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5:00 PM
Was the typed properties thing merged in master?
and I play with nearly all patches, and bob reads nearly all of them ... but most people do neither, most of the time ... they read the RFC, only, they won't even read tests that come with implementations a lot of the time, they will ask you questions that are answered in tests, or in code ...
@Saitama on hold
oh i see...
I wanted to try that actually :P
you can try on 3v4l
okay! thnx!
anyway, the rfc needs work, intersections are not mentioned even
5:03 PM
@LeviMorrison I typically try to infer behavior from the patch, I rarely actually play with them
I don't trust anyone else to explain code, and don't really trust myself to read it fully :D
@PaulCrovella why bounty?? What is missing in answer
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 he added the bounty to reward the existing answer, not to get more answers.
missing though are a couple edge cases that I just haven't added anything about yet
I haven't read the patch in detail; any changes that would break BC with extensions?
Paul and What edge cases are missing??
depends on the extension, with curl, no, with xdebug, maybe ...
almost everything that touches the vm has a pretty good chance of breaking xdebug though ...
5:22 PM
is xdebug really delicate?
no, the vm is really complicated
we actually only changed one line but anything that overrides ZEND_VERIFY_RETURN or ZEND_RECV to do additional analysis may need to be adjusted for the new multi type ...
umm... the parser generates vm opcodes right?
also, some api must be thought up for internals ...
@Saitama no, that's final stage of multi pass compile, code -> ast -> opcode ...
5:25 PM
i see...
 How do I count digits after the decimal point

 $str = "29.78254";

 if(preg_match_all( "/[0-9]/", $str ) == 6){
     echo "6 digits";
     echo "not";
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 property names that are empty strings get converted to _empty_, property names that contain null bytes give an error.. also I'm going to link to another post about using streaming parsers when the json is too large to parse and handle the result in memory at once
the first two problems go away if you parse into associative arrays instead of objects (which is something I recommend anyway)
json too large to fit in memory sounds scary
so, is it possible to get the raw opcodes? (just want to know, nothing special)
get them in what way ?
5:31 PM
Any feedback on Intersection Types RFC before I formally hit the list with it?
/cc @JoeWatkins @bwoebi @NikiC
@JoeWatkins just dump em' somewhere.... like stdout
@LeviMorrison That's a separate RFC?
> Note that if Union Types are also accepted then something like this will be possible, allowing for an array or an object that satisfies both Countable and Traversable:
will it ?
@JoeWatkins it is kinda scary, but if you're grabbing something like a bigass data dump from some gov open data portal then you don't have many choices.. plus a few hundred megs of json can balloon into a couple gigs or so of memory when parsed all at once
@Saitama phpdbg can print opcodes ...
5:32 PM
@JoeWatkins Absolutely.
so can vld ...
@LeviMorrison in that case, specify precedence?
@NikiC No precedence; parenthesis required.
@LeviMorrison hmm, a separate RFC… possibly yes, but actually it may reduce union types chance from passing IMO
@LeviMorrison you know, that doesn't work, right ?
5:32 PM
@LeviMorrison okay, say that explicitly :)
@JoeWatkins I am aware your patch does not handle it, yes.
@LeviMorrison RFC should also say if string & int is allowed (and will always throw a runtime error) or explicitly forbidden by the compiler
Kk thnx
I'm not sure on that, honestly. Just because nothing can actually pass doesn't mean it is an error at compile time.
@LeviMorrison Also, you totally need to change that example
5:35 PM
That will be seen as an anti-example, for how overly strict type checks restrict useful code
Use something where you don't run into the array instanceof traversable problem
@LeviMorrison That's like saying we should allow return values in void functions, as it may be possible that they actually may never be reached at runtime.
All practical examples use built in types.
There will still be an array thing.
imo there should be one rfc for intersection and union types right now, and it should not attempt to tackle expressions or named types ...
@Levi Current patch disallows impossible unions intersections at compile-time if detected
5:37 PM
@bwoebi impossible intersections you mean?
if you have a clue how that is going to work, it's worth talking about it, if you don't, and we're going to be considering it for the next year, then it's a pointless conversation to start ...
@NikiC This is an excellent example; it illustrates type-safe but dynamic code...
@DaveRandom yeah, another sucker: hardcoded SO_REUSEADDR
Of course, you have to have both unions and intersections.
5:37 PM
Do you like it?
@LeviMorrison the last version of it, yes. the first version, not.
I'm just warning you that this might ruin impressions, but your choice
@NikiC Done.
@NikiC Would an example of ArrayAccess & Countable & Traversable be different enough for you?
@Levi btw. you mixed up names in examples … Either toHtml or toList
@JoeWatkins btw. added the last missing thing in the patch, default values for unions.
And wtf, it's snowing here… end April… o___O
5:49 PM
it snowed here yesterday, while also being sunny ...
@JoeWatkins you're farther up north … but :u
not sunny at all and about 2°C
@m6w6 bob, others ... what do we think of a stream_socket_set_option ?
making a special case of nodelay feels a bit wrong, I think ...
In general, what's annoying me is that I just cannot send arbitrary streams over sockets
@JoeWatkins why not reuse the context API?
no IMCP for example
5:54 PM
it's also messy
yeah, context API sounds like correct place
@m6w6 I hadn't thought of that
but we seem to agree special case is the wrong way, right ?
@bwoebi Thanks.
@JoeWatkins wasn't that what we talked about before?
I didn't think it was
5:56 PM
Streams API exposes certain constants with stream_socket_pair(), but doesn't allow to use them directly for socket client/server … would've be very helpful :x
@PaulCrovella if i am getting you correctly is this case similar??3v4l.org/CRPfg
provide constants of sys/socket.h and implement $context["socket"]["options"]?
@NikiC We don't have a lot of built-in interfaces to use for examples that would also avoid arrays: php.net/manual/en/reserved.interfaces.php
Maybe soon you can implement your own abstraction over sockets: github.com/m6w6/ext-psi
(SPL Interfaces as well)
I could do a host of examples with types that aren't built-in, but I don't think they'd be as relatable.
6:03 PM
@LeviMorrison In words, what would these examples be?
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion2.0 no, that's totally normal. see here for the empty prop name, and this for the unicode null character
ah, let's check internals…
>513 new emails
mark as read, mark as read
Much better.
@Andrea In Russia, Internals checks you
@PaulCrovella ah thnks :) now make sense
They check my sanity, sometimes.
Oh yeah, @bwoebi. Okay if I put the [] list() RFC to a vote today? I keep putting it off and I might as well.
6:11 PM
@Andrea good idea :-)
@Andrea As long as your ideas aren't insaner than internals, it's all fine :-D
@bwoebi Yeah, probably.
When should I set the vote to end? the Sunday after next? (May 8th)
@Andrea yeah ~10 days are typically fine
I'm trying these days to have things for open ≥10 days
@Andrea yeah, 7 days always risks people being on vacation for one week to not have a chance and 14 days sometimes is just a bit long.
I'm particularly fond of two Friday + weekends if possible.
I can just use setsockopt, right @m6w6 ? there's no zend api function for that, right ?
Guys, I'd read something on internet that explain a good way for become a good programmer
Can I say this and know if its true?
Read this and you will become a good programmer: "flibbledywibblewob"
It's on the internet, it's true
6:20 PM
@bwoebi I've deliberately chosen the Sunday after next so there's two weeks there
and probably 12 days isn't a bad idea at the moment given how many RFCs are being discussed
gives people a bit of time to think
Anyway it's a good way do this:
The RFC by me and @bwoebi to propose a shorter syntax for list() in #PHP 7.1 is going to a vote now: http://news.php.net/php.internals/92846
There we go.
“RFC … to propose”. No, RFC that proposes. oh well, nobody will notice :p
a proposal to propose something would be kinda indirect :p
-Installing Linux -Study C/C++, Study Python -Study HTML, CSS, JS and graphic design -Study security informatic -Study protocol internet like TCP/IP -Study UX/UI Design -Study various frameworks like Node.js, zend, jquery etc. -Study SE
@Andrea WE ALL SAW. but anyway, my +1 is there for it in spirit. good luck.
6:26 PM
Dunno if I'll have time to actually try implementing or writing a proposal for the original thing that made me want list() with keys and [] (that is, function foobar(["foo" => int $foo, "bar" => Bar $bar])), oh well
@MattewDeveloper study less, write more code.
@Andrea nah, just commas missing
Start with C/C++ and Linux is a good way?
@bwoebi I… guess that'd kinda fix it. Meh.
I'm tired.
6:27 PM
@Andrea Make sure someone pokes Jeeves to update the permastar vote list
@Andrea and who needs punctuation on twitter? :-)
@bwoebi heh
@Jeeves Stupid bot, can't you just appropriately pin it?!? You're a ROOM-OWNER! \cc @PeeHaa
6:28 PM
Also this RFC title is horrendously long, I maybe should've called it "short list() syntax" after all. But it does have the advantage of, well, not saying list(), I guess.
defined("IPPROTO_TCP") || define("IPPROTO_TCP", getprotobyname("tcp"));

$ctxt = stream_context_create([
	"socket" => [
		"options" => [

$stream = stream_socket_client(
	"tcp://www.google.co.uk:80", $errno, $errstr, 10, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $ctxt);

$socket =

var_dump(socket_get_option($socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY));
success ...
@MattewDeveloper starting with whatever interests you most is a good way.. if it engages you, keeps your attention, keeps you curious - you'll more easily put more of yourself into it, and the process will be enjoyable
@JoeWatkins what're you working on? :D
@Andrea Just rename it "Make PHP suck less v223.1"
@bwoebi hey you should vote on the RFC :p
6:30 PM
@JoeWatkins now, I need a possibility to recv and send raw IP messages
I mean you, according to the rules, implicitly +1 anyway. But.
@Andrea oh, good idea :-P
@Andrea just socket options for streams because NODELAY headaches with redis ...
@JoeWatkins ah
@JoeWatkins fyi: poked sjon about the multi-types branch
6:35 PM
Before I vote on the square brackets thingy: did anyone find a gotcha so far?
@Ocramius Well, if there were, we wouldn't have moved it to vote
Good, good
/me hits the radio input
user image
@JoeWatkins but in general, LGTM, can go into 7.0 as tiny self-contained patch
also, why should IPPROTO_TCP not be defined?
6:44 PM
@Wes awesome
@bwoebi where's the patch?
@bwoebi I dunno, but it isn't :s
@NikiC waiting for it (obviously, only if patch is fine.)
not sure about openssl xp
@bwoebi ah okay, thought I missed it
6:46 PM
@JoeWatkins because the constant is called STREAM_IPPROTO_TCP
the C define in /usr/shared headers is IPPORTO_TCP
diff --git a/main/streams/xp_socket.c b/main/streams/xp_socket.c
index 7a21fbe..8fabf7b 100644
--- a/main/streams/xp_socket.c
+++ b/main/streams/xp_socket.c
@@ -757,6 +757,49 @@ static inline int php_tcp_sockop_connect(php_stream *stream, php_netstream_data_

+       if (sock->socket != -1) {
+               if (PHP_STREAM_CONTEXT(stream) &&
+                       (tmpzval = php_stream_context_get_option(PHP_STREAM_CONTEXT(stream), "socket", "options")) != NULL) {
really not sure about openssl tho, can someone else look at that ?
I think maybe, it goes in here
if (n && peer_cert && cert_captured == 0) {

		return n;
before return ...
is that right ?
if n > -1
@JoeWatkins where possible, pls use zval_get_long instead of convert_to_long
I was just looking at that thinking it's really horrible ... thanks ...
6:52 PM
@JoeWatkins shouldn't it just be in context options: "socket" => [TCP_NODELAY => true] ?
@bwoebi re []=, did you see my comment about [&$foo]= ? I think that's currently not forbidden by the code
@bwoebi no, don't think so
@NikiC I've seen it before when voting
@JoeWatkins why not
you have to specific level, name and value for setsockopt
@JoeWatkins ah, yeah… you're having a direct unfiltered access to setsockopt() here … fine then
6:55 PM
Hrm, there is something important I have to do today, but I can't remember what it is :/
yeah, fine then
do I have to to touch openssl too ?
@JoeWatkins doubt it
thank fuck
6:57 PM
@JoeWatkins but that should be general, and not just for tcp connect then
(udp, unix, ...)
yeah is same function but unix socks skip these branches ...
I'll fix that ...
really badly named ...
if I find php_streams_thing, I won't be all that surprised ...
@NikiC question is, shall I now allow or forbid it? I could transform it to a ref assign…
because, arrays can actually contain refs
afk half hour, in a bit :)
so, would be logical to allow it
@bwoebi forbid it. By-ref list is a separate rfc
7:00 PM
@NikiC thought so… will do.
@PeeHaa add commitstrip.com/en/feed to room's feeds?
donthitsave.com is another good one
@NikiC done
@Levi btw. seems multi catch passes … you may list that one as precedent in union types proposal
@bwoebi To teach people a lesson about the slippery slope being quite real?
@NikiC not intended, but nice side-effect :-P
@NikiC but the whole type-systems thing is a slippery slope
look … we introduced scalar types in 7.0 … now nullables. unions. intersections.
type all the things.
7:15 PM
don't forget void
@bwoebi Test?
@NikiC Damn, can't you just support my laziness? :-P … adding, min…
(@NikiC but TBH, I've just forgotten to git add it :x)
retro css/js phone thomaspark.co/project/rotary
@Wes that thing doesn't work in Safari 8. Rejected.
does safari still exist? :B
7:28 PM
safari is just ie for hipsters
nah, it's edge for hipsters!
lol, evenings
7:44 PM
5 messages moved to bin
@JoeWatkins actually history dictates it should simply be 'socket => ['tcp_nodelay' => true] - stream contexts use lower-case string keys for literally everything, and they abstract things like socket levels away. Also I imagine there will be a few people who will shout at you for moving the define for the TCP_NODELAY constant out of ext/sockets (precedent is the undocumented so_broadcast context option)
I haven't moved it
So it only works when ext/sockets is loaded? That is equally icky...
special casing it seems really wrong ...
@DaveRandom I totally don't get why we even have two different extensions for sockets????
That said, since it is undocumented I doubt anyone is using it who would complain if it was changed (so_broadcast I mean), so if you wanted to create a generic API for setting arbitrary socket options I could probably get on board
7:54 PM
I hadn't thought about moving the constant
can't get away with that
@bwoebi for the same reason that PDO/mysql and mysqli are both valid things to exist. mysqli is specialised and can do stuff that PDO can't, but 99% of the time PDO, with its simpler and more user-friendly API, is just fine
TIL "Bunch" is a (kind-of) data structure. means "unpackaged" contents, eg func($a, $b, $c) while func([$a, $b, $c]) are packaged contents (a collection)
probably going to have to be the restricted version, I think ... that sucks, this is going to come up again and again ...
@DaveRandom disagree in this case. PDO is generic and wraps multiple backends. But streams and sockets do the exactly same thing with the one providing some more functionality, but not being accepted by other extensions as socket.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(abstract_data_type) not sure why string is said unpackaged, though unpackaged, indexed: string (sequence)
7:57 PM
@JoeWatkins I think there is also precedent for creating STREAM_ prefixed duplicated constants but I'm not sure it's valid here. The streams API is deliberately simple, sticking with the stringly typed context option keys is probably the way to go. You could also name it something more descriptive (e.g. tcp_disable_delayed_ack)
@DaveRandom there is no reason why the very little of special socket stuff couldn't be in streams
@bwoebi They are different layers of abstraction. Not all sockets can be represented as streams (e.g. multicast)
ah, now i got it :B TIL2
@DaveRandom not all sockets can be represented as full-duplex streams.
but they may be represented as half-duplex streams
basically, it's a stream which is STREAM_SHUT_RD/feof from start on.
That's all.
A multicast socket is full duplex, it's point-to-multipoint but it's still full duplex
and SOCK_RAW in streams makes no sense whatsoever
8:02 PM
@DaveRandom why not?
Calculating ICMP checksums for streams? I think not...
I'm afraid that we are just never going to agree if you are advocating moving all ext/sockets functionality to streams and doing away with it. The two are not analogous, streams are an abstraction layer that unifies many different I/O back-ends, but it's an LCD abstraction
LCD? liquid crystal display?
lowest common denominator
i.e. it's a limited subset of features that all of the back-end I/Os support
@DaveRandom on C level socket() API perfectly can unify all streams
why can a PHP API not?
That is the first and only time that berkeley sockets have been described as "perfect" :-P
you can't even peek peer info before accept() ffs
8:06 PM
they're not perfect, but they achieve to unify all the functionality with a single API
wait, I don't need to move the constant, it's already in streams ?
@JoeWatkins wtf
oh no sorry, it's not ...
@DaveRandom ehm, accept() is a mere call to dequeue from pending connection list
it doesn't actually accept the connection in sense of TCP
@JoeWatkins What I'm bothered about, if you are going to do something like this, is API consistency. I might be on board with a level->option->value API, but if you are going to do that then please make sure that any existing options (I'm only aware of so_broadcast, although there may be others, possibly so_reuseaddr and/or so_reuseport).
8:08 PM
to reject or analyze, you obviously have to first dequeue
However @JoeWatkins I think the number of socket options that it is valid to set on more than one level is minimal, and I think that streams are for people who should not be made to go and read man pages to find out what badly named arcane constants do. So I'd probably prefer:
> The streams API is deliberately simple, sticking with the stringly typed context option keys is probably the way to go. You could also name it something more descriptive (e.g. tcp_disable_delayed_ack)
@bwoebi And the problem there is that because something is abstracted away and I have no choice but to use the abstraction, I cannot do what I want to (in this case, RST or silently discard), I am forced to SYN/ACK before I can analyse. This is what happens when you only give people abstractions without letting them play with the innards if their specific use case requires it
I'm not saying that everyone should be using ext/sockets, but the two things are separate and both have a place
(for the record, winsock lets you do this if you want to while still providing the abstract simpler API)
@DaveRandom anyway, the thing which annoys me most is that ext/socket sockets cannot be passed to stream_select() :x
I actually wrote a patch for that, I think it's one of my embarrasingly outstanding PRs
If you wanna pick that up then go for it, I'm too out of touch with php-src to know if that's even remotely valid for 7
I've been searching that function for long…
8:20 PM
The mechanism underneath works, just needs 7-ifying, I don't think the underlying APIs for ext/sockets or streams changed though
@DaveRandom nah, that looks totes awesome
I think I'll refresh this for 7.0 and then ask Anatol to have a look
I think there's not much sense setting TCP_NODELAY on server sockets is there ?
No, a server socket only ever transmits 1 SYN/ACK packet per peer
w32 has netint/tcp.h ?
uhm, am I misunderstanding what TCP_NODELAY actually does?
8:26 PM
depends, what do you think it does?
it is actually grouping pakcets via nagles algorithm and hence waiting a very small time before actually sending?
that's how I understand it
@JoeWatkins with server socket you mean only the master socket or also the accepted connections?
(I assumed the former)
I mean only the master
bound socket
8:27 PM
yeah, fine then
I thought the latter for a moment
		clisockdata = emalloc(sizeof(*clisockdata));

		if (clisockdata == NULL) {
this is such a fucking mess
every new thing I look at has stuff wrong with it :s
do we set options on peer sockets based on options in the bound server socket? (in PHP I mean)
we don't actually
but how else to set it on accepted connections ?
That would be the only way
we don't have stream_socket_set_option()
it's not a safe assumption though is it ...
8:30 PM
We need @rdlowrey for this discussion
@DaveRandom I suggested that earlier ...
@JoeWatkins So this comes back to what I was banging on about abstraction layers earlier. There is a solid argument that this would put a huge hole in the abstraction and that this is why ext/sockets is a thing.
Streams are for data exchange, if you want to start buggering about with the underlying mechanisms then the streams API is not the place to do it
it's a bad abstraction
It is. It certainly is.
I wonder whether a brand spanking new OO API, if it were complete, for both layers, would have any chance of getting in?
It's one of those things that if it's not bundled then people would never use it
I doubt it really, there was no real interest in merging a mature oo api for http ...
8:35 PM
true :-(
the solution cannot be, tell everyone who is using streams that in some circumstances they are going to suffer 100x or more perf degradation ....
it can't be ...
@JoeWatkins there was interest, there was also a lot of bikeshedding which lead to resistance of doing it at all
the bikeshedding is how I determined there was no real interest ...
if there were real interest, it would drown out the noise ...
!!docs stream_context_set_option
[ stream_context_set_option() ] Sets an option for a stream/wrapper/context
8:38 PM
^ works on streams too
Good news @JoeWatkins
huh ?
@bwoebi Sure, I've uploaded a build, have a look at https://3v4l.org/fHFk9/rfc#rfc-multi-types
@bwoebi It's just modifying a state bucket, nothing more
@bwoebi cool
@DaveRandom not having any effect?
8:40 PM
but the set option thing is not what we're looking for ...
@JoeWatkins what then?
@bwoebi No, it basically just sets a value in an assoc array that's bundled with the stream
I don't know, it doesn't seem like we can reasonably fix this ...
There are no hooks to actually do anything with the data
I can push a hack that gets me out of trouble, but it's not really a solution to the problem
8:41 PM
@DaveRandom uuugh
totally not what I expected it to do
fix that function then, :s
30 mins ago, by DaveRandom
> The streams API is deliberately simple, sticking with the stringly typed context option keys is probably the way to go. You could also name it something more descriptive (e.g. tcp_disable_delayed_ack)
there's nothing wrong with it, it's dealing with context options ...
@DaveRandom I already did that, but what about accept'd connections ?
@JoeWatkins yes, but when I set a context option on a stream, I'd expect it to alter the streams behavior, or fail if impossible to alter it at runtime
@JoeWatkins I'm sure there is precedent for this (set options from server's ctx on accepted peer) and I'm trying to find it
I'm looking at accept, we seem to do nothing ...
except check for conditions that can never happen :D
@bwoebi it has a really misleading name is all, I think ...
check this one out ...
static int php_tcp_sockop_set_option(php_stream *stream, int option, int value, void *ptrparam)
	php_netstream_data_t *sock = (php_netstream_data_t*)stream->abstract;
	php_stream_xport_param *xparam;

	switch(option) {
			xparam = (php_stream_xport_param *)ptrparam;

			switch(xparam->op) {
					xparam->outputs.returncode = php_tcp_sockop_connect(stream, sock, xparam);
how the fuck are connecting and binding options ?
8:46 PM
SSL server sockets copy their context to the accepted peer
@JoeWatkins … that's why the streams layer is in need of some refactor
@DaveRandom yeah the context is copied for tcp
I know, but it's not actually used
There's no reason why it can't be, though, IMO, it would not violate PoLA for me
(any more than the rest of streams already does)
so setting tcp_nodelay on the master, having it not applied to that socket, but having it apply to connections wouldn't be surprising ?
I think that's pretty surprising ...
8:50 PM
Well, the alternative is a second context option, one for clients and one for servers, that do the same thing
how do you reconcile that with current behaviour ?
you can't merge contexts ...
spent 5 hours today at client's. changing articles we changed a million times already. i'm 30 and i still don't know if i should be a programmer only, a designer, an entrepreneur or a webslave
@Wes I have chosen for you ... webslave ...
*webslave is a webmaster that has no control on what they are doing
that's not what I'm going to use my webslave for ...
8:52 PM
I hate these things which are nice on the surface and digging deeper less and less works … :x
@JoeWatkins I'm really really certain that there is something somewhere that does it because I have seen it, I'm trying to find it
full stack fool is what my badge says
I was once asked to adjust the speed of a ~5 second animation by .3 of a second ...
I done it ...
it's not all fun and games ...
@Wes damn, I've mistaken the fool for idiot.
8:56 PM
@JoeWatkins I was once told an image was "too green" despite it being grayscale
I renamed the image <name>-2p-less-green.png and sent it again
"Perfect! This is what I'm talking about!"
I always wished I hadn't done it ...
I think I've made clientsfromhell with that one even
Yeah, so not missing my freelancer days
And that was when I was a kid with no bills to pay

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