night, love your avatar btw :D
@Sean @Jay wtf is confusing about yield?
@LeviMorrison I went for having a null terminator to avoid breaking existing code's assumptions, likewise with length. But if we forget existing code compatibility, we could, say, go for compression (7-bit, 6-bit or 5-bit strings) like Apple does.
currently wondering about how to do PHP 6 for PHP 7 (or to put it sensibly: Unicode support)
I'd like to maybe add a Unicode string class or a native Unicode type, but the details of that are what I'm wondering about
Worst thing about the new MBP: Still 16 GB RAM. Best thing: I won't buy it due my current MBP being recent enough.
@bwoebi the new MBP is somewhat boring, it's true, but I like that it has 4 USB-C Thunderbolt 3.0 ports, all of which can be used for charging
the ultimate flexibility really
@Andrea that's true.
the annoying thing is not much stuff has a USB-C connector on it yet, but this will help change that
@Andrea Just wanted to mention… 99.8% of all sticks are USB-A …
@bwoebi yep :/
(not that I'd ever use a stick - but other people do.)
also, most existing Thunderbolt and DisplayPort accessories will be using the old mini-DisplayPort connector too
@Andrea well, there's a thing called an adapter… (apple.com/shop/product/MMEL2AM/A/… — $50, typical apple price)
I mean, there's typically only one cable (in my experience) you use thunderbolt for… you could just stick the adapter to that cable and be done
@bwoebi oh sure
the silliest thing is of course that now if you buy an Apple laptop, you need an adapter (or a separately-purchased cable) to connect it to an iPhone
but on the other hand… who connects their iPhone to their laptop? I do, but I'm weird.
I found a bug in this chat. If you write a message in the one window, edit it in another and then click edit in the original window you've written the message in, the edit doesn't show up.

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