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the Human Revolution is nice an all, but it does not have the same feel
never really played the first one
I think I suck just enough to not have fun right away
so I quit
well .. another one to add to your wishlist
let's put it this way - it's the game which made me care about politics
lol... I ... actually have it already
I feel I can second that @tereško
and I am kinda lucky about the serie because
I got it at the time my brother was mostly just playing video games
so we had a while to play/watch in turns
that is lovely
obviously leaving many things to discover for me still
yeah, not really
well , it's the first game I know, where you could run away from boss battles
now all my games are his :D
and kill major NPC to affect the plot
I also like the ending choices: rule the dystopia, cause new dark age or become god
hmmm... interesting indeed
how long is the main plot, if you figure I suck at these?
maybe 18h
depends on how long you spend dicking around in the "hub areas"
woa.. that... is actually manageable without very bad influence on my life
if you don't skip anything but stick to main line it could be about 30~ in HR
I still havent finished HR
my savefile bugged
was somewhat angered after you get on that boat
by the game
and how you [censored for not spoiling, but if you've played you probably know what could be angering]
@FélixGagnon-Grenier why? Because you were a fucking cold blooded killer?
I actually miss prototype now
I dunno why that one
havent played it yet (have in the library)
but I'd play some prototype 2 now if I could
I still don't have xcom2 -_-
I'm so jealous of you both...
shit, you remind me I still haven't beaten that thing
@FélixGagnon-Grenier there are two thing that can anger you: a) every NPC thinks you are a dick b) you forgot to comb the mapo
hum... it's been some time. mapo?
more like c) lose all your skills
btw, that game has also one really interesting nugget: it was released in august of 2001, but its NY skyline didn't have the twin towers
@FélixGagnon-Grenier nope
your game bugged
maybe. I never retrieved enough points to get my character back
actually, I think it also corresponds to my external hard drives fails and I lose most of my savegames
maybe that is what angered me. I just remember bad emotions...
try it again
trust me
that game has depth
after arcanum
... oh you mean the first one?
yeah that one I never went more than like an hour into it. maybe not even out of the first mission or something
> 719 mb
clicks install
was not expecting that
heh I remember this
so ... nostalgia
the guy speaks fast
(zero punctuation)
zero punctuation
you live in English speaking country
it's my 4th language and I have no problems
I mostly speak english with you guys
!!list tereško -langs
latvian, russian, german and english
I am kinda trying to learn japanese, but I am lazy
oh nice
yeah that requires time too, I guess
also, my german sucks
ugh mine too...
it has deteriorated to the level of "I can understand song lyrics" :(
I studied it for two years but at least 5-6 years passed without even using it
that would be my spanish level^
I learned it for 11 years, which makes it even more embarrassing
brb trying arcanum
@FélixGagnon-Grenier stick with either only magic or only technology
how about russian?
@tereško will do
@Ekin currently: perfect understanding of speech, slow reading and speaking
my russian is "naturally acquired"
learned from watching TV as a kid
I see
currently 90% of my coworkers are russian-speaking
hmm, the majority
I think I never worked with a russian developer yet
it ends up kinda strange, because when having some minor meeting, everyone is speaking in whatever language they want ... which causes foreigners to be astonished
I see :)
hell, when I am talking with my current team-lead, I am speaking either in latvian or english and he is speaking in russian or english
.. in the same conversation thread
sounds like you guys took it to a next level a bit then
well, it is hard to explain technical specific in any other language than english
true, that comes out naturally any way
if you are arguing about DB clusters, there are no terms in latvian and russian
at least no terms that dont sound like made up by 6 year olds
and I assume latvian/russian switch for non-tech talk should not be that hard
yes .. that .. or when the "product manager" asks something in the middle of conversation
she cant understand russian, so we automatically switch to english
how many people do you get to interact within the office per day?
a bit over 10
with how many of them you would be able to have a proper discussion?
well no, that wrong
I have issues with communicating with one person doing frontend development
we understand each other, but there is no way to extensively discuss stuff
I see, I say it's still legit
how about literally social-economical topics? would they be able to present sensible arguments over it?
(not sure where I'm going btw, just asking and comparing to what I'm about to enter soon in a different place out of interest)
And here's if just dudes voted. https://t.co/HjqJzIVwc4
@Ekin social and economics topics are also fine, but since nobody at my workplace cares about politics, there isnt a lot to talk about
also, you broke the internet :P
@Wes why does the gender matter in USA so much?
that election is about "criminal vs muppet"
also, it's 4AM and I need to sleep now or I will be walking dead tomorrow at work
I better sleep too
1 hour later…
in JavaScript, 2 mins ago, by rlemon
but yeah, you might need scss :P
yah let's write this in html
sometimes I feel I underestimate the number of web pages out there on which no interaction actually occur. that is pages that are just that... pages. with text on them.
hi there, sorry for asking a poor question
but i want to know if i set url e.g: www.website/image/logo.png
it's not safety, how to convert it for more safety?
this is even more funny. their argument isn't really working, is it? :B
@Newbi wats not safe about that?
So is it just me, or is git merge --no-ff --log PHP-5.6 kinda.... broke.
I get a BUNCH of conflicts for files I didn't touch. Is that related to 5.6 and 7.0's codebases just being too different and we gave up on proper merges?
@Sara I tried to merge from log the other day and it done the same thing, ended up picking the merge commit
maybe someone messed up the log ... possibly me ...
Yeah, I ended up doing the same. :0
7.1 -> master was clean though
Also: github.com/php/php-src/commit/… <--- this is why longjmp() makes me sad.
it does do surprising things
could something fundamentally go wrong updating php5.3 -> to 5.4
interrogation mark
morning btw
i was being rude
Fuck you, startup culture: https://medium.com/@shemag8/fuck-you-startup-world-ab6cc72fad0e
re-reading that over and over and over again
loving it
@Wes was faster :(
Good morning
A wonderful morning to everyone
{%if action=='edit' %}
    {% block title "Edit States" %}
    {% block title "List States" %}
giving an error The block 'title' has already been defined line 4 in trexMasterDataBundle:States:States.html.twig at line 6.
any idea?
I am using symfony2
@Ocramius Too many fucks given for writing this up, I think he means that sarcastically…
hi all, we are doing email verfication sign up project, for that for sending email verfification code, we are using this code in wamp : <a href='http://sitename.com:81/php/verify.php?id=$id&code=$code'>Click HERE to Activate </a> what i need to replace with "http://sitename.com:81/php" , so that when i change the path also it should work.... ?
here is the trick
title block
`{% block title operation %} `
send operation from respective controller function
@Exception sorry, i did't got.....
Hello Friends, I am trying to get this:
Q: Multiple COUNT and GROUP BY in a single Statement

SonaliI am using DISTINCT, LEFT JOIN, COUNT and GROUP BY in single statement, like this: SELECT distinct r.sid as sid, s.name as sname, s.image as simage, COUNT(r.sid) as scount FROM batch_request r LEFT JOIN student_info s ON s.id = r.sid WHERE r.tid='22' group by r.sid Encoded JSON Looks like th...

I was doing something very simiar to this yesterday @Sonali
Ill have a closer look
oh my good luck
@Exception i tried this, but did't worked for me : stackoverflow.com/questions/2820723/…
Im not sure if I fully understand your question after all
@nsdlfefinedieicbe this is answer to your question
this is response to @AdilIlhan response
@Sonali Hi, where are you from?
As I understand you dont have a query problem
@Sonali I see you want to get the value of sconfirmed but this value doesnt exist in your DB that's right ? It should be define through a condition with your sid
I don't facing any issues in a query, but still I need to modify my query to get sconfirmed and sdeclined records based on status for the particular sid @Valentincognito
sconfirmed is just the count of records where status is 1 for a particular sid and sdeclined is the count of records where status is 2 for a particular sid that's it
<builds count="1" href="/app/rest/builds?locator=running:true">
<build id="896" buildTypeId="QaProjects_SingleTestRunnerRtb" number="74" status="SUCCESS" state="running" running="true" percentageComplete="6" href="/app/rest/builds/id:896" webUrl=""/>
Trying to read percentageComplete="6" in php
Tried alot of code but couldn't able to get the value of this attribute
Every time it returns the whole object.
@Sonali I understand a little better I think, personally for multiple counts and conditions, the answer of this question helped me stackoverflow.com/questions/4503030/mysql-multiple-inner-join
you can chain select statements
@Exception Thanks for reply, here : pasted.co/5ad845f6 where i need to add this code : stackoverflow.com/questions/2820723/…
hi all, i have this problem : stackoverflow.com/questions/11482527/… , in solution they mentioned we should't use : {?> , than instead of this : {?> what i need to use in below code :
<div id="contentbox">
<?php include('db.php'); $sql="SELECT * FROM member where mem_id=$loggedin_id"; $result=mysql_query($sql); ?>
<?php while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?>

<div id="signup">
how to make a mvc framework ??please send me a example program link..
@nsdlfefinedieicbe if you have accepted question then whats this new problem?
how to make a mvc framework ??please send me a example program link..
what an entree with that question :D
@Exception i dont know how to find solution for my case..... can you please check link pasted.co/5ad845f6 and inform me what i need to replace with <?php echo "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>
@JayIsTooCommon yes
hi all
i am making curl call and geting this response


and to fetch xml node i did this

$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);

but it's returning null value some times not always
any one knows what is the best way to fetch xml curl response
Q: Which Programming Language To Learn To Make Good Money?

Aabir HussainI am a Php developer and i have used these technologies. Javascript AngularJs Ionic Framework Mean.Js Framework Wordpress Yii2 Framework CakePhp 3.x and other related Frameworks, Cms or Tech like these but i don't think there is much money in these technologies. I also think that there is no...

@Sean morning
@PeeHaa +5 ?
moin sean, dave
Fucking laranotsowell hipsters
@AbhiAdr Try using DomDocument
second blog post; STOP USING XML
@Sean i did not get your point , how will i fetch status node from below response


i bit new to php can you help me out ???
@Sean I commented on your PR
@Sean - Just little check from yesterday.

In this example https://3v4l.org/btXgE it works fine, it doesn't allow pupil to have two of the same meeting_id in `$ignore` array.

However in this example https://3v4l.org/uEgnr it does the first pupil_id == 5 which is correct with meeting_id, but because there is another meeting_id for pupil_id == 5 then it messes up and allows meeting_id == 1813 to be added 3 times.

Do you have any ideas why this?
TBH @Dave I'd love to go for something like that, just didn't know if Jeeves had anything to handle it
I'll get that sorted tonight, cheers
Ah I see what you're doing, you're checking the cache every time a new event comes through
@nsdlfefinedieicbe there is no such <?php echo "http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>
@PeeHaa Just one of those one word sites, shouldiusesimplexml.com
!!docs DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName
Oh nice one
[ DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName ] Searches for all elements with given local tag name
@AbhiAdr ^
I should get that one
shouldiusesimplex.ml 18.95 USD
$19 for a .com??
for a .ml
oh missed that :)
@Sean Well we've been talking about tracking posted messages internally to avoid posting duplicates, but that wouldn't solve your problem anyway - the only reason you hit that block was because you tried to post 2 identical messages in a row, but that might not always be the case. If the bot posts something else in between post and edit, they'd get 2 warnings. You only really want to post 1 warning per message, so it's better that you track it internally in the plugin.
The thing where they respond with null is only when you try and post 2 identical messages in a row
@Sean in fact thinking about it, just use time() instead of getTimestamp(), and time() - 120 instead of the datetime#sub thing. Reason being that using the event's stated timestamp would rely on Jeeves' server clock being in sync with SE, which it may not be.
code in comment updated with that ^
lol that cv room is odd
in SO Close Vote Reviewers, 5 mins ago, by Cerbrus
@Magisch Exactly what I was trying to say. Frankly, it's an insult to the RO's intelligence.
Now stalk that ^
@DaveRandom It is still very much needed though
I reeeeally want that
@PeeHaa fixitfixitfixitfixit
@Sean It's on my list, but it's been there for too long :(
Maybe I should just stop being a lazy asshole and just fix it this weekend
It's either that or twitter plugin fixes
I kinda want to have a complete twitter plugin
I'm pretty sure it's like 5 mins work :-P
Dude... that's not the point
@kelunik ping
php just drew a while box ...
@JoeWatkins what's a while box? you meant white?
I meant white ...
@Exception than what i need to replace here : pasted.co/5ad845f6 for working "verification email" if we change domain name or path also ?
lol, i've been nominated for an innovation award for a system made in Cake..
Now you will get RICH
damn right
But serious. That's kinda cool though right no matter the crappy technology used
@PeeHaa The crappier, the higher the chance to get nominated!
There's a direct correlation!
@bwoebi That's a lie
I would have been nominated 100 times over otherwise
@PeeHaa It's just increasing the probability … you're just unlucky!
That must be it
Build a site up using simpleXML.. somehow
I can see it now. PeeHaa, master of internet technology innovation
@PeeHaa Or perhaps your code isn't just as crappy as it could be
@bwoebi I see what you are getting at here. I should focus more on it.
@Sean Fuck xml. yaml!
@PeeHaa Fuck yaml. json!
I would rather do it in json than yaml tbh :P
oh … wait … you want to write crappy code? then yaml ^^
how did I just typo crappy to carry ………
@PeeHaa I guess. It's like being awarded for having a nice smelling shit. Still shit, but it smells nice.
@JayIsTooCommon Well that's not how you sell it on your cv ;-)
:P 'I'm James and my shit smells nice'
@JayIsTooCommon ...
I had an css challenge but no one in HTML / CSS rooms ...
ping @wes
No, I dislike PHP and wish to tell the world. — Will 16 hours ago
It's only fair
posted on October 12, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hi all, please check this below code, instead of redirecting to "http://sbdev2.kidsdial.com:81/php/site2/verify.php" , its redirecting to "http://sbdev2.kidsdial.com:81/php/site2/signup.php" : <a href='http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]'.'verify.php?id=$id&code=$‌​code'>Click HERE to Activate :)</a>
Why are you using REQUEST_URI for that?
Seems strange to me if you just want it to point to a fixed url
@PeeHaa okay , than please give me correct code for that......
@PeeHaa i saw this link and used REQUEST_URI : stackoverflow.com/questions/2820723/…
@nsdlfefinedieicbe You should be able to try something and figure it out
okay this is working fine : <a href='http://sbdev2.kidsdial.com:81/php/signup-email-verification/verify.php?id=‌​$id&code=$code'>Click HERE to Activate :)</a> , now what code i need to use to replace "http://sbdev2.kidsdial.com:81/php/signup-email-verification" in above code
2 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@nsdlfefinedieicbe You should be able to try something and figure it out
@Feeds dad jokes++
I'm installing OSX Sierra, wish me luck
Why do crabs never give to charity? Because they're shellfish.
Luck? Booze would be more appropriate
moin jimboob
Sorry, but we can't have nice things.
That took you long enough
I think the delay makes him more human, everything should be delayed \o/
@Jimbo does it come with HL3 ?
@Jimbo You might want to create a symlink from /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/S‌​DKs/MacOSX10.12.sdk/usr/include/ to /usr/include …
[After updating XCode obviously…]
@bwoebi Well I was planning on copying anything local off and just wiping it and starting from scratch so I don't have any issues and it'll be like a new one :)
else you get problems when compiling
Most of my stuff is in iCloud anyway
@Jimbo mhm… not really using iCloud very much except for the family shared things like Calendar etc...
@Jimbo Anyway, it'll be a new issue then
as php-src configure searches in /usr/include
(or otherwise: good luck specifying all lib paths manually)
compiling it \o/
@BlunderCode what I means is that you have no clue what IRC is
@JoeWatkins how does this thing handle events?
are you using the vm interrupt functionality?
@NikiC look at the code; specific handlers like $ev->onChange() etc.
@NikiC no, it's in a main loop… uiMain()
@NikiC no, libui propogates them and invokes callbacks ... I'm very interested in improving that ...
@bwoebi it doesn't have to block, there is a non-blocking mode ...
@JoeWatkins yeah, but I'd have to poll it then
I haven't done much testing it, but it is exposed uiMainStep(0) ...
@bwoebi k
or is there some fd I can put a read/write watcher on?
there is for gtk
but libui doesn't currently let you have it ...
OK people a little help please: I'm using a paid service with an API key that charges per lookup (postcode address finder). Obviously I need to do the lookup server side - don't want to send the API key to the client side - but is there any sane way I can stop people from sending HTTP requests to my server side endpoint and doing lookups (that cost me money)?
@DaveRandom You know the answer already don't you :)
@DaveRandom which service are you using?
thought so, just wondered if there was anything I was missing
I do the ip limit + monitoring thing for my paid externals apis
@DaveRandom cache it?
@JayIsTooCommon I'm not actually sure, I don't think it matters though
@bwoebi That doesn't really prevent abuse
@PeeHaa I meant additionally
@DaveRandom Service that I use allow you to specify which hosts can request and add per ip throttling + total daily throttling
FWIW at some point I caught someone and started sending back crap @DaveRandom
you can stop them sending requests to the api endpoint, but can't sop them getting the page where you display the data from that endpoint ...
That was fun
@JayIsTooCommon Yeh but that doesn't help, it would always be the same IP from their PoV
the api should not be on a publicly accessible port whatever
And I have a daily limit anyway, but if someone was abusing it that would screw me as well as them
@JoeWatkins It has to be, I have to let people using my website access it
you don't make those requests server side ?
I do, the issue is the front-end layer though
If my JS can access it, anyone with an HTTP client can access it
I make the actual API request server side, but I have to relay that request from that client
I imagined a microservice that wasn't in direct communication with the frontend

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