They mostly drink pepsi and/or unicorn piss, although also it's friday night so a lot of them are along the lines of "What's in this baggy, is this meth? #TastesMoreLikeCoke"
@NikiC Aren't these words sent to mturk first to make them understandable without pain?
Am I the only one who thinks "oh no not yet another function with a magical boolean"? Re: "optionally return class name from gettype" thread
Nothing against booleans… but I dislike not obvious APIs where I first need to learn what the optional parameter means because you never could guess it yourself…
@NikiC regarding your array_walk_recursive() issue, why cannot you just increment the refcount (and release later) so that the reference to thash never gets invalid and thus apply count also not being problematic?
I realize this changes semantics a bit when the array is being changed during iteration…
I really don't know why my sentence about marked as a favorite comment .. it is just a simple and usual question. Has it a English problem? I have to say "is pinged" ?
don't take it personnally. consider your comments like gift you do to the world. Like a box of chocolate, once they are out, you never know what is going to happen.
very unrelated, I just cancelled the tickets to a trip (Brasil, UAE, Turkey) and bought new ones to different places more on the north side here up till Bolivia and above. It seems I have two months before the possible offers start so...
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I'm not sure at the moment actually, but I have friends I once promised to visit in most places I plan to stop by. Besides it's winter, Ace loves cold.
@Ekn Ace. Is that this small cute dog you rescued few weeks ago? Must be getting big as of now! (/me really hopes that dog made it and I'm not putting my foot in my mouth)
The next time you happen to visit the United States, listen to how people speak. It's quite interesting that there are huge gaps in literacy and speach there is between people here.
In my right ear, something happened and I cannot make out speach in it most of the time. I can hear someone talking, but I cannot understand them. It's like they are covering their mouths, so I always am turning my head around to catch them with my left.
@MarkWeiman mh… so, you're just trying to hear with the left… Well… anyway… point is, for a long time the main goal was to make people understand anything and for that the 300-2 kHz range is most important, but it makes things sound muffled and you still don't understand it all. [ultimately a lot of information gets lost] … Hearing aids industry is only slowly evolving towards high-perf all-frequency hearing aids…
Many young people have a grand-parent or older people have a parent with hearing aids nowadays … but you don't interact all day with them, making it harder to really grasp the problems.
You often don't even notice, they are just quieter than most, still sometimes say something … it's only when they are completely quiet that you eventually notice.
Many people, especially elder ones with a light impairment do not have the routine to interrupt if they don't understand...
@bwoebi a few years ago, I had a car accident which amongst other things ripped both my eardrums appart. For a few months I could not play violin anymore, the high-pitched sounds close to my ear would make me scream of pain. The perspective of never playing music again was unbearable.
@bwoebi hmmm... maybe, but I can't tell if it's because it did or autosuggestion. Not sure how to describe it, but the closest is something like I could feel it in my bones.
I'm making a tool check in system, where user enters in tool number and tells them the information they need for it, now say I have different types like hammers, screwdrivers etc, would it be better to make a table that breaks it down to what type the tool is than going to a table that's specifically for that tool or just putting all the tools in one table
@NathanMarotta I would put all the tools in the same table, and create another table for the type of tool, and just reference that time in a column for each tool.
@Trowski I propose retaining specifically \Amp\run() in amp v2; it'll simply be Loop::execute(\Amp\rethrow(\Amp\coroutine($cb))) I've already multiple times had the problem that I was doing Loop::execute(\Amp\coroutine(function() { ... })) and all the exception tests didn't work -.-
I see exceptions from coroutines not being rethrown as quite some problem…
similarly in the Loop::delay/repeat/immediate/on* methods
@Trowski I wonder whether we should not ignore the return value of callbacks and install a when() handler to rethrow on them if it's returning an awaitable (in the Loop specification)…
public function loop($cb) {
\Interop\Async\Loop::execute(function() use ($cb) {
$gen = $cb();
if ($gen instanceof \Generator) {
\Amp\rethrow(new \Amp\Coroutine($gen));
^ I currently have this in my tests… ugly :-(
connected iPhone to laptop… springboard crashed… wtf?
lol… I had, in Safari, a single github page which was leaking much RAM … as of killing, it showed 22.93 GB (if you'd decompress OS X' memory; physically it took about 8 GB of the total 16 GB)
Anyone familiar with SVN? Made a commit to php docs, realised it didn't follow the symlink, so replaced symlink with actual dir, attempting to commit again, but it's saying the entry "has unexpectedly changed special status".
@nim I don't think you will from me either. You're showing such a general lack of understanding that I don't think I'll really be able to help you except giving you a finished solution which I don't want.
@Trowski can you please change \Amp\some() to a v1-like version? With $required is possibly nice, but that's not what the old some() did… When you've done that I'm going to push amp\dns (you need it for amp/socket…)
@nim please stop. you are giving bad, unsecure advice. plus, if that were the problem, the query would not run at all, throwing a undefined column error.
please we can not give advise about insecure or secure, I hope this guys may follow the sql injuction rule, so I have give him direct solution about his problem
@nim Basically: you do not copy over http. You upload a file to a script on the target server (if it needs to be http). Or you can do it over any other protocol (ftp, ssh, ...) (there are many libraries out there).