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I do only log errors, I have display_errors=0 on prod
I wouldn't want my users to accidentally encounter some obscure PHP error.
but I have error_reporting E_ALL, which tells it what to log
That makes sense
@KristianAntonsen that's why we log everything instead of writing to screen
@rdlowrey Hello, chap.
@LeviMorrison What's up insomnia buddy
There' s no way you got much sleep last night
@PeeHaa Yes, just a slight misunderstanding on my part
@rdlowrey Nope. I didn't.
@rdlowrey Hops are a cure for insomnia
Paying the price right now. Sooooooo tired.
@ircmaxell lol
they are
You're talking about beer, right?
@rdlowrey Have you had a chance to look at the Tokenizer I made?
No, the hops plant itself. Make a tea out of the leaves
@LeviMorrison Yes. How do you feel about assuming PHP errors result in an Spl ErrorException?
And by that I mean, check out the constructor in this fork of your Tokenizer: gist.github.com/2138012
The other alternative is $this->file = @fopen($path, 'r'); ... which I hate
Personally, I'd have to get used to it, but I'd like that. Should be an option in a config file, probably.
Why are you building this tokenizer?
1. For fun
2. It's for a routing grammar.
2. When you say routing grammar...?
For routing HTTP requests to appropriate controllers
Why are you creating a full fledge grammar? Why not just make it a regular language so you can parse via regex?
; This is an Artax router configuration file.
; comments begin with semi-colon `;` and go to the end of the line

; This definition is the simplest case.  You list the url, then the
; name of the class that will handle the request.  The method called
; will be the name of the HTTP verb used.
/user Controller\\User

; This one will route only GET requests:
GET /user Controller\\User

; If you want to give a different method to call on the object,
; you can list it last:
GET /user Controller\\User  handleRequest
@ircmaxell It probably can be parsed via regex.
What you ppl parsin?
They are creating a custom grammar for defining routing rules
@LeviMorrison Would it also be possible to add default urlparts. Or is the routing system only for handling requests and not for displaying?
Why not just use YAML to define it...?
@PeeHaa I'm not sure what you mean. Care to elaborate?
amigos, why doesn't this work?
function getFruit($db) {
    $sql = 'SELECT filename FROM files WHERE hash=kin23z4xv9db';
    $ans = $db->query($sql);
        print $ans;


echo getFruit($db);
@HarryBeasant You need quotes around the string hash value
Oh, and ...
Object of class PDOStatement could not be converted to string
@LeviMorrison I haven't really looked at it so I might miss the point, but the router is only for routing urls to code? Or can I also use it like:
echo url('user', 123456) which displays /user/123456
@HarryBeasant print $ans; <--- is that a string?
i think so
well i thought it was
No. It's not. It's the return value of the PDO::query method.
@PeeHaa That's not its intent, no.
So what has to be done to it lol?
@LeviMorrison k
That's what you're getting back from your query, not a string.
@ircmaxell Here's why. Compare Symphony2.0's routing system which uses YAML, to mine:
        pattern:   /
        defaults:  { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Main:homepage }

    / AcmeDemoBundle\\Main\\Homepage
attribute? object?
@HarryBeasant The manual entry will tell you everything you need to know :)
@LeviMorrison Personally, I prefer the YAML version.
I'm just getting confused, because all the examples seem to be getting arrays and not just one piece of data
@ircmaxell That's fine. It is an incredibly larger number of keystrokes and noise, in my opinion. Perhaps it is a more robust and understandable version, but I don't care.
It's for me to use a variety of skills to create a viable product to use for my own purposes, mainly.
fair enough
Coincidentally, @rdlowrey and I are both trying to do the same thing, so we partnered up.
And by "the same thing" he doesn't mean PDO tech-support.
Why does it say "fetches next row", does that even make any sense when you are querying for one thing
$stmt = $db->query($sql);
$result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
@ircmaxell Also, my code earlier should have been: / AcmeDemoBundle\\Main Homepage, I think. I'm not very familiar with Symphony 2.0, but I think the last segment is the method called.
Array ( [filename] => 2012-02-14_14-26-29_429.jpg )
Since we're aiming for REST support as a high priority goal, it could be simplified to: / AcmeDemoBundle\\Main which would call the class method of the same name as the http method used.
Why does it format it like that?
Would i need to return it as "$result->filename"
or something
topic like this make me sad : stackoverflow.com/questions/9762142/…
gonna need to write up an answer
@HarryBeasant Try replacing print_r($result); with var_dump($result); That will tell you what type of data structure you have ... which tells you how to access the information inside. I'm not writing your code for you :)
@ircmaxell By the way, if I was choosing between XML, YAML, and PHP code for routing, I would choose YAML.
returns this;
array(1) { ["filename"]=> string(27) "2012-02-14_14-26-29_429.jpg" }
so $result[1]
Tantalizingly close.
LOL $result['filename']
haha =)
that's what $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); means
It tells PDO you want back an associative array
how do i tell it, NO!
@LeviMorrison I would choose either XML or PHP
Okay but
all in all
function getFruit($db) {
    $sql = 'SELECT filename FROM files WHERE hash="kin23z4xv9db"';
    $stmt = $db->query($sql);
    $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


echo getFruit($db);
that is a better way to query then mysql
you do know what print_r means, right?
no idea
print return?
@HarryBeasant By the way, I admire your persistence.
thanks lol =)
@ircmaxell If I did XML, I'd have to write a schema. I'd rather write a tokenizer + grammar because one day I hope to write a language.
@HarryBeasant You really should pick up a book on PHP and go through it ... but PDO is no safer than mysql_query if you aren't going to use prepared statements.
(which you haven't done in the code you post)
@HarryBeasant No, print_r is a function that prints variable in short, you probably want to use return
It was just for an example though
I look at the prepare docs and see that like 1 query takes up pages!
"I'm sorry your site got hacked to high heaven, Mr. Client. Writing secure code just takes soooo longggg."
But wouldn't it take far longer to execute
@HarryBeasant No.
If you aren't familiar with what print_r does, I'd say you can safely ignore micro-optimizations right now.
@ircmaxell Have you used Haskell?
@LeviMorrison I tried it a bit :)
@NikiC Thoughts on it as a language?
@LeviMorrison Interesting, but too different.
I.e. you can do some crazy stuff with it, but it requires you to pretty much unlearn everything you already know ^^
Hmm. I'm thinking about trying out a web framework for it. It's interesting.
Definitely different.
Would this work?
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT filename, size,
                       FROM files
                       WHERE hash = ?');
@HarryBeasant Close.
However, I would suggest doing:
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT filename, size,
                       FROM files
                       WHERE hash = :hash');
$stmt->execute(array('hash' => $hash));
ah, i took the array out
because its not an array?
emmm .. not exactly
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT filename, size,
                       FROM files
                       WHERE hash = :hash');
$stmt->bindParam(':hash', $hash, PDO::PARAM_STR, 24);
if ( $stmt->execute() )
    // do stuff
where 24 , is the max length of that VARCHAR field
@LeviMorrison How about this instead of the submodule route: proposed directory structure
its getting more and more confusing lol
Now would i process the answer the same way as the first one
from a PDOstatement or object, w/e it is
@rdlowrey , i have long time wanted to as : what is Ioc , because the content of that folder did not fit "inversion of control" , last time i checked
and there are no other acronyms that i can think of , which would be related to application development
@rdlowrey It no longer plays nicely with github submodules if we do it like that. If that's fine, then sure. I would personally like to leverage git submodules more often in projects like this.
@tereško It was the shortest possible namespace name I could think of to drop a dependency injection container into. I basically just wanted to avoid "Dic" for the obscene implications in the english language :)
@ircmaxell is "debt" a female or a male word?
There's really no concept of male and female words in English ...
there is , actually
@Gordon neither
@rdlowrey , is Sun a he or she ?
@LeviMorrison No
Not officially. We don't have definite articles that explicitly assign gender.
@tereško Sun is an it.
Perhaps you meant Son, which is masculine.
@ircmaxell well, yes . it has no grammatical gender as such, but how does it feel to you?
Some words carry the connotation of one gender or the other, but there's no explicit denotation.
Does this look stupid?
Old English has some things. Duchess, for example.
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";
$stmt = $dbh->prepare('SELECT filename, size,
                       FROM files
                       WHERE hash = :hash');
$stmt->bindParam(':hash', $hash, PDO::PARAM_STR, 255);
if ( $stmt->execute() )
    $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
@LeviMorrison Ah, there's that. I guess I
Well, the print_r should probably be something else.
but the rest of it is ok
i get this
Fatal error: Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object
reason im asking is because i saw someone use "Technical Debt" as a technical term in a sentence and used "die" (female the) and it felt wrong to me. although the translation ("technische Schuld") would be female indeed.
@HarryBeasant What is $dbh?
woops lol
clicked the off button on my pc with me knee =(
I should probably rephrase: the gender associations a word carries don't alter the grammatical form of the surrounding syntax. It's grammatically correct to talk about the sun as male or female, unlike in French, for example, where le soleil must explicitly use the male definite article le and not la
@HarryBeasant , do a var_dump( $dbh );
most likely it is not an instance of PDO
and now I just need to stop and head over to the English Language and Usage Stack Exchange :)
dbh should have been db
changed that, no error now
@rdlowrey same in german where it is "die sonne" (female).
dump and return does not return anything
@HarryBeasant , then where did you initialize PDO
and how did you pass it to that $dbh ?
@Gordon neither. I don't think in ways that words have genders
@rdlowrey If you are concerned about people not wanting the test code, you can simply put the test code on a dev branch, and the master branch can contain only the src.
@LeviMorrison I hadn't been concerned about it, but that kind of makes sense
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";
$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT filename, size,
                       FROM files
                       WHERE hash = :hash');
$stmt->bindParam(':hash', $hash, PDO::PARAM_STR, 255);
if ( $stmt->execute() )
    $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
i tried that
lol ?
use var_dump($db); , and put right after $hash = '...';
why does the variable name for PDO instance change in your code all the time ?
returns object(PDO)#1 (0) { }
@HarryBeasant I think you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading and understanding the relevant PHP manual entries to figure out why something doesn't work the way you expect. Running to PHP chat and asking for help will just patch the problem, not fix it. You'll be back repeatedly for more fixes.
Yeah, sorry, ill read it lol
@HarryBeasant Is it inside of a function call?
I suggest doing yourself a favor and problem solve on your own unless something just completely baffles you. All the questions I've seen you ask could be answered with a "RTFM" answer.
that is it lol
That said, I think everyone is mostly happy to help as long as you don't abuse the easy access to information.
well its a step forward, still not returning anything, so ill read some docs
@rdlowrey What're you working on?
@LeviMorrison Reading up on git submodules (which do seem pretty nifty) and splitting up the dir structure like:
Actually, I'm changing the above ^ to:
Anticipation . . .

   test/ <--- only present on the dev branch
@LeviMorrison Any thoughts before I actually do that?
Well, submodules won't work unless you have a git repository JUST for your tests.
But that's fine if you don't want git submodules.
Oh, you're right. So option one it is.
@LeviMorrison So do you think there should then be something like a "Framework" Component submodule that brings the disparate components together? Or perhaps (looking at the Symfony structure) a "Bundles" component with the different types of component bundles inside as their own submodules?
I don't know that it has a use for us. Everything is auto-loaded on demand, so it isn't like it is causing problems by existing. If they want it, use it.
hmm ... i should stop reading Naruto and continue to work on my own framework
It's funny, usually the Internet is what distracts me. Nice to know people still get distracted by actual reading.
well .. i am reading online .. if that changes anything
By the way, I'm also working on a jQuery UI theme that doesn't suck. At the moment, everything but the buttons suck, but that's because that's all I've worked on.
and it's manga , not Tolstoy
@GordonM hola amigo
function rdd($db) {
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";

$sql = 'SELECT filename
    FROM files
    WHERE hash < :hash';

$sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
$sth->execute(array(':hash' => $hash));

$red = $sth->fetchAll();

return var_dump($red);

that seems to return every result
@HarryBeasant That's what fetchAll() is expected to do ...
hi every body i want to build Email to my website what i have to read n aby languge or framework i have to learn??????
oh yeah woops
please , read the damned manual
Just use fetch then
OK, having issues with unit tests and sessions. @outputBuffering doesn't seem to work.
I have!
I had the test working by doing an ob_start() in the unit test bootstrap but I wanted to do it the proper way. Only it doesn't seem to start buffering. Or starts it when it's too late.
@GordonM You're using PHPUnit, I presume?
Yup. 3.6
Because PHPUnit has specific methods for testing output: phpunit.de/manual/3.6/en/…
What exactly are you trying to test that needs the output buffered specifically that you can't use the built-ins for?
hi every body i want to build Email to my website what i have to read n aby languge or framework i have to learn??????
got it!
I'm trying to test a session wrapper class. It's testing that a session hasn't been started, and attempting to start it if it hasn't.
function rdd($db) {
$hash = "kin23z4xv9db";

$sql = 'SELECT filename
    FROM files
    WHERE hash < :hash';

$sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
$sth->execute(array(':hash' => $hash));

$red = $sth->fetch();

return $red['filename'];

I think the source should be in my github. Hold on.
ah you pasted before me @rdlowrey :[
@CarrieKendall Winner!
@Ahmetağa welcome! Read this first - msmvps.com/blogs/jon_skeet/archive/2010/08/29/… then research on mail libraries
this isnt over >:|
Like I said, I can make it work if i do an ob_start in the test bootstrap, but that feels awfully hacky to me
Woot, just got the "Outspoken" badge for my chat witticisms.
@rdlowrey congrats and cake!
@GordonM Looking at your code I'm not immediately sure why the output buffering is necessary?
ok i have a problem here in this website i asked a qustion n ppl vote me down :( the problen that happend when i want to ask a qustion show me this message Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more.
PHPunit starts sending stuff to the console when it's testing. Like the PHPUnit version string. Apparently this makes it impossible to start the session if it's not already started, or if output buffering is on.
what can i do?
Did you read the question it was linked to?
@GordonM oh right
@Ahmetağa You'll need to cool off on asking questions for a bit until you get under SO's radar again.
Doing a manual ob_start makes the test work, but the @outputBuffering enabled tag (which I thought did the same thing) doesn't.
ok thank you :)
@GordonM In that type of situation I might implement a separate startSession() method whose behavior you mock when testing initStorage to get coverage on the lines you can control and slap a @codeCoverageIgnore on the startSession() method.
That way when you're testing you don't have to actually make a call to start_session ... since there's no need to cover that line anyway ...
Had thought of that, yeah. I could just subclass and replace initStorage with a version that just generates an empty array. Hoping I could avoid it though.
wait that didnt work lol
it just returned the first result in the table
@GordonM Also, for the record, your "principle of least astonishment" comment helped convince me to kill off the superfluous dot-notation parsing I was doing.
Really? Wow, someone actually listened to something I said. Ego... inflating...
Seriously, glad it proved helpful
Is there anyway to modify class name from autoloader?
Something like Application\Foo\Bar => 'Foo\Bar'?
Whats the best way of avoiding creating lots of instances of an object without injecting it? :)

i.e. I'm doing $x = new Class($db), in the ctor it's doing $collection = $db->something, which is creating a new MongoCollection for every instance of the class. I don't really want to inject the collection, that's a pain because I still have to store a record of that collection somewhere.
I know this may be bad idea, but I'm curious.
@Donut Not sure what you're asking ... you could do something like:
spl_autoload_register(function($class) {
    if (strpos($class, 'Application\\') === 0) {
        $class = substr($class, 12);
        $class = str_replace('\\', '/', $class);
        require $class;
Ok @rdlowrey
function rdd($db) {
$hash = "jnzg3leisyxw";

$sql = 'SELECT filename
    FROM files
    WHERE hash = :hash';

$sth = $db->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
$sth->execute(array(':hash' => $hash));

$red = $sth->fetch();

return $red['filename'];

Is that a properly prepared statement
@rdlowrey actually it works without replacing the slashes too
@tereško Oh nice, I didn't realize that
All this time I've been wasting cpu cycles flipping the slashes not thinking PHP has to account for windows style path slashes
@rdlowrey Yes, but user still "uses" the name with Application
me too .. but i looked at your code and remembered that in last piece of code i wrote , i had forgot to replace the slashes
@Donut I'm still a little confused as to what you're asking ...
What does this do? PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY
I can't find it in the docs
php.net/manual/en/pdo.constants.php .. strange .. i had no problems in finding it
> Create a PDOStatement object with a forward-only cursor. This is the default cursor choice, as it is the fastest and most common data access pattern in PHP.
yeah im on that page
But i have no idea what that means
Let's say I have something like`$autoloader->bindNamespace('Component', 'components/')` and want for example replace Component\Yaml\YamlParser to Yaml\YamlParser, I can include the file but user still requests the one with component and PHP will "cry" that Component\Yaml\YamlParser does not exists
@HarryBeasant , then why are you using it , if you do not know what it does ?
@Donut Perhaps you'd want to use class_alias?
@rdlowrey Looks good.
@rdlowrey Let me know when you get you structure pushed.
@LeviMorrison Will do. Got sidetracked. Adding some placeholder files now so empty directories will show up.
@LeviMorrison Allright, those are there. I'm going to redo the bootstrap file to reflect the changes and make some changes to the main README before pushing those. You should be able to create a submodule on Http now
because it was in an example lol

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