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@PaulCrovella ping
@tereško open
@Manulaiko you might benefit from reading this thing: stackoverflow.com/a/19309893/727208 ... skip to the bit about "parsing URLs"
or you could use FastRoute
checks requirements for answer to count as post
@tereško I know, I'm using it that way because it's easier and simpler for my view.
... fast-route is incredibly simple to comprehend, and does the shit without any fluff... what do you want more?
@Manulaiko you can add your github repo as a VCS repo in composer if you just need to get on with work.
would be like /accounting/showInvoice/12345 in your way?
@Manulaiko it is "simpler" only in the most basic usecases
as your execution URLs become more complex, you will have to use a regex-based matching
If I start by using other's work I wouldn't have made anything, this is all for learning propose and fits my coding way.
so, I gave you a way to make your own router and an option of a good library
@tereško I can also do that github.com/AlexyaFramework/Router
then I dont understand what you are doing there with uri()
It's easier for me
@FélixGagnon-Grenier give me a music recommendation
I demand it
Ofc I could have replaced that with "(.*)/(.*) => function($controller, $action) { ... } but it looks easier for me that way
(。 ㅅ 。)
@Manulaiko you should avoid specifying the version in github.com/AlexyaFramework/Http/blob/master/composer.json
@PaulCrovella TIL
@tereško if you have some time in front of you and are in a somewhat darkish mood, tchaikovsky's pathetic symphony (no.6) is pretty moving. it can lead to very dark thoughts / emotions, be aware
I'm pretty sure I always add it :O
@PaulCrovella Then how does packagist which version is which? It also worked for other depencies that way
> "license": "GNU",
Ah, so you don't want people to use it?
why wouldn't someone be able to use a GNU licensed library?
> When you publish your package on Packagist, it is able to infer the version from the VCS (git, svn, hg, fossil) information. This means you don't have to explicitly declare it. Read tags and branches to see how version numbers are extracted from these. - getcomposer.org/doc/02-libraries.md#specifying-the-version
Because I might want to make a living from something I write?
@Manulaiko because we sell code of our websites
tereško need money to keep drinking beer and wine
And for the record I license most of my stuff MIT - because if I'm putting it public and want other people to use it, then that's almost the only sane choice.
@tereško or, sometimes I like me some rhapsody. especially legendary tales or symphony of enchanted lands
I think that GNU allows you to use the source for whatever you want as long as you give credits and keep the project opensource
@tereško Money is overrated
so... do you live in your mother's basement?
just found a "best of" for Tchaikovsky .. though I had hoped for something with bass guitar
go fo some tool then @tereško
!!xkcd cron mail
@Danack I prefer apache but use mit 'cause it's shorter and easier for people to understand
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, he probably has to finish 9th grade to get that option
@PaulCrovella I have other dependencies with the version key and they still work
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes I do
@Jeeves swing and a miss there, you're looking for xkcd.com/1728
@FélixGagnon-Grenier also I was hoping for something that I dont already have
Noite all o/
@Saitama go away
@tereško Y?
@Manulaiko I didn't say it's the cause of your current problem, just that you should avoid it per the composer docs recommendations.
oh, ok
GNU license is a cancer
I thought it was Aries
runs away
that reminds me .. I have not listened to System of a Down in ages
funny, I almost spoke of them, but thought you would totally had listened to it already, today
not this year
I find their two last albums age very well.
actually, their albums, as a whole, have a very organic growth
"organic growth" is what you have on a bathroom floor, if you dont clean it for couple years
hmm, I found out how to match a comma-separated string of consecutive numbers with a single regex…
Like e.g. 1,2,3,4 … or 9,10,11 or 78,79,80
meaning, they sound as System of a Down throughout all their albums, yet each album does not sound like the precedent. keeping an overall quality too
@PaulCrovella that's... odd
@bwoebi (\d+),?(?:(\d+),)(\d+) something like that?
@bwoebi looks toward the screen intensifies
@tereško consecutive.
!!? match a comma-separated string of consecutive numbers with a single regex
so, 1,2,3,3 must not be matched, or 1,2,4 neither
Search for "match a comma-separated string of consecutive numbers with a single regex" (https://www.google.com/search?q=match+a+comma-separated+string+of+consecutive+numbers+with+a+single+regex&lr=lang_en)
• Ruby regex to match only single digits in a comma… - 10 apr. 2015 - You can try the following regular expression: (? (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29571916/ruby-regex-to-match-only-single-digits-in-a-comma-delimited-string)
• Regex for one or more words separated by spaces -… - 5 aug. 2014 - If you do not care just how many words you have, this would work: [\w\s]+. \w is any… (htt
too much perl
… and that's just from 0 to 100…
basicalkly a lot of lookbacks
@tereško it's all positive lookahead assertions
you are correct
you can do it with lookbacks too if you prefer
@DaveRandom :D
or you could just kill yourself
@PaulCrovella no, you cannot. lookbacks need to be fixed width
@PaulCrovella not really ... you want to get the collected matching sequence as a result
it will be a bit harder
@tereško I found that to be impossible.
yeah ... hence the "a bit harder" part
I only achieved to verify if a string is consecutive
I am not entirely sure it is impossible, but I don't have a day spare day of my life to find out
@bwoebi I didn't say in pcre :p
@tereško I … uh … just needed 1.2 hours for this…
for lookbehind you would probably need the day
if it's possible
you could do it, including the capturing, in .net's regex implementation
@PaulCrovella you really could capture this?
@bwoebi pretty sure. you can repeat capture groups, which is dope.
@PaulCrovella if this were the only issue :-P
it's not the only issue, but it does bring it into the realm of possibility
who the hell stared a "reopen" tag?
that + having full regex power in a lookbehind (hence allowing for variable length lookbehinds) opens up options
@tereško I thought it was you, begging for upvotes
so it's friday. last day at present job. one hour before going away.
I dont need upvotes to for the oop badge ... I need "answers"
@PaulCrovella it doesn't really matter whether you do this via lookahead or lookbehind
@tereško does 0 score answer count?
I think they do
the real issue is doing the consecutive match
@bwoebi I know. That was just to the point that is could be done via lookbehind.
but I need to write 50+ more of those
@FélixGagnon-Grenier they do.
@PaulCrovella I wonder how much I'm willing to bet on whether it's impossible with .NET too…
@Linus looks neat. I'll probably never use it, but it looks neat.
\o/ i found something useful and neat
@PaulCrovella the feature in PCRE I'm missing for matching the full sequence is resetting capturing group matches (without making the match fail)
@bwoebi you mean like branch reset? (or could you rephrase?)
@PaulCrovella As you see, the whole matching only works by making the match fail, which resets all capturing groups to not yet set, so that (?(groupname)…) conditions work
@PaulCrovella branch reset just resets the capturing group numbers for each branch… it doesn't actually reset the capturing groups themselves
@bwoebi ah, I should pick through what you're doing before asking any more questions... or I should come up with my own version first probably
@tereško only under condition that the official satis repos become part of PHP and composer an official PHP project (no problems with Jordi being maintainer…)
ok. I thought I had some grasp of yield, but now realize I probably really don't, especially when using yield in an expression like $foo = yield $client->request($url). Problem is most time when I experiment, I just fail to get output from functions where yield is present; it seems the flow is changed but I don't understand how. Am I just not setting something correctly?
Is pickle an actual thing yet?
does a $var = yield myFunc(); needs a yield 'valurFromMyFunc'; on the other end to "return the control" to the calling function?
lol last release feb 2015 0.4...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Are you using any non-blocking framework?
@bwoebi no, just randomly trying to see how yield can actually be used in existing code
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yeah, then as Paul said, Generator::send() continues it
@FélixGagnon-Grenier first yield $client->request($url) gives the resulting value to the consumer, then the consumer calls $gen->send("foo") continuing execution in the generator at $var = setting $var to the "foo" sent.
Paul is using debug_backtrace bad?
@Linus for what they were doing, most certainly
using debug_backtrace in order to vary behavior of a method based on the caller means you've screwed something up
could not understand you.
sorry for that
How to deploy php app, without any downtime, if the uploads are in the same app directory?
isn't debug_backtrace is similar to java stack trace?
@Linus yes, and they were misusing it to get the identity of who called a method in order to change the method's behavior based on that caller. a simplified example: eval.in/private/b5d05ede80f5a6
it's been a while
@PaulCrovella Thanks :)
@PaulCrovella ok. I think I get some basic part of this. however, I'm a bit confused about what happens here in Jeeves xkcd's plugin. the consumer (whatever executes search, in that case?) would receive the response from the HttpClient (from yield), then in turn, send() it back to search() for further processing?
@Linus you're welcome. it's a horrible hacky way to do double dispatch (in case you want to read further)
btw can we say it breaks encapsulation?
ok .,. I have a genuine question: what is Hillary using, that no shit ever sticks?
at this point it doesn't seem enough
@Linus no
i knew it
@tereško the GOP has been trying to drown her in shit for 20 years, with the vast majority of it having no basis in reality whatsoever. 2 decades of witch hunts leaves them without credibility and her with a ton of practice dealing with it - so when something comes up that might actually be an issue for anyone else, it slides right off
yeah .. well, seems to be true
why would one use new String("") explicitly in javascript? (not really asking, just passing on my frustration)
also, based on what I have been seeing lately, it looks like Huma Abedin is being built-up by Clinton, in case they need to pull "fall of favorite son"
(if you know what that is)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier pretty much, but digging into anything using an async framework like jeeves is doing is probably the worst way to try to understand the flow of generators.
@tereško or people just consider Trump the bigger problem and thus still hold to her…
@PaulCrovella yeah... actually, after realizing nothing seems to directly call search() I'm now labeling return [new PluginCommandEndpoint('Search', [$this, 'search'], 'xkcd')]; as the next major culprit. Probably the worst way indeed, but it's friday afternoon, sunny, I've had 4 beers, last day at work, my heart is melting because leaving all these lovely coworkers, totally had some tears sooner on, full of nostalgia induced also by @Ekn's shared yt song, so.. let my brain be full of confusion
@bwoebi well .. there is the funny part: they have Trump as the second options because no serious candidates wanted to go against Clintons and fail. How many USA politicians have become a president after failing in previous election?
actually, the same problem was on democrat side too
@tereško well… Clinton, if she doesn't fail.
everyone just assume that Clinton's presidency is preordained
and now you have to choose between a crook and a clown
congarts, very democracy, much wow
well, the clown was chosen democratically… but the crooks election has been rigged much…
Hey can someone help me? Using php how can I test if "/this/is/my/route" begins with "/this" or if later down the line I need to check "/this/is" and both return true
!!man strpos
@bwoebi which makes it even more miserable
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Command not found. Have you tried Windows instead? It's great and does all the things!
strpos isn't working it seems
@tereško nah, what passes for a "serious candidate" in the GOP is just a horrible mess after years of party radicalization. their primary was a disjointed mess and they've been headed in this trajectory for a while (remember Palin?)
it would return true if just "/this" but not "/this/is" . I think I need regex
man? wasn't it docs
!!docs strpos
[ strpos() ] Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
@PaulCrovella there were no serious candidates. That's the point.
… ah GOP.
@bwoebi DNC did not think Sanders would be a serious candidate ... hence the underhanded bullish and scrambling
@TheodoreEnderby no.
> Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
@FélixGagnon-Grenier man is nix man pages
mega ping
@tereško They'd still have favored Hillary even if they considered im serious, I guess.
@tereško I agree. my point is that that wasn't due to clinton, but to problems within the party
@PeeHaa I like when you... ping me like that
return strpos($route, '/this') === 0
if (strpos($route, $path, 0) === 0) {
return true;
} i
is my code
I am a little confused let me play around and i'll come back if I still need help =]
@bwoebi he only registered as a democrat to run, which didn't sit well with a lot of people
strpos is working great for me now I had an error somewhere else thank you @FélixGagnon-Grenier
it... was a pleasure.
God I love those ^ things
@TheodoreEnderby github.com/nikic/FastRoute because life is too short
@DaveRandom I'm already using Symfony
I've been burned by too many raisin cookies masquerading as chocolate chip. It's left me with serious trust issues.
So I have some routing built in for me
I just want to perform some actions if I'm not on a login page. Like /login, or /register
Thanks though!
@Danack people like you are the problem, man. You just don't understand how much better everything would work if we weren't tied to things like work and money and clothes.
(should be read by Nigel Planer for the full effect)
@PeeHaa I prefer this
@DaveRandom especially clothes
@tereško I'm not really into cheeses like that. It's a bit hit 'n miss for me
try that one
@FélixGagnon-Grenier tbh, if you're tied to your clothes, your dressing technique could probably use some work anyway.
I'm into bdsm, haven't I said?
Fuckin' Cannucks man
/me reflects that I've had enough beer
@NorthbornDesign you have a new friend ^
pops another one
@FélixGagnon-Grenier we will let you know, when we a looking for a new bottom
/me just opened a new beer, with the previously mentioned cheese
@tereško that's a different kind of love in my book, still counts though
speaking of cheese, with some pacans and lemon "confiture" (translate it yourself b*****), cheese can totally get into @PeeHaa taste
@FélixGagnon-Grenier confiture is confiture (a.o.) here ;-)
vice.com ... yeee-no, thanks
What's wrong with vice (besides the hippy reporters)?
@PeeHaa don't forget to put that on a cracker in the oven until slightly brown
We will also be removing Douglas Crockford from our keynote speakers list to help make the conference a comfortable environment for all.
Did I miss #drama?
I have no idea though what kind of #drama
@tereško It's quite a UK-specific thing in retrospect anyway, you're not missing much
this is like removing Dawkins from a atheist conference .... which happend too this year
reading it right now
if a conference is necessary it's better described as antitheist rather than atheist
@PaulCrovella hmm?
No, atheist is correct, it was conference for people with an athe prejudice
@tereško WTF
^ lost ability to spell
This is where it started
@nodevember one way you could show you actually care about community safety & diversity is by uninviting Douglas Crockford.
Eih… What's the problem with him?
...and there goes the last of my ability to give a toss for the day
Oh god feels got hurt
@bwoebi He's notoriously grumpy and somewhat abrasive when confronted with idiots. AFAIK that's it.
@bwoebi probably because he's a white male, who once said that some talks in conference are stupid
@bwoebi sanders is an independent, was never really a member of the democratic party. to people many in the party, particularly those focused on party stuff, he was an outsider who hadn't done anything for the party but wanted its nomination.
@DaveRandom Shit, that sounds like me.
You heard it here first, it'll happen!
@tereško As long as it's justified, truth needs to be spoken sometimes
@Jimbo dont look at me , I am really nice person .. I am also trans-black and identify as wet paper towel
as long as you don't have headmates
@tereško Crying right now
@tereško "I wouldn't even want to clean my ass off with you" … would that be an appropriate reply? :-P [obviously not offensively meant…]
now you are just oppressing me
vents off by practicing slap shots on cars in the street
I mean … well… I'm better quiet before exaggerating too much :-D
> "Did Doug Crockford seriously just say on stage that no one wants to use weak maps because weak isn't masculine? What? I don't even..."
I should know better by now, but it still amazes me that those professional complainers can find shit to be against in any random thing
I mean. You they don't teach that shit in school I think
@bwoebi yet another perfect example of hypocrisy on the Internet "We're more inclusive because we exclude the people that impede on our inclusivity"... you can't make this shit up.
@PeeHaa they kinda do now \
If you can't figure out how to co-exist with the very people you don't like you will never inspire anyone to be more inclusive of anything.
I think this is more about professionalism than about the sexism of it
@Sherif Isn't this how every (open) society ever worked?
Even if that's what triggered it.
To be fair, the WeakMap joke is about as much of a stretch as the Hugh Mongus one..
@bwoebi Sadly
But worked here doesn't mean it's successful or something to aspire to, necessarily.
I've read plenty of articles online about people who spoke at keynotes with him telling about his unpleasantness and unprofessionalism.
@Sherif tolerating people is hard … you have to put limits to your tolerance, but enough people set the bar far too high.
@MadaraUchiha a stretch that, if it were a water pool, would be as large as an ocean.
They could have handled it much better though.
@bwoebi Or perhaps too low?
@Sherif [with too high I mean not many people are tolerated]
@bwoebi You can't decide whether someone is or is not offended by what you say. You can however, decide whether you give a fuck or not.
!!urban slut shaming
hmmm... @10k+ people did we get flagged much?
[ [Slut Shaming](http://slut-shaming.urbanup.com/5346265) ] An unfortunate phenomenon in which people degrade or mock a woman because she enjoys having sex, has sex a lot, or may even just be rumored to participate in sexual activity. Often it's accompanied by urban legends such as the common virgin misconception that the vagina becomes larger or looser with use-- in fact, sex has no effect on vaginal size.

However, since most people would rather women be MORE sexually active than less, slut shaming is counterproductive to the aims of most men and quite a few ladies.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, not at all
@bwoebi Ahhh. I read it as "enough people set the bar [for tolerance] too high"
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Nope.
damnit @Jeeves!
I thought I trimmed that shit
topical debugging
I wasn't expecting that :P
@MadaraUchiha I do give fucks if people are truly offended and not just whiny because they can't tolerate anything.
@bwoebi Right
the point is this: you go to conference to learn, not the get cuddled
If they act like adults about it, I'm all for listening.
@bwoebi How many fucks do you give, exactly?
@tereško I'll be honest here.
@tereško you go to conferences to learn?
at least 43 42......
@Sherif unquantifiable.
I've been to 2 Crockford talks relatively recently.
And I haven't learned a damn thing.
So I'm not too saddened by the loss here.
@FlorianMargaine ok, I have never been to a conference, only watched them on youtube :(
@bwoebi Sorry, I need an exact figure. I must compute the statistical average of fucks one should give in these situations.
It's more about the principle.
hmmm I do trim it
@FlorianMargaine I go to conference to meet people.
it's taht famed "white male privilege" that I cant actually afford to go to any conferences
@PeeHaa Don't make a rude joke about trimming. Don't make a rude joke about trimming. Don't make a rude joke about trimming. Don't make a rude joke about trimming.
@bwoebi and the whiny get amplified by whiny hypocrites throwing fits about them
@MadaraUchiha TBH, I learn nothing by most talks given on PHP… We're just too knowledgeable on our subjects.
@MadaraUchiha that's what they're for, yes
@bwoebi Time to learn another language.
@tereško most of us can't, our companies pay us to go
@FlorianMargaine As in, networking. Most conferences around here a far far too basic for me.
Laughably so.
Only Benji's and a couple other's talks actually teach me things
@MadaraUchiha sure, I'm using other languages too. Just saying that we're having too much knowledge on our main domains of knowledge.
@FlorianMargaine not in my country
oh linebreak ....
@MadaraUchiha Benji == Benjamin Grünbaum?
@tereško pick a job in another country if you really care
@bwoebi Yeah.

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