good morning. can you please have a look at my question? I'm really struggling
@YohanBlake I recommend you to use something like json to encapsulate your data in a way it will not contain exactly what is supposed to and are your file saved with UTF8 without BOM?
I have created a thumbnail creator using PHP. The thumbnails generated should be of same size. But the problem is the use uploads images having different aspect ratio like landscape or portrait the thumbnail becomes ugly. So i created the picture above for clarification. Whatever be the uploade...
I want just to display the thumbnail not want to store it in the database or any where.. so can i manipulate this function so that it will return a thumbnail on calling this function with the original image inside img element?
Hello anyone know how to manipulate a thumbnail creating function so that will display thumbnail whereever its called instead of creating a thumbnail image in some folder...?
want something like timthumb.php ....will call this function inside img tag with the original image... and it will return a thumbnail of the image passed it to...
@astrosixer allow_url_fopen is usually fine, allow_url_include isnt. then again, you can include file_get_contents which does the same and is equally harmful but there is always many ways to shoot yourself in the foot
You told me " file_put_contents() or fopen/fputs doesnt work with a url" against my previous doubt.. you are right i was given the absolute address for the file path for creating it is solved when i removed the http in front of it.... but what about if i am rewriting url so it may be more friendly ... in that case i should have to give the absolute address for the image whose thumbnail is to be created... @Gordon
@kishore me too have some doubts regarding shopping cart.. but i dont know whether is this the right place or not .. have been asking since last week but nobody answers me..
@tereško sorry to bother you again do you an idea about How can I get those input's values and put that values into another one's name and type attributes…
@astrosixer, I think if you ask questions or functions related to php then you may get help, but if it is related to your Custom MVC then I guess, it is a little chance of getting an answers..
I have a problem (which I was poking at on Friday, but then got distracted) regarding unittests
maybe-discussion when testing a data mapper, should I use a mock or a real instance of the domain object, with which said mapper is expected to interact with?
@PaulCrovella not exactly. "Guten Morgen" refers to "der Morgen", e.g. the time before noon. It's equivalent to "the morning" in english. Only "morgen" as an adverb means tomorrow. But then you spell it with a lower m. On a side note: "das Morgen" also exists and can either mean "the future" or a no longer used measurement unit of about 1⁄2 to 2 1⁄2 acres
Thank you for contacting Hosting Support in regard to the URL not showing the correct issue. This is a known issue with cPanel hosting. You will either need to add an SSL certificate to the hosting plan to support the HTTPS connection or stop using HTTPS connections on websites that do not have an SSL certificate.
Please let us know if we can assist you in any other way.
maybe-discussion when testing a data mapper, should I use a mock or a real instance of the domain object, with which said mapper is expected to interact with?
@MadaraUchiha yeah it's interesting, but, we would need inference generally ... we do have some of this stuff and are using it, but only in opcache and only for optimization ...
@Gordon excellent Monday morning humour ... thank you ...
@JoeWatkins The guy writing the function doesn't want to deal with all your typing shenanigans, PHP should be able to infer the type from the interface, and not require the type to be repeated in more than one place.
yeah you're right but, it's a problem for later ... it would create resistance if I said we're going to do this totally new thing, in order to make a thing we don't have yet much nicer, right now you are stuck having to write out a bunch of stuff anyway ...
@MadaraUchiha Doing this would probably require generics in some way... I remember though someone proposed a nice solution to this problem, I think it was @bwoebi . The idea is - if you're passing callable of type callable($a) as an argument of a parameter of type callable(int $a): int - engine would swallow it but it would also wrap this callable in a typed one callable(int $a): int upon entering the frame of a function where you just passed this callable
So that $f = function (callable(int): int $cb) { var_dump(typeof $cb); }; $f(function () {}); would actually print callable(int): int and not just callable()
@nikita2206 In my view, the engine should be smart enough to detect that ($a, $b) ~> $a+$b was passed in somewhere that requires a callable(int $a, int $b) : int, and see that the types match, or else throw exception
That's exactly how it works with objects if you try to pass an object of a non-matching type, you get a compile time error (right?)
soory to bother you guys even if I shouldn't aske this question here Ill ask you I typed my full name in google and google hides some results because of DMCA complaints I dont why !!
@JoeWatkins "IFoo cannot be considered a functional interface, because it contains more than one abstract method." - so? if all the methods share the same signature, why can't a closure implement them all at once?
basically that, we could also allow the other example, where Ifoo extends ibar or whatever, because there is only one abstract method there, and we could assume they are only implementing one interface, but it makes it too hard to reason about the code I think
I think it's a different kind of interface also
wait that's the same example
monday :)
if it emerges that, it would be more useful if we did make some of these assumptions, then they can be added later on ... I would rather start out making no assumptions ...
automagically giving a closure a method from an interface is already weird to me, but if that's what you're into then don't be half-assed about it - get your freak on
well that's not an assumption, while a functional interface can only have one method ... you're just implementing it anonymously, which is already a thing for classes, and functions ...
also, which do you mean in that scenario, do you mean to implement IBar or Ifoo, or both ... there's no way to guess that and always be right ... it's really too ambiguous to do anything but raise an error ...
it is a shorter, more concise syntax for anonymous classes, with free lexical scope support, rebinding, and closure type hinting ... but restricted ... I'm gonna come back to anonymous classes too, but wouldn't want to miss out on this ...
@MadaraUchiha I'm saying this from your earlier example doesn't hold: function myFunction(IntBinaryFunction $cb) : int { return $cb(5, 6) } - as you don't know it's a closure implementing IntBinaryFunction
you don't know anything more about the interface than you did before, only now the implementer can choose to pass you a closure ... but you can't assume that because it is a functional interface, you will always get a closure ...
@Gordon ($a, $b) -> $a + $b is short for function($a, $b) implements Whatever { return $a + $b } which is short for an anonymous class implementing the same interface.
Right, lunchtime, very interesting talk, and good looking RFC, gg @JoeWatkins