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There's no one-size-fits-all CSRF solution, it really depends what your application is doing and how the user interacts with it
eev.ee/blog/2012/04/09/php-a-fractal-of-bad-design --- I don't know why PHP doesn't have a good face in somewhere ..
@DaveRandom At the moment my application doesn't force tokens to expire because that would log people out. Are there any secure ways of generating a new token for the user while they are logged in?
@Francis Well your biggest problem there is probably concurrency (what if you regenerate a token in a request, send it to the client, but while you are in the middle of doing that, the client begins another request?)
@Shafizadeh maybe reading the actual link your pasted would be a good starting point
@DaveRandom Do you have any ideas how Google,YouTube and the like get away with it?
@DaveRandom I'm ok with forcing people to log out after a certain amount of time, but I'd prefer not to
I've never actually looked at the cookies Google stores, I just presume they don't keep the one cookie forever without changing it behind the scenes.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier seriously?
btw, is your company using Laravel for any of the projects?
no. this guy just features it very highly
@DaveRandom Also, slightly off-track but here goes anyway. If I'm using SSL with Cloudflare that secures the connection between the user and Cloudflare, but there is no SSL between Cloudflare and my server, is that as bad as having no SSL at all? Or is that enough to prevent Man-In-The-Middle attacks? Also thanks for your help!
@tereško it actually led to a very awkward moment, which the hr manager had the good taste to dissipate by changing the subject
the old fart seemed to think I was asking to be taught on the matter
if your goal is to expose someones stupidity, never be confrontational
confrontation works, if the person feels safe (which is not something you get in an interview)
you mean comfortable, right?
!!lxr var_dump
[ /master/ext/standard/var.c#199 ] PHP_FUNCTION(var_dump)
tnx @Ekn :-)
@DaveRandom Nice!
!!lxr echo
@Jimbo Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition. Ping DaveRandom if you think I should have done.
@Jimbo no, I didn't
@DaveRandom I think Jeeves should have done
!!lxr class_exists
[ /master/Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c#1493 ] ZEND_FUNCTION(class_exists)
I meant "financially safe"
yeh echo is a language construct, I haven't figured out how to sanely search for those or, more to the point, what would be a sane result
@tereško Ah, I get you :-)
@DaveRandom Is there one for showing opcodes? For all things made
@Jimbo I would say, you are safe, if nothing tangible is on the line, like money
@Jimbo OK, you want extra stuff in lxr, find me a thing you want to search for and the thing that you consider to be the sane result
because it's not easy ;-)
also, @FélixGagnon-Grenier, interview is not a place to teach someone
.. basically, you fucked up
@DaveRandom Input: $x = 1; var_dump($x);. Output:
line     #* E I O op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
   3     0  E >   ASSIGN                                                   !0, 1
   4     1        INIT_FCALL                                               'var_dump'
         2        SEND_VAR                                                 !0
         3        DO_ICALL
         4      > RETURN                                                   1
(see full text)
I dunno, I assume that's doable? I haven't really touched 3v4l
@Jimbo That should be doable
However I would argue that it's kinda spammy
Spam spammy spam spam. Only us use this though right, it's not public?
And we can cache them?
it's OK for that tiny code sample but not for most things you actually want to inspect
@Jimbo That's not the point
@Jimbo 3v4l already does that
It chatspam
@tereško yeah fuck you too ;) you mean it's my fault they felt I was asking them to teach me?
I want to escape user-controlled data so that it doesn't inject code into my pages. Should I use either htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities() ?
but hmmm... yeah. at some point I was more trying to get a point across than listen or ask pertinent questions
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, I mean it is your fault that you tried to change candidates mind
@Francis I honestly have no idea
more honey, less vinegar
@DaveRandom Thanks anyway!
@Francis yes, you want secure, you need end-to-end encryption
ooooh tnx @Ekn <3
!!lxr magic
[ /master/ext/fileinfo/libmagic/apprentice.c#114 ] struct magic *magic[MAGIC_SETS];
@Jeeves lolwut
thx to @DaveRandom, that was my very first PR :D
Does a magic set of all magic sets also contain the magic set itself?
@DaveRandom fileinfo ... try doing php.net/manual/en/function.mime-content-type.php without magic
yeh I know but that's still a badly named symbol
You can't have a magic
or 16 magics
not with an attitude like that
!!lxr todo
@Danack There were no results for that search
anyone else have an issue with font sans-serif on chrome?
@Danack Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition. Ping DaveRandom if you think I should have done.
lol libmagic .. it even has a elfclass.h
!!wiki elf ;)
cmon jeev
!!wiki elf
@PeeHaa Screw my ideas!
I blame the last committer :P
@PeeHaa I have been running for 27 seconds, since 2016-09-02 15:24:59
!!wiki elf
And bebye again :P
@PeeHaa I have been running for 15 seconds, since 2016-09-02 15:25:38
!!log 10
Now I'm just making shit up I want to have
!!wiki test
I don't even know what that is :P
it's 10 logs
wood logs?
oh lel
It was the miss ping that threw me off :D
!!giphy miss ping
@PeeHaa god mother fucking damnit
1 message moved to bin
that fucking wikipedia plugin :-(
:( bruce lee <3
Sep 02 17:27:11 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net php[16302]: [2016-09-02 15:27:11] Processing event #66585636 for plugins
Sep 02 17:27:11 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: jeeves.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=255/n/a
Sep 02 17:27:11 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: Unit jeeves.service entered failed state.
Sep 02 17:27:11 149-210-224-55.colo.transip.net systemd[1]: jeeves.service failed.
No clue
It just "screw you guys I'm going home" for whatever reason
PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class Room11\Jeeves\Plugins\Wikipedia could not be converted to string in D:\Projects\Jeeves\src\Plugins\Wikipedia.php on line 43
why is that not a fucking exception????
@NikiC Regarding partial function application via _: I can generate the calling code correctly but I'm not sure how to generate the closure opcodes. It needs to lookup the function/method/closure definition to know how to bind by ref, etc. However I'm not sure how to properly do that at runtime; doesn't seem it can be done at compile time.
@DaveRandom Quick add it to 7.1
also I have no idea what the fuck is even happening there
oh wait
to the git blame mobile!
oh god.
(as if don't know what it will say)
Why do I think it was me
I assume it was me
yeah that looks like you aight :D
untested copypasta commits ftw \o/
I suggest to start using quotes in your commit messages like:
Wikipedia plugin structural "improvements"
!!wiki elf
An elf (plural: elves) is a type of supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. Reconstructing the early concept of an elf depends almost entirely on texts in Old English or relating to Norse mythology. Later evidence for elves appears in diverse sources such as medical texts, prayers, ballads, and folktales. Recent scholars have emphasised, in the words of Ármann Jakobsson, that the time has come to resist reviewing information about álfar en masse and trying to impose generalizations on a tradition of a thousand years. Legends of álfar may have been constantly changing and were perhaps...
not that one...
!!wiki elf programming
@PeeHaa Sorry I couldn't find that page.
2 messages moved to bin
$response = yield $this->$this->makeAPIRequest([
topfukenkek (sorry. I know I would do no better)
!!wiki Executable and Linkable Format
In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF, formerly called Extensible Linking Format) is a common standard file format for executables, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps. First published in the System V Release 4 (SVR4) Application Binary Interface (ABI) specification, and later in the Tool Interface Standard, it was quickly accepted among different vendors of Unix systems. In 1999 it was chosen as the standard binary file format for Unix and Unix-like systems on x86 by the 86open project. ELF is flexible and extensible by design, and it is not bound to any particula...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier $this->$this
that what you were after, I assume?
tnx jeevesrandom
@bwoebi hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
@DaveRandom how is that catchable if it's not Throwable...
wow. the blame view is my new favorite thing ever.
Feasibly, how dangerous is it if a user has access to a .htaccess file in a jailed apache instance with a locked down <Directory> structure?
& The folder that the .htaccess file is in isn't run by the client directly, as it isn't publicly accessible :p
what do you mean by "user" and what do you mean by "has access"?
Is the folder "not publicly accessible" because of rules in .htaccess (either the .htaccess file that the user has access to, or one in a directory above) or the main apache config?
also what do you mean by "dangerous"?
@LeviMorrison you'll have to copy the arginfo from the function to the closure, and a couple of other things. Take a look at how closure __invoke is implemented for a general idea
@NikiC Will look. I'm aware of copying the arginfo I'm just not sure where or how.
@PaulCrovella what do you mean by "also"?
@DaveRandom depends what you mean by "mean"
@LeviMorrison it's probably pretty tricky, you should try simply implementing by-value first
@LeviMorrison btw, how will such a closure behave under rebinding I wonder?
@NikiC Probably how normal closures behave under rebinding?
Also doing by-value for args and bound variables should be pretty easy.
@LeviMorrison Okay, so a) $fn = foo($this, _) b) $fn = $this->foo(_) what does rebinding do there?
Really the only tricky parts are the type and ref preserving parts.
At least in the latter case it wouldn't make sense to me if you could rebind the method that is being called by rebinding $this
Rebinding doesn't make sense to me in PHP at all anyway.
I don't think it was a good feature to add.
But oh well.
What makes this rebinding different in your eyes?
probably it should follow fake closure rebinding rules
I'm not sure what those are ^_^
i.e. behave like Closure::fromCallable()
@bwoebi still here?
@staabm yes
got a repro
do you have another 30 minutes? ;)
good, then … did the password change?
sent you the new passwort
It's quiet in here!
it is.....
Are you correcting my grammar or its an affirmative?
the latter :)
Anyone here ever worked for the electric industry?
@NullPoiиteя *it's
I need to work on some php, but my brain is not ready. Any suggestions on things I could do to get my brain booted up and processing php? like run code katas maybe?
@Tiffany well, I can say that alcohol won't help...
thankfully, I don't drink :P
well, that's a plus, then...
Red Bull?
@Tiffany you are perfectly fine sir PHP doesn't require brain ;)
@Tiffany en.lichess.org/training takes a similar kind of focus and mental stamina to think things through.. it's a good way to warm up
@PaulCrovella thanks
oh, chess, I usually use chess.com
but that's a good point
chess tends to burn me out...
I prefer card games instead
Bridge if I can find a good partner I understand
counter strike?
I haven't played CS:S since Go came out
my son is the gamer when it comes to the PC at home now. I rarely touch that thing when I get home
and if he's playing on the computer, he's playing TF2
oh wow nullpony is still alive o/
since he's a nullpointer, does that mean that this whole conversation that contains him doesn't exist?
My son plays pocket tank with my wife, sorry I don't have son, I don't have wife either :D
@PeeHaa \o hola sir
@rabbitguy yupp exactly
@PeeHaa how you doing man ?
I'm good. How are you? Busy?
@Tiffany Ask some students if they have any nootropics :)
@PeeHaa thanks, I am good too, busy in studies now a days.
@Leigh rofl. I already have adderall.
maybe just take lunch and work at it when I get back
Just sharing: youtu.be/WrpkFROqR0Q
@staabm just for the record: we need to check if the received requests are equal too.
How much time does composer needs to wait for syncing with packagist servers?
I have a packagist dependency with version 3.0.1 but when I execute composer update it keeps saying that there's nothing to update and keeps the 3.0.0 version
Did you configure the update hook?
Yep, the packagist dependency automatically updates when I publish a new tag in the github repo, but composer doesn't
Local caching
I deleted it and executed composer update, the packages kept on old version
packagist.org/packages/alexya-framework/http This is the dependency in question
What do you call cheese by itself? Provolone
Hmm, this is weird, packagist API doesn't shows version 3.0.1 but it's shown in the package page.
API: https://packagist.org/p/alexya-framework/http.json
Page: https://packagist.org/packages/alexya-framework/http
any ideas why it isn't working?
I deleted local cache and it's been almost an hour since I published version 3.0.1 and the update hook is working
The JSON API for packages gives you all the infos we have including downloads, dependents count, github info, etc. However it is generated dynamically so for performance reason we cache the responses for one hour. As such if the static file endpoint described above is enough please use it instead.
"almost an hour"
well, it seems that time will fix it, thanks
wow... still no rebecca link starred... are we finally maybe getting out of this plea?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes, ad now don't start it.
:D I couldn't. I can't write star bait messages for the life of me
wtf is the thing of the intro? Looks somehow like a human
close that window. never go there again. everything will be fine. I am sorry to put you through this.
fml it has already past 2 hours and still packagist API isn't updated
what's the question?
@Manulaiko are talking about this: gist.github.com/cspray/1689430 ?
I was talking about the question you sent
read the last link (the one with cspray)
you seem to be new here
oh I see
yes, I'm not too much of a stackoverflow user xD
@tereško the hell is that answer about?
I dont know
Also wtf is the code in the question? :P
maybe he answered to the old of the question
Even the first version of the question is not answered by whatever it is that money is trying to explain :D
someone is really confused there
It's a piece of magic obviously
@tereško I'll cast a reopen vote as long as you've got something good lined up to respond to that with
I dont have anything yet, but I want to write an answer (I am saving up for my oop Mjolnir)
edits oop out
Can anyone try to install this composer dependency and tell me if it works? composer require alexya-framework/http:3.0.1
It's been more than 2 hours since I published that version but composer stills installing 3.0.0
!!packagist alexya-framework/http
[ alexya-framework/http ] Alexya's HTTP components
@tereško if it's not open by the time you have something, ping again.. I'd rather not reopen early and have it fill with garbage before you get to it
@tereško ahahaha beautiful
@Manulaiko how exactly is written the code in your composer.json for that component?
@Manulaiko Isn't it on packagist?
@Manulaiko .. emm .. there are like 100 issues with that code
like using superglobals withing your classes, and static functions
and public variables
and computation in the constructor
and using public static variables as constants (which they definitely are not)
@PeeHaa https://packagist.org/packages/alexya-framework/http Here it says that latest version is 3.0.1, but it keeps installing version 3.0.0
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the require is `"alexya-framework/http": ">=3.0"`
@tereško I know it might not be the best implementation, but is the one that fits the best to me
and using die()
and using underscore notation like in php4
and using weak comparison
@Manulaiko Installs 3.0.0 for me too. Have you tried the update button on Packagist?
wow composer is slow as ever...
@giggsey Yes, it stills being the same, packagist API documentation says it caches the requests for 1 hour, but it has past more than 2
- The requested package alexya-framework/http 3.0.1 exists as alexya-framework/http[3.0.0, dev-develop, dev-master] but these are rejected by your constraint.
@tereško The underscore notation is a personal choice of mine, the die statement is meant to don't allow the script execution once it's been redirected, the rest are things that adapts to me
I'm curious about the uri() method. How come you don't prefer having the uri returned as... a string? like an uri?
I'm at least 80% not trying to pick on you by the way. I would really like to understand when it's useful.
I use the uri to call the controller action, GET Home/test finishes in Home::testso I have to parse it to an array anyways so why should I do it each time when I can make a method that does it?
pastebin.com/1rmfx7p1 this is how it's implemented (line 36 calls that method)
MY EYES!!!!!
I need more wine to try reading it again

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