@user2314870 For a real-time chat app I wouldn't loop queries that way. Instead I'd do an AJAX request every 5 seconds or so to see if anything new is available (just by counting unread messages) and only start querying for those if there is anything to query.
@user2314870 In the worst case, yes. If that's too long you can obviously use a lower threshold, but it'll have a bigger impact on the performance of your webserver.
@Oldskool this is working 5n right now, only issue i need to find a way which stop this query in loop, instead there should be condition which should set if query needs to called
@Oldskool @user2314870 As oldskool said SSE's will optimize the performance. I have used them. You can try to implement them if the browsers supports it or do the long poll with ajax.
@iroegbu long polling has the same problem (depending on the server) if you hold open a request for each client on an apache httpd you might run out of resources really fast.
@user2314870 If you want to use WebSockets, amphp.org/docs/aerys might be an option for you. But I'd suggest that you start with the basics of non-blocking I/O and Generators with Amp first, if you want to use it. Same for any similar project.
Also, just because you have a union of types doesn't mean you are restricted to the intersection of their interfaces for operations that can be called.
You can discriminate them and then call all operations for the appropriate type.
There are enough legitimate instances … in general, before considering the union, you should consider separating the functions… but there are enough cases where a separate function doesn't help anything.
In case of User | Null there may be times you can do a null object pattern. For instance, if the user you are looking up is the user associated with current session then you can maybe provide a GuestUser.
But this is actually more rare than User | Null in my experience.
It has some usefulness in some situations, but I feel like most of the time where people would use a union type, they probably should restructure things
@Andrea there are cases like … foreign library returns an instance of something and you have an interface with exactly the same methods in your repo… you may switch MyInterface | ForeignClass
a potential example, say you ask for an ArrayAccess&Countable. an object might implement both, but the count might be completely unrelated to the accessable items
(and it's definitely a bad UX to force the dev to $host->useCallable($class)->useMiddleware($class)->useBootstrap($class) instead of $host->use($class))
I'm trying to think of an example, but Haskell does something like it sometimes
in a type signature, you can require that you give a function some type a which has implementations of certain typeclasses, and you can require that a single type implements multiple typeclasses
for example, you might require it to implement Eq (can be compared with == and /=) and Ord (can be compared with < and >)
lxr.php.net/xref/PHP_MASTER/Zend/zend_vm_def.h#4275 … that check looks weird too … shouldn't that be if (Z_ISREF_P(varptr)) { /* do nothing */ } else if (!(opline->extended_value & ZEND_ARG_SEND_FUNCTION) && Z_TYPE_P(varptr) == IS_OBJECT) { ...
@NikiC I still don't get that code … always retain references and wrap objects into a reference if not ZEND_ARG_SEND_FUNCTION, scalars and arrays are copied?!?
with a notice if the parameter cannot be sent by ref
I was considering writing a new testing library based around anonymous classes instead of doing all the hacky things the current testing libs have to do.
Okay. I need some pointers on how to get an ODBC driver installed- from what I could tell from the research I had done, ODBC sounded like the right one. One thing of note is that this would need to work with Laravel.
I have DB seam for my unit test and was writing a test for a mapper .. but there is an aspect to it, which I'm conflicted about
the interface is just $mapper->fetch($entity), and that's the method the test would be focused on, but should verify WHAT gets done to the entity there?
.. and, if I would try to verify the interaction with the entity (which is a mock), should I test for "what gets done to it in the fetch()" or "what changed after fetch()"
does anyone know if passing a nonce to a third party to use when calculating a merkle root, which they then sign with their Ed25519 key, is an adequate challenge-response authentication?
the idea is that you would calculate the merkle root of the same data structure with your shared key then verify that both hashes match after their signature is verified
I couldn't find any published attacks on such a scheme yet
(the merkle tree differentiates between leaf and branch nodes, so one class of attacks is mitigated)
A lot of people still don't seem to get that union types is not empowering multiple types to exist - it's simply adding formal support for it. It's always been there. It's always been used. Our own standard library uses it extensively. The key is that instead of documentation you get actual signatures.
Hi, does anybody here uses amphp/aerys in production (except @Jeeves)?
My question is about vhosts in aerys: how to use them and whether it is possible to add/remove vhost dynamically and is it by-design. From sources it looks like it is technically possible, but the question is more about is it by-design so?
Thanks, I see that there are dev.kelunik.com with a-la SO chat there with some activity in rooms/1 there, aren't that by change a new place where amphp core stay nowadays?