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Note: Problems 2-5 are *not* related to the use of shell and primarily stem from evil design decisions from the moon https://t.co/0aSyunBInn
I smell burning....
lol just saw this on above link I posted
> Shell is bad & dangerous and should be removed from basically everything it is currently in
I'm sorry.. wot?
2 hours later…
@Sara I've purposely not commented on |> until now. I would like it a lot better if it didn't have $$ and it literally piped the output from the function on the left to the function on the right's only parameter.
I also understand that severely cuts its power.
It's also somewhat problematic because function names aren't really first class and we go looking for constants instead.
We also have very verbose closures, which somewhat negates the readibility.
It's just a sad situation all around :/
@LeviMorrison There's precedence for the pipe-to-first-and-only-arg approach, but yeah, it kind of relies on languages where functions are first class concepts. It doesn't fit PHP well.
But I mean, one could say the same about $this->
In a lot of languages, $this-> is implied, but PHP requires it (for good technical reasons).
I've considered proffering something like:
$foo = bar()
|> baz();
Which would be like:
$foo = baz(bar());
But I don't like the "magic" of that.
$$, as ugly and perllish as it looks, is at least explicit.
I don't write a lot of code in PHP but when I do it's pretty functional.
Mine tends to be too. :D
I've somewhat mitigated this by embracing functions that return functions.
Because this sucks:
bind('fully-qualified-string-name-of-algorithm', function() {})
Practically all refactoring tools break on the string name if it's ever changed, it's really long.
Random side-question: Why is zend_language_scanner.c checked into git, but not zend_language_parser.c ?
Time was, they both were, but evidently not the parser anymore
Both or neither. One of those two
I'm not sure.
I agree; both or neither (prefer the latter).
Also, I've started using an Option implementation.
So do I
I just have it in my .git/info/exclude, but it's always a weird thing when I make a new checkout]
Surprised we don't have SplOption, tbqh
  ->match($ifSome, $ifNone)
Code looks something like that.
Because this just sucks:
  ->map(bind('Fsl\\GetUserById', $pdo))
  ->match($ifSome, $ifNone)
But then GetuserById has to return a function and do partial application every time.
@Sara I'm pretty glad we don't.
Imagine if it turned out to be like so much of the SPL and is subtly (or very) broken in a few ways...
Using one local to the project I work on means that I can just fix it if it turns out to be wrong ^_^
@Levi any idea when nullables is going to be ready ?
Something wrong with random on The-coding-love
can u suggest me some books to start php?
Sep 29 '12 at 13:58, by Gordon
@hekko if you want to become an expert programmer, google SOLID, buy GOF, buy POEAA, buy Clean Code, learn Refactoring, lookup GRASP, DDD, CQRS, DCI … but dont ask for PHP books. That's the most reasonable suggestion I can give you when you ask for Expert PHP books really.
@farhanhemel but you can find "good enough" intro level tutorials at sitepoint.com
@PaulCrovella Top 57% overall on SO
How to change google map marker color any idea about that any one ?
anyone have idea about that?
wtf is with all the plagiarism today... I've flagged 5 answers in the last half hour
May, the 4th be with you!!
@Gordon It's too early for puns.
@Epodax its an official holiday
in USA perhaps.
Not here in Denmark.
Atleast I don't think so
morning champs!
Although tomorrow is, I will do some digging.
@Gordon We celebrate the 5'th may.
Morning v1
@Epodax it's international star wars day bro, get your shit together :P
Good morning :) The never ending problem once again: naming things :D There is a db on table foo named foo_type and there will be a new column on table bar which will be named foo_type. Do you think the new column on bar should be better named foo_group, foo_class or is it ok to name it foo_type (same as in table foo)?
foo_type in foo means something different than in the bar table
if you actually want someone to help with your naming question, it's recommended to use real names
@Gordon in Latvia it is - because it's one of two independence days
@tereško it's a Geek holiday so it's offical for every geek, regardless of what your country thinks of it.
like towel day
not every geek, just one subset of them
I don't give a flying fuck about Star Wars .. you can revoke my membership
@tereško True :P Ok lets say router.port_type and wsdl.port_type
@PaulCrovella I guess that's similar to national holidays then. For some you care, for some you don't. But they are official nevertheless
@abstraction if you're going to use the column for table joins it helps to keep the names the same
@taco thats the thing they have different meanings
Hi all
ok then dont
what is wrong with this query?
SELECT *, t2.overallscore, t2.overalldiff FROM stage_responses as t1
JOIN (SELECT SUM(score) as overallscore, SUM(diffscore) as overalldiff FROM stage_responses as t2) as t2 ON t1.teamid = t2.teamid
WHERE stageid = 1
@Gordon think of the geek subsets more like nations and religions of their own.. it ain't official to you if you're not a member
@abstraction can you make them more meaningful?
I swear like 5% of the questions in here are PHP related and that may be on the high end
@Gordon I thought about naming them like port_type in first table and port_class, port_group or sth in the second to make it less confusing. What do you think?
@Naruto It's what? :o
@Mr_Green SUM() is an aggregate function .. and you don't have a GROUP BY for it to work with
@Mr_Green t2 does not have a teamid column (you didn't select one) and the stageid in the WHERE clause is unqulified (this is not essential but if you qualify anything you should qualify everything)
Also that ^^
@abstraction what is a wsdl.port_class or wsdl.port_group? and a router.port_type? can you explain in your own words?
javascript login for Twitter doesn't exist?
If you want to apply an aggregate, you need to aggregate everything
Well you don't because MySQL is crazy but you should
ok thanks
@Gordon Does "terrible because it's WSDL related" count as a valid description?
WSDL and SOAP suck :<
They very much do
@Ocramius are you around?
@DaveRandom yes
@abstraction note that I am deliberately acting dumb so you can find the right name yourself.
@Oldskool o/
@Gordon thats totally ok :) I'll respond soon
@Gordon are you going to celbrate tomorrow?
@DaveRandom Can I add a last x messages sent layer to @jeeves without getting in your way?
@PeeHaa Can you elaborate?
I want to implement an undo command to delete messages. But for that I need to keep track of messages sent by jeeves
@PeeHaa oic, yeh that should be no problem, presumbly you are just doing stuff in ChatClient#postRequest() and some new property?
Yeah probably
@Naruto ascension day? no. I am not that religious. Father's day. Maybe. But I dont have a handcart to drag the little one around in, so not sure.
not sure if pulling around your kids in a handcart is a thing outside germany
@Gordon referring to Sith day ^^
@Naruto Sith day?! Oo
@PeeHaa yeh go for it, I'm going to try and get some multi-room stuff done this afternoon so will need to have separate messages for room id, but for the sake of simplicity in what you are doing there I wouldn't worry about that, I can easily just make the queue 2D when I get there
@DaveRandom cool
@Gordon en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_Day second paragraph ^^
> May 5 is considered Sith day in which fans of the sith celebrate the sith in film, books, and their culture. Most however look past this day as May 5 is usually reserved for Cinco De Mayo, so some celebrate it on May 6.
didnt know that
I've got a Galactic Republic flag on my front porch
@taco expected that you have a flag of a huge taco in front of your porch :P
@Gordon you learn something new every day ^^
not useful, but new
@Naruto indeed
@PeeHaa If you hit any rate limiting issues (not sure if delete operations will be subject to the same backoff?) then wrap the delete op in yield from $this->postMutex->withLock(function() {}); - this is basically a request queue so that concurrent ops don't fight with each other and make the back-off spiral out of control
It's basically a non blocking lock($mutex) {} block, in fact, but queued in order (if PHP had that construct)
I'll do some testing with deleting messages. IIRC it's not throttled
btw "gratz" @JoeWatkins on the rm position
"thanks" :)
Mogguh @Jimbo
actually @PeeHaa while you're in there you could create a separate mutex for edits, I suspect that would more accurately reflect the server's restrictions
@Jimbo adorable
Some lovely old lady bed linen you have there
Not sure if this was already shared here: imagetragick.com
Ah, yeah.. that
@Danack are you also on fire?
11 hours ago, by Danack
EXCITING TIMES DETECTED http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/05/03/imagemagick/ https://twitter.com/ImageTragick
You're slow bruv
Well, better one time too many. Pretty serious stuff.
celebrating Star Wars Day? Got Spotify? Find your Star Wars Match on spotify-starwars.com
I got Darth Vader. I can retire now. I apparently did everything right in life.
@Oldskool Yeap
Not that surprising, but serious nonetheless
posted on May 04, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Feeds lolwut
@Gordon shit... i got PADME
@Saitama having Padme as a match ain't bad… on Parship or something
@PeeHaa A radio DJ said today "May the 4th of May be with you....."
@JayIsTooCommon Then he failed, because the "of May" should've been omitted to make that pun work.
Indeed, a moment
@DaveRandom It's comfortable you shit!
Well, it's certainly uncomfortable when I don't
@JayIsTooCommon Greetings! I am from the redundancy department of redundancy! Greetings!
at least you know it :P
haha :P
if you wanted to trick a bunch of people into weakening their security, how would you do it ?
trying to let them upgrade to a version you know that has an exploit? :P
Mornin' 11!
lol ^
that ...
not sure if trick ...
@Sean morningz
@PeeHaa UFC is comming to you this weekend
@Naruto Let me order my kevlar vest
I don't get the connection? :P
@Naruto fighting galas tend to end up in shootings over here :P
mornign guys
Ow nice.. Bonus fights ^^
@Andrea I am waiting for a Star Destroyer to fly by, but it's not happening :(
Hi, yesterday i got help with the urlhasString function in this code: https://3v4l.org/boH27
But somehow it doesn't work in my case: I'd like to sort out all anchors, javascript, images... from a website, before adding them to my DB.
3v4l doesn't support domdocument so here's an image of the output.

Any Ideas what's wrong?
@Gordon heh
@JoeWatkins "Will you share the exploit? No" and "Check the magic bytes", ok... time to fire up AFL
!!google AFL
The official website of the Australian Football League - AFL.com.au Provides news, previews, fixtures, results, statistics,… | AFL | AFL Ladder, Live Scores, Results & News | Fox Sports | Fox ... Find the latest AFL news, live scores, results and the … | AFL (@AFL) | Twitter 75.9K tweets • 7802 photos/videos • 615K followers. Che… | Search Url
!!google american fuzzy lop
american fuzzy lop - Coredump.cx American fuzzy lop is a security-oriented fuzzer that e… | American Fuzzy Lop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The American Fuzzy Lop is a rabbit breed recognized by … | american fuzzy lop (fuzzer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia american fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs genetic alg… | Search Url
that bug really looks scary....
@Leigh am I paranoid, or is that strange?
@JoeWatkins They are waiting for proper patches, but want to warn people nonetheless
@TechTreeDev It does support DOMDocument 3v4l.org/9ijIF
@JoeWatkins The strange thing is that it has only just come to light, people fuzz shit all the time, and image processing libs are a juicy target
PHP related, is there any way to get local variables outside of current scope? looking for something like debug_backtrace with get_defined_vars rolled in
Am I imagening imagining things or are image libs huge holes by default?
oh GDI, how I don't miss thee
show me php code, and what you expect
lol, the typo :'D
who, me?
@Leigh yes, you
@ThW Wow thanks. Is there a difference between FALSE !== strpos and just strpos (for me it looks like FALSE !== means TRUE)
!!docs strpos
[ strpos() ] Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string
See the warning
Ah, okay. Thanks
@JoeWatkins Don't think it needs code. If I call debug_backtrace() in a nested function call, I'd like the returned array to contain local vars for each parent scope.
@TechTreeDev false !== never means it's true. It means anything other than an actual false boolean return value. So either integer 0, string '0', or even string 'foo', they are all not a false boolean (but not a literal "true" either).
they may be gone
have you seen the bugs re backtraces ?
Nope :)
can I get any javascript/jquery help here?
Why can't I do this? 3v4l.org/9QHbc (use case is exceptions)
@Oldskool Well, that's kind of confusing. But thanks for your explaination
but when the function I'm in returns, and I'm back in the parent, how would get_defined_vars work if the vars are gone
there's already a problem, arguments will show current value at time of call, not what they were in the traced frame
I thought constructors were supposed to be exempt from LSP, that should include visibility
@TechTreeDev It's not really confusing. It mainly depends on what return values a function can give. If you know for sure it will always return a boolean, that you can assume it's either true or false. But a function like strpos can return what is called a "mixed" return type. Can either be a boolean, but also an integer. You just can't know for sure, so you'll have to do a literal check if it's not identical to false.
(because the return value can also be a 0 integer, which evaluates to false if you do a weak type check)
Basically false == 0 evaluates to true, but false === 0 does not.
The extra = is key.
@Leigh that only returns vars in current scope, you seem to want the vars from the function you just returned from, right ?
@JoeWatkins Nope, sorry I want to walk up the call path and get local vars for each scope
@Saitama You need to install Flash Player to play this content.
@Gordon well... bbc...
Guess it's more about the story than the video
@JoeWatkins I'll have a play, I just wondered if there was a way to do it at present, I'm sure I can hack it in, just wanted to ask first
no way to do it presently ...
thank you :)
@Saitama ironic. I have seen other bbc videos with no problems.
What's the meaning of this sentence?
"I keep my finger crossed for you"
@Shafizadeh It just a saying... fingers crossed. Means something like "I'm hoping that this does (or does not) happen for you".
To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture commonly used to wish for luck. Occasionally it is interpreted as an attempt to implore God for protection. The gesture is referred to by the common expressions "cross your fingers", "keep your fingers crossed", or just "fingers crossed". Some people, mostly children, also use the gesture to excuse their telling of a white lie. By extension, a similar belief is that crossing one's fingers invalidates a promise being made. == Origin == The gesture of crossed fingers traces back to the early Church, Christians would cross their fingers in order to invoke...
^ that :)
Ahh .. I see . thx :-)
it's a stupid superstition, if anyone is actually doing it
@tereško Nope, don't think I've ever actually done that. :)
@Shafizadeh but in that example "I keep my finger crossed for you" should be understood as "I wish you luck (because you will really need taht luck)"
@tereško Yes. I think it is something like a good bless(pray) for somebody
"Touch wood" is another stupid one.
It does my head in.
!!urban knock on wood
whatchoo talkin bout willis
@Sean What's the meaning of it?
C'mon Jeeves, letting the team down.
another superstitions: people believed that touching wood wards of evil
ah :-)
Wonder why jeeves didn't like it

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