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Hi guys i want to implement anything to authenticate my android device so that only autheticated device could be able to access data
1 hour in and I already ate my lunch. Looks like I will be snacking on softmints today.
Any idea why X-Mailer: PHP/5.6.8 is sometimes showing on top of the mail?
It's reminding you to upgrade to 7
@Maurice Something somewhere is putting an extra CRLF in the mail header
as in \r\n
@Fabor Yeah I caved and ate mine too, guess I'm going to Ravello for lunch.
It may be a bug in you code and it may be a bug somewhere between your code and the recipient, it's difficult to determine which
you might also be cursed ...
Well he's sending email, that's a given
inspissate: to thicken, as by evaporation; make or become dense.
I'm already dense
I think that's what facebook does to you ...
@DaveRandom Thanks, it was this line: $headers[] = "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion();
@Maurice yeh but that in itself shouldn't cause any issues, look at the entry in $headers before that one
probably it sometimes ends up being an empty string
implode() should have a NO_EMPTY flag probably, there have been a few times where that would have been useful for me
yeah it's just implode("\r\n", $headers) at the moment
@DaveRandom and then return false, which would be equivalent to an empty string?
Tasty beer, what did you do to it?
I inspissated it.
@kelunik No I mean it would skip over empty elements and not put in a double delim
like PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY in reverse
@DaveRandom Oh, yes. But just use implode("\r\n", array_filter($values)).
Yeh but O(2n), doesn't need to be
@kelunik let me check array_filter function
implode() is already implicitly working with strings anyway, and (bool)$str isn't necessarily what you want because '0'
@Maurice This is what you'll need to do now, and using it with no callback will be fine for MIME headers
@DaveRandom Heh, O(2n) === O(n). :P
hah! I was just wondering whether someone has ported java.Optional to php yet and @Ocramius apparently already did: github.com/Ocramius/ocramius.util.Optional. Thanks!
@kelunik but what if my array has a trillion elements in it? what then????
> a man walks into a zoo. the only animal in the entire zoo is a dog. it’s a shitzu
@kelunik I think == is more appropriate there
@SergeyTelshevsky was it a joke or haiku?
both :P
@Maurice wrap a trim() around that $mailer = str_replace(...)
That's what's causing the extra crlf, sometimes that data has a trailing new line
Yeah, that would make sense.
@Gordon If it's not rebecca fun, it's no fun at all..
!!plugin list rebecca
Command endpoints for plugin 'Rebecca' (enabled):
[X] Friday - Now you know it (Default command: rebecca, Mapped commands: rebecca, friday)
> Now you know it
now everybody knows it
Odd .. my question is really simple. But I don't know why nobody doesn't write an answer for me ..!
@stack yo do realise you could easily work out which block is executing by just changing the strings?
@DaveRandom not really
My question is simple but I can't answer it myself -_-
All I want to know, that else executes or not?
hint: echo 'failed else'; vs echo 'failed catch';
@DaveRandom Ah :-) ..!
@DaveRandom I think that else never execute. So why should I write a string for it? I'm wrong?
but also, it's the else block which is executing because mysqli doesn't throw exceptions unless you do some kind of ritual involving a goat sacrifice or something
use PDO, mysqli is complicated and annoying and unecessary in 99.9999% of use cases
mysqli definitely doesn't throw PDOExceptions. :P
This is a good reference for getting started on using PDO
@stack It's very simple to test. The answer is no: 3v4l.org/7SuUL
catch prevails over the else and stops execution immeidately
But catch will only ever be hit if something throws an exception, which mysqli won't unless you tell it to
I have no idea how to tell it to
I think I tried to work it out once and quickly lost the will to live
@DaveRandom He's only catching PDOException.
@Oldskool good .. So else never executes, right? I mean there isn't any case which else execute in it?
@stack If the statement doesn't throw an exception but returns something like a false value, than it might.
@MattPrelude well that's... I'm just going to let that go without further comment I think
@Oldskool well I believe my script either throw an exception or $inserting is TRUE. So else seems useless to me
@stack In that case it is useless.
also thx for the fiddle
as long as what you are asserting is actually true, which I doubt
4 mins ago, by DaveRandom
But catch will only ever be hit if something throws an exception, which mysqli won't unless you tell it to
and you can't catch PDO exceptions from mysqli, no matter how hard you try
srsly though, use PDO
I use PDO not mysqli
which also doesn't throw by default, but at least it has a vaguely sane API
i... why did I think that was MySQLi?
@stack PDO also will not throw unless you set ATTR_ERRMODE to ERRMODE_EXCEPTION
What's all the hullabaloo about Class Foo<Bar>, not seen that notation before
That would be generics
which we don't have
because we can't have nice things
Oh so it was @kelunik being an absolute madman then
@DaveRandom I always write this line of code after connecting to database:
OK yeh then you are good
do you also do ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false?
(because if not then you should)
although it may break some of your code if you have reused a param name anywhere... I'm not sure why it supports that in one mode but not the other
$db_con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
winner :-)
now just stop using mysql and you'll be set :-P
(ignore this ^)
@FlorianMargaine No.
@DaveRandom Same. :P
@Oldskool you're a vegan or what?
@kelunik Well there would eventually come a point where a double iteration would make a meaningful difference, it's spending CPU cycles for one thing, plus there's an extra fcall per element there with a filter callback... I admit it's not going to make a huge difference in the common case though
@Gordon Eh, if that ever happens, please slap some sense into me again. And slap it in hard!
With a huge steak
^ this
I didn't say it's not worse performance wise. I just said O(n) === O(2n), that's the semantics of O. Constant factors are ignored.
is something like this possible? -> function sendMail($to, $from, $reply = $from, $subject, $message)
@kelunik Ahh. I never quite got the ins and outs of Big-O, I have a set of slightly wrong rules that make sense to me and I forget that they aren't necessarily correct...
@Maurice depends what you are expecting that do?
That line of code is valid, whether it will do what you want I don't know
@DaveRandom if $reply is not given as parameter the default will be $from
nevermind, this won't work this way.
ahh, so something like $reply ?: $from is what you want then probably
@DaveRandom could you explain a bit.
That will pass $reply unless it evaluates to false when cast to boolean, otherwise it will pass $from
However it will cause an error if $reply is completely undefined
but not if it is defined but set to null
@DaveRandom this is what I meant... thanks anyway
@Maurice You probably want isset($reply) ? $reply : $from then
in PHP 7 that can be shortened to $reply ?? $from
!!docs ternary
@DaveRandom the problem is: when I miss the reply parameter it will simply take the subject parameter isntead
so you want function overloading? No, PHP doesn't have that
However, you should do this:
function sendMail($to, $from, $subject, $message, $reply = null) {
    $reply = isset($reply) ? $reply : $from;
heh, someone just flagged a video of a "big bouncing booty". If I validate that, I am a body shamer. If I don't I am a sexist. Right?
Does anyone use Chrome / Chromium with one and two monitors? Do your notifications also end up on the second screen bottom left instead of top right when a second monitor is connected?
@DaveRandom yeah, I should move the optional parameters to the end so I'm not forced to fill them
@kelunik ping me
@Gordon ping
@kelunik On win they are always primary monitor
@Gordon tnx
@kelunik once more pls
@Gordon ping
@Maurice function overloading (defining multiple signatures for the same method name) isn't really ever going to be possible in PHP. It's a limitation of dynamic typing more than anything else.
* bottom right I mean.
@kelunik ok, I had the browser on the second screen. I enabled notifications. When you pinged me, they showed on top right on second screen. I then moved the window onto the first screen. They still show up on the second top right.
user image
@Oldskool my fitness trainer can hold that for 7 frigging minutes.
@Gordon Damn, I'm lucky if I can hold for 2 minutes :D
@Oldskool make it 1 minute for me
It's the kind of thing you get good at pretty quick if you do it for a little while.
If you have a beer belly you can just rest on it though.
Other good challenges are the Bring Sally Up press up challenge.
that's hard
Shouldn't I store password in the database?
Hash it, store it.
!!docs password_hash
[ password_hash() ] Creates a password hash
@Fabor Why?
@Fabor lol
@stack Watch this. It's pretty cool to know.
ah ok thx
Server version means PHP version?
Server version: 5.6.21
@PeeHaa s/dialect/language/ and don't forget the Dutch influences
how to convert array_keys($array) result to slug
lol, cardinal rule broken.
You see that subreddit Chris? There's mini pies. Seem the sort of thing for you.
Nothing happened
!!google the most awesome music video ever
@DaveRandom hehe, I wanted too, right now, but too slow :-D
@Fabor dribbles
I'd like to try making some of that stuff but you know my cooking rules. Still waiting on that pie btw.
I may have to have a go at that over the weekend
Hi, anyone who knows what's the problem in my code?
I have an array of objects and want to check, if the label contains $term. If so,
a) add this to a new array
b) delete it from the given array
However, I've choosen method a.
Waht's wrong in my code?
Currently I get this as output with $term = "e";
Can I transform it back into a "normal" php array?
:30664085 Better just substitute all links. :P
Nevermind, JSON decode did it
I have literally no idea what you are talking about, not me
@bwoebi Let's dump all retarded languages in the region into one single language ™ :P
@PeeHaa Which will obviously be German?
all of them :P
I don't remember writing this comment, was it you @Leigh?
> // No idea if buttstrap is already included, but this shouldn't hurt things
git blame
@Fabor hehe
or in phpstorm select line and do git show history for selection
not enough rebecca black if you ask me
ol' but gold
this ^
@Trowski @coderstephen @rdlowrey feedback on github.com/async-interop/event-loop/pull/… please?
hi everyone...i´m using this peace of code: SELECT tipo, SUM( valor ) FROM custos WHERE (dataCustos BETWEEN '2016-05-18' AND '2016-05-20') AND colaborador = 'supervisorteste'GROUP BY tipo .... but the problem is, i would like to get the dates as headers with the respective sums of each "tipo"....could anyone advise on how to do this?
dataCustos or dateCustos?
@Fabor yes dateCustos
@Fabor Probably
Put your buttstrap away @Leigh
@Fabor what do you think?
It was someone elses buttstrap, hence the comment
@Japa I think get the result you can, then format it with an iterator in PHP.
@Fabor funny you say that, because my goal is to create a dynamic html table considering the dates....so right now i have an array of dates...so you think i should loop in that array and then do a SELECT (like the one i have shown) ?
somethink like SELECT etc where dateCustos = .$i. ?
i thought about this...but i don´t understand what happens when another column is added(with another date)
does my "tipo" gets repeated? and how to differenciate the SUMS between dates when creating the html table?
PHP 7.1 is getting exciting, eh
class Opline
    private int $lineNumber;
    private int $type;
    private ?Operand $operand1;
    private ?Operand $operand2;
    private ?Operand $result;

    public function __construct(
        int $lineNumber,
        int $type,
        ?Operand $operand1,
        ?Operand $operand2,
        ?Operand $result
    ): void {
        $this->lineNumber = $lineNumber;
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->operand1 = $operand1;
        $this->operand2 = $operand2;
        $this->result = $result;
posted on May 20, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Can't wait until I can actually write that.
@Andrea Why does your __construct use a return type?
@kelunik it doesn't need to, but I wanted an excuse to use : void
expected ?
: void is probably the best return type for _\_construct, if you're returning anything from a constructor you're definitely doing it wrong
also /cc @NikiC
How php parses javascript timestamp?

           //$d['start']  = 1463943600000 Javascript displaying date 24/05/2016
           $timestamp = $d['start'] / 1000;
            $date = new DateTime();
            $date->setTimestamp( $timestamp );
            debug( $date->format('Y-m-d'));//2016-05-22
@BasheerAhmed hmm, timezone difference?
@Andrea If I'm not wrong javascript uses default system time..!
Oh, wait, I think I might know the issue
@Andrea Timezone wouldn't account for being 2 days out
Is this a 32-bit or a 64-bit system?
However PHP is right, that timestamp is for 22nd May
@MattPrelude Any solution?
How to get the exact same date in php?
@BasheerAhmed PHP is giving the correct date. The problem is in JS.
I like the fact that in 2038 the systems have to change - I'm old then, so no problem.
@BasheerAhmed Um JavaScript would give you the same date (May 22nd)
@Maurice no
we're just going to extend from 32 bits to 64 bits
@salathe fun
@FlorianMargaine now yes
I'm in GMT+1 too, yet the text in parens is (CET) and not (GMT Daylight Time)
In 2038 I will be... 50, jesus.
43 (1994) o/
it's not the same timezone :(
Get outta here Junior.
new Date(1463943600000)
Sun May 22 2016 21:00:00 GMT+0200 (CEST)
new Date(0)
Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET)
dates are stupid
@Fabor wh0t
@Fabor 1988 forever
Either way, it's not May 24th as @BasheerAhmed said it was
No, it can be 23rd if you're in East Asia though.
East east Asia
and Narnia
If you could fast forward time, when would you?
So what? Still not 24th. Is there a timezone 29 hours ahead of GMT?.. :P
@Fabor I would fast forward the time when my girlfriend shouts at me.
the timezone is GMT +5 and it gives me 22 instead 24..! Might be something wrong with javascript
@BasheerAhmed Might be :)
@JoeWatkins nah, is expected
@BasheerAhmed did I just see shitpress needs to be updated?
@Fabor All the meetings
@Naruto There's not only shitpress... :D didn't you see the giant gantt chart :p
@JoeWatkins you iterate on a copy of the array
sorry no, my eyes were instantly drawn to that horrible thing :P
@BasheerAhmed That's not interesting as long as the update notice is there.
@JoeWatkins as the $a ? $b : $c is a temporary expression, thus the reference gets separated here
@kelunik That has nothing to todo with the gantt or datetime...!
@bwoebi But the reference shouldn't be copied but still a reference?
@BasheerAhmed Doesn't matter. Fix it!
@kelunik but expressions deref the values, i.e. $a ? deref($b) : deref($c)
@BasheerAhmed better listen to @kelunik, he knows priorities aswell...
But why?
@kelunik because that's a general property of expressions
@bwoebi Well, it worked on PHP 5.
yup, was a bug there
@kelunik right, that.
there's currently no way to retain the reference… i.e. $a ? &$b : $c is not possible
@JoeWatkins ^ if you care about this, you may want to add it (aka RFC it). I don't consider it important enough, but I'd support it.
@Naruto That will break things..
fucking mysql
@tereško Go postgresql! :)
I can't
@bwoebi okay cool
@JoeWatkins the only thing you currently can do is an explicit if() branch
@tereško why?
@tereško I can't either
> All registered callbacks MUST be executed in the order they were registered. If one of the callbacks throws an Exception or Throwable, it MUST be rethrown in a callable passed to Loop::defer so Loop::onError can be properly invoked by the loop. Loop refers to the global event loop accessor. The Awaitable implementation MUST then continue to call the remaining callbacks with the original reason.
Scalar type hints only exist in php 7, right?
@kelunik ^ should the last word not be parameters?
Because you've defined reason explicitly to mean the failure Throwable
Yes, probably a good idea.
but there might also be a normal value
@JayIsTooCommon yes
@kelunik fine, committing that little fix then directly
@BasheerAhmed it's all about improving... ;)
Is 7.1 out yet? I have seen already so many features after 7.0
@samayo eiiih, not so fast :-P
@bwoebi @Trowski Should we tag a 0.1 @ Awaitable then?
@samayo no, but Java 8 is.
@kelunik I'd like to first see the remaining issue resolved in spec
Which one?
should be mentioned properly in spec
i.e. that smart handling is allowed (MAY) in case the defer doesn't get run
I'm surprised Java is at 8 considering it predates php
@MattPrelude Hey Matt, heh.
@MattPrelude Got time?
@JohnDotHR Kindof, am at work but vagrant up is running :D
@MattPrelude So everything works great but erm-- Wait. let me try on my own before I ask you.
Should we change when MUST NOT return a value. to when SHOULD NOT return a value.?
@samayo according to wikipedia Java's first release was on May 23, 1995; so same year as PHP
@kelunik I'd say MAY NOT
So that we don't recommend either way here
@MattPrelude So my project is on github. It's a website. How can I make it viewable so I can use GitHub as my portfolio as well'
> If an Awaitable is resolved with another Awaitable, the Awaitable MUST keep in pending state until the passed Awaitable is resolved. Thus, the value of an Awaitable can never be an Awaitable. An Awaitable MUST NOT be resolved with itself.
That could be an issue with nesting level, but I don't think it will ever affect real world code.
@kelunik this will lead to inf recursion
so, it'll never be possible anyway
I don't think we need to do anything special about that
@JohnDotHR I never used it but I think thats what pages.github.com is for?
@bwoebi No, not talking about the last sentence. That's more a note to implementators.
@kelunik what then?
A little gift for the weekend: i.imgur.com/WW4xYP9.jpg
@MattPrelude Could you tell me in short lines how to make a new repo? Already forgot, Jesus. So the one from yesterday works great.. So now I create a new repo on github and then i.. cd to the directory of the new project and then..
@JohnDotHR Type history on your Linux terminal
Thnaks :D
@Levi I'd appreciate if we could move quickly on union types now, that the vote on nullables terminates today
@bwoebi As said, won't be an issue: 3v4l.org/tEvb6
@bwoebi I still don't really like unions I think.

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