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Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have no body to go with
must. resist. urge. to kick.
I think he's talking about Jeeves... You can't kick Jeeves, he's really sensitive :(
Leave @Jeeves alone!
@Jeeves lives matter.
I think talking about me :(
good midday
> The message MAY contain placeholders which implementors MAY replace with values from the context array.
Does anybody know why that's a MAY and not a MUST in PSR-3?
The second may I assume :)
I would think it's to allow other things in the chain to replace it instead
@bwoebi @rdlowrey We should add that to the Aerys logger. Sucks to read just the placeholder names for github.com/bobthecow/mustache.php/blob/…
@PeeHaa In that case it should probably be SHOULD, not MAY?
Not sure I like that semantically
@kelunik if ($context) { foreach ($context as $key => $replacement) { $replacements["{$key}"] = $replacement; } $msg = strtr($msg, $replacements); } < that's all, right?
@bwoebi There's a reference implementation in the PSR spec.
function interpolate($message, array $context = array())
    // build a replacement array with braces around the context keys
    $replace = array();
    foreach ($context as $key => $val) {
        // check that the value can be casted to string
        if (!is_array($val) && (!is_object($val) || method_exists($val, '__toString'))) {
            $replace['{' . $key . '}'] = $val;

    // interpolate replacement values into the message and return
    return strtr($message, $replace);
> make a slight coding change to help users
> lose all of their content
> wat
fuck me
@bwoebi Maybe we should also just json_encode the remaining context and append it? Maybe optionally?
@Tiffany um, I don't know you well enough yet. Can I at least take you to dinner first?
@kelunik Put in the in "full debugging level"
I thought I was helping the users, and now I just feel like an ass.
@kelunik well, that's the same, just without validity check
not backed up?
@bwoebi And without excluding arrays.
it should be, I have to contact the vendor and find out if it can be recovered
I just have to be fast about opening the ticket cause I have to man a table for my club in a few minutes
@kelunik excluding arrays?
@Tiffany what club is this?
@bwoebi Arrays must not be casted to strings.
@rabbitguy I advise an anime and gaming club, I work at a community college
@kelunik yeah, that's what I meant with validity check
@rabbitguy so I get to spend about three hours sitting at a table and play board games
@bwoebi @Wes Currently, docs look like this, but I will switch from mustache to twig now.
@rabbitguy :D
@rabbitguy lol
@Tiffany sounds cool :)
omfg I want to be done with this fucking vendor
"we can recover the data, but we have to put it on a clone, which costs extra"
um... what?
to recover data costs extra???
shouldn't that have been in the vendor contract initially?
they switched hosts in the middle of the contract
@Tiffany @Saitama You have a friend (at last).
from self-hosted to Amazon Web Services
AWS I guess charges for every new clone environment
@JayIsTooCommon phew.
so they extend that charge to us, which I think is bullshit. They switched to AWS without our decision
and now it's costing us more?
@Tiffany what was the best anime you watched?
really don't like this vendor already for other reasons. but that's another story...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is my favorite anime of all time
... haven't watched it yet :P
@Tiffany who's the vendor if you don't mind me asking
Aug 26 at 7:16, by Saitama
Aug 21 at 12:16, by Saitama
2 hours ago, by Saitama
stupid SO chat
@rabbitguy I don't want to give them the publicity.
it doesn't help I spent about ten minutes ranting about them, and I don't want to throw a wrench into relations
I have several vendors I am kinda at odds with...
TL;DR I'm pissed right now.. but I'm about to go have some fun... so
one of our vendors won't give me (the database guy here at work) a data dictionary for their servers we just bought last year... a $20MILL project, and they won't give me a data dictionary so I can build our own stuff w/their data
I don't want write access... I don't need to see it all, but I'd like some data dictionary... nope
so I hacked an account of theirs on the server and have spent the last year guessing a data dictionary... some of the data I've found, but a lot I can't
@kelunik Properties Methods? Do you mean that the Properties section is empty?
Has anyone here used the new application load balancer of AWS? I am wondering if I can write routing rules based on sub-domain.
Q: Application Load balancer for Service Segmentation Using Subdomains

J.SCurrently, I am doing service segmentation using subdomains in an existing application. For example: www.example.com -> static website delivered from s3 admin.example.com -> ELB1 to ec2 group 1 accounts.example.com -> ELB2 to ec2 group 2 search.example.com -> ELB3 to ec2 group 3 You can see ...

@bwoebi In that case, yes.
@kelunik well, looks weird to me… just leave it out then, or add at least some text that there are none
@bwoebi Doesn't matter for now. It's just a simple display logic for now.
As you can see {@inheritdoc} also doesn't resolve yet.
this is a phpdoc grabber?
@bwoebi Yes, as @Wes said.
@kelunik As he said? Looks like I'm misisng some context?
@DaveRandom is that for real?
I am excite to see that engine in action if it is
@bwoebi You didn't believe I'm working on it when he said I'm working on it.
@bwoebi Do we have an API to check in the config whether we're in debug mode or not in Aerys?
@kelunik Options->debug ?
@rabbitguy It's veering rapidly towards breaking physics but yes, it does appear that a growing number of respectable scientists are tentatively accepting that there might be something in it. I am not going to pass comment because I am decidedly not qualified to do so.
@kelunik check the definition of inheritdoc on the phpdocumentor wip fig proposal
@bwoebi How do I get the options in the bootstrap file again?
@Wes Sure.
@kelunik in the bootstrap file you have access to $console
@bwoebi $console? I want the options.
Is it possible to develop iOS apps on Windows?
Without a Mac?
Search for "Is it possible to develop iOS apps on Windows?" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Is+it+possible+to+develop+iOS+apps+on+Windows%3F&lr=lang_en)
• ios - How can I develop for iPhone using a Window… - It's certainly possible to develop on a Windows machine, in fact my first application was exclusive… (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22358/how-can-i-develop-for-iphone-using-a-windows-development-machine)
• How to Develop iOS Apps on Windows PCs by Using a… - 4 jun. 2015 - Learn the requirements and steps to develop iOS apps on Windows PCs. It is possible a… (http://www.bluecloudso
@kelunik you mean the Aerys\Bootable thing?
@bwoebi Do I really need a bootable for that?
@kelunik (I thought you meant CLI options, sorry)
$logger is available as a variable, but is there some $options variable?
@kelunik yes, as options are only initialized after the bootstrapping. Before you'll have to use AERYS_OPTIONS const
The problem is,
They say i need a Mac?
@DaveRandom if it's breaking physics, but it works, then our understanding of physics is not sound
@bwoebi Which is user defined and doesn't show whether it's debug mode or not.
which is obvious (see dark matter/energy)
@kelunik which is why you want $console->isArgDefined("debug") :x
so in 10 weeks they ll start selling tickets to mars ? ;-)
@bwoebi I don't think $console should be exposed there and be used. Can't we have an API for that?
> It's certainly possible to develop on a Windows machine, in fact my first application was exclusively developed on the old Dell Precision I had at the time :)
I develop on a windows machine pretty much solely, though when I move my php code over to a linux box I have to rewrite parts sometimes
@kelunik I agree on that it shouldn't be used there
$99 for a mac mini...
Anyway, it's fine for now, thanks.
$twig = new Twig_Environment($twigLoader, [
    "auto_reload" => $console->isArgDefined("debug"),
    "strict_variables" => true,
@DaveRandom I want a way so that I can develop on Windows. Not PC
@Wes didn't phpdocumentor quit fig?
@PaulCrovella it did?
@rabbitguy well, quite. Again, not really qualified to pass intelligent comment, but modern physics acknowledges that it is incomplete (and therefore probably wrong somewhere).
@DaveRandom I'm no physicists myself, but I can hold my own in general discussion, which you seem to be able to do as well..
regardless, I am excited to see a prototype
First time I regret selling my Mac.
@rabbitguy there's a video of a test (from several years ago, they claim to have moved on quite a bit since then) on emdrive.com but it doesn't tell you a lot because it could easily just be a fake... but I somehow doubt it is because the guy is dead serious about it and similar results have been achieved by several teams over the years. The NASA paper contains nothing "new" afaik, but it will be taken more seriously by virtue of it being NASA
I'll have to look at that when I am home today
@HassanAlthaf that answer give you three options to do just that, all of them amount to "run OSX in a VM" but regardless, you don't need Apple hardware for it
$99 for a mac mini and the problem goes away anyway though
I saw some for less than that, that's just the cheapest/soonest ending ebay lot, there are a few hundred results
you know what I thought was cool as I was growing up is when I started looking at the story line background of how a "warp engine" works in the Star Trek world and found it based on exotic, however logical ideas on how to travel faster than light
they didn't just say, "we can do this in this sci-fi, but we are not going to give any real reasoning behind it"
@Wes yeah, I'd refer to there rather than the original under php-fig. fig's (and fig) is irrelevant now.
they tried to build it on some theory
whereas iirc in the Star Wars universe, there wasn't really a solid theory behind how their hyperdrives worked... they just did
@rabbitguy it seems to me that for quite a long time now, physics theory has been way ahead of engineering. This appears to be reverting to the arguably more natural (at least, more common over time) state of "woah, wasn't expecting that to work"
my son and I were talking about Newton today and how we came from "discovery" of calculus (or whatever you want to call that) to splitting the atom in less than 500 years... that's pretty damn amazing imo
he's ten, btw... the whole discussion started from his question, "what's a derivative"
he came to me last night with an internal debate he started having recently... free will or predetermination...
I still don't have a great answer for that... I told him I think reality is a blend of that, but a lot of that is based on the idea that I don't like giving up my ideas about free will bcz the application developer in me says it's all predetermined
@rabbitguy Star Wars was, up until the prequels, a fantasy series rather than sci-fi (the force was magic)
@paul if you have ever heard of a guy named Joseph Campbell, he wrote a book (it was an interview) called "The Power of Myth" and pointed out that the force is very much a modern day mythology and a whole generation pulls a type of "religion" from, or belief system
he was able to put Star Wars in the light of biblical mythology and even went so far to argue that Star Wars had more of a spiritual connection with modern day people than the older relgions do because we can identify with the technology and the lives of those in Star Wars better than we can ppl from 2000 years ago
he was a pretty cool guy for that
all the coke they did on set helps too - grounds them as real people, and all that
well, I won't debate that, but Campbell was spot on about it being a modern day mythology imho
I'm more of a Star Trek kind of guy
I mean I like Star Wars, but I'd rather live in Star Trek
Code is like poetry; most of it shouldn't have been written.
Star Trek is more "realistic"... Star Wars is more spiritual... I enjoy them both, tbh
@DaveRandom all you really need is the holodeck
but my biggest spiritual and personal well of happiness comes from music... live music... always
A holodeck, and some kind of robot that can deal with cleaning up the cum, it's basically useless without that
as Slartybarfarts said, "I'd rather be happy than right any day."
being right does not mean I will be happy, and many times it is not happiness
@DaveRandom it's built into the holodeck
@DaveRandom The guy only just died jesus... :P
@DaveRandom hahahahaha
@PeeHaa psst, grammar-nazis incoming
s/died/dyed totally changes that sentence
@Saitama its grammar, not grammer
!!urban Grammar Nazi
[ Grammar Nazi ] Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Usually found hanging around Irc chatrooms hounding "n00bs".
I know what it is. Not sure how it relates to my post?
The missing comma perhaps?
nope before the edit...
That's not grammar. That's a missing word :P
1 min ago, by Jeeves
[ Grammar Nazi ] Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. Usually found hanging around Irc chatrooms hounding "n00bs".
"spelling mistakes"
!!trenslete grammar
!!command list
Commands currently mapped:
 > - Executes code snippets on 3v4l.org and displays the output (3v4l # Eval)
 ? - Retrieves and displays search results from Google (Google # Search)
 are - Should I write a description or rather not? (Should # Is)
 canon - Posts links to canonical resources on various subjects (Canonicals # canon)
 chuck - Posts a random Chuck Norris joke (ChuckSkeet # Chuck)
 dad - Get a random dad joke (JeevesDad # DadJoke)
 dadgreet - Turn the dad greeting on or off (JeevesDad # DadGreet)
!!goochle grammar
@PeeHaa grammar
!!command alias trenslete goochle
Command 'trenslete' is now mapped to Goochle # Trenslete
I am dissapoint
@PeeHaa how many prepositions are there in "grammar" that you expect goochle to fuck up for you?
!!trenslete grammar
@rabbitguy grammar
@DaveRandom how many prepositions are there as for "grammar" that you expect goochle opposite of fuck toward before you?
@PaulCrovella I expected at least an exception in there
!!trenslete mother
@rabbitguy mother
wtf is that command supposed to do???
> Trensletes text up to ruining your prepositions
translate from what to what?
it doesn't translate, it trensletes
thought that was like German or some chit
random vowel substitution is on the todo list
as is screwing up verb tenses, but that's significantly more involved
@PeeHaa random vowel substitution is adjacent to the todo list
@rabbitguy 'round is screwing above verb tenses, of that's significantly more involved
I see no purpose in said command...
!!giphy purpose
it doesn't stop now?
giphy is blocked from me here at work
4 messages moved to bin
@PaulCrovella Was editing my commands
aw, that was almost an amusing bug
I should write a script for the bot that will take images that are shared from giphy and put them on imgur then share that to me so i can see it :D
bcz imgur is not blocked, but giphy is
honestly, it's probably not worth it
@rabbitguy You actually don't miss anything
I wouldn't think I do, but you never know
maybe they're making fun of me!
First world problems
that was the first giphy command that's returned anything that could be construed as remotely relevant
What to do, what to do. I finished all my work for this sprint a week early
@rabbitguy easier hack: make a proxy on an external web server, add an entry for giphy in your hosts file
my boss has a packet sniffer and keyboard logger on my computer...
call him a dick, go on, do it!
he found what I was doing when I setup a tunnel to get to specific sites via a hotspot I had setup when I first started working here
"keyboard logger" :O
when he fires me can you support my kids for me, please?
no, but I can help you find a job where the boss is less of an asshat if you want
he retires in the next three years
where are you (geographically)?
I can handle it
Kentucky, US
@Leigh I'll send you some of mine if that's alright?
@rabbitguy wow, I have literally no idea where that is
you ever had bourbon?
I know of KFC, that's the only interaction my life has had with Kentucky thus far
@JayIsTooCommon I'll do you a goodguy deal, £300 a day
Lol Chris xD
I hate that KFC is what ppl think of when I tell them I'm from Kentucky... Why don't ppl think bourbon first?
@rabbitguy yeh, didn't like it even when I did drink (although I realise this puts me in a minority position)
@rabbitguy <3 KFC
I don't drink much, but I am happy to say that bourbon is only from this state... and KFC sucks badly... you should let a real southern family make home made fried chicken for you someday..
mine makes KFC awful
Oh I'm quite sure of that, I don't really like KFC
@Leigh erm, I could buy you a 12 pack of Capri suns or something? They're nice.
@rabbitguy to be fair I'm sure most people first think of hicks
Or just an old Ford Capri
@PaulCrovella #ShotsFired
@DaveRandom relevant to your interests: i.imgur.com/wbtj1E5.jpg
@Leigh dat image quality gave me cancer
not my image
Content looks pretty carcinogenic as well
that's what KFC does to you over an extended period, clearly
Did you see the guy who apparently leaked the recipe?
that and the superfluous limbs
@JayIsTooCommon he ate so much and got so fat that the recipe started literally leaking out of him?
@DaveRandom lol.
@DaveRandom Sounds hot but no. He was a family member of cl sanders and was flicking through an old family recipe book in front of a camera, and one page had an old recipe consisting of 11 herbs and spices :3
Random, Juliet Landau just followed me on Twitter
Oh she follows 100K people, I thought I was special for some unknown reason :-(
@DaveRandom my bank started following me on twitter a while back. it weirded me out a bit.
> The Louisville, Kentucky-based company says that the original recipe from 1940 handwritten by Sanders is locked up in a digital safe that's encased in two feet of concrete and monitored 24 hours a day by a video and motion detection surveillance system.
you don't need 11 of anything - salt, pepper, and msg go a long way
^ everyone on earth
> digital safe that's encased in two feet of concrete
...if you are going to encase something in 2 feet of concrete, is the digital element really adding anything?
@DaveRandom pff, amateurs. I just set visibility:hidden whatcha gonna do noww
Don't worry about what I'm going to do. It's not !important. It doesn't concern you.
Now I'm hungry.
!!dadgreet status
Dad greeting is currently enabled with a frequency of 10000
I'm pretty sure it's not.
10000 is a lot
mine goes to 11111
but seriously, I can't recall the last time I saw it
can we boot it to like 1000
!!dadgreet on 1000
Dad greeting is now enabled with a frequency of 1000
so... what does it actually means. one chance on a thousand to do it?
Yeh, it's a divisor
or something
I forget
maybe range size for random_int()
The latter
does random_*() block?
what does dad greet do?
!!plugin dadgreet
@Linus Syntax: plugin [list|disable|enable] [plugin-name]
@Jeeves thanks
@Linus You're welcome!
Thanks DaveRandom
@DaveRandom define block, you have to wait for the function to return before you get a value, yes :)
But you don't have to wait for the OS "because it's run out of random"
@Leigh that was the question yeh. What happens when there's no enough entropy then? exception?
(note that my grasp of this stuff is tenuous)
If it happens, your OS borked.
The sources drawn upon are inexhaustible by design
i.e. it's not an error condition you have to handle, because if it happens you have a more serious error condition to handle
Blocking random is a DoS vector, which is why operating systems in general have moved away from it
OK cool
Basically (aside from BSDs using stream ciphers) the pools are constantly mutated by software/hardware feedback which in many cases includes the hashes of the output or pool itself
so drawing on random feeds back into random, but it's also mutated by other factors along the way
Also, by the way, Yasuos "extra bytes" he wants to pull in the session handler, is entirely pointless and founded on misinformation, but I don't have the willpower to convince the internals dinosaurs
Not sure how many people use ZF2 here, but I was trying to figure out how to make some sort of "dynamic" form. I'm basically trying to make question / answer forms and I'm not sure how to generate these properly. I just have a couple types of questions, but I want to make a generic way to add an element to the form with proper validation. Maybe I'm searching the wrong keywords :P
if (preg_match('/Yasuo\'?s/i', $text)) assert(preg_match('/Yasuo\'?s.+?entirely pointless/i') === 1);
@Leigh is that one of the ones that's failing anyway?
@PaulCrovella not sure what you mean by failing. I think the RFC passed if that's what you were referring to.
it was. and :/
It went through several iterations.
I am totally +1 on using /dev/urandom and friends for session id's, just not all the extra shit he always bundles with everything

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