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sketchtoy.com/67409856 <- looks better :P
those eyes at the end
@PaulCrovella dude... you're cruel :p
@Gordon I saw you were talking about URI regexp, I've made some research some time ago and packed all in simple in use library github.com/madkom/uri/blob/master/src/UriFactory.php the right uri regexp is more comples than this verbose one
@PaulCrovella lol
@brzuchal uh… I think this is where I'd use ?DEFINE<> in regex
@bwoebi ((?DEFINE)
@PaulCrovella heh, true
Isn't it the same as ?<something>
@NikiC yeh, I do not know that syntax exactly because I need it so rarely… :-P
@brzuchal yes, except that the match doesn't happen at that place, i.e. you put definition and first match at two different places
what does this syntax with ((?DEFINE) do ?
where I ccan find it in the docs ?
> Defining subpatterns for use by reference only

If the condition is the string (DEFINE), and there is no subpattern
with the name DEFINE, the condition is always false. In this case,
there may be only one alternative in the subpattern. It is always
skipped if control reaches this point in the pattern; the idea of
DEFINE is that it can be used to define subroutines that can be refer-
enced from elsewhere. (The use of subroutines is described below.) For
example, a pattern to match an IPv4 address such as ""
^ @brzuchal pcre.org/pcre.txt
@brzuchal it lets you define named subpatterns for use later
so there is nothing on it at php.net ?
@brzuchal Don't believe so
It's quite interesting
I'll have a look on that, just thought there is no way to do it in PHP, so started to concatenate some consts
@NikiC any reason this callout feature of pcre is not accessible in PHP?
If there was const interpolation on "" ddouble-quoted string then it would be more readable
@brzuchal I'd love to see {…} being usable for generic expressions and not only if the first char inside is a $…
@bwoebi I'd assume "because nobody implemented it", just like with marks
marks work
@bwoebi me too
@PaulCrovella yes, since Nikita added them
@bwoebi btw, someone pointed out that "$foo"[0] does not work
We only support direct string derefs on constant strings, not encapsed strings
Which is kinda weird
oh, just a parser error
Dereferencing an encapsed string is kinda weird
@LeviMorrison dereferencing a string literal is weird in general
But making it work only for the non-interpolated case is doubly weird
what could be the reason for BinaryFileResponse to return empty file?
to make marks even better it'd be nice to be able to set PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE on a regex
@NikiC yeh, for some reason dereferencable_scalar only included T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING and not also encaps_list
@NikiC we should probably move some expressions from scalar to dereferencable_scalar
@PaulCrovella Why?
pcre.org is down
@NikiC because 3v4l.org/tMkan
with PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE that last one would give the expected mark
Not sure I understand the motivation there
@NikiC I think we can just add this into 7.1? Seems like a trivial oversight in 7.0?
@PaulCrovella I mean, that's a failed match, why should it set anything?
@NikiC it should set whatever it encountered
@NikiC because the mark is from the last path taken, regardless of match.. i.e. if you want to use it for a fail case you need that pcre flag
@bwoebi We don't ever set anything on failed matches, right?
> These two optimizations apply to both pcre_exec() and pcre_dfa_exec(),
and the information is also used by the JIT compiler. The optimiza-
tions can be disabled by setting the PCRE_NO_START_OPTIMIZE option.
You might want to do this if your pattern contains callouts or (*MARK)
and you want to make use of these facilities in cases where matching
I don't think we'll set the MARK element for a failed match even disregarding optimization
or do we?
it should - I can't speak to what ya do though
@bwoebi So ... should we add support for callouts?
@NikiC I see no reason not to
@NikiC no, we don't [according to source, we only set MARK when there's been a match]
@Ekn next time you need a PM, just ping me here and ask for one
I can create private rooms.
(Just saw your message on Reddit)
nah that was purposefully planted
oh you mean the first one, alright noted
Yeah, the first
:) alright
@NikiC re: "$foo"[0]: I think we can just add this into 7.1? Seems like a trivial oversight in 7.0? ??
@bwoebi pretty sure someone is gonna want an rfc for this
@NikiC I'm not even going to PR that … either we can just add it or I'll be annoyed and shut up
@bwoebi Ah, you gonna do it?
In that case, fine :P
@NikiC is there any bug report for this?
@Ekn hmmm. I is curious, and my reddit foo is very low. linksy ? :)
@bwoebi don't think so
@NikiC could you please create a quick one?
thanks :-)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it was just a pm
oh. pm as in pm...
yup :)
I wonder... if there's a way to check whether one's listening anything on youtube and do stuff with it
@Ekn .... why, you wanna know if @Saitama if watching red haired women related stuff at this very moment?
:p course no
@FélixGagnon-Grenier youtube is sfw ;-)
it'd make a nice side project
... then again I should probably finish the one's I already have first
I should probably finish the 8 projects I have first.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier btw, psst my favourite category is something different ;-)
I've checked that ((?DEFINE)) it works 3v4l.org/soFOH even with no docs description
@Saitama that... nice to know :P
@brzuchal next up start using the /x modifier and you can write somewhat complicated stuff that's downright readable
./sapi/cli/php -r '$a = 12; var_dump(__FILE__[0], "$a"[1]);'
string(1) "C"
string(1) "2"
@NikiC AFK for a while, will add a few tests and then push it
@bwoebi I wouldn't include doc strings
@PaulCrovella thanks, I actually knew about x modifier
@bwoebi Why isn't T_LINE derefable?
It's not a string, but it's a constant and constants are derefable?
@NikiC I wouldn't write that code, but I don't see a reason to explicitly exclude them
@NikiC do you prefer returning a warning?
@bwoebi no, it should just work
Like M_PI[0]
can u tell me why this statement is not working ?
$statement = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM provider WHERE ort = :ort AND plz = :plz");
$statement->execute(array(':ort' => $city, ':plz' => $plz));
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ ~/php-src-X/sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(M_PI[0]);'
@NikiC ^ like this?
@PaulCrovella nice example you have in that link, thx
Mh, fine … changed locally.
@NikiC ultimately you can (<<<'HEREDOC' ... HEREDOC)(); too (with line breaks inserted as appropriately)
@bwoebi I think this will need an rfc after all...
that's quite a lot of changes
@brzuchal this one may be more practical, at least if you ever need to parse out an xml declaration.. as a bonus is shows how you can use branch reset groups (?| to redeclare named patterns
(you can use backreferences for single-/double-quote matching, but I like how much easier to read the alternation is)
what's this goochle trenslete thingy?
!!plugin list goochle
Command endpoints for plugin 'Goochle' (enabled):
[X] Trenslete - Trensletes text next to ruining your prepositions. (Default command: goochle, Mapped commands: goochle)
I'm probably going to add vowel swapping.. if I get really ambitious change verb tenses
for now it just replaces your prepositions with others chosen at random
yeah just read the code, heh
plus learnt about KoL
I haven't played in years, but man what a great game
I apparently commited a permission change to index.php
apache doesn't like group writable index.php....
gah, I just logged in and flipping through Hagnk's Ancestral Mini-Storage... I have no idea what any of this stuff does anymore
lol, pastamancers... saucerors
this is awesauce
@PaulCrovella thx
@NikiC a lot of changes? It's mostly moving expressions around (i.e. splitting in callable and dereferencable scalars so that foo() cannot be parsed as constant and function name at the same time), apart from that it's just making built-in constants + interpolated strings dereferencable
(it's IMHO pretty weird that you can deref any constant, but not magic constants … that's even more a bug to do a distinction at that level there)
@bwoebi and adding FOO{0} ;)
@NikiC you could do (FOO){0}, but not FOO{0} … wtf?
@bwoebi bad merge
@NikiC hmm?
@bwoebi FOO[0] was added very late in 5.6 (like the last RC?) and I didn't properly merge it in the UVS implementation
@NikiC I think it was more like in beta
evenin tereško
I remember dmitry being stressed about the array constant stuff coming in super late ^^
@NikiC oh, indeed, RC3 (of 4)
AFK again… but you have to admit it doesn't change that much
Hi Everyone.
I need help in twitter API
ugh... somehow that's not surprising
@tereško which paper reported that?
no idea
I still have no desire to go to SA, or anywhere near the middle east, mind you, including Eqypt...
I will go to Egypt when I am 80 and the icecaps have melted
then again, global warming is quite low on my "thing I find troublesome" list
let's see you make it to 80, since even by today's standards, well over half of your age group has died off by the time you reach 80.
!!? subversive
Search for "subversive" (https://www.google.com/search?q=subversive&lr=lang_en)
• Subversive | Define Subversive at Dictionary.com - Subversive definition, Also, subversionary [suh b-vur-zhuh-ner-ee, -shuh-] /səbˈvɜr ʒəˌnɛr i, -ʃə-/… (http://www.dictionary.com/browse/subversive)
• Subversive - definition of subversive by The Free… - Intending or intended to subvert an established order, especially to undermine or overthrow an esta… (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/subversive)
• Eclipse Subversive - Subversion (SVN) Team Provid… - The Subversive project is aimed to integrate the Subversion
About that callouts, I see pcre lib has newer version 8.39 instead of 8.38 it has about 26 changes - bug fixes and also improvements in JIT compile migrated from PCRE2 into PCRE.
Also some bugfixes around callouts
I'm curious how callout support would be exposed in php
currently there is 8.38 pcre lib version on master github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/ext/pcre/pcrelib/…
Im using abraham Oauth in twitter api.
but it always restrict my application.
can anybody help me with this issue?
@bwoebi Parallel driver for file \o/ github.com/amphp/file/commit/…
Though the tests fail to actually install the composer dependencies, but it works locally.
Feed back is appreciated of course.
Hello @tereško Long time no see!
@Trowski first question … what's perf?
@bwoebi perf?
@Trowski performance?
i.e. how does it compare to the blocking driver?
@bwoebi Ah... that's a good question. It doesn't block... but it's certainly slower.
How much slower? Dunno, would have to set up some benchmarks.
Is the overhead of transferring to the other process slower than the write itself?
At the very least, with small, local writes, writes are usually immediate as they first go into the kernel buffer who does transparent write-through
That really depends on the physical device. SSD, maybe not… HD, possibly faster if lots of other ops are running… Network drive, almost certainly faster.
@Trowski yeah, not talking about network drives
@bwoebi Reads I would expect to benefit the most.
@Trowski small random reads, yes
but most reads aren't random … they are usually either sequential or to files buffered in RAM
@brzuchal PCRE 8.39 generates valgrind warnings, nobody had time to look into that yet
@bwoebi This is why amphp/parallel isn't required for amphp/file, but just suggested if someone wants to use it.
@Trowski the problem is that it gets automatically used if concurrent is loaded for some reason
@bwoebi That's true. Maybe that should be changed.
It may help avoid issues such as this: github.com/icicleio/icicle/issues/19
Though in that specific case, maybe not… since Icicle has a similar package.
@Trowski if you need async I/O, you really ought to use eio or uv, which have only minimal transferring overhead, do not have to copy the strings for transmission etc.
@bwoebi Agree. Just so many environments don't allow installing other extensions.
eio is certainly not a common extension.
@NikiC I see
@Trowski most envs where you have a shell (needed to properly manage Aerys) also allow installing extensions
@bwoebi Depends… maybe the company's IT policy doesn't allow installing things that aren't part of a LTS distribution.
at the very least, you do not have to make install, but can just specify php -d extension=/path/to/my/local/eio.so
@Trowski Could you please merge github.com/async-interop/event-loop/pull/91 ?
@bwoebi I wish more people were aware of that. Something we could add to the docs.
@Trowski most people are already scared to hell when they need to touch make
@Trowski This is somewhat common but... unfortunate.
It causes a lot of migration pain when the time comes...
Hey, I'm moving this script: git.io/viJFz to a laravel website. It just hits an api, at uses oauth for authentication. Here's the old scripts composer.json: git.io/viJFQ The new script is the problematic one. I followed the new oauth example on guzzle's oauth subscriber page here: git.io/viJbc, but my script is giving me an error: Undefined index: token_secret . Any ideas?
@LeviMorrison Keeps me employed. :-D
Though I tend to stay away from such jobs now… I hate going into a mess.
This is also why we purposefully don't match production and our development servers.
(We do have a staging server that matches production, so don't fret)
It's too brittle to migrate so much at once - much better to migrate as we go.
We're just stuck on one last blocker for moving from 5.3 to 5.6 and it's just a manpower issue. We just installed a new cluster so our sysadmins are busy with that and not helping the web devs ^_^
After running 5.6 in production for a while we'll try moving to 7.0.
@LeviMorrison What was the problem moving from 5.3 to 5.6?
@Trowski At the same time we are moving to redundant infrastructure; this means switching out our session backend from file based to something else.
And we're pretty sure it's working - we just can't go live until sys admins can be available and babysit it.
@bwoebi Done.
@Trowski fine, updated the event-loop tests
@bwoebi @kelunik does all() ever resolve before all the wrapped promises have completed? i.e. does it short circuit and fail as soon as one of the wrapped promises fails?
...follow up question if it does short-circuit - is there anything that doesn't?
@DaveRandom it should
@DaveRandom some().
OK cool I thought so but I've been staring at it for too long and started to question logic
I've been trying to work out why my exceptions were disappearing (not being logged) and realised it's because I used any()
but I want to let everything finish executing and just report the exception(s) at the end
@DaveRandom well, then you want any() actually.
list($errors) = yield any($promises);
if ($errors) {
    /* there were some failures... */
oh duh I'm just not actually doing anything with the result
@DaveRandom well...
the code just does what you instruct it to…
!!xkcd well 2
2nd panel :-(
@DaveRandom right, I just need an interpreter of thoughts.
ugh, ffs, there are loads of them as well :-(
damn it
I might just s/any/all/ for now, I don't have the brainpower for refactoring atm
at least then it will explode instead of silently swallowing exceptions
When there is "does" in the sentence, can still verb get "s" ? In other word, is this sentence correct?
> Oh, then I figured out heaven does exists.
@DaveRandom I have to remove that "s" ?
It's neither correct grammatically nor factually
@Shafizadeh yes
The stray "s" is a common mistake, I never really thought about the rationale that creates that mistake, I guess other languages must work like that?
aha ok (just you know, that "does" isn't for making the that sentence as a question, it acts as a emphasis)
@DaveRandom I'm not sure, maybe Persian works like that
It would be either "Bob does exist" or "Bob exists"
that latter is more natural
@DaveRandom It's probably English which is special with "does (not)"
@DaveRandom thx
English is "special" in a politically incorrect way
"Bob does exist" is valid in English and would be used to stress that you were wrong in a previous assumption (probably stating that Bob did not exist)...
In all the other languages I know, there is just a "not"-word inserted and the rest remains unchanged @DaveRandom
but I would stress the "does" word when speaking it... aka, Bob does exist! He was in the breakroom just a few minutes ago!
E.g. "Je marche vite.", negation is "Je ne marche pas vite" (it just inserts a ne-pas pair, but "marcher" is still conjugated in first person singular in both cases). @DaveRandom
@rabbitguy yeh, somehow there's something more... technical? about it. "Therefore I have concluded that Bob does exist", "Therefore I have concluded that Bob exists", both valid, the latter is said by a guy I'm more likely to attempt to talk to
ftr, I'm reasonably certain that Bob does not in fact exist
@DaveRandom Whereas English is the only language I know which transforms the verb into infinitive upon negation (and inserting does+not)
Wow I can't believe how much this conversation is taxing my brain right now
I should maybe go to bed
!!should I go to bed or drink 7up and stare at my screen until my eyes bleed
You should go to bed.
eh, what do you know
/me goes to get more 7up
7up is a metaphor for some alcoholized beverage.
... right?
Well, it must be in case of Chris though,
Nope, nothing stronger than nicotine since Sep 28th last year
okay, I'm trying to improve my programming ability and my php ability. I'm practicing katas on codewars. Could someone give me a hint on a problem I'm trying? I want to figure it out myself, but I'm not able to wrap around something
so it's a hit counter, but to make it look "cool" it displays the numbers in preceding it. so the function takes a string, and returns multi-dimensional arrays containing other arrays, which have the values going up to the number in the string.
e.g. counter_effect("1250") // [[0,1],[0,1,2],[0,1,2,3,4,5],[0]]
hm, I think I might actually have it
ok, with you so far (although this seems like the sort of thing you should just do in pure JS)
yeah, I'm opting to do it in php so I can get better with php
cause codewars lets you practice in other languages.
or I'm sure @Wes has some kind of sadistic pure-CSS thing you could do
I was trying to think of how I go between 0 and the number that is passed, but I think it's obvious now.
!!docs array_fill
[ array_fill() ] Fill an array with values
it just didn't stick out to me at first
oh not that
!!docs range
[ range() ] Create an array containing a range of elements
that ^
ooh, interesting
I was going to say, don't make it too easy for me, but this will help me optimize it.
yeh but that's basically just a for loop anyway
I take each character from the string and convert it to an integer, then I count how far it takes to get up to the each integer via a loop
then get a range between the counter and the number, am I on the right track?
@Tiffany ok so because PHP is weakly typed in a slightly evil way, you can actually do something like this:
oh, just a hint…
sorry ^^
just unsee it :-D
I can't cause it's staring me in the face
1 message moved to bin
thanks :P
@Tiffany now you can :-)
but the link is there, and it's so clickable
eh, I have self-control, cause I actually want to learn it
$target = '1250';
for ($i = 0, $l = strlen($target); $i < $l; $i++) {
    for ($j = 0; $j < $target[$i]; $j++) {
        /* do something here */
I'm curious what @DaveRandom has, but as long as it doesn't give me the answer
now I kinda want to know if you can move moved to bin messages to the bin
in practice you would not actually do that, though
but you can
@Tiffany I actually gave you the most elegant answer… Not the one most people would write.
try echoing out $j in that loop
@bwoebi yeah, I figured as much, based on what you did. I will get there some day, I just want to understand how to do it first.
one-liners ftw
@DaveRandom interesting
the key tricks there are string index access and implicit string -> int conversion
so basically even though it's a string, php doesn't care and says, "string? integer? who cares?"
if you pass something into an operation that requires a number, PHP will try and convert it to a number
What a looooong day.
fuck, I have a concert to go to this Saturday in Chicago
and I still haven't conned someone into going with me
@Fabor you still in the UK?
@DaveRandom I see, interesting. definitely food for thought.
@Tiffany not even David Duchovny? :-(
@DaveRandom For another 2 days.
@DaveRandom he probably left Chicago the day after the con was over.
God is an Astronaut is playing, Irish band that rarely comes to the US, so I had to buy a ticket.
which con was that?
but I don't go to concerts alone and I'm trying to find someone to go with me
@DaveRandom Chicago Comic Con
I would like to do CC but I doubt it will happen before I am 40 (or possibly 50)
I wonder what the stats are like on how many commit logs look like that ^
@PaulCrovella 100%
@DaveRandom I have been running for 17 seconds, since 2016-08-30 22:12:18
@DaveRandom I wonder what the stats are next to opposite of how many commit logs look @⁠ that ^
I added message resolving to goochle so pull before you do any more work on it
Search for "I added message resolving to goochle so pull before you do any more work on it" (https://www.google.com/search?q=I+added+message+resolving+to+goochle+so+pull+before+you+do+any+more+work+on+it&lr=lang_en)
• FIX / RESOLUTION : New Version of Google Chrome S… - 24 jan. 2014 - Should you have any further queries, please advise and I will do my very …. Any word… (https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/chrome/BoarsOZwfYU)
• Everything Google | Solve - Here is what we have on the agenda for you, the Google Apps domain … where you can “get online emai… (https://solve360.com/help
(did it with google as well)
it also recursively resolves stuff like this (I hope)
10 hours ago, by Saitama
Jun 13 at 8:18, by DaveRandom
Feb 10 '14 at 12:54, by DaveRandom
Perhaps you'd prefer this. Or this.
...or maybe not
god damn it
that totally worked before
@FélixGagnon-Grenier it also recursively resolves stuff versus this (I hope)
@DaveRandom I keep telling that to my client. Somehow they're wholefully unimpressed.
look, it totally worked here
I hate chat :-/
oh wait I see why
/me installs vampire the masquerade once again
Jun 13 at 8:18, by DaveRandom
Feb 10 '14 at 12:54, by DaveRandom
Perhaps you'd prefer this. Or this.
OK I'm going to bed now
nn @all
nn. you probably deserve it
oh goodie, a new nvidia driver to provide the optimal experience for games I don't own™
@PaulCrovella usually I like force pushing for travis… (in a separate branch)
@DaveRandom oh hey, once you get that working what do you think about adding a command resolver to transform the results of other commands through it?
I've got a RHEL 6.8 with PHP 5.3.3, how can I update it to let's say 5.3.15?
@JPDelMundo find a repository with the version you want and install from there.. do note though that 5.3 reached eol a couple years ago so if possible look to upgrade to something more recent and still supported (5.6 or 7)
@PaulCrovella "do note though that 5.3 reached eol a couple years ago" yeah actually, this I am aware of, this is those "client requirement" kind of thing. Finding the repository...where do I start?
that you'll have to google around for, I don't know which repo might have it
if you can't track one down you can always grab a release from php.net/releases and build it yourself

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