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oh damnit...
@PeeHaa in shop, won't be long. This shop has wifi, how cool is that?
Nope it's not
@PeeHaa just the ? alias broken?
@JayIsTooCommon \o/
!!command alias ? google
Command '?' is now mapped to Google # Search
!!? rust game
Search for "rust game" (https://www.google.com/search?q=rust+game&lr=lang_en)
• Rust « - Official website. News, game information, game trailer, and developer blog are provided here. (https://playrust.com/)
• Rust on Steam - 11 dec. 2013 - About This Game. The only aim in Rust is to survive. To do this you will need to ove… (http://store.steampowered.com/app/252490/)
• Rust (computerspel) - Wikipedia - Rust is een indiecomputerspel, ontwikkeld en uitgebracht door Facepunch Studios (Verenigd Koninkrij… (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_(computerspel))
Yeah that's the one
@mehdi are these images stored on disk?
@PeeHaa But, it is...
@PeeHaa looks scary.
@PeeHaa Java is OOP ad absurdum. Not real OOP.
@Leigh yes , the encoded string has image address on disk and a water mark
Ok, so why do you need to decode anything?
@Jimbo It's not because primitives. It's OOCapable. Only true OOP pureness will prevent the end of the world
Hash the image in whatever way you want, break that hash up into smaller parts for directory names if you want, store the image on a path that maps directly to the hash
@Leigh I dont want to share my images address , so I encode them and then use a encoded link to my images src
@bwoebi It's ok. Basically you 1) build a home 2) shoot everybody and everything 3) rape other people's homes 4) wait till they return the favor
@PeeHaa I don't like 2)
It's actually good, because you can really annoy people / it's really annoying when it happens
It keeps you on your toes
The TL;DR is that you cannot trust anybody. Which is nice
@mehdi You're creating unnecessary work for no gain. You don't gain any security by "encoding the path". You can create routes that mask any prefix you want, and just expose the end of the path directly. Let the OS and your webserver handle serving the file from the filesystem, they're good at it.
@Leigh I did this , but problem is generating new addresses every time AES called , and I dont know Can I use AES to generate constant string to constant values (address , text) Or I should use another encoding class ?
@PeeHaa do you phpstorm 2016? can you test this for me? pastebin.com/JnEqJJsF i.imgur.com/vJmpxW6.gif
I'm only going to answer one part of that. Yes you can use AES to generate a constant value based on constant inputs.
@Leigh you are right , but I have water mark , size , quality , ... and I want to encode it with image address
@Wes 1 sec
it shouldn't complain about those not implemented methods. it does in phpstorm 10
It does for me too
@mehdi If you really want to use AES, here is my recommendation. 1) Use CTR mode, and increment the nonce with each image (store this value somewhere, NEVER use the same nonce twice). 2) Include the nonce in your URL, this is safe to do 3) HMAC the full string and use that in your URL. 4) When you receive an incoming request, VERIFY the HMAC first.
Hm, does PHPunit not like yield?
Oh I might be being dumb.
Okay I think I'll leave those tests for now. Trying to work with it is a little difficult. Got the command mock built easily enough but I have no idea how to test the message response when it's returning a promise / using client->postReply
Actually, my recommendation would really be to use GCM, but that's going to be difficult to set up, especially if you're not on a modern version of PHP
Could perhaps mock Client
@Sean Want me to write some tests for a full plugin later this week so you can steal it?
@PeeHaa If you fancy it, the client mock worked well.
Mocking clients is one of my favourite things to do
has anyone encountered "revert" to mean "reply" in Indian English?
hey, i've found @Leigh :D youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-32378 <- also room, please vote for iterable support in phpstorm
I think this is the first time I've seen it.
@Wes yeah that ape has some useful requests on there
@PeeHaa beer time because I am cooler than @⁠Ekin
Thanks jeevus
@Wes one of the people who voted for it, is actually a JetBrains developer, but still not assigned :(
Oh, I didn't even realise it was you when I commented :)
yeah i submitted the bug like immediately when voting wasn't closed yet, hoping for a fast implementation
I can never remember my jetbrains credentials :(
telling you guys again, we should help each other getting these bugs fixed by upvoting them... like others (cough, frameworks, cough) do
The thing is it doesn't really help
We have been asking for multiple column marker support for a long time now
@PeeHaa it does, they fix bugs in order of popularity, mostly
youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-27425 another thing that pisses me off
I was just about to link both that one and this one :)
@Ekin beer time
fwiw I voted
Sherefe @Ekin
actually i just noticed they've been fixing several things
also this. very much cringe youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-31252
@PeeHaa You have a nonsensical definition of nice
Ah @Wes you found my one where the voting, it does nothing :P (multiple margins)
@bwoebi Nah trusting people is poop
@Leigh that is different though from "language support" :P
@Wes How long did it take to get scalar types properly supported, after 7.0 was released? (6 months or so?)
@PeeHaa oiiiii
hey bieber just signed in
that was relatively easy i think because it was already supported by phpdoc, but yeah something like that
ugh it's installing a new version...
30 secs
took me 5 minutes...
30 seconds?!?! this is unacceptable!
you should go cut someone w/a knife over that chit
@Wes This should be easy... copy/paste callable, change a couple of keywords, delete something
@Wes phpdoc wysiwyg editor that stores the results in docbook. If you could have that done by next week that would be great. kthxbye
@DaveRandom Doesn't that miss a g at the end?
@Wes you should just talk to Gary - twitter.com/GeeH/status/781787244432588800 ....and you know go to conferences where you can bribe him with beer to get shit done.
ha, okay :D
!!? wysiwym
Search for "wysiwym" (https://www.google.com/search?q=wysiwym&lr=lang_en)
• WYSIWYM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - WYSIWYM /ˈwɪziwɪm is a paradigm for editing a structured document. It is an adjunct to the better-k… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYM)
• WYSIWYM (interaction technique) - Wikipedia, the… - What you see is what you meant (WYSIWYM) is a text editing interaction technique that emerged from… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYM_(interaction_technique))
• Forget WYSIWYG editors - use WYSIWYM instead | 45… - 12 dec. 2006 - Forget WYSIWYG editors - use WYSIWYM instead. A
Oh I thought it was May Get :P
@DaveRandom phpnet's docbook?
yes, essentially replace the right pane of the docs editor with a wysiwyg interface
And no, I haven't considered how technically possible that actually is
Search for "WSMFP" (https://www.google.com/search?q=WSMFP&lr=lang_en)
• Urban Dictionary: WSMFP - WSMFP. An acronym for Widespread Mutha Fuckin' Panic! Kid: "What's that WSMFP on your trucker hat m… (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=WSMFP)
• What Does Wsmfp Stand for ? - MeansThat.com - Learn more about the question What Does Wsmfp Stand for. Answer to the question What Does Wsmfp Sta… (http://www.meansthat.com/143129/what-does-wsmfp-stand-for)
• #wsmfp hashtag on Twitter - See Tweets about #wsmfp on Twitter. See what people are saying and join the conversation. (https://twitt
@JayIsTooCommon did I just "unfriend" you?
Or did you get kicked out
@DaveRandom link?
kicked out of? I wasn't in anything ?
apart from your mother.
@Wes to what, the existing editor?
I saw you were online and I right clicked and you were gone
@JayIsTooCommon Gary is quite horny, and enjoys a good butting
@PeeHaa Oh, just avoiding you
@JayIsTooCommon TIL You're @PeeHaa's half-brother.
@Leigh hahahaha
@JayIsTooCommon I made a joke about someone Indian's mother the other day on here, and I thought I was about to get permabanned, haha
I still can't believe your mother is called Gary @PeeHaa
@DaveRandom aaaaah that medieval torture machine
@rabbitguy I don't think you can do those jokes about any random person's mother
Some people have feels
@JayIsTooCommon :D
this docbook thing is a perfect example of "i can't believe it works" programming
oh, maybe you did unfriend me
@PeeHaa considering I haven't set foot on any continents outside of N America, I would think it's safe to say that all comments about ppl's mothers in India coming from me are false
It's about hurting feels and not so much about people after for you ;-)
Did you join something yet @JayIsTooCommon?
no, was waiting for you - That would explain why I couldn't join you. I've just re-friended (engrish) you anyway
hey, is there a php library for reading excel files? I am working on a project for work where I am reading in excel tables and using them to calculate bid contracts... right now in pure java, but maybe in the future a php version?
!!packagist phpoffice/phpexcel
@Jeeves <3 ?
@JayIsTooCommon I love you too :-)
[ phpoffice/phpexcel ] PHPExcel - OpenXML - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine
I think @DaveRandom fucked up all the aliases this weekend
!!command alias package packagist
Command 'package' is now mapped to Packagist # Search
Think we'll need a new server, you're turn to find one :>
Again a one smash get shitton of resources thing?
where does Jeeves get his dad jokes?
From your @Jimbo's mom
@PeeHaa up to you sugar tits
@JayIsTooCommon I've joined something randomly
Methods: 100.00% ( 7/ 7)   Lines: 100.00% ( 15/ 15)
Anyway updated that goddamn PR.
Does it work a.k.a. can I blindly deploy? :P
Well it's not going to rm -rf if that's what you're saying. :P I don't think there's anything that would cause Jeeves to freak out.
1 sec jesus
oh geez, these jokes
The lock file is kinda useful because it means you can lock deps which means it should work with those versions
On the server we just do composer install based on the lock file
1 more sec @JayIsTooCommon going to deploy
Fair enough, always thought the lockfile wasn't supposed to be in VC :P
@PeeHaa no problamo senorita
Uh you might want to look at the lockfile commit change in the PR then.
In 56?
PHPStorm adamantly added it to the commit changelist whenever I went to commit.
Did you just did a composer update?
The only thing updated is my twitter client which should still work
Unless it doesn't :D
@PeeHaa I have been running for 8 seconds, since 2016-10-03 19:03:45
That looks promising
!!caniuse webgl
[ Jeeves ] [ fb10066 ] Merge pull request #56 from Nessworthy/master Add CanIUse basic search support as a chat plugin. - Commited by: Pieter Hordijk on 03.10.2016 19:00
Seems to work just fine @Sean
@PeeHaa It's cool. After this weekend I have every faith in Jeeves and twitter.
Awesome @Sean \o/
I'm on some server @JayIsTooCommon
i joined you :)
Strange, some plugin endpoints check for \Amp\Promise, some check for \Generator
@Sean Yeah Generators are the old ones most likely
if a try { } catch { } scenario is successful, are there any statements to utilize that?
I mean the try { } part
look like I need to actually read more about a try-catch...
@Tiffany If you reach the end of a try block, the previous code didn't throw an exception.
@Sean alright
$success = false;
try {
    // Code here.
    $success = true;
} catch (SomethingException $e) {
    // ...
if($success === true) {
    // ...
I mean that's a super simple example and it depends on context
that's essentially what I was going to do. if values were inserted into the database successfully, then I was going have a success variable
and set it to true or whatever
@Tiffany why not have everything within try{} ?
actual code to show?
@Wes when I'm finished.... it's Frankenstein's monster
are there any downsides to using type TIMESTAMP versus DATETIME for when a record is created?
i did armies of Frankenstein's monsters, i'm used to them :B
my head doesn't have the entire code loaded right now, just the part I'm working on, I don't want to have to try sharing the whole thing and make it seem understandable right now
maybe later today when I get some of this stuff complete
okay, though chances are you don't need the $success = true|false thing
@Leigh cheers (a bit late, but well :)
@Wes probably, but like I said, Frankenstein's monster.
Is your dog’s Halloween costume sexist? ... this in Washington Post's "business" section
I dont want to live on this planet anymore
Any of you at goto cph?
well if any of you at goto cph ping me
Install OpenSSL PHP Extension with brew on OSX - I thought this would be some simple task??? But noone doesn't know the answer.
@Danack The main idea is that a parent's private methods should not enforce overriding rules on it's children.
fucking youtube is advertising "No Man's Sky" to me
Q: Install OpenSSL PHP Extension with brew on OSX

lewis4ui can't find the command to install this extension....i'm trying to install all of these for Laravel Has anyone done this before, any help is appreciated!

@lewis4u Are you sure OpenSSL is not compiled in already?
i don't know
how can i check
What does phpinfo() tell you?
@lewis4u you should have gone with a standard dual boot solution: "linux for development and porn, windows for gaming"
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
php -i | grep "OpenSSL support" on the cli works too
sooo that is OK
There you go
how to check that for PDO extension
You cannot install OpenSSL separately, it is linked whenever the PHP binary is compiled.
php -i | grep
php -i | grep PDO
not installed
no value
how to install mbstring extension with brew
i got only these in brew...but there is no mbstring:
wtf did i just watch youtube.com/watch?v=VfCYZ3pks48
@pmmaga Ok I get it. The private method is only callable from one scope, so why should it affect the other scopes anyway? Can you provide a use-case for why this would be needed?
A good way to procede might be for you or myself to email internals and ask why it's like that anyway. I can't really think of a sensible reason for it....except for constructors which really ought to have been proper static methods to begin with, instead of this "static, but with inheritance".
@Danack Why would you even like to have private final ctors?
@Danack To be honest it's less about needing and more about having correct visibility in the class model
i know about the common use case for abstracting the singleton pattern
but doing it with a protected has virtually the same effect and is correct
in the very very least I would say that the compile error message should be different for the case of privates, just so it doesn't lead people to think privates are overridable
@bwoebi some people are control freaks, and don't like their code being used in the 'wrong' way.
^ The soft implementation
^ The slightly better :P
@pmmaga "doing it with a protected has virtually the same effect and is correct" - sorry, I'm being slow. Correct in which sense?
@Danack uh … the only reason to make a ctor private is because you have some static constructor for it. But if you extend the class you can just make the constructor non-static if there's only one way to instantiate it.
Or perhaps the anti-pattern of all-methods static classes … but there the classes themselves should be final anyway.
Correct in the sense of that marking a protected method as final is something you can actually do as it is visible by others
@bwoebi Sorry - I didn't mean to imply that the reasoning was something I agreed with....or completely logical.
@pmmaga ok, I see.
@Danack I am just fighting against the advocatus diaboli you're presenting; not arguing against you
@Danack Just trying to ensure that there's really absolutely no reason
basically, @bwoebi is inquisition
We could even go all the way and not even call do_inheritance_check_on_method if the parent is private but I didn't try to implement that yet and it may be more radical
@bwoebi ok then.....here's the question "Why can private methods be marked as final, or force a child class to have the same signature as the private method in the parent scope. All private methods are only callable from a single scope - so why do they affect other scopes?"
@Danack private methods affect signature checks?
This comes a bit as a continuation of github.com/php/php-src/pull/1980
@tereško time to cross-question you :-)
I'm doing JS now
@tereško Traitor and do not evade the topic!
@Danack Since that PR they are not checked for signature anymore
@bwoebi many would argue that my own advocate shouldnt be doing the cross-examination
@NikiC As @pmmaga said:
class Foo {
    private function getFoo() {
class Bar extends Foo {
    public function getFoo($extraArgument) {
> PHP Strict standards: Declaration of Bar::getFoo() should be compatible with Foo::getFoo()
@Danack An annoyance I've encountered: dynamic property assignment on classes with known API breaks if the implementation chooses to create a private property with the same name as the dynamic property…
you mean in old php versions?
@Danack I hope that's only in EOL'ed versions?
@pmmaga Okay, I'm fine with allowing final on private methods
....I need to get a a new mac to be able to install PHP 7 outside of a vm.
@NikiC you mean disallowing?
@bwoebi I mean allow and ignore
I don't think we should disallow
basically do what java does ^^
@NikiC oh… hmmm
It could produce a compiler warning
@pmmaga E_DEPRECATED? :-D
"do what java does" - drive people insane while companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on bloated apps?
@Danack thanks for saying what I was typing right now :-)
@Danack What's the issue with your current mac?
I am still on OSX 10.6.8. Xcode is no longer installable, so can't install anything via brew etc.
@Danack Wut … What model is this? … a powerPC thing still? I thought these died off from world already
@NikiC I'll write the PR soon then. Should it go via bugs.php.net or directly PR?
@bwoebi no - just old-ish and Apple removed all downloads of xcode that would run on it.
@Danack I mean, that you're on 10.6.8 ?!
Upgrading would anger the spirits....
@pmmaga it unfortunately needs an RFC. I still think asking what is the point of allowing final on private methods first is a good strategy.....as it makes people discuss the idea before getting their backs up.
@Wes what were you trying to do?
@PeeHaa shouldn't have done in here, maybe that one was never mapped? Although I'm pretty sure it was
@Danack … oh?
I seem to have committed to give the talk at the phpnw meetup in Nov
so uhhhh... I may be ask for halp :-P
@Danack It's pretty borderline (at least if it just silently ignores final then)
@Danack Yup, that makes sense. I'll draft it soon and ask for feedback
@DaveRandom the talk? About what?
@tereško i blame js for everything, but i was actually having an issue with webstorm :B do you know of any ide/editor that understands jsdoc properly?
@pmmaga cool.
@bwoebi "async != non-linear", basically a high-ish level overview of how you can (ab)use generators to write more readable async code
@bwoebi There's nothing to be gained from having it just be deprecated first is there...?
@DaveRandom thus that's going to be some serious amphp advertising? :-P
@Wes I have never needed to relay on IDE for JS
@Danack I mean deprecated as in we're going to forbid final+private on the same method
@bwoebi sorry I didn't hear you, I have no idea what you mean
@DaveRandom lol
however right now, /me sleeps
nn @all
same here, good night
gn o/
@bwoebi @Danack dunno if it counts but, 3v4l.org/pCOI5
@Wes traits are not affected by final in general
final is just for vertical reuse, not horizontal reuse
who uses final anyway? only @Ocramius :B
@Wes But … But … But … ULTRA-DEFENSIVE CODING!!!!
@Wes yeah......probably need to run it past him sooner rather than later.
final is much like my somesite_web_ui_final.psd which eventually becomes somesite_web_ui_final_2.psd somesite_web_ui_actually_final.psd somesite_web_ui_i_promise_its_the_last_one.psd
why is batch so fucking confusing
I just need to append a date to the end of a file name ;_;

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