There's no type iterable = array | Traversable; or some equivalent.
@Leigh During the primaries I voted for neither of the candidates and everyone I know also did not vote for them[1]. Yet here they are. The debate was torture.
We also have a foreign exchange student from Brazil who watched it with us. >.< Not a good experience for him.
[1]: I mean the people I know who I also know how they voted.
I also can't believe Hilary claims that cyber security is one of the most important topics for our country. This is the same Hilary Clinton of the email server scandal, right?
I can believe that she learned a lesson, that she understands what she done wrong ... I have difficulty understanding how trump gets himself dressed in the morning ...
Overall I think Hilary performed better in the debate but I still don't think she conveyed what she's all about. She basically always allows her opponents to set the topics...
I wish Gary Johnson had been in the debate if only to break up the stupid Trump / Hilary back and forth...
Anyone know where I can get some help on PHP running on Amazon EC2 - got a bug - tried logging it on Server Fault but need someone to login to my instance to look at it - any ideas welcome - Obviously paid work... will take someone who knows like 10 minutes
@LeviMorrison lol I couldn't believe Trump didn't drill down on that one. It was like the ultimate setup. I strongly dislike both of them but that was such a low-hanging fruit.
"It's so important but lol I'm like the biggest cybersecurity threat we have"
It's a rough election. I don't know how I'll vote.
I think Trump would do better with general economics/security, but Hilary would probably do better at most other things like not pissing off allies, enemies, etc...
For example, we could do the ArrayAccess-breaking optimisation we already do on array indices with property names, which is to check if it's numeric when compiling and coerce as needed.
@NikiC One of the things that confused me before is why this category of bug is even possible with the zend_hash API. I think ideally the symtable API would be the default API. That is, you could specifically insert a non-numeric string key, say, but it'd be an optional fast-path marked as such.
@NikiC Anyway, do you have an opinion about what should happen with zend_symtable_clean? Was the function misnamed, or was not supporting integer keys an oversight? (Maybe I should go check where it's used.)
It looks like it's a subset of zend_hash_clean.
It's only used in one place, zend_symtable_clean(symbol_table); in Zend/zend_execute.c. So the naming sounds like a mistake.
Ideally then it would be called something like zend_proptable_clean, but “proptable” is actually a name I just made up for the sake of the object/array patch, it's not a Thing.
@kelunik I use docblocks to document my code, not to make phpdocumentor or such happy. I want to grasp the necessary information concisely in one line, and not read through the whole docblock whether somewhere the callable args are explained, but just look at the second @param line... \cc @Trowski
In my experience, I anyway do never look at generated docs … the only interesting thing are typically examples, which are commonly not inside generated docs.
and ide's embedded documentation is usually bad to read. i like autocomplete and stuff but if it's about reading text i'd rather do it on a nice website
btw, you can open your site's documentation within phpstorm, and your site can even link back to the ide. i don't remember exactly how, but it's something like <a href="phpstorm:....">
zend_hash_clean is longer in good part because of handling if (ht->pDestructor) (or a NULL destructor), which obviously zend_symtable_clean needn't worry about.
@NikiC Okay, now I understand it. It's zend_hash_clean specialised on zval values and string keys, and it doesn't appear to handle packed arrays.
@Andrea I don't think I really did much in terms of comprehensive performance tests for it
The only thing my mail log says is neutral for wp (or at least no obvious diff) and 5% improvement for parsing large files (presumably because token_get_all is faster)
@NikiC it'd presumably improve memory use a bit, but ofc memory use reduction was largely done for the sake of performance, not for its own sake, right?
@kelunik If applied at scale, it is… at least if any project now can use these without certain people complaining about being generated doc compatible -.-
@LeviMorrison @Andrea The $row => ['x' => $row['x']] aspect of it, I can already hear Stas complaining about how it uses the same symbol for different things