Well, that depends. Not every RFC is necessarily a language feature. But if you're specifically talking about language features my primary reasoning is based on added utility and performance factors primarily.
I have seen comparison about language characteristics: imperative/declarative/etc. but none about language design, IMHO it could be quite interesting to compare language designs
@Linus Again, good is a relative term. I like to think of it in terms of useful vs safe instead. For example, C++ is a very useful language, because it allows you to do a lot of low-level crazy stuff, but that also makes it unsafe. Whereas, a language like Haskell, is very safe and side effect free, but isn't very useful in practice because of these safeties it employs.
Trying to look at it in terms of which language has the best features or what features make up the best language is an exercise in futility.
Ah what bliss, pman for reading php man pages, sad isn't it; when ones life pleasures amount to easy access to a language's doc ... from an ancient text editor.
To do that you have two options. either store your files on a server that already has that environment, or secondly, recreate that environment on your local macine; we will do the latter.
@DaveRandom This is also true. 99.999% of all questions that start with "I have a question about framework X" often have nothing to do with framework X. This data is 100% accurately derived from 99.9999% accurate statistical models that are correct 50% of the time.
...so you know that information has gotta be solid
This is what happens when someone says we must launch on Tuesday and some idiot decides to add two new untested classes on Monday evening. You get me being very groggy after pulling an all nighter to get back to 100% test coverage before launch.
What is this?
This is a collection of questions that come up every now and then about syntax in PHP. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining this list.
Why is this?
It used to be hard to find questions about operators and other syntax tokens.¹
The m...
OK well you should read about floating point rounding errors to understand why something like that would happen... although that result does look pretty odd, what OS/CPU are you using?
@LeviMorrison $collection->select(^$o => $o->prop); $collection->where(^$o => $o->isActive); - tbh just look at linq examples and rewrite them in PHP. I do stuff like both of those ^ all the time
Question: is there a "standarized" method available for string translations with context support? Seems the gettext implementation does not support pgettext which would usually do that.
@LeviMorrison return array_map(^$ad => $ad->getId(), $result->unwrap()); if we really end up with _ being reserved it could be even simpler (like in scala) return array_map(_->getId(), $result->unwrap());
@Saitama I guess it is the one in discussion : wiki.php.net/rfc/arrow_functions ? I see several "arrow function / short_closure" rfc propositions closed
@Japa The difference is that the first one was not valid JSON. Do what Saitama told you by adding headers declaring the content type of your content. Also the data will be an object, not an array, so you have to access parceiros like that : data.parceiros without [0]
the answer of my data is this: {"parceiros":2}{"multicast_id":7290382531538498365,"success":1,"failure":0,"canonical_ids":0,"results":[{"message_id":"0:1472554612537808%d7f777def9fd7ecd"}]}
i have put the headers as saitama said
and do this: data.parceiros ...but now my console.log doesn´t show anything
@bwoebi sure, in much the same way as you don't do a full table scan on that many rows, you have indexes. But in any case, the considerations are a little different in a desktop app - I don't mind burning CPU cycles and a few milliseconds for the sake of simple code there, I wouldn't do that on a server though
@NikiC vaguely. Are you actually trying to do something or just lamenting the stupid API?
The particular case I'm thinking of is something that iterates ~10K objects once every 5 mins or so - the vast majority of the time I make cleverer code, but in this case the cleverer code is just not worth the time expenditure to write
I have a question why is SplFileObject not an acceptable argument for stream_get_meta_data ? I believe currently there's no way to determine the mode when a function is given a SplFileObject and it sucks
> I have a question why is SplFileObject not an acceptable argument for stream_get_meta_data ? I believe currently there's no way to determine the mode when a function is given a SplFileObject and it sucks