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@PeeHaa I hope it is like that, never needed until now
@JayIsTooCommon You can tell it's a poor country, but the people so far are great, and the architecture is fantastic... it's an entirely different type or even era of building every few seconds down the road
@DaveRandom pong?
not sure if I need it for Spain and Germany though (to continue to Istanbul), been googling those
@Archer pong!
@Jimbo :) sounds awesome
@Sean In case you don't know it exists and it proves useful, here have a link
@DaveRandom Damn, that's useful. Thanks!
@Ekin no worries, I suspect @Linus may have his config file in the wrong place
8 hours ago, by DaveRandom
@Leigh in fact you may know this: does .well-known (for acme) need to be accessible via https?
@DaveRandom No, in fact it has to be accessible via HTTP.
I assume no but I can't find a concrete answer anywhere (probably because I suck at searching)
@DaveRandom Would be hard like that ;-)
It can be a redirect, but it has to be available via HTTP, as the initial request is always via HTTP.
@kelunik I know that much, just wasn't sure if e.g. renewals might be done over HTTPS
obviously the initial verify step has to be over HTTP though, I get that :-P
DaveRandom i am having config.yml in config folder..
@Oldskool Who told you that you could have a week off?
@JayIsTooCommon my boss did ;-)
@Linus You should set it in the config itself
@Linus you don't need to change that on run.php, just setting true on config.yml is enough :-)
I think he means he copied it to config.yml and changed it there
Did you @Linus? :)
@JayIsTooCommon heh, well I didn't really have the week off, just been busy a lot :)
> Function is not appropriate when the "inlined code" has to share 20-30 local variables Local variables include 6 nested "for loop" indices and local variables/arrays needed for the computing.
.....yeah, no.
@Linus the thing is, if you changed the ?? false to ?? true and then it worked, that means that $config['dev-mode']['enable'] is null/undefined - if you have a config file in the right place then that's the part you need to debug
^ yeah that
Or you have an old version of the config file
> It has the highest rated smartphone camera. Ever. A battery that lasts all day
Oh wow. It lasts all day \o/
i created new one and deleted old one :(
That's like useful right!
and my $config['dev-mode']['enable'] is always NULL i don't know why i will look at it lemme try it
BTW what's the lawsuit are going to be about? /me doesn't get it @DaveRandom
it looks pretty similar to the iPhone
@Linus Is there anything at all in $config?
@Linus 1) where is your config.yml 2) is it really called config.yml 3) is the dev mode directive in it
@PeeHaa IT'S A RECTANGLE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS!!!!!11111oneoneoneleven
I see :P
Wow that other stuff on the page is totally not scary btw
Also I think it actually does look more like an iPhone than any other not-iPhone I've ever seen
Is it the top thingy (speaker?)?
dunno, there's just something about it that feels like iVeSeenItBefore
yeah linus
blame fucked formats for that one
yaml is whitespace sensitive
daaaaaaaaave can I update you about [...$iterable] ?
oh right
@Linus last line needs indentation
:P ok
@Wes I lost the link
nikic started writing the patch. now we are wondering if that should overwrite string keys
thanks PeeHaa,DaveRandom
@Wes Oh huh, interesting question
or if string keys should be converted to offsets
@Linus np
[...$dic1, ...$dic2] could be useful, but i think ... is mostly a positional operation, than associative
I'd never really considered it in the context of assoc arrays tbh but I suppose that does start to become an issue when you splat into something that supports names
@DaveRandom The reason is a vulnerability. The initial one could be done over HTTPS as well if the vulnerability didn't exist.
Self-signed and other certificate errors have to be ignored for those validation requests, since they're signed / thumbprinted anyway, so there's no real attack surface other than blocking requests, which is just the same with HTTPS.
@Wes I actually am going to need a little thinking/mulling time on that question I think. Basically the question is: does it behave like array_merge() or array addition. My gut says the former is the more commonly desired behaviour.
but in many ways i would like if it worked also for maps
Anyway, I'm off again. Will probably have stable internet in my new home starting tomorrow.
@kelunik good luck
@PeeHaa webnews uses postgres ?
@Wes Actually, we already have an operator for that
Should work with any sql standard database though
Yeah just need to convert schema
@Wes have a few infinite iterators here :-)
@PeeHaa so nothing then
@DaveRandom there is also that, yes
@DaveRandom I meant to say: should work with anything but mysql :P
And even that's mostly because of odd offset/limit
Unless they fixed that shit by now
I like to think, every 24 hours, as night turns to day, there stands Stas, objecting to it ...
gist.github.com/Netmosfera/287727ad652d4588b84e8db7e723f153 @DaveRandom this is what i've added so far but it's not updated
yeah i'm starting to think that it should just push() using the iteration order
How do you mark your internal #PHP functions / methods if they have to be public? Double / single underscore? "internal" annotation?
^ Does anybody know any PHP conventions there? Need it for github.com/kelunik/daas/pull/9.
@Wes I still need more time (like probably a day or two) to reach an actual opinion but my current stance is that probably this. + is for combining assoc arrays, ... is for splatting a list.
Also @Wes that would make the non-int/string keys problem go away, and that's a huge minefield in itself
If you just iterate and push then all that is gone
$iterator->key() must not even be called
well it needs to be called, that's how you iterate a thing, some Iterator implementations may depend on it being called for correct operation
It will be called and the return value is ignored
@kelunik for the record, double underscore is reserved by php
@NikiC For methods, yes, but I don't think for functions within namespaces.
in any case, I use @internal
`@internal` sucks, it's both for marking something internal only and for giving internal informations, for instance:
@internal If you want to edit this method just make sure to double check its result. <- doesn't mean it's not-public. It's just a note for people that are reading its code.
@internal <- alone it means it's "namespace protected"
that's my interpretation, though
@Wes Inline tag vs. standalone tag, yes.
no, they are both standalone tags, but one doesn't have text
i don't think {@internal} is actually possible
aka namespace-protected:
* @internal

aka just a internal-only note
* @internal If you want to edit this method just make sure to double check its result.
if inline {@internal Foo bar baz} is used, i've never seen it
@Wes If you want to show that text to readers only, then use the inline tag
@Wes It is, according to the PSR-5 draft.
maybe they changed it
Are pings in messages formatted with the user name or ID in Message?
@Sean What are you actually trying to do?
@DaveRandom A layer up, add a method to Message which returns a list of all those pinged in this message.
A layer up, detect all pinged so they can be pinged in a response
Though I guess double pinging isn't that good. I'll leave it out.
@Sean I suggest you start by just replying to the offending message
@DaveRandom Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.
For the record though, if you ever do need to do you can get everything that matches #(?:^|\s)@(\S+)(?:\s|$)# then resolve the names against ChatClient#getPingableUsers()
Actually I need to change that regexp
probably just \b would be better
@Sean-foo did this ping you?
foo-@Sean what about this?
I think then #@(\S+)(?:\s|$)# is probably what you would want
then resolve the captured names against the pingable list
you just lost the game. understanders will understand
@I'mBlueDaBaDee so did you though, so at least I have that
wtf kinda rules allow ' in a username :-(
I mean how the hell are you supposed to design a sane regex for that
it's almost like they meant the chat to be read by humans instead of computers or something
Hi friends
I am a noob in PHP , I have a small question , If I am calling some function on the button click which I am using in the PHP file , that function should be implemented in that php tag or after the tag closed ?
@Jean-LucGodard As long as it's somewhere in the same file it should work.
Assuming you're submitting to the same file, otherwise it should be in the target file.
@DaveRandom uh, \b is the wrong assertion here, it e.g. excludes also dashes in names
> A "word" character is an underscore or any character that is a letter
or digit.
(And \b matches when between \w\W or \W\w (or string boundary) as you know)
@Oldskool yes , same file , but where should I implement the function ? inside or outside PHP tag ?
@DaveRandom you could try NLP with some regex flavor…
Is there a way to dynamically add a method to an object without the use of call_user_func or defining __call in the class? I cannot edit the class file of $obj.

$obj->new_method = function() {...}
call_user_func($obj->new_method); //not this

Pretty sure I'm asking too much of php at this point :>
@Jean-LucGodard no, there is no such requirement
@tereško, So I can put it anywhere , right?
welll ... not really
the function that you want to execute on click should be located in the file, which will be called when you click the button
<?php echo '<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>';

function myFunction()

echo 'function called';
header('Location:checkout.php'); exit();

am I doing this right @tereško?
you cannot call php function with javascript
oh .. Ohk .. let me google it that way ..
But I want some function to be called on button click , So I will be needing this call

<?php echo '<button onclick="myFunction()">Click me</button>';
right ?
@Jean-LucGodard you probably should try picking up book about PHP to skim through it
@DaveChen you can kind of do this with anonymous classes - 3v4l.org/RKu09 but no not really.
or How I am suppose to call some PHP function on some button click /
@tereško :) .. I feel that now .. Thanks anyway :)
@Jean-LucGodard you dont
the button (which is in the browser) would have to call a completely separate php script
when you see the button in the browser, the php code has already stopped running and what you see is just the output
Oh , got it ..And yes I think I need to go back and learn some basics first ..
Thanks for your help @tereško
Hello. Maybe here is people, who is working with wordpress? :)
Thanks, just wanted confirmation. I'm using an GAE datastore library that returns rows, and I wanted it to look "prettier"

$row = $datastore->query("SELECT ... blah");
$row->column = 'different';

$datastore->update($row); //instead of this I wanted
$row->update(); //which has the benefit of not requiring the $datastore variable and just looks nicer in my opinion
@bwoebi I meant to replace to the (^|\s)
@DaveRandom Ah
but actually I think that just @(\S+)(?:\s|$) is probably a safer bet all round
the only thing I'm certain about is that a (pingable) name cannot contain whitespace...
I dun goofed.
I was supposed to submit a PR for Hacktoberfest instead of committing >.<
turns out the best ide for javascript is... phpstorm. or rather, webstorm
I liked webstorm too
tried sublime, atom, vs code. they are mostly ok but automplete on webstorm works better
it's not perfect, just better than others
I still use atom if not phpstorm but it's mainly because I use the snippets I saved a lot for specific projects
and all that is great since i will use one editor only for both languages, plus css, html
/and in the darkness bind them.
@tereško and now I have a cold, hope you're happy.
@Joe I now need to make up a lame excuse why I allowed my sister to distract from writing phpdbg docs … Going to bed now, will write some early tomorrow…
@PeeHaa better get yourself checked out :/ Sorry :(
@JayIsTooCommon fuck yeah
@JayIsTooCommon lol
user image
lol I just got introduced to someone as she's cool and half-unicorn
(it was for some freelance work)
:D pointfivecorns, even more rarer
whatwg dom spec foreign language:
> The contiguous Text nodes of a node node are node, node’s previous sibling Text node, if any, and its contiguous Text nodes, and node’s next sibling Text node, if any, and its contiguous Text nodes, avoiding any duplicates.
> avoiding any duplicates
the irony
Is there a solid reference for MySQL learning online?
mysql documentation is the worst. that alone should convince people to move away from mysql
Aye, that's what I was thinking
@Wes nice photoshop
@Wes huh?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier not saying it's incomplete or incorrect. information you would consider worth to read, is surrounded by hundreds of useless words making said information hard to grasp
even the simplest topic has hundreds of words...

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