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Time to lay in bed and think about all the things I wish I said that one time. Thanks brain.
ugh.. I can relate.
except I'm staring at the chat, listening music. still sucks
Yeah, i'm trying to notice myself repeating thoughts and stopping. Seeing if it helps.
here, read this. should knock you right out.
@PaulCrovella I actually have read it and found it very informative.
@bwoebi same. quite a few times. parts can still be rather mind-numbing though.
it's not on par with something like the o'reilly book as far as readability goes
@PaulCrovella The most confusing part is where it explains how different verbs act together… suddenly (*ACCEPT) has different behavior in negative assertions causing failure … what…
it is sorely lacking in examples there
@PaulCrovella yes
The different constructs are well explained, but verbs need more examples
@PaulCrovella And it shows syntax not exposed in PHP … like callout…
can't help but wonder about the person/people who wrote this all
it's a long, in detail work..
TIL: (?(R) … | … | … )
I like that it's got some errors, like a few occurrences of "the the" - repeating words and spaces are exactly the sort of thing that one might use a regex to check a document for
Please suggest me the best English music you have ever heard .. I need a new music to listen.
/me could not understand Bob's TIL
still staring at R
@bwoebi that's such a weird construct to me. I mean I get it, but I can't fathom working on a regex where using that comes to mind as a solution.
oh. I think I got a clue.
okay this is pretty good i.imgur.com/fuDDhdL.jpg
took me a few secs to understand
indeed a good one, I'm saving it
surprised me how much he got. didn't know aerodynamic resistance was so important
he's even faster than those guys that are also pedaling
i keep hovering over to click that then pulling away
RFC idea for PHP 7.2/8.0: use SipHash to make hash-flooding impractical
I get that you want to mitigate issues but that's a pretty big perf hit.
For all arrays, security related or not.
ok i finished Wesseros. it's pretty balanced :B
4 hours later…
@Wes sim city?
yep, 3000
I think I got sim city 4. I found it quite hard. it doesnt look complex on the surface but once you dig in. I gave up on understanding it.
did you know that nobody has ever won at simcity 3000? except possibly a guy from philippines. a game that you can't beat :D i find that awesome...
i mean you can make a balanced economy, but it will require maintenance anyway. self sustaining cities are rare if not impossible
@Wes probably explains my issues with sc4
!!room will any of you be at php unconf hamburg?
@Gordon what issues did you have specifically?
@Wes my cities didnt thrive. there is apparently more than meets the eye to consider when building cities now that it was back the old days of sim city where you just placed stuff where you just needed to make sure you got a decent mix of everything
economy goes up and down, sometimes it could be frustrating. you will have to answer no to any people complaint in the first 100 years, you will have to take garbage from other cities in order to make money... you will need to get polluting or any undesirable stuff for the kickstart. but at the same time you will make some money and start building nuclear power plants, fusion power plants and water pump to sell fresh water
slowly you will give the sims a better life, by reducing pollution, making parks and stuff. you won't need to take undesirable stuff and everything will start working properly
i know yeah, it's frustrating at the first. it's about balancing taxes and expenses constantly, planning expenses (i'm actually using a calculator)
How to set a position while we write a string into a file?
Below is my form html code,

<input type="text" value="FIrst Name" />

I want to write a name attribute name="fname" as below,

<input type="text" name="fname" value="FIrst Name" />
I know the fwrite code writes a string into file, but i need to set a position as where to write the content into a file
in that city i posted above commerce didn't develop at all, probably because it's too small, but it's 100% balanced. the only maintenance i have to make is replacing fusion power plants each 50 years and water pumps each 80
Happy Rebecca day!
@Wes Is that a old sim city?
@Wes That is a game with a Moral!
ah, today is gonna be a long day, having a hard time getting my gears moving
Rebbeca's day
Rebecca's friday curse.
@Gordon Morning! ;)
!!is today Rebecca day
Let me think about it … wait … yes … well actually, no.
user image
@NikiC When will you be back?
@Duikboot mrnng
I'm away for a long weekend so... hi and bye, really
have a nice weekend o/
Aug 21 at 12:16, by Saitama
2 hours ago, by Saitama
stupid SO chat
morgen @PeeHaa
@Wes ^ declarative vs imperative
@andho difference is feeble these days
@andho so the sql you write is just a project spec?
@PaulCrovella it's a bit lower level. Spec of the data I want.
@andho and the php I write is a spec of the steps I want performed
yo fappenin
@PaulCrovella you also specify the "how" of what you want to perform.
Last day of work. Gotta remember to purge my internet history.
can't you just format the machine?
@andho pretty much all of that I leave to lower levels, like the interpreter, OS, processor, etc
@tereško heh yeah. Well not format but remove my user I guess.
that's too an option
@PaulCrovella $items = get('All deleted items'); vs $items = array_filter($items, function($item) { return $item['deleted'] == 0; });
@Fabor Steal the hard drive and burn it.
@andho you're drawing completely arbitrary distinctions. you can put the line anywhere you want.
@JayIsTooCommon I'm more a magnet kind of guy.
now, if you did apply an index to the query, the "how" changes ->
$items = (function() {
	if ($indexes['items']['deleted']) { return $indexes['items']['deleted']; }

	return array_filter($items, function($item) { return $item['deleted'] == 1; });
@PaulCrovella that's true
we need to achieve the highest level. I believe it's possible
i use vestacp
and roundcube
i can accept mail
but can't receive
@andho The highest level wouldn't need someone to write a spec at all, imperative or otherwise. The state of the world would be "the spec" and it'd create whatever program necessary. And if you want to go even higher then we already have it - we call it physics.
anyone can help pls ?
@SergeyTelshevsky :P
@SergeyTelshevsky isn't the windows one just SIGTERM?
WTH is Pro-Rata salary and why has it taken 3 days off my pay when I earnt those in lieu?
Kick off fap.. Bring the place down. Kick some chairs, throw a few bins across the room - go wild.
heh problem is I don't understand it.
@Fabor pro-rata is salary proportional to time worked - e.g. if you take half a month of unpaid time off you get half your usual monthly salary. As to the rest of your situation, nfc.
posted on August 26, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PaulCrovella but that's exactly what happens :P
@PaulCrovella Well I took no time off. :-/
I worked 3 days extra
and depends how you close, IMO
@Fabor then it sounds like someone fucked up. talk to boss/payroll. mistakes for things like that are easier than they should be.
@PaulCrovella yeah, already emailed. My final payslip so better get it right :P
Happy 25th birthday, #Linux! Here's your f-ing #cake, go ahead and compile it yourself. https://t.co/OCQUDPhlXY
@Leigh Did you get yours sorted btw? payslip
I gave up
@Fabor between some people not knowing how Garden Leave works, changing leaving dates, pissing around with how my holiday would be dealt with, etc. I got different numbers from different people, and in the end received something totally different from them both
But it was close enough
@Fabor did Della have anything to do with it?
Doubt it. I heard nothing.
Well she has to instruct the accountancy firm what extras to add/take
@JayIsTooCommon I emailed him. Out of office till 30th. What a part-timer :P
@Leigh So not sorted? :P
Happy Friday 11!
@Fabor Mine was never accurate, but I accepted it as a trade-off for not having to deal with them any more.
yay, rebeccaday! \o/
@bwoebi Does Aerys support any clustering of websockets? Or wrong place for it?
@Leigh Furry muff.
@Leigh Wanna buy a PC? or bass guitar :P
what kind of bass?
Yeah man, barely used sadly. Tis a lovely guitar and I am a terrible owner.
one of these use to be my baby
@Fabor I have both
@Fabor I like this one better /cc @PaulCrovella
@Leigh Yes but good to have backups -_-
lol Gordon
Backups are potentially useless unless you test them
That's really nice looking too Paul
2 days ago, by Gordon
user image
I have a three gibson les pauls and a Jack Daniels acoustic
elasticsearch changed their website I see. now elastic.co
uhm, been that way for a while
Well it's news to me.
@kelunik For chat why distribute the message via redis?
okay... so.. this maybe a dumb question.. but let's say that I have an already running thread. So how should I be passing some data while the thread is running?
Well. Today could be fun. My bosses boss is installing mysql on his mac, so that he can help out with some database design changes.
you're in touch with the dba to limit his access / verify recent backups, right?
@Saitama unix domain socket?
@PaulCrovella too late.
he won't have access to live.....just will be telling me what to do.
stay strong ✊
Ah thanks @PaulCrovella
Workers == websockets?
@Fabor workers == processes
@Danack \o/ and his background is developer based right? -_-
Create a ticket system for the company to submit requests and reports. They submit a ticket, send an email to our IT inbox (sends to the team) and CC our individual emails in. Like.. what.
@PaulCrovella Multiple processes of?
@Fabor aerys
Ah I thought so.
@Fabor Imagine chat users connected to different servers, you need a way of centrally synchronising the messages so they can be relayed to all clients
Well, I guess in some scenarios receiving messages out of order is acceptable
@Leigh Yeah. That kind of scale is not on my mind yet.
not just different servers, aeyrs spawns multiple workers to handle requests github.com/amphp/aerys/tree/master/bin
@Fabor !!plugin list translate
Command endpoints for plugin 'Translate' (enabled):
[X] Translate - Translates text to the specified language (Default command: translate, Mapped commands: translate)
[X] ToEnglish - Translates text to English (Default command: en, Mapped commands: en)
[X] Magic - Translates text to the language indicated by the mapped command (Default command: , Mapped commands: fr)
@Fabor :P he's always on his email anyway. Were you nice?
@JayIsTooCommon I was nice enough I guess. Short email. Nothing that'd get you in trouble :P
\o/ :P
@Ekn !!en --from=es olvidalo
olvidalo (translated from English)
Never mind (translated from Spanish)
Hmmm. More and more I am beginning to wish there was a popup book about websockets or more specifically how the AMP chat worked :P
@Fabor Just start small
you can give it a helping hand if source language auto-detection fails (which it does, a lot)
forget about rooms first
@Danack Once upon a time I was a temp at a company, just a couple months in, when a VP decided to swing by and sit over my shoulder while I handled an issue for a Very Important Client. Then VP started to tell me what to do, and he was telling me the wrong thing. Having to say no and correct him was unnerving. I was sure I was going to be let go.
@PooHaa @DaveRandom Can we have have redis on Jeeves server and some access to it?
looking back years later it probably would've been best for all involved if I had been let go
@Fabor Well there's been talk of using redis as a data store in general, but what specifically do you want to do?
!!poll {"Topic": "Asahi", "Options": ["Yum", "Taste like butts"]}
er... wat?
@Fabor yes we can have redis (we already have a naive storage btw). access depends on what kind of access because redis is pretty much not meant for public access
!!vote Asahi 0 (A)
!!results Asahi
that wouldn't need redis but it would need the web ui really
otherwise that would generate a lot of chat spam (IMO)
Well I suppose I could use Strawpoll
If a plugin asks for a KeyValueStore then it gets one that is ringfenced for that plugin
is there no kv store as a service?
17 mins ago, by Saitama
!!urban ringfencing
At the moment it's just JSON file backed, there's been talk of plugging in a redis back-end but the interface won't change if we do
whatchoo talkin bout willis
@Saitama no I mean, use a unix domain socket. You could also use a TCP/UDP socket on loopback but unix sockets are cheaper
Y'know, I would actually like a way to run Jeeves from CLI so we could test it there -_-
...just clone it? :-P
oh, I see, sorry for re-ping-ing you :|
does jeeves have unit tests yet?
@Fabor it runs fine on windows, just clone it and configure
@PaulCrovella it has like 3 or something
@Fabor literally the only thing you need to run it yourself is an SE openid
which is the hardest thing imo
actually what would be dope is a mock SO chat server for blackbox testing
@DaveRandom I mean for avoiding SE connection. Just to test commands in CLI.
oh we need to produce a list of extensions that it uses as well, but it doesn't use any particularly uncommon ones
in REST how do you deal with situations where an endpoint should not only manipulate data (e.g. PATCH) but also trigger external stuff like sending push notifications ... are you including the logic for pushes into the patch method or stepping outside of rest to create a RPC endpoint for that?
in other words mix rest calls and rpc calls
@Fabor oic... that would be doable I think. Obviously it would be limited to stuff that's not actually tied to chat in any way (e.g. stuff that needs a user ID wouldn't work)
open an issue
Correct. Will do. Danke
Someone said this about switch statements in php
> It allows your code to become unreadable and allows for side-effects while mutating scoped vars
What's he on about, "mutating scoped vars"?
he's an idiot, perhaps? just a guess
@codepushr I dont understand the question. if its essential to the update action behind the rest api to also send a push notification, then the server should just do that. how you implement that, e.g. with another (potentially non-public) rest api or by $whatever is up to you
Maybe I should work on some of these Jeeves issues...
One of my favourite graphs of all time. Swear words per language subreddit. https://t.co/4Vjbt5D3Nw
@Gordon the question is: is it restful and secondly transparent to developers using the api if a PATCH call also triggers push notifications?
Wonder where those stats come from.
A. Your mother!
@Wes That only tells me PHP is the most popular of these languages and thus attracts many people that write shitty code ;-)
don't spoil it :P
Amp Redis seems cool.
@codepushr is it transparent if a PATCH call triggers a push notification? no. If you want to give the client control over that, you will need to provide a separate resource for sending push notifications (or somehow make it controllable in the PATCH call, like ?doNotify or something). But I'd argue you dont need that level of granularity nor does it matter.
@Wes just watching that hurts :P
@Wes Note that @DaveRandom also writes php so he is probably responsible for half of it
@PeeHaa $that = (bool)$hit;
ALSO? traitor...
$that = (bool)$hit;
OK, on that note I'm going, catch you bitches next week
@Gordon i see :) i'm still unsure which style i should pick... i fear that REST could become more work! poll example: in rpc i could have a /fixOption route that sets the fixedOption foreign key in the poll model AND sends the pushes. in REST using PATCH would do the exact same thing but if he chooses to use PUT i need to build an additional check if that attribute has changed
later @DaveRandom o/
@Gordon anyway thanks for your opinion! :)
@DaveRandom laters o/
@DaveRandom \o
So send to websocket -> redis -⋞ Event Listeners (subscribers)?
> I’m Harambe, and this is my zoo enclosure. I work here with my zoo keeper and my friend, Cecil the lion. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I’ve learned after 21 years – you never know WHO is gonna come over that fence.
Still pisses me off..
@Saitama in an interview with bcc
this one is gold:
Greetings; my given name is Richard Harrison and the facility we have entered is a retail establishment that specializes in unredeemed goods, which is the legal property of yours truly. I currently employ my paternal parental unit, alias, "Elderly Male," and the offspring of oneself, whose given name is Corey Harrison, yet has assumed the identity, "Large Hoss." Each individual item currently possessed by my fine retail establishment beholds a lengthy narrative and of course, this being a legal retail establishment, can be acqulred for reasonable compensation. I have been t
guys is there a way using js to force a page to horizontal scroll? the page contains two sections, the second section contains a table and overflow-y isn't working because some css div is causing problems, so all i want is to enforce horizontal scrolling without having to go through the troubles of finding the css problem
js and not jquery
some js function
Just fix the problem...
@Lynob you might be looking for the javascript room


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
@Lynob But what PeeHaa said... Don't use js to fix your bad CSS.
Please help me with this guys: pastebin.com/pL0EJL6B I am getting an error about IV and its bugging me
@Jay do you have any idea how useless that description of your problem is?
Why are you trying to build your own crypto stuff and why are you ancrypting passwords
Oh it's ancrypting data using a password
@PaulCrovella its inactive now and kinda thought u would know how to fix it since u are web dev, and @PeeHaa i tried for 5 days
Still... don't
!!package defuse/encryption
[ defuse/php-encryption ] Secure PHP Encryption Library
@PeeHaa i would never look for a js solution unless im desperate coz i hate js
Don't be that junior
It will only come back to bite you in the ass
Use the right tool for the job.
You hate it because you're probably bad at it and you're bad at it because you don't do it.
Trust me on this future you will thank me
js does have some nice things... true..
@Lynob Instead of creating a new XY problem, try harder to solve the CSS issue :>
@Fabor true and i wont do it, that what jquery is for but at my current company they dont use jquery so im stuck with it
@Fabor to be fair javascript is frequently the only tool for the job rather than the right one
@PaulCrovella lol
@JayIsTooCommon its just a scrollbar, im not creating something fancy
and i dont use global variables
Well find out why your overflow isn't working. You do not need JS to enable a scroll bar on a page. If you can't, try harder and then if you still can't - paste your code here (jsfiddle) or create an SO Q :)
@Fabor using the right tool for the job or delegation as I call it
Anyone any idea on the easiest way to use a directory iterator only on subdirectories?
This iterator stuff is a ballache
@Gordon :D. True boss mode
@Jimbo example?
I want to select all php files that have <something>Factory.php, in all subdirectories of __DIR__.
@Fabor is boss average developer > ultra average developer?
So not __DIR__ itself
@Jimbo regexiterator around the fileiterator?
But using that for subdirectories only
I got the regex
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(__DIR__, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),

        $regexIterator = new \RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+Factory\.php$/i', \RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
But I don't want to do it on __DIR__, I want subs only
@Gordon In hierarchy but often not ability.
The word Iterator loses all meaning when I read that.
@Jimbo if you dont mind using the iterator directly instead of foreach'ing over it you could if ($iterator->depth === 1) { continue} I think
Hello everyone,
Can someone tell me a way to get dmarc of a domain?
Thanks in advance.
Semantic satiation (also semantic saturation) is a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds. == History and research == Leon Jakobovits James coined the phrase "semantic satiation" in his 1962 doctoral dissertation at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Prior to that, the expression "verbal satiation" had been used along with terms that express the idea of mental fatigue. The dissertation listed many of the names others had used for the phenomenon: Many other...
it's the plague of spl's iterators
@Jimbo hmm, you could create a directoryiterator that just gives the dirs of the root dir and then foreach over that, creating one regex(recursive(rdi($subdir))) per subdir and append this to an AppendIterator. Then iterate the AppendIterator
@Gordon I added your getDepth() check and it works perfectly :-)
I am awesome
class SemanticSatiationIterator extends IteratorIterator implements RecursiveIterator
what? no stars? pffff
thanks :D
@Gordon ★★★
@Gordon ★★★★★
@Gordon ★★★★★★
I guess I earned my porridge lunch now
So ES will be the storage method of choice for chats. Seem sensible to have /chat/room-id/message-id but also /chat/messages/message-id. The latter being for searching all messages.
and he goes into the JS room and asks the exact same question.. Ah well.
Of course I need to consider private chats.
for nudez?
why would those be private?
chat privates
Is ES alright to be used as primary storage?
I'll let you know in a few months.
@Fabor what exactly do you mean? load balancing them?
@Gordon Am I able to cancel them?
@bwoebi Clustering like ES does.
@Fabor ?
So opening a second websocket extends the first.
@bwoebi you are a RO so technically you are. Whether you are in practise I dont know. Also, why would you? It's nothing but the truth
@Gordon Well, that's what I wondered… whether there were a moral barrier to cancel them … The bar for awesome is too low here.
Unsure how to phrase it, websocket is limited by max connections and such, but if you add a second server with another websocket it has the ability to share everything with the first effectively doubling the resources available. Wondering if that is a thing or not for websockets.
ffs, I hate copying pasting
$paths[] = implode('/', array_reverse(array_splice(array_reverse(explode('/', $path), true), 0, $depth + 3)));
Horizontal scaling a websocket basically
@Fabor so, you're effectively proposing load balancing?
@Fabor You're on about load balancing
@bwoebi low bars are hard to limbo.
Two servers with two websockets and LB above. I send a message to server A, what happens with the message in regards to the socket on server B?
on an unrelated side note: TIL porridge with foamed milk is nice. porridge with foamed milk AND espresso not so much
Or I have a chatroom and it exceeds the max number of connections the server can handle, how do you handle it?
is there a simple way to inject http headers into any outgoing http call from a php extension? something like mysqlnd for http?
@Fabor you'll have to communicate between the instances, via e.g. key/value storages
Right. So there's no way to open a second server and have it link with the first to increase the resources available to that socket?
@Gordon How do you foam milk?
hey any one can suggest me where to find third party library for list of Indian state and its district's name to use in drop down
@JayIsTooCommon the coffee machine does it
> ES uses by default multicasting on the network to discover nodes in the same cluster. Nodes with the same "cluster.name" will join the same cluster.
@Gordon oh, frothy/foamed i get you
it runs windows btw
@Gordon php_stream_http_wrapper->wops->stream_opener you can wrap that function and replace it there and modify stream context options before calling the original function.
Come a long way since the webcam re: coffee
@bwoebi doesnt work for curl
@Gordon sure, that's a wholly different mechanism
@bwoebi so I guess there is no one hook fits all approach I guess?
@Gordon lies.
@Gordon no
@bwoebi someone should introduce a network abstraction layer into php
@Gordon you mean that ironically?
@PeeHaa this is in your face ... wait better, this
@Gordon also, re: curl, no chance for curl except directly monkey-patching the curl functions in the EG(functions) table… The functions are just really thin layers around curl lib funcs itself…
$that = (bool)$hit;
made my day

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