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Looking into why our sites flipped to read only. Everything looks fine and they should be out of read only mode now.
oh hey look, last time ^
^ they just realized it's a worse problem than that :-P
@PaulCrovella There are two definitions for acronym.
@kelunik yeah, it's started to take over initialism too due to common use
but that's bullshit
isn't there a nice example on the internetz about IPC in PHP to PHP (different threads)?
I couldn't find any
@PaulCrovella Answer it loaded with false information for the glory of satan
loaded with? Is that correct?
Looks odd for some reason
:p Looks fine to me.
good :)
@PeeHaa 'It mean "is" is now set for getting opr and rs_id. This is critical for is.'
> `$id="";` checks whether the id variable contains an empty string
`$_GET['opr']` gets the opr variable from the database
isset( checks if there is an active internet connection
Somebody please do it :P
If only twas friday
it's friday somewhere
True true
wow, it's Wednesday already
Time flies when working on cake right? :)
I should probably book my flights to NW..
left it slightly late
@PeeHaa shutup.
posted on September 07, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I hate it so much :C
@JayIsTooCommon flights? where do you live?
how to add screenshot of my problem in the comment box?
@DaveRandom Devon but coming from Spain :)
walk. leave now.
Just so that I can impress you with my tan.
@BilalSaqib On a question? You can't. Edit your answer with a screenshot :) Though screenshots aren't usually helpful..
you can put a ascii art :P
tho the char limit would kick in then
@JayIsTooCommon ok dear thanks for advice :(
anyone plays gta v, online?
maybe @DaveRandom
@JayIsTooCommon I am stuck in a SQL query will u help me?
struct in a SQL query?
@BilalSaqib Sorry, I know nuthin. SQL room or someone else here may be able to help though :)
Lol =D again thanks for the advice
Interesting 68.79% of all reputation earned on stackoverflow is earned by the top 1% of users.
that's like real world wealth distribution
@Gordon Pretty much.
Total reputation on StackOverflow as of today is 729,846,199. Only about 59K users on stackoverflow earned 502,107,694 of that rep.
"top 1%"
> Out of 5,987,285 users on StackOverflow 59,872 users have earned a combined 502,107,694 rep.
That means the average rep on SO is a meager 121 points :/
hmmm.... can't recall the post, but there was a meta question about average reputation, and some sede query actually gave an average of... 1 reputation
maybe this counted inactive users or something
@Sherif dont forget that user gets 100 for just registering from a different site
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Depends, are you counting Rep or Votes?
I'm just looking at the aggregate Reputation column. Not the number of votes.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Then that would be wrong, because SUM(Reputation) = 729846199 and COUNT(Id) = 5987285 so SUM(Reputation) / COUNT(Id) = 121
@tereško Right, I'm just looking at Rep regardless of where it came from.
I am just saying that "121" is the optimistic assessment
Well, it's an actual value. It's not qualifying how you got your reputation. Just how much of it you would have if all reputation on the site was distributed evenly across the user base.
@Wes lol
@Wes BTW I was watching fear the walking dead (don't go see it it sucks), but lexa from the 100 was also innit
i want one :|
For a lot of people rep is also about who got to the question first and how many people also had that same question later where they found the top voted answer useful.
Someone like Jon Skeet got to all of the C# questions first, apparently.
@PeeHaa first season sucks hard twitter.com/WesNetmo/status/773194894647107584
second is getting quite interesting
I'm half way through the second still sucks :P
if you compare it to twd it sucks, yeah :B but is showing some potential
So many cliches and "stupid choices you see coming from miles away"
pbs.twimg.com/media/CrvjPaUWcAAb535.jpg does my spilled wine resemble to you some vip you know?
asked my computer teacher in school if he knew Jon Skeet. He replied in negative. I'm disappointed..
@Wes Jack Black? No wait, Jon Snow
@PeeHaa they had to prepare the thing for to justify the rise of doomsday psychopaths. and now we have one (last episodes of 2nd season)
@Wes Oh wow, @PeeHaa's mom
@Jimbo don't you watch top gear?
@Wes It looks more like Jon Snow than it does James May
@FélixGagnon-Grenier The median sounds a lot more likely, but still dubious. It's hard to download the entire database from stackexchange since they only give you 50K rows at a time :/
more than 1.5M users have 1 rep. anything else than 1 qould be strange atually
There's also the fact that you can't go negative. 1 == <= 1
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Well yea, but those figures are outdated now. I looked SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM Users WHERE Reputation = 1; which gives me 3784939. So yea, now 2/3 of the user base has 1 rep.
That seems like it's becoming a trend. In 6 years the figure more than doubled.
So, what's the median
@littlepootis If the set consists of ~6M sorted values then the median is value at offset 3M, which would have to be 1 in this case since there are more than 3M users with 1 rep.
!!caniuse e.target
oh we still don't do that :(
@littlepootis you do JS. Do I need to polyfill e.target?
hey @ThW
@PeeHaa Um, that has been since like.. ever.
So that's a no
What browsers do you plan on supporting?
@littlepootis lynx
lynx has better standards support than IE8
@littlepootis Dunno. It's for banners so I guess IE10 and above. IE9 would be cool though
@PeeHaa IE8 and below doesn't have event.target apparently.
Still not?
oh good
Ain't nobody got time fo ie8
Yeh, I only support Chrome and Netscape these days.
no lynx? booo!
@DaveRandom just for you
the casing was a compromise
awwww, you shouldn't have... best birthday I ever had
don't say I never gave you nothin'
Anyone here familiar with P of EAA?
maybe @PeeHaa, but only because of his nicname
@tereško didn't see you on.... Sorry to keep bothering you.
don''t worry, everything bothers him
/me is at work .. trying to de-cypher how a piece of strange upload widget works
@tereško it isn't stupid if it works
what is php
that's still not determined
In one of your post you said I should implement Presentation Models to adhere to DRY. In PHP and web programming should I think of a Presentation Model as a sub-view. Meaning my main view instance creates the sub-view, gives it the request object, and then simply echos it to the screen along with the other parts of the template?
@PONRAJ "parents helping parents", we a social movement to against video games
I guess I'm asking are Presentation Models like view-models in other MVC inspired patterns?
The highest voted question on StackOverflow that still has no answer stackoverflow.com/questions/30453656/…
If any websites to learn php. Because i`m fresher in php
start with php.net
@tereško thank u
@bassxzero no. "ViewModel" is a specific thing. "Presentation models" are pieces of frontend functionality, that gets repeated in multiple places of UI. You could look at them as "widgets".
... also, some people have this annoying tendency to attach "model" to every fucking term
@tereško so for backend PHP, Presentation models aren't used?
they are used
@tereško just a general question.. Where do you work? . I mean do you work for any organization or you are a freelancer ?
ehh ... I find it hard to explain
So I should use them to add error messages to form controls?
or still no? lol
"Presentation model" is the backend part of a widget ... for example "the navigation menu" - it handles the logic for figuring out "what is the currently active element"
@tereško I asked this because most of the time you are online and you answer to good questions very technically .. thats why..
@bassxzero yes, you can. A more important question is: do you need them?
@Exception I have a 9-5 job.
Hey everyone. For storing per-user key=>value data in MySql database, would it be better to have:
a) separate table for each user, 2 columns: key and value
b) one table with 3 columns: user_id, key, value
In terms of performance: speed and load?
@tereško so whats the time there?
@Exception 3AM
I switched to chat because I was tracking down a nodejs-related issue
A lot of elements are repeated over several of my pages, for example navigation bars. My nav bar is the same on every page and I'm trying to prevent having set template data for it in every view. So what should I do for this?
materialize v0.97.7 is freaking BORKEN
@tereško whaaaaaaaaat... and you are still awake?
@Sherif highest voted?
@PeeHaa "that still has no answer"
Oh :p
I blame mobile chat
@Exception wait no , fuck , 3PM
Q: Why is it faster to process a sorted array than an unsorted array?

GManNickGHere is a piece of C++ code that seems very peculiar. For some strange reason, sorting the data miraculously makes the code almost six times faster. #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <iostream> int main() { // Generate data const unsigned arraySize = 32768; int data[arr...

as in 15:00
@tereško lawl
@tereško hahaha
Almost beeroclock
I wonder how much rep I would have had if I had asked that Q.
@bassxzero as I see it, the point of "Presentation models" is to extract the logic from the templates, when templates begin to contain too much "UI logic"
@PeeHaa it's always beer o'clock somewhere :)
@Slayther As long as your columns are indexed correctly (user_id, key as PK) I don't think speed would be a problem if you stored them all in one table. Also, how would you select the correct table without some naming convention if every user had a table?
@tereško I suppose that means I don't really need them. Thank you. Did you see my question about repeating navbar code in every view?
@bassxzero yes, usually you would solve it just by having navigation template used in every view
@bassxzero Oh, so I should put both as primary keys? Not sure what you mean by naming convention. For generating user_id?
or, if you use twig, you can use template-inheritance
@Slayther use both columns as a composite PK. It gives you an index on both columns and I imagine your queries would only reference user_id or key in the where clause so they should be fast.
@bassxzero They would actually query both every time.
Am I being dumb, or is it just really hard to get the actual MySQL error status code through doctrine DBAL?
Catching Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException has no way of getting the code from that....and the connection doesn't seem to have it either.
@Slayther it's fine to reference one or both. I was just saying that if you query on the "value" column often then you might want to add an index to that column as well.
@bassxzero Oh, value would probably never be queried. Unless there is some corner case which I am not seeing. Thanks!
anybody fit here with Wordpress ?
New gym "Wordpress"? c:
I wrote a blog post once in Wordpress, does that count?
no sorry :p
I edited a theme for Wordpress, does that count?
yeah maybe :D purchased the betheme, every time i change the phpversion, the custom betheme settings are restored to default, any idea ?
Throws a pokemon at the Wordpress.
@Traxstar every time you change the what?
the php version. like changing from 5 to 5.6 @salathe
How are you doing that?
by my host
he got a dropdown for that ^^
In that case, the two things are probably related. No, I can't help you. :S
-.- :D
@bassxzero I marked the columns as primary. Should I mark them as index too?
Do OPCache really helps ?
@Wes oh lol, way too much cuteness
em, yesterday I did the !!changelog
Top 10 tags on @StackOverflow #PHP ranks 4th in popularity, but 7th in total score where #Python takes its place... https://t.co/PdRn3xUZgu
Interesting that c# holds steady in 3rd in both places.
Memcache as a session store? Y/N/Noooooooooooooo
Scratch that, big no since we use multiple servers.
@Sherif the really interesting thing is that C has so little questions. I recently disovered it only has about a quarter million questions.
@Gordon Yea, that is weird.
that's a small number given it's popularity according to tiobe.com/tiobe-index
Maybe all the C questions were answered by K&R 40 years ago?
or 35 or whatever it is
or just C being much easier
I mean, it has less obviously weird semantics
@bwoebi true
And I see only few people starting with it as first language
But Java and Javascript are way up there in both categories.
and C#, obviously
Hello, i need to geta .txt file from .asp application to my php application.
Would they just submit a form to my domain and route, then in my php application i take the file like any normal form submission through the site itself?
@Sherif could you please show me a ranking of 2011?
(I.e. when SO has less flow of dumb newbie questions)
@bwoebi hmmm... good question. One sec, I have to figure out how to query it by date. These tag queries are not trivial since the Tags column is a nvarchar. Talk about non-normalize data!
Seriously, either they did this intentionally to make it more difficult for you to get the data dump or Jeff Atwood deserves to be castigated from writing SQL.
@Sherif ask a meta question about it (lol… but seriously.)
@bwoebi I know how to do it. It's just painful to write.
@Sherif I meant a meta question why it's done that way
oh yea
@bwoebi I have a feeling the real answer is "because MS licensing is expensive"
make sure to include the part about castigation for extra votes
@Sherif I didn't meant to ask why using mssql at all…
@bwoebi No, I mean that if you did put the tags in a separate table you'd have a lot more rows and since SQL Server is per core, you'd probably have to pay a lot more to make that work as efficiently.
MS would charge you licensing per query if they could.
@bwoebi Only 2011, or up to 2011?
@Sherif up to
@bwoebi So excluding any answers provided to those questions after 2011 as well, I assume?
@Sherif yeah… but I assume this only being a negigible fraction anyway
so to get the next letter in the alphabet i would simply increment , for example if $this->_version = 'A'; and i want B i would do this $this->_version = ++ $this->_version;
my question is how do i get the previous one
As in i have a C and i want B
@Joseph Take a wild guess.
-- doesn't work
if that what you expect my guess to be
@Joseph No, but that's just because of type juggling. chr(--ord("B"))
It doesn't work in reverse
how can incrementing works then ?
Principally the character is just a number.
@Joseph Because modulus
would this decrement AA to Z ?
You can't say -1 % 256 :/
because Z ++ give AA
errr, had it right the first time
@Joseph No
You're on your own there.
thought so :/
It's simple math.
no worries
someone faced this before
Q: Most efficient way to get previous letter in the alphabet using PHP

itsazzadIts working nicely: $str = 'a'; echo ++$str; // prints 'b' $str = 'z'; echo ++$str; // prints 'aa' Its very useful to get next column name in an excel file. But if I use similar code using -- operator to get the previous letter then its not working: $str = 'b'; echo --$str; // prints 'b' b...

Thank you :)
> 10 rows returned in 23004 ms
oh look it's not that bad!
no wait, it's worse :/
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: OutOfMemoryError thrown while trying to throw OutOfMemoryError; no stack trace available
@bwoebi ^
By score PHP still comes in #6
That's … unexpected.
By popularity it was #3
I know... weird.
PHP just always sucks
You mean, many users of PHP suck…
That ^
And what's even stranger is that almost every question tagged is also tagged either javascript or html or css or mysql or some other popular thing that still has better overall score. So that means PHP weighs everyone down, but they still do better.
That's despite those questions getting bad scores.
@Jimbo lol
How the heck does javascript score so damn high?!
This is baffling to me. Half the javascript code in existence sucks balls!
@Sherif Because many people have the same issues probably.
Because browser differences and such things.
@kelunik hmmm
That actually might shed some light there.
@bwoebi get out
Jul 4 '11 at 14:19, by salathe
PHP sucks.
@salathe Hey you nailed it!
And that was 5 years ago so it's like you predicted the future!
Hehe 5 years, where does the time go?!
I wonder what the most starred message is
@salathe just linked it :)

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