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well everytime i do somethin about that banner same thing happens
Best suggestion is to write a coherent SO question including code + error messages
i searched the way that i should establish the connection and so on but nothing solid :)
@LondonBoy Yeah, and make sure you include error messages and specific code, otherwise your question will be consigned to the downvote scrap heap and closed.
A simple "crashes my server" isn't remotely good enough to get a valid answer. You're going to have to do some sleuthing to narrow down the possible causes.
Otherwise a-holes like me will downvote you into oblivion.
well i guess thats why im not opening a question :)))
well .. @rdlowrey , from 1,061 votes that i have casted , 649 have been down
i think in past month i have given 3 upvotes
@tereško That's an impressive ratio. I need to work on mine. I started out idealistic and positive but that ship has sailed. It's time for the righteous downvote of great justice to take over.
well im not here for the points im here to share knowledge :)
All your downvote are belong to us
You have no chance to survive. Make your time.
dunno .. im here to get the silver badge in
and anyone know how to get a users friends in a facebook app :)?
@LondonBoy Dude, your questions are so broad.
It's like saying, anybody know how to make another facebook?
If you don't even know where to start, you'll be much better served googling and doing some tutorials
@LondonBoy Also, please read and take this to heart and your SO experience will be vastly improved:
@tereško I believe this. It seems to be coming along nicely.
good night all
If you get the chance, in the name of all that is sacred, please upvote my comment here:
Q: Can mysql_real_escape_string ALONE prevent all kinds of sql injection ?

w8phI havent seen any valuabe or not outdated info on this. So, there is this question: Does mysql_real_escape_string() FULLY protect against SQL injection? Yet it is very outdated(its from '09), so as of php 5.3 and mysql 5.5 in '12, does it protect fully ?

@rdlowrey you should reference this
@rdlowrey are you saying that prepared statements are more optimized than adhoc queries?
@user705339 I'm not saying anything about optimization. I'm saying that if you want to prevent SQL injection attacks, prepared statements are the right way to do it.
@rdlowrey ok.....how about if you want to achieve both?
@CarrieKendall Ooh good call. I need to put that one on speed dial for just this sort of situation.
prevent SQL injection and optimize at the same time
Prepared statements !== unoptimized code.
It is a necessity. You can't forego security in favor of a few lines of code savings.
@user705339 , you should start by reading up on what the prepared statements are
that would avoid some pain for rest of us
@rdlowrey yeah i like to drop that bad boy whenever dealing with mysql* and/or sql injections..
dunno .. dunno .. i usually use news.php.net/php.internals/53799 , @CarrieKendall
gives some more gravitas
@rdlowrey If you are using PDO to throw exceptions, it doesn't even really add lines . . .
@tereško I have, but in all the examples, all they had were single SQL statements; adhoc allows you to string multiple SQL statements together
Ooh, php logo
mine has less formatting IE its more official :P
@LeviMorrison Even better.
@user705339 , in the real world situations you are executing queries all the time
@tereško thanks for the find
@tereško and in real situations, it's faster to string 6 queries together, and retrieve the values using mysqli_multi_query than having to go back and forth six times for those same data
@user705339, prepared statements let send the query separately from the data ( which is what actually causes the injection protection ) .. and that query then goes through SQL server's planner/optimizer/whats-it-name where it basically gets "compiled" and "saved" .. then when you send the data , there is no additional overhead
and you can send the data again and again and again
also , some RDBMS recognize that query has already been prepared , and when next script comes alone, it does not bother to re-do the work .. it just picks up what i already has
.. damn .. that was not english .. i always revert back to paragraph-length sentences
I have got to stop goofing off in chat and the php tag and do some work
@tereško how can you use prepared statements for a query like this: 'insert into table1(blah, blah, blah); select * from table2; select * from table 3;' without having to split the query?
@rdlowrey unplug internet its the ONLY solution :P
Yeah but I have this thing where I have to push commits to remote git repos as soon as I finish them :)
95% of being a good programmer is not being distracted by the Internet.
@user705339 , i would actually put that in a stored procedure
@tereško true....that's what I usually do also; so, if I understand you properly, using prepared statement is usually the best way to go when executing a single query unlimited times, correct?
it does not really depend upon how many times you execute it
well i am off to watch crappy tv in a stinky gym while i burn off all my aggression and a couple hundred calories! good night
but , for a single query , prepared statements are the recommended way
@tereško ok....I'll look into it; thanks for the info
besides ( while i think MySQL was one of RDBMS which did no do this ) some database management systems cache the prepared statements between request
@tereško what IDE would you recommend for working with PHP on Linux? I currently use Adobe CS5.5, which is pretty good, but only on Windows
@user705339 Notepad++ on windows.
@rdlowrey no....I meant on Linux
@rdlowrey .. read again the question
Ah, sorry.
Gedit then :)
on Windows, Adobe's still the best I've seen around here
@user705339 , most of major IDEs work on linux ..
Eclipse is sooo slowwww
netbeans seems to be pretty popular these days
@user705339 You could try to take a look at Aptana Studio, Netbeabs and PHPstorm
Sublime Text 2 Mother*****s
@rdlowrey .. and thats actually a lie
@MichaelRobinson , he asked for IDE .. not an advanced editor
Eclipse always tries to package everything into packages
@MichaelRobinson Agreed.
I have to say PhpStorm again!
does PhpStorm come with intellisense?
This question is liable to start a religious nerd war :)
do you mean "autocomplete" ?
@tereško please accept my deepest apologies. I shall forever endeavour to live up to your high and stringent standards of perfection.
all IDEs come with one or other form of autocomplete
@tereško something like that.....but can also offer suggestions
ST2 has autocomplete
@MichaelRobinson ST2?
Alternatively, VIM. Take that, @tereško
@MichaelRobinson even gedit has autocomplete .. cool it
@user705339 sublimetext.com/2
@tereško no you cool it
@tereško I'm cooler than cool, ice-kool baby. Yes I went there.
Unrelated. I might be the only person who finds it a little silly that Chrome is at version 17?
stop it
I mean, I know it's all marketing, but still. Version 17?
@tereško no you stop it
PHPStorm isn't free
.. and there goes the ignore buttton
@tereško lol what a douche
@user705339 , yes , it is not free , thats why i suggested for you to start by looking at Aptana and Netbeans
@tereško Wait! There's an ignore button? Oh, Harry Beasant is so done.
help vampire THIS.
@MichaelRobinson it's enough now, you're spaming
@tereško doesn't Aptana use a form of Eclipse?
@markustharkun and I'm done
@user705339 yes
@user705339 , kinda , yes
@user705339 it's available as either plugin for Eclipse or stand-alone
ok....I'll check them out....thanks
@user705339 , actually there is also a different version of Aptana , called Titanium Studio , which adds tools for mobile development too
@user705339 both Aptana and Zend Studio are built on top of the eclipse plattform
@tereško really now
that's why they're both as slow and clunky as eclipse
well .. Appcelerator acquired it
@markustharkun , actually i have found it to be quite acceptable
it was my main development tool for long time
@tereško we have used all of them at one point and of course they're not bad at all
but since we changed to storm, it's a different world
you just need at least 1GB ram to run to well
@tereško yep
@markustharkun what is storm?
you phone has 1gb ram these days
@MichaelRobinson PhpStorm, the best PHP IDE IMO
@markustharkun thanks, I'll check it out
i kinda dislike it .. takes too much control away from the user
@tereško how so?
an also the layout feels .. dunno .. wrong somehow
Would someone kindly relay to him my question?
@tereško yeah, IDE should never be a holy grail, you can write good and bad code with any of them
what it actually comes down to is : habit
@tereško especially if the products are very similar
I like ST2 (yes I know not an IDE) b/c it's light, cross-platform, fast, and has great plugin support
I still would assume that Aptana is much better at JS then PHPstorm
ST2 is excellent @ JS, one may integrate JSLint. I find it very helpful
for historical reasons
@tereško not so sure about that but can't really say
i said that i "assume" , not "know for sure"
havnt used javascript on storm
@tereško I said basically the same with the bias on the other side :D
2 hours later…
Does anyone where have working knowledge of Wordpress.org Custom Themeing?
hello all, I wonder if the new look on CodeReview is going to be used on StackOverflow too.
@Paul i dout it
For Real
probably, but its not like CodeReview would be coming out of beta.
@Varazi wp has it's own stack exchange site wordpress.stackexchange.com
@Petah I am immune to your criticism
Oh OK cool thanks
all stack exchange sites have their own style
oh, wait, i found out why:
Q: New Beta Theme Launched

JinYour site looks a bit different today. Yes, we are getting rid of the 'Sketchy' look and replacing it with a more-polished and finished design for sites in beta. You can read more about the redesign of our Beta theme on our blog entry. Please note: This will not affect your "graduation" status ...

i think there are too many stackexchange sites now
they are just thining out the communities
it is terrible
yeah I agree, I just hopped over to the Wordpress one and the chat feature is pretty emtpy
Maybe they should close some, but even the ones that don't get much use have generated some interesting content
merge it back into SO
For there can be only one.
merge Homebrewing into SO?
no I mean programming-related
the database one, wp one
yeah werd, i just googled HomeBrewing thinking it was actually something techy
i felt like such a fool.
Can I ask you guys a WP question? I am having problems targeting (and styling) my main menu.
i think you better go to wordpress.stackexchange.com and ask there
SO is clearly not for that kind of thing
if it is CSS only
then SO is likely the best place
do you have an example that people can look at?
that helps too
yeah I cant seem to be able to Style my menu.
nakd fish! nsfw
what have you tried?
Im trying to use the "Menus" inside WP admin mode.
and talk to it with my style sheet
Im new at Creating Custom WP sites.
or WP sites in general
can't you just select it like #menu-main ...
I dont know why the list isnt vertical by default
I just added this rule and it did not apply ( #main-menu ul {float:right;}
and I see that it is floated right
is this what you expected?
The black containing div is floated right
but the list inside i wanted floated to the right
the list on my screens is in the LEFT side of the div.
on mine it's onthe right
you're best posting this question in SO
tag it with CSS
I shall do that
here i was thinking this was the php room
C++ != PHP?
@Varazi were you floating the 'li' or the 'ul' ?
@user1131997 you are clearly missing a T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
but can you pronounce that error ? :-)
Yes, "FuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuUU"
This is awfully long so I don't want chat auto-inserting it for me. You're welcome. It still needs to be closed though: stackoverflow.com/questions/9816448/…
The PHP tag is really on fire tonight. Terrible ...
wow, based on some questions i wonder what happens to theses people when they walk in to a shop and ask for milk.
A: Review of my PHP framework, vervPHP

PaulThis is procedural code trying to pretend that it is OO. Just stick a namespace around it and write it like the procedural code that it is: framework/verv.php namespace verv; function setLang() { /* Implementation */ } function dbConnect() { /* Implementation */ } function main() { s...

good morning @NikiC
enjoy the weather
@hakre I can't ^^ Not today :(
and a good morning to you too @hakre :)
Thanks NikiC, that's nice. I'll stay in bed today because of just being ill. I think I'll survive;)
hello all
@hakre get well soon :)
Morning, @NikiC.
We haven't chatted PHP core stuff in a while, have we?
Hii Can anybody help me
i want to schedule php file which will run every 1 min.
enter into crontab:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/script.php
Morning @Levi
@LeviMorrison Nope, we haven't :)
I've been working on a jQuery UI Checkbox / Radio widget proposal.
And a UI theme to accompany it: morrisonlevi.github.com/jQuery-UI-Theme
Makes use of sweet, sweet SVG.
I'm reworking the radio image right now, but the checkbox images are slick.
@LeviMorrison: Nice, but the checkbox doesn't slide (but it looks like it could)
im building a photo sharing site, how do i uniquely identify images in the sense if user uploads a sunset picture called a.jpg and the same picture renamed as b.jpg but same contents? do i md5 hash the picture?(that might cause performance issues as md5 file hashing takes time for large images) is there a method by which i could uniquely identify that image ?
@danneh thanks, i am using IIS can you please provide some detail for crontab
how i can use
@anonymouslyanonymous: You do a md5 and a crc32 hash to deal with hash collisions. crc32 is cheap.
@hakre It doesn't toggle to off for you?
@hakre would that detect duplicate images even though the user changes the name?
@LeviMorrison: It does work, but just not as (visually) expected.
@hakre Oh, you want an animation.
@LeviMorrison It looks not like a checkbox but as a slider.
@anonymouslyanonymous Exactly.
@hakre Compare to the current jQuery UI standard: jqueryui.com/demos/button/checkbox.html
@danneh thanks, i am using IIS can you please provide some detail for crontab
how i can use
@LeviMorrison Yours is nicer ;)
@hakre Thank you. lol
Hii Can anybody help me
i want to schedule php file which will run every 1 min.
i am using iis6 and windows
@samirprogrammer Please consult the manual of your operating system how to shedule tasks. It's not crontab, because crontab is UNIX. You are Windows. Windows users need to buy support @ microsoft.
actually i tried that php file with php compiler in Command promplt but it is not working
@samirprogrammer Have you tried something like visualcron.com ?
but it is working when i browse it in any browser
k let me check Thanks
anybody familiar with Aramex API?
@LeviMorrison The horizontal slider slides with an offset of my mouse
@NikiC The only things I've worked on are buttons, radio, and checkbox. The sliders are messed up and go the wrong direction.
@LeviMorrison ah, okay :)
Hrm, the German docs build is nearly fixed
The only thing left is updating the command line documentation to match the new format, but that is sooo much work :(
I'll just hope that someone else fixes it :)
@NikiC i think we should replace the german docs with a redirect to some good english learning resource
@Gordon :)
It's annoying that if you try to find out how to correctly quote a book you'll find 15 different solutions just on the first Google page.
@NikiC there is no single correct way. there is various citation styles
@NikiC I made some adjustments to the radio elements. Thoughts? morrisonlevi.github.com/jQuery-UI-Theme
@LeviMorrison Looks nice
@Gordon Repwhored.
@LeviMorrison who?
Everyone who posts in that question. It's clearly an awful question.
@LeviMorrison i dont mind if they have less than 3k. they usually dont know any better then yet. sins of the youth we all are guilty of.
I have a few answers where the question got closed. One of them has something like 9 upvotes and I still think it shouldn't be closed . . .
@LeviMorrison then vote for reopen ;)
I have, I think.
Ah, I remember now.
There was not a good question to dup to, even though the general idea was a dup.
It got closed to a poor dup.
Q: What would be the most rational way to parse youtube video link for video ID in PHP?

RiMMER Possible Duplicates: Youtube API - Extract video ID How do I extract query parameters from an URL string in PHP? If the input is as follows: $input = 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALph_u2iee8&feature=topvideos_music'; And I want to end up with: $result = 'ALph_u2iee8'; What...

I have a meta question about it.
flag it for merging or ask them to dup the poor dup against this one instead.
Maybe I'll try again.
@GordonM imo the edit doesnt answer the question either, but ill delete my comment
need some suggestions...
Q: billing system with multiple profile PHP MYSQL

Fahid MohammadMy latest project is to build a billing system with multiple profile like 100+ training institutes connected with this system for their online front base management purpose. like.. *Counseling *Admission *Billing etc.. now what i want to know whether to keep a single database for all the o...

@LeviMorrison: The answer to the first duplicated question actually answers that closed question. So it is indeed a duplicate...
@ircmaxell Except it goes over-the-top. The fact is, the author is trying to parse query parameters and happens to be using youtube links. The first dup extracts the video id from any possible youtube links. Very different.
Not very different. If the closed question asked about extracting query parameters, then fine. But it didn't. It asked to extract the youtube id from the URL. Which the duplicated regex does...
@ircmaxell Except he didn't. He said this is what I have, and this is what I want. The fact that it is a youtube url is irrelevant.
@LeviMorrison Disagree, he has the word youtube in the title...
@ircmaxell Irrelevant when you look at the question. You have to admit, that regex is overkill for his particular question anyway.
And that's why it isn't a dup.
It isn't that the question isn't the same, it's that the answers it solicits are different.
That is key in determining dups. Look up meta questions on the subject.
I disagree
A: When is a duplicate question not a duplicate?

TheTXIRule of thumb: If you ask a question similar to another question and it is likely to get the exact same answer, you have yourself a duplicate question. In your case, take the opposite of that. If the question is similar and it is likely to NOT get the exact same answer, you likely do not have a ...

I try to avoid looking at what the user is asking, but more so what he is trying to do, and answer that second part. He's trying to parse youtube URLS. And that regex is a pretty good way of doing that. Done and done
hey @ircmaxell
How did the blog post yesterday go?
@ircmaxell Perhaps generally I'd agree with you, but when the answers are that different . . . I have to disagree.
@LeviMorrison They are not that different. One uses the parse_url function, which therefore couples it to that exact URL format, and the other uses a more general regex which definitely handles that format, but also handles the other formats as well. I consider the regex the better answer here
@NikiC: decently. Didn't really get on HN, but got some decent traffic (for the first day)
@ircmaxell You are getting bogged down in the fact that it is a youtube url. Who says he's dealing with arbitrary youtube urls? If he is dealing with specific ones he already has, for example, then the regex is pointless . . .
@ircmaxell great :)
@LeviMorrison Ummm... Even if he's not dealing with arbitrary urls, since when is a general solution worse than a specific one?
@ircmaxell When you generalize too much.
What's generalizing too much? It's parsing a url from youtube, which is what he asked to parse
Except it isn't found in the body of his question anywhere.
No, it's found in the title
And further, if he encounters the need to parse a query parameter from another url, this one not from youtube, he has to write a new regex.
@LeviMorrison Well, based on that interpretation, it's a duplicate of the second question
So either way, it's a duplicate
@ircmaxell Which is fine, that's my duplicate.
It's there because I figured if it was going to be closed as a dup, it might as well be proper.
You're arguing that it's not a duplicate, yet you admit it's a duplicate
I said it isn't a dup of the first one.
It's either a dup of the first one or the second one. Depending on what he's trying to do which you can't determine from the question. And since he hasn't responded in nearly 6 months, I'd assume that he's not going to clarify any time soon. So let this question die, as it's not really a good question...
@ircmaxell I didn't take any action. I was just musing on my earlier SO days.
it's got 2 re-open votes...
That's not my doing . . .
I don't have a reopen vote on it . . .
Near to the time of the question I tried to get it opened. I didn't then know of the second dup. It was before I was more involved in cv.
how make video calling feature for website ?
hey bro try opentok
its a free source tool - damn easy to use
i need a word
something that combines equal parts of mild annoyance and mild disappointment
why not an image?
@Mayankswami , you will need flash application, with Red5 streaming server ( that's on top of comcat )
dejected - although its more about the disapointment
yeah .. that wil do
i feel somewhat dejected when it comes to may last job interview
did they want you to use global?
or crestfallen
that word taste more like an extreme emotion
@Paul , no , they decided that it is more important to test, is i can write 5 pages (A4) of english text in 2 hours
@tereško That does seem like an odd way to test.
the question were like , "how browser determinates the position of elements" and "what is database normalization , and what are the aims of normalization" .. and "can you use private constructor ? if no : why, if yes : how and for what purposes"
with pen
on paper
and the last task was a picture of table-based layout with some buttons and pictures and click counter for that button .... and task was : create this using DOM
not HTML .. using DOM
I'd rather not take that interview.
switching IDEs, suggestions?
what was wrong with previous one ? which OS ?
and what features are you hankering for?
well, dont shutter, but i am currently on dreamweaver 5.5. it's what i started on and all my local server info is tied in so it is 'convenient'. what's wrong with it? it crashes all of the time for no apparent reason. i am looking to go to a simpler IDE with basic sytnax highlighting for PHP, HTML, CSS, and JS. I am not worried about being able get and push. I am on OS X 10. when i was running on linux primarily, i used vim and liked it. also, i don't have a tolerance for eclipse.
OSX people tent to use Textmate as i have noticed
shame for the eclipse's caused allergic reaction .. i would have recommended to check Aptana
i have used netbeans for java projects before, and have just barely used it for php and i liked it but, some of the automated features like closing tags/braces/etc. are extremely aggravating.
i used Apanta when i fooled around with RoR for those two days of my life that it seemed interesting
@Paul mostly just syntax highlighting, ease-of-use with structuring, but most of all I think i would like to go simpler
So with simpler I can't suggest Emacs?
you cannnn, but would you suggest it? ie, have you used it and not run into any annoyances or major issues
always, its been around for years, its not going to disappear. The longer you use it the more you learn how to extend it.
Yes, there are annoyances, quite a few, but if you learn lisp you can get around them.
@tereško thanks you sir is it require shard server ?
@CarrieKendall Its not a good match for simpler though.
@Paul yeah, i am basically just trying to get away from auto-completion and concentrate on syntax highlighting and possibly code hinting with errors. i just need to get into one and start trying some stuff out
@CarrieKendall A lot of people have been mentioning Sublime Text 2 lately.
@Paul the GUI looks similar to Apanta. I will look into it, thanks
Sublime does not play well with namespaces
Auto complete
Repeat last action
Good morning
Good afternoon @ircmaxell
morning @ircmaxell
i am going to use netbeans for the time being
That's what I use...
yeah, i am familiar with it. its a java beast
guys i couldnt find anyone in the CSS room so thought would ask for help here
here is the link : jsfiddle.net/cWuee
i need the 4 div's to be centered in the main div
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