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@bwoebi dmitry mainly didn't like that it increases the size of the op_array struct
@NikiC the main problem is having a separate array for the names?
… thanks for answering right before I ask ^^
@bwoebi Though I also don't like that this gives up on the lazy copying of that array from shm. i.e. can no longer be shared
@NikiC but you can allocate an array of struct * { zend_string, zval * } ?
@NikiC this actually doesn't benefit too much
typically you anyway dup it when used at all
@bwoebi But wouldn't we have to dup it even if the function is not used?
Ya know... if we just kill variable-variables we could get rid of named locals entirely...
@Sara that's not the issue.
(in this case)
wrt increasing the size of the op_array it is
but I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm just interjecting at random
@Sara Context: replace static variables hashtable with a plain zval array
Seems reasonable.
We already landed a bunch of improvements for closure use() in master. That's the last missing part
@NikiC you're right … but honestly, how many functions apart from closures (which can get special handling anyway) do use static, so that it'd be noticeable in the slightest
@bwoebi it's still true for closures tho?
I mean, for the initial copy from shm
@NikiC for Closures, you can copy upon instantiation
are there many Bob's in Greece? :B evenings
true. but conditional copy strategy meh
@PeeHaa now the 100 turned into game of thrones
Where are you at?
@NikiC yeah, bit meh, but is probably what works best
TIL libxml comes with an FTP client
… wat?
@PeeHaa 2x12
even the intro theme resembles the one from GoT
@NikiC also, we can then probably also drop the IS_REF check from BIND_STATIC as we're now able to immediately create a ref upon copy from shm
@bwoebi hm?
@NikiC Is that any less ridiculous than PHP having a custom implementation of both FTP and HTTP? :p
@Sara libxml also has a HTTP client, obviously
@Sara Well, let's say that I find it less surprising that a web-oriented programming language has a HTTP+FTP implementation, than a library for parsing XML files ^^
Even given that XML uses http to reference DTDs and stylesheets and entities and...
@NikiC but you need to, to fetch xmlns refs etc.
But sure, not unsurprising that PHP has streams
bleh, stupid SO chat made that a URI :p
@Sara … and I clicked on it :-D
@Sara yah, I guess requiring people to hook that would make usage too complicated
I kinda wish we could kill (ht|f)tp_fopen_wrapper.c and replace them with their cURL wrapper counterparts
But that would make cURL a hard dependency, and we'd have to match all the quirks of the existing wrapper and its context options and... bleh
@bwoebi Yep
@Sara That would probably break the whole world. Because it would no longer be compatible with bugs in the PHP implementation :P
fwiw, HHVM's http:// and ftp:// implementations just go through cURL, but I'm pretty sure it's not bug-for-bug
In other news, I'm pretty such @Andrea is just trolling me on wiki.php.net/rfc/octal.overload-checking#vote
@Sara it's a sincere vote
I hate all the options
I hate that we're in this situation
Option 4: Replace it with \o{##} ?
In summary, @Andrea hates everyone and everything!
Arguably your RFC is an improvement, though, so yeah, it is something of a troll.
It's a scream for help in the face of the interminable fractal horror that is PHP.
I miss punk music...
@Andrea Is it just octals? Or do you take issue with \xFF ?
Really, octals oughtn't exist at all
@Sara hex being non-delimited is a pain too
The only useful "octal" sequence is \0
@NikiC they're useful for approximately one thing (UNIX file permissions)
Everything else is better represented as hex
@NikiC is that actually one octal?
@Andrea only talking about strings here
@NikiC I made a format where \0 is an escape sequence but there's no octals
thought it were a special case
@bwoebi Yep
@NikiC ah, yeah, unjustifiable there :)
@Andrea And even then, that would be done as a numeric literal, not a string interpolation
@Sara yep…
@NikiC okay \1 works too
going to use that then in future instead of \x1 for low-bit chars
@Andrea yah, that's how it should be
/me hrmmmms
good, @Sara … you should have proposed that ^^
solution: abort vote, re-propose
#PHP Do you even USE octal interpolation in strings? (apart from null char: "\0")
I included a voting option JUST for @Andrea
@bwoebi After the warning one finishes, I'll put up another, but I don't expect it to pass.
@Sara I don't see the <SCREAM OF TERROR> option
Yeah, me neither
@NikiC :)
I have code using at least \1 lying around
@Andrea I very nearly had, 4: NO GOD DAMNIT, KILL IT WITH FIRE
But I thought that might be too much of an in-joke
@Sara When I use octals, I use them strings, yes. I do not use them outside of strings.
@Sara I voted Yes because I actually have to use it somewhere.
It would be zero problem to use \x01 instead, but nobody wants to change existing code
I mean, the code could be modified to use hex, but it doesn't currently do that
@NikiC limited space in the question, harder to explain why "\1" should be special, with "\0" I thought it'd be more obvious
@Andrea AND YET YOU VOTED NO ON MY RFC!!!!! J'ACCUSE!!!!!!!! TROLL!!!!!!
in fairness though
9/18 "No, and it makes me sad" so far, hahahahahaha
my code uses octal because I copied a string literal from php-src verbatim
you get a cookie if you can guess the specific one!
I guess \377 is fairly common as well
here's a hint, the string it represents has ~220 characters in it
@Sara is it?
i'd never use that
could only guess what it stands for
@NikiC I've seen it in a bunch of GNU code
"\377" === "\xFF"
@Sara Why do they write it in this stupid way?
@NikiC "reasons" ?
Do some compilers not support hex notation or what?
Or do they want to avoid having legible code?
huh, nobody guessed it, so here's my use-case for octal escapes (possibly relevant to what @NikiC's upset about too)
@NikiC Possibly at the time it was written (we're talking late-80s, early-90s code)
Well, mostly early 90s, but still
@Andrea hahhah I love that "\\" is at the end, that's somehow perfect.
@Andrea That's missing a declare(strict_types=1)
@NikiC holy shit, good point
I always add that first thing in my PHP 7 projects, so I wonder why this lacked it. Maybe I briefly thought I could target PHP 5
@NikiC Fixed in v1.0.2 :)
35 votes so far, you're the only one who's said "Yes" :p
@PeeHaa hmm nice on that user agent thing.. will have to peak abit more at that
I wonder if anyone will actually use that package someday.
@RonniSkansing Yeah may very well be something interesting
I've only made two PHP packages that have ever seen actual use, and both have a number of downloads that can be counted on one hand
am I remembering wrong or was @Danack involved with ImageMagick
he's the poor bastard maintaining the extension for it
Not sure, but does anyone know of a decent graph-drawing library that is PHP 5.6/7.0 compatible?
Ours is... uh.. barely compatible with PHP 5.3.
And we are killing it off but haven't found a suitable replacement.
We do have some graphs that need to be rendered server side.
Where possible we are offloading to the client which I really like, but again that isn't doable for all our graphs.
We use line graphs, bar charts, doughnut (pie) charts.
I think that's it.
Googles “PHP graphing library”
> PHP 4+ compatible
okay.... dog needs walk, ciao
@Andrea you got it wrong … single quotes are dumb… use double quotes.
@bwoebi on UK and US keyboards, ' is easier to type than "
@Andrea On my Swiss-French keyboard, it needs holding shift too, but single quotes look dumb^^
@Andrea This means "not PHP 7 compatible" most of the time ^_^
(I'm influenced by C maybe…)
@LeviMorrison or “doesn't use objects”
Which I'd be okay with, theoretically.
@bwoebi in British English, traditionally single quotes are used for the first level of quotation in books
hello, good day everyone
can anyone help me
It really depends on the whole of your application. If you can just generate the unique_content_id in php and include it when the row is initially inserted (whereas right now it inserts a blank in that field), then that should solve your problem. — ShamSUP 1 hour ago
@Andrea not « foo » ?
@bwoebi lol
@Andrea not sure what's funny there?
@bwoebi we don't use guillemets ^^
@Andrea Also, yes, that's why you should use double quotes … so that you can comfortably type single quotes inside them
For example, in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, the person telling the story speaks ‘like this, enclosing quotations within that quotation “like this”’
If it had been written by an American, the person telling the story would have spoken “like this, enclosing quotations within that quotation ‘like this’”
At least in some English books I've seen «…» used
It's uncommon, but I suppose you could do that if you really wanted to
also whoa Swiss German is weird
«warum?», „warum?”
@Andrea not only Swiss German
@bwoebi some other languages do this too, yeah
At least in German we commonly use the latter (Though many people just write "…" out of convenience)
„Hochdeutsch“, „Schweizerdeutsch”
and you use guillemets. guillemets! quelle française :p
I've come to the realization that there are no sane languages... spoken or otherwise.
When you write it in text, nobody notices anyway
@Orangepill this is correct
Looks often like: „ ... " when you write…
@Andrea It's just two little strokes at the bottom and two at the top
the direction does actually not matter when writing
only typographists care
@bwoebi I should try nesting Swiss German double, Swiss German single, High German double, High German single, double guillemet, single guillemet, English double and English single quotes in one text
And (nearly) nobody will care
oh there's even more kinds
backwards guillemets too :D
@Andrea what are these?
Probably >> <<
Ah, yeah… I was searching for an unique-ode character for these ^^
@PeeHaa can you deploy latest master? It's more refactoring leading up to things as suggested this morning but it's stable and has quite a few small fixes in for reliability
@PeeHaa seen the ping only now. are you sure you aren't talking of Illustrator?
@bwoebi i'm not sure of it either but so far the feeling is that could work that way
@DaveRandom done
@Wes Is that ai? I thought I have seen it in photoshop too
!!admin list
Félix Gagnon-Grenier, Ronni Skansing, Florian Margaine, kelunik, Joe Watkins, bwoebi, tereško, DaveRandom, Danack, Jimbo, NikiC, Levi Morrison, Wes, Gordon
@PeeHaa if it's there i don't even know, lol
@Wes heheh k
!!eval echo 'test';
k cool, I think that the back-off and general request queuing should work a lot more reliably now as well
It should also be able to deal with repetitive messages properly now (well, it will post all of them without crashing, but we should probably have it only post one of them anyway)
!!google your mother
btw, function baz(Obj $a){ unset($a); // can gc ever happen here? }
I didn't check that actually
@Wes sure…!? why?
@DaveRandom It makes use of the fixed broken multirequest thing
!!eval function baz($a){ unset($a); echo "2\n"; }; echo "1\n"; baz(new class(){ function __destruct(){ echo "destruct\n"; }}); echo "3\n";
So I fixed ir for !!google because I thought it was broken while it probably did it work already, but I didn't know who what I made worked
@PeeHaa Yeh which I didn't fix, I just injected HTTP client directly and called multi-request directly (which can do in the plugin, just checking that will fix it)
is jeev dead?
@Wes no multi-line eval for you?
@DaveRandom Only 2 days, 3 hours and 25 minutes left until Rebeccaday, OMG!
@wes quit editing your message!
oh lol
sorry. :B
!!undo 6
@PeeHaa what's that?
See it worked \o/
Happy hour time
@PeeHaa nah, it undid twelwe, not 6
@bwoebi Something like that should eventually delete messages
@bwoebi It knew I meant 12. It's AI dude
@PeeHaa can haz bitly access token?
/me watches @Andrea 's stars on the other montior … how relaxing … :-D
@bwoebi because i thought it had no effect because of functions like func_get_args
@DaveRandom yes
but i just noticed that if you destroy the var, it shows up as null in func_get_args
@Wes yip… PHP 7 semantics.
@bwoebi I should port it to PHP :p
@bwoebi I did that too for a while :P
space, the final frontier
sent @DaveRandom
@Andrea looking forward to it
@Andrea That is noice
@Andrea btw. don't forget to renew your SSL cert soon … it's going to be invalid in 4 days
@PeeHaa ty
@Andrea you shall use kelunik/acme-client as cronjob...
@PeeHaa I made it originally ~4 years ago, and since then JS engines have gotten faster, so now I can increase the number of stars on-screen :D
heh there's also ajf.me/demos/spoopy it seems
fun fact: IE9 and IE10 used to be the only browsers that could run it performantly. Complain about IE all you want, it was the only browser with decent hardware-accelerated <canvas> for a while :)
Hey, what does use keyword change inside a class ?
@Andrea nice, your cert contains a list of all your experiments… :-D
@bwoebi embarrassingly enough, yes it does :p
there's one or two subdomains that aren't mine (I let other people use my web server because I'm nice sometimes)
@user297904 It "imports" the namespace / class so you don't have to dick around with fully qualified names anymore
lol, a type XD , @PeeHaa What is the difference between it and using the keyword use in the top of the document ?
Oh I thought you were talking about that. Were you asking about closures?
As in functin () use ($thing) {}
Oh there is also that which I kinda deleted from my brain
No, class someRandomName extend something{ use someNamespace; }
Yeah see what @PaulCrovella just linked
@Andrea log flappy was fun^^
@bwoebi I took flappy 2048 and made it do 2^n for scores instead of n :p
@Andrea yip^^
should've called it exponential-flappy-2048. oh well :p
@PeeHaa OK should be good to go
Good to google, in fact
Also it may now give english results, not sure
@Andrea well, the log of displayed score is actual score … everything's correct.
!!google is @DaveRandom amazing?
PHP - 2015-05-11 (page 3 of 5) - rooms - Stack Overflow 11 May 2015 ... 1:00 PM. @DaveRandom plus hub works lik… | PHP: Maximum number of form (FILE) fields - Stack Overflow ... 50 files at the same time (well, a clients wants th… | PHP - 2013-01-17 (page 5 of 5) - rooms - Stack Overflow 17 Jan 2013 ... @DaveRandom poor emr, she must be exhau… | Search Url
lol uberping
@bwoebi yep :D
oh shit. That's.. an oversight
We should probably handle those just like we do for !!eval
@Andrea c4g.ajf.me best thing I've ever seen, lol :-D
@bwoebi it's a subdomain reserved for a friend
who currently isn't using it, alas
!!google ICT
Information and communications technology - Wikipedia, the free ... Information and communications technology (ICT) is an e… | ICT - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ICT may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Places; 2 Governm… | ICT - Wikipedia ICT kan verwijzen naar: Informatietechnologie, ook wel … | Search Url
there was once greatness there
winner, that gave dutch results last time
Oh it still has some?
Need to set locale as well as prefered lang probably
/me has some RL to do, later people
later @DaveRandom
@Andrea but emojis are great too no? … bah , now I remember eevee's recent blog post…
@bwoebi emoji are great, definitely ^^
@Andrea they're a great object to study, but in general, I'm not so much a fan of them …^^
@NikiC I'm quite proud of it
@Andrea Is this a known automaton, or did you come up with the idea by yourself?
@Andrea yeah, sometimes it iterates infinitely, but sometimes it just ends up unicolor
@NikiC I came up with the idea independently, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's been done before
the current implementation as a “cellular automaton” is actually just an optimisation
I made a tiny JS thing that ran a recursive floodfill algorithm very slowly by using setTimeout
@Andrea FR: Make it larger!
and then I messed around with it
as is probably obvious, the explosion of callbacks this results in is not very efficient, so I decided to rewrite it as an automaton
eventually I figured out why it would tend to explode towards the bottom-right corner and fixed that bug
@NikiC I think someone forked it and made it larger themselves, but I should probably have that option for original, too, yeah :p
when two target each other it gets violent
@Andrea /* Android ≤ 2.3, iOS ≤ 4 */ … boo, encoding error in CSS comment
@bwoebi the CSS is UTF-8, but it doesn't contain an encoding declaration (and my server doesn't include one in the headers) so browser assumes Windows-1252, unfortunately
… is Windows-1252 seriously the default? o_O
Can't believe it's the default in OS X Safari…
oh, but it looks like that part of the CSS is somehow corrupted… let me fix this
done ^^
@PaulCrovella two? four!
it's somehow like waves then
yeah, mine eventually exploded into a jackson pollock painting
yeah, the wave effect happens a lot
@Andrea It's just sad when some colors get completely eliminated
automaton ends up either as waves or unicolor (quite quickly)
@bwoebi So ist das Leben der Farbe.
once a spiral starts it's all downhill from there
@Andrea Die Labilfarbelimitation ist tragisch :o(
Hum, ended up in a case where there's just two colors warring with each other
that can happen!
I should add proper licenses to my demos
how important is the overhead of doing
function foo($a, $b, $c, $d){
compared to
function foo($a, $b, $c, $d){
    $this->baz($a, $b, $c, $d);
I mean… I would question why you would do that.
... method delegation?
How can I encode persian chars to be like this format : &#x627;&#x644;&#x62d;&#x645;&#x62f;
which function shold I use
class MyFactory{ function make($a, $b, $c, $d){ return new My(...func_get_args(); } }
@NikiC Is there any particular reason why we actually have _zval_dtor_func and _zval_dtor_func_for_ptr? The one seems to actually cannibalize the others place in cache…
If not, I'll measure if removal makes any difference
@bwoebi no reason, it's a leftover really
@Wes Exactly like that?
just gotta move out that one check into zval_dtor (or just alias it to zval_ptr_dtor_nogc) and we can drop _zval_dtor_func
@LeviMorrison why not...
Why not just call baz() to begin with?
... it was an example :\
class MyFactory{ function make($a, $b, $c, $d){ return new My(...func_get_args()); } }
this was a better one...
was wondering if you'd found out about that yet
assuming I'm acting in ignorance is usually a safe bet...
btw this could actually be far worse.... a lot of people use the nginx plugin to have ImageMagick resize images on the fly.
@Danack JOY
what is the recommended way to keep a remote directory continuously synced ?
How continuous are we talking about?
ASAP or several minute tolerance or..?
I would prefer ASAP
what I want is to mimic WinSCP's syncing ability
but I have to deal with is an Arch desktop and a Debian server
is nfs out of the question
NFS is an option, but I need to manually spoof UID
Just to clarify: it can't be mounted?
it can
but, for some reason, Atom stops displaying files, when a remote directory is added to a project
If you use #PHP #Imagick you need to mitigate a remote code execution attack __NOW__. https://imagetragick.com/ please RT.
Anyone alive?
@tereško github.com/axkibe/lsyncd looks promising
pastebin.com/ZfJSMcKn why would anyone use getallheaders having in mind that it takes parameters from $_SERVER kind of, and how would you send those custom user_id and auth_token. I tried sending them with the header, but they are not in $_SERVER
How inappropriate would it be to publicly shame that guy who just posted to [email protected] ?
((Given the message consist of: "fucking bitches keep mysql thx"))
"Ha, this guy uses PHP?!"
Well I guess not really professional
sounds not at all to me
Eh, that'll just encourage other pissants to make whiny posts
don't feed the trolls
Apr 24 at 5:03, by Paul Crovella
JOE AND DAVEY SITTIN' IN A TREE. R-M-something-something-I-N-G.
"git-force-push" fits?
@PaulCrovella I just installed atom.io/packages/remote-sync
it seems to be working
hey guys

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