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That's just in preparation of the Q&A session at the very end.
Or: the questions asked are just too confusing.
More like cramming in the rest of what you have to say at the end
@tereško and vista, but not numeric
I don't like this skinny wave. It portrays an unnatural unattainable depiction of the human body. I'm triggered.
How to convert the following string to date? "29 Jul 2017"
!!docs datetime::createfromformat
@Jeeves ?
Could you do me a favor @DaveRandom I don't have my key on me <3
@Mr_Green I'll be the Jeeves for now... php.net/manual/en/datetime.createfromformat.php
@JayIsTooCommon Rebecca
@Epodax About a day mate.
echo DateTime::createFromFormat("d M Y", "29 Jul 2017");
@Fabor Chimp
You're a terrible bot.
@JayIsTooCommon !!dad
@Okabe Anime.
@JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayIsTooCommon @JayI
the above code is giving error
> Catchable fatal error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string on line 3
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 Nope, he is just 15.
^ dat
Which is almost the same as being drunk.
At least they have the same state of mind.
its more like being high due to all the hormones kicking in
@PeeHaa kk
@Mr_Green Take a look at the link, a few examples there :)
> adolescence
@Mr_Green DateTime does not implement __toString so you cannot echo it. you need to call format
@Gordon and decorate ;-)
@Jimbo huh?
@Gordon Decorate DateTime with one that has __toString()
ah. yeah, though just calling format is good enough I guess
@samayo @Okabe /me just joking :)
> [2016-07-28 10:27:26] Passing event #65324348 to built in command handler Room11\Jeeves\BuiltInCommands\Version
It's still alive @PeeHaa
an exception is being silently swallowed somewhere I think
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 inorite :)
@DaveRandom "alive"
@Jeeves are you dead?
@Jeeves is @DaveRandom stupid?
@PeeHaa what was that log command?
I have no idea how systemd works, or syslog
nobody does
history | grep journal
sysadmining like a pro ^
journalctl -u jeeves --since "2016-07-20 18:52:00"
Where is Jeeves hosted?
(for future ref)
@Fabor PeeHaa's VPS
oh wow that's super confusing
The server time is UTC+2, but @Jeeves's log messages are timestamped in UTC :-/
Is there any resource kicking about which lists what php versions support which curl versions?
!!docs curl
@DaveRandom well the journal should prefix with the correct timestamp, and if an app logs to the journal it shouldn't prefix it's messages with another timestamp
blame dave
@Sjon That's kinda what I do iirc
@Sjon yeh, @PeeHaa :-P
Oh a revelation! We upgraded our servers from PHP 5.3 to... PHP 5.4 ._.
It's a start I guess
sounds pretty good ;)
5.4 was a nice release tbf
@PeeHaa Jeeves messages still have a PHP generated timestamp
44 secs ago, by PeeHaa
@Sjon That's kinda what I do iirc
@Fabor Looking forward to working with [] instead of array(), 100%
I meant that last thing about prefixing it ;)
@Sean That is the worst one. 5.4 to 5.6 is probably doable immediately - the release process really started working at 5.4.
@PeeHaa Yeh it's cool, the logging back-end needs a bit of an overhaul really
@Gordon Thanks it is working :)
@JayIsTooCommon thanks
hmm, how do I split a long shell command by its arguments over multiple lines? I know I can add \ at the end but then it fails when the next line starts with --foo arg
how does it fail exactly?
maybe you're missing a space?
@DaveRandom Just write it down somewhere so we can ignore it :P
correction: it just fails when I split it
    docker build \
        -t foo:bar \
        --build-arg FOO=42 \
        -f path/to/Dockerfile .
works fine when I put in on one-line
it gives me "unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in context path: lstat "
@Sean Why did you pick 5.4?
@PeeHaa mysql_* :P
@PeeHaa It's not a great story. I've been appealing to upgrade to 5.6 or 7 for a while now. Our server providers say the best way is to upgrade our ubuntu box from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS. Of course we can't just upgrade - they won't like that. They want us to make a new instance as 14.04 and migrate everything across. So, lots of time spent to do this
@Gordon What about quoting stuff behind args? (random bad idea)
@Sean All the more reason to jump to something that's actually supported instead of having to do it again in 2 months :P
yesterday, a bug was reported that a part of our system using cURL wasn't working. Turns out the version of curl we have on our box has a few bugs fixable by upgrading. Another one of our "seniors" tried to upgrade curl on its own but broke it completely. He figured if we upgrade php to 5.4, the same version as on his local machine, the curl will update too and everything will be peachy
So he just decided to upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4 by using the old deprecated apt repository for 12.04 in the middle of the day with no idea what might happen
The happy ending is that everything works still, including curl.
I hate sysadminning
@Jeeves you dead?
@Gordon that's weird. If you prefix docker with echo; don't you see the exact same command?
@DaveRandom are you rewriting @Jeeves or something?
@PeeHaa I disagree; it's awesome
@Sjon Yes you are strange like that :)
I even switched from being a devver to sysadmin :)
I would consider that a really poor career switch :P
@Sjon looks okay to me
I started out as a sysadmin (windows mind you) and switching to writing stuff was the best decision ever
@Sjon Tbh I'd like dive into sysops at some point. I figure it'll keep me more sane knowing one person is dedicated to the role rather than having devs dip into it here and there and having our infrastructure turn into spaghetti
@PeeHaa well, windows is a whole different story. *nix for me :)
I hate it all :P
@Sean agreed; I'm happy to facilitate a lot of things; but root for devvers isn't one of them :)
ugh :-P
You did rewrite it didn't you?
You just can't help it
Why is the best option upgrading Ubuntu to upgrade PHP? -_-
@Fabor because ubuntu sucks :P They only do major library upgrades with o/s updates
At least they are on 7 now. I'm looking at you centos/debian
I broke something in a weird way, hang on
What would be so bad about adding a repo in that has the PHP version they're after?
That's the best kind of broken though
@PeeHaa Only adding last-ditch logging for unhandled exception
ah ok. I have multiple --build-arg arguments and apparently cannot use --build-arg FOO=BAR BAZ=QUX
@DaveRandom First step is to accept you have a problem
@Fabor PHP is a glue between system libraries. Those need to be somewhat uptodate as well
@Fabor dependency hell
huh, what kind of system libraries?
@Fabor okay maybe that wasn't the best use of terminology, but curl is one example
user image
also; mcrypt / icu. You need to upgrade all other apps that use those as well
also libxml
fucking PHP and it's lack of fucking native async support fucking sucking
Just not the latest if you want hassle free Memcached -_-
@DaveRandom WTH is broken that it warrants that? It worked "just fine" before
just fine
@PeeHaa I just forgot a yield is all, and PHP Storm can't tell me that because it's not actually async/await even though we treat it like that
@PeeHaa a css dev walks into a bar and complains that there are tables
I added a try/catch and the indentation was getting silly + long function so I broke part of it out and forgot the yield
rookie mistake
Learning some regex I would like to match: 0433 04 94 94
I tried: ^[0-9]{4}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}[0-9]{2}
But I have now to add the spaces. How can I do that?
Just add a space
What's the difference between a 'space group' ?
I don't know what a space group is :)
It's a group of space.
@PeeHaa OK, you get props for that one.
spaaaaaaaaaaaace space soaaaace portal end scene
how do you tweet that?
* whitespace escape groups
With a bot that works @Sherif :P
@Sherif @DaveRandom broke poor jeeves
@Fabor We don't have one of those, huh?
Now we do :P
virgule: a short oblique stroke (/) between two words indicating that whichever is appropriate may be chosen to complete the sense of the text in which they occur.
thanks sir dave
!!jeeves how do I tweet shit?!
!!urban daverandom
whatchoo talkin bout willis
@PeeHaa Boo! The message exceeds the 140 character limit. :-(
lol fail x2
It can't do images apparently.
I'll say it again. I should really fix the twitter connection
@PeeHaa The url is literally 141 characters :P
asshole url
@PeeHaa implement !!untweet while you're at it. kthxbye
yay \o/ even moar twitter work I have to ignore
#nosql jokes https://t.co/3YhmLNIzBD
@PeeHaa Isn't is possible to twit an image with long url? (in twitter)
@DaveRandom your bot sucks balls by the way
otherwise this seems like a simple issue to fix.
@samayo It is yes
The twitter stuff is all @PeeHaa
@samayo Not really
You actually have to upload media to twitter
I stand corrected. @PeeHaa you suck balls
Yes I know and I feel bad
@Jeeves Where should I go for lunch?
But yeh, the fact that it locks up occasionally is probably my fault, but at least now we can find out why
@Jeeves Tell me the weather forecast in Southampton
where 0/10 means 0% chance of excitement, 10 degrees C
!!is today prebecca day?
Just one month to go Chris, then 30c here I come. (Also rainy season)
Dirty stinkin lies I tell ya!
Hello all,I am android developer want to learn php basics,,but i dont know what tools are required for that
can anyone help
PHP is a good start. Badum Tsh
@Fabor Does it do monsoon where you are going to first?
@PeeHaa Hope so. I like a good rain. But dunno. Pattaya. shrug.
@AdityaVyas-Lakhan Also, get on phplab.io and have someone show you the basics
@kelunik I might agree on the status, but for headers it's probably bad. like you may have a first callable setting HSTS headers, or anything else generally applicable.
Yeah, my friend is a Lecturer there at a University.
errr sorry wrong one. pattaya youtu.be/J5y7AgY2nwk?t=315 ?
Maybe NSFW ^. Go go dancing
ladyboys++ :P
@PeeHaa WTF was that? All I could see was ass in my face
I think I just scared the poor QA girl
@PeeHaa Always check for an adams-apple.
dat ^
@Sherif :P
I should remember to plug my headphones in before opening a youtube video probably
Yeah kinda my bad for not tagging it appropriately :)
brb. Need more cowbells
That's two strikes for you today
One more and you win a free tshirt
Does it say "I'm with XML"?
How'd you know?!
Man, I can't give those shirts away.
I was hoping for "Premium Bellend"
I don't even know what a Bellend is.
Quick, Google it so you can be offended!
> Bell End is a village in the English county of Worcestershire. It is situated approximately 3 kilometres south-east of Hagley on the A491, north of Bromsgrove and close to Kidderminster, Stourbridge and Halesowen.
That's what I get from Google.
!!urban bellend
[ bellend ] British slang for the glans penis, or penis head.
Well, I know where I'm going for my next holiday
Oh, you kids and all your urban slang. I can't keep up.
Wonder what it's like living in Bell End
we need to add an entry for @rdlowrey… though I guess words cannot adequately describe him
44 messages moved to bin
@Gordon something along the lines of numinous gift to the world?
I reinstalled phpstorm and I forgot to backup my settings :(
@bwoebi yeah
@PeeHee moved to bin
@PeeHaa More than once I have considered a) adopting a policy of committing .idea b) creating a git repo of my global settings
!!urban peehee
[ peehee ] Peehee is another word for heehee or teehee
@DaveRandom I had a discussion about a) recently with somebody. Still don't like it
@PeeHaa I can see it being useful internally when working in a shop where everyone uses PHP Storm
6 mins ago, by PeeHaa
44 messages moved to bin
44 is a strong move.
He's here <3
@rdlowrey ikr
!!giphy freakout
giphy is so useless
!!ban 208809 1h
User is banned.
it's an adequate pic
Don't worry @Gordon, I gotchu.
What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta
!!ban list
5234642 (2017-01-27 13:17:36), 208809 (2016-07-28 12:42:27)
hehe just userids :P
!!unban 208809
try sudo
I kinda expected that would work :P
!!ban 208809 0h
!!admin list
Adil Ilhan, bwoebi, Danack, DaveRandom, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Gordon, ircmaxell, Jeeves, Jimbo, Joe Watkins, kelunik, Levi Morrison, NikiC, PeeHaa, rdlowrey, Ronni Skansing, salathe, tereško, Wes
ah, Gordon is room owner anyway…
!!ban help
Wait. I'm not even on there -_-. I built the best plugin too.
@Fabor I have not
@ScottArciszewski Humbug. Thanks for letting me know anyway.
Naming question: How is this symbol: "-/-" called?
!!admin list
Adil Ilhan, bwoebi, Danack, DaveRandom, Fabor, Florian Margaine, Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Gordon, ircmaxell, Jeeves, Jimbo, Joe Watkins, kelunik, Levi Morrison, NikiC, PeeHaa, rdlowrey, Ronni Skansing, salathe, tereško, Wes
It should represent something like like "no value" or "missing value"
Everything is right with the world again. Thanks Chris.
!!ban list
7 messages moved to bin
oh, we got a timeout function to annoy everyone … nice!
@hakre well, null?
maybe strike?
annoyed scarface?
I am pretty sure that's the name
@DaveRandom Less computer, more trading / commerce for the symbol name.
nothing then?
@DaveRandom huh how did you add him?
Quick question: (inb4 I suck at PHP) Is there an easy/built in way to make a "Global" configuration file so that I don't have to include/parse it in every class/script?
Yes there are multiple ways and they all suck
why am I not surprised?
@PeeHaa so you wouldn't recommend any of them?
The more interesting question is, why do you want something that is available in every class/script?
Is it really so bad to bootstrap $injector->defineParam('config', $config) with my DIC?
By every I assume everyone that wants it.
@Fabor Because nothing needs the entire config
the easiest would be to $config = require_once '/path/to/config.php'; where the file contains <?php return [];` in your bootstrap and then pass that as needed… short of using global $config in your files because kittens will die when you do
@salathe Probably because I'm being stupid, they are Settings needed in some scripts, but I want them in one place and not have to include them every time... last time I did it like this (please dont kill me for my code) github.com/os-sc/anime-tracking-site/blob/master/config/…
@PeeHaa But is it that bad though?
@CelestialDragonofOsiris That's better than mutable global state imo
@Fabor Yes
Because you have no idea what it actually needs

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