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Hello world...what's spinning?
Has anyone here taken the PHP 5.3 certification offered by Zend?
@LeviMorrison Just now
I posted this earlier today but I haven't gotten a decent answer...it sure would be nice if someone could take a(nother) go at it: stackoverflow.com/questions/9775259/…
@JLaw Sorry dude, no experience with XAMPP and less with PHP in a windows environment
Hm...thanks anyways. Just my luck though.
Is there a better room to ask this question in?
Not really. There are more active people in here earlier in the day. Also, it's my experience that PHP with linux just works ... unlike windows where you have to deal with all sorts of contortions. If you have access to an extra box lying around you'll probably have a much easier time with PHP if you install it on there and develop with it.
Just my $0.02 though.
Thanks. At home it works, but when I need to develop with APIs part-time at work, I need Windows. If that's all I did though, I'd probably switch to Linux.
@JLaw Your profile says your from Indianapolis. My little sister is the morning anchor on WISH-tv there
Yeah, Lauren Lowrey
That's awesome! Yeah, I know the name!
Cool, check it out sometime :)
Will do :)
I don't watch the news much anymore, so there in lies the problem.
Yeah, news blows, especially local news, but I would never tell her that :)
Funny, they say you're only two or three people away from knowing anybody.
Ha, ha....
Your secret is safe with me :)
Anyway, good luck with getting your XAMPP issues worked out
@rdlowrey We'll see how it goes...I've been off and on trying to figure it out the last few workdays (maybe I'll make a breakthrough soon). Worst comes to worst, I might be able to copy in the existing directory.
im considering hiring a php programmer on a consultancy basis for planning a project. do you guys have any recommendations for where to post a gig offering like that?
@rdlowrey One of the goals of any framework should be to reduce keystrokes.
@LeviMorrison Agreed.
So, if we drop PHP syntax from the router config file, we should lose syntax strokes.
I like it. I also like the optional class method, as I find myself more often separating functionality into its own controller class and using an __invoke
Space delimited.
If no HTTP method is specified, it routes all of them.
If no class method is specified, it will call (undecided here) a method with the same name as the HTTP verb, or alternatively just call the object.
The difficulty is in passing arguments from the URL to the class method.
I don't like forcing something to take an array, but perhaps that's the best solution.
Why can't the router instantiate the class and call the class method with the ordered arguments right there?
That requires them to take an array as a parameter in their method.
why not call_user_func_array?
Another thought is to simply parse out the elements and add them to the $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].
reinventing the routing whell?
@LeviMorrison I'm not a fan of that. To me, a simple call_user_func_array solves the problem. There's no need for the class method to expect an array
@rdlowrey But then it still has to expect the proper number of arguments from the URL.
@rdlowrey Actually, we can smartly add them to $_GET.
map URI segements to the parameters
<controller uri="admin/site/view/{namespace}/{name}/{type}/{unique}" controller="XMod\Asset\Controller::index(namespace, name, type)" />
@Petah You have no idea how repulsive that code snippet is to me.
you could adjust it to suit your lesser typing needs
e.ge GET admin/site/view/{namespace}/{name}/{type}/{unique} XMod\Asset\Controller index
@rdlowrey How about putting them into $_GET?
Sure, then they have to access a global variable.
bit invasice modifiying $_* dont you think?
and what about spoofed requests?
Semantically, I vastly prefer putting them into $_GET over $_SERVER, but I'm not entirely convinced that it's necessary. Why can't different controllers handle separate but related functionality?
@Petah In CGI, they create those headers that $_GET is created from. If this is a framework that you build on (like CGI), then you should be free to modify them as you will, as long as you modify them correctly and properly.
Why have to handle different types of things in a single controller and thereby have variable numbers of arguments to accommodate in the appropriate class method?
@LeviMorrison I was meaning does it not limit you to not be able to do things like $router->dispatch(new Request('/some/uri'))
Personally, I'd rather have two separate controller files (both extremely skinny) than one that does two things even if they're related tasks
I guess that could lead to some bloat in your route definitions ...
Which might mean a larger number of regex comparisons for every request ...
@rdlowrey So, you are saying something to the effect of this:
Request: GET /user/rdlowrey
Route: GET /user/(?<user>[a-zA-Z]+) Controller\\User
Class definition: class User extends Controller {
    public function get($user) {

(my regex syntax might not quite be correct)
Yeah, that's what I'm saying ... I like the idea of limiting a controller to a specific, identifiable task. To me, using separate controllers to display the /user/rdlowrey page and the /user/rdlowrey/friends page makes sense
@Petah You don't have to escape / . . .
Also, start and stop are implied via syntax. (my implementation detail)
It results in more files, but then it becomes exceedingly clear exactly what each individual controller is responsible for
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but I've found myself leaning in that direction lately.
When I revisit code much later, it's easier on my pea-brain to tell what file does what.
@LeviMorrison im pretty sure you do if you use it a the delimiter codepad.viper-7.com/gxH546
@Petah You were a fool and used / as the regex delimeter character.
the regex syntax is completely beside the point here guys
silly me being so foolish
lol, in urls the / is too common. Use a character not allowed in urls, perhaps something like #.
But like I said, doing that could result in a very large number of route definitions ...
And more regexes performed per request
premature optimisation is the route of all evil
i don't think even 100 regex per request would matter that much
It would if you served 10,000 requests per minute
by the time that regex is holding you back, you should be looking at clustering anyway
It's just a matter of considering the ramifications of a decision before accepting it :)
I agree, but you can shave off a lot of expense on the back end with a little forethought on the front-end.
If I know an operation is expensive relative to other methods it makes sense to spend a moment to make sure I can't use a less intense operation to accomplish the same thing
@rdlowrey Calling call_user_func_array passes the values in the order they were encountered in the url. That could be a confusing thing, especially if you name them.
Well, another option is to use reflection on the class method to determine the names of the method arguments and expect them to match the named capture groups in the route definition
@rdlowrey That's worse than regex, in my opinion . . .
Hehe, I agree :)
I never feel good about using reflection
That's why passing it in as an array is better.
You can name the variables more easily without bugs in passing them.
You can also change the number of arguments without breaking it.
What about doing some sort of preg replace using the named capture group args on the target route class/method and generating the class/method from the replaced string?
could you not segregate you bootstraps into multiple subdirectories, and only compare the regexes below a directory
@rdlowrey Like GET /user/(?<user>[0-9]+) Controller\\User get(%user) ?
Yeah something like that. To avoid using an array in your target controller method and automatically pass a null if there's no matched value for the specified capture group.
that looks like what i said before
@rdlowrey Remember what @GordonM said about least astonishment? We should probably ditch the dot conversion to `\\` . . .
Yeah, I think you're right
The original idea was to make it easier to deal in JSON/YAML, but it's probably not worth it
You'd think as much as I love prematurely optimizing things I would've said "NO" to the slight performance hit for converting them
is this for an OS project?
@Petah For a nano-framework.
with the elusive 100% REST-compliance that everyone claims but no one delivers
do you use the rails way of _method: 'put' etc
@rdlowrey Also, some regex are repetitive. We could have a shortcut for numeric regex, such as: /user/#id Controller\\User.
what defines the framework to be nano?
under 100 lines?
The # is not allowed in a URL that will reach a server, so it's k to use.
@Petah Haha no that's the definition of procedural
so how do you define it?
I'd say it's just a buzzword
@Petah Sort of like the opposite of monolithic. . . .
so you have no specific goal?
looking at the fact you already have to create a custom route parser, i would think it has supassed the term nano
looks like you could benifet from my php 5.4 to 5.3 converter
The framework itself doesn't even deal with HTTP. Seeing as it would be a common request, I'm helping to build an HTTP module to sit on top of Artax.
If you call the hideous long array syntax a benefit. I don't.
@rdlowrey i agrre, but it would aid uptake
And if cluttering the global namespace with variable names because you can't use constructor dereferencing is a benefit
Ah, I don't care about uptake. This is for my own use. Not looking for users.
fair enough
It's not a vanity project, it's an efficiency project :)
the convert just has a dreference wrapper function btw do(new Object) and da(func(), 1)
ill leave you too it
@Petah thanks for the input -- comments from knowledgeable people are always appreciated :)
@rdlowrey These could be equivalent:
/user/#id Controller\\User
/user/(?P<id>[0-9]+) Controller\\User
Which would you prefer?
Well, I see two sides of it ...
1. Decreasing keystrokes with the first (which requires a slight learning curve to get a handle on the syntax used)
2. Slightly longer syntax with the second that you already know if you're competent with PHP regex
1. But it's a HUGE decrease of keystrokes and visual clutter.
2. You aren't required to use the short-syntax.
We just cut out eleven keystrokes. Eleven
If you're going to put something into a framework format, you might as well simplify it
Man you're lazy. You should be a computer programmer.
Oh wait.
I like it :)
I am one.
I hated that keyboarding class in high school anyway.
I really like the two being interchangeable.
@rdlowrey Also, another common regex: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]
We could probably figure out a short-syntax for that one too
Haha now I'm doing it.
Inside of [], I'm not sure it has to be escaped.
You may be right
Only one way to find out . . .
Well, in preliminary tests, it doesn't need to be escaped.
Good to know. I find myself escaping . out of habit
So were you on board with ...
GET /user/(?<user>[0-9]+) Controller\\User get(%user)
to avoid accepting an array of values in class methods?
I'm thinking that it would be fine to add. It's a feature (read: extra keystrokes) I won't be using.
I'll just define all my class definitions to use the parameters in the correct order. Seeing as it is always 1 parameter in my apps, it's not that hard . . . :)
Yeah, that's my thought ... one or two parameters anyone. Basically the only time a second param is really necessary is something like a page number for paged results
Your line could have read: GET /user/#user Controller\\User get
Much nicer.
You're right.
The extra syntax only really comes into play when there are multiple capture groups.
What are you thinking as far as automatic invocation of the relevant class method once a request is routed? I assume the router would return the instantiated controller with the class method already having been executed?
Or would the relevant class method be in charge of outputting the view?
: is not allowed in a url after the port of resolved. So we could use /user/:user as short-syntax for /user/(?P<user>[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)
I like it
Actually, that might not be true.
Let me read some more.
I hope it's true. Would be very convenient and I'd hate to shake my fist in frustration at the W3C for prohibiting the easy shortcut with :
Well, I'm sure we can find another character.
If it is usable in a url, of course.
... in the process of killing dot-notation class names ...
@rdlowrey : is a reserved character. I don't think it is allowed after the port number.
I think we are okay to use it.
@rdlowrey I just realized that we need a comment character if we are using # for semantic meaning. Should we use a semi-colon to start a comment? it's not uncommon.
YES. Semi-colon comments. Check-plus.
@rdlowrey So, are we going to write a legit parser for this thing?
Or just a line-break, space delimited one? :)
I'm personally fine with line-break, space-delimited
Though, if you want to really do it up in light of the custom character shortcuts it makes sense too
So basically, split on lines (php has a function for that, horay!), remove comments, break on whitespace
I think that's fine
If it were more complicated, maybe, but that encapsulates all of the parsing right there
Also: since we are dealing with event stack . . .
How do you pass arguments to the stack?
I was thinking about the router not actually calling it, but putting it on an event.
$mediator->notify('the_event_name', $arg1, $arg2 ...)
variable number of args
listeners can decide what to do with the passed arguments, if anything
I wasn't sure how to mesh the event with controller stuff
Well it can be done a million different ways given the flexibility of events. You could do something like ...
<typing it all up>
class Router
    protected $mediator;

    public function __construct(\Artax\Events\Mediator $mediator)
        $this->mediator = $mediator;
    public function dispatch(Request $request)
        // do the routing ...
    public function __invoke(Request $request)
        $controller = $this->dispatch($request);
        $this->mediator->notify('request.routed', $controller);

$artax->push('app.ready', function() use ($artax) {
    $artax->notify('request', new Request)
Or you could do it without events altogether if you wanted
When you specify a string class name as the listener (the class must specify an __invoke method) it will be instantiated by the DIC with any necessary dependencies when notified of the event it listens for.
You could just as easily do something like:
$artax->push('app.ready', function() use ($artax) {
    $artax->notify('request', new Request)
$artax->push('request.created', function(Request $request) use ($artax) {
    $router = new Router;
    $controller = $router->dispatch($request);
    $artax->notify('request.routed', $controller);
$artax->push('request.routed', function(Controller $controller) {

The flexibility of the notification system almost seems wasted on a simple request routing operation because it's just as easy to instantiate the objects you need and directly call the desired methods.
We also need a way to give their object the artax object.
The artax object is the mediator, so the default way to do it is using the DIC container (the mediator is a shared object at boot time). This means that if you use $provider->make('MyClass); and do this: MyClass::__construct(Artax\Events\Mediator $mediator) ... the object will be automatically supplied with the mediator instance
That isn't very clear reading back over it :) Does that make sense?
Their constructor has to ask for it, and the provider has a little factory to inject it.
And the Artax.php bootstrap file specifies the mediator as a shared object instance at boot time, so any string class-name lazy-listener that specifies a mediator instance in its constructor will automatically have access to it once it's invoked to handle an event.
through whatever property name the constructor assigned it to
In closure listeners you just do a use like:
$listeners->my_event = function() use ($artax) {
    $artax->notify('another_event', $artax);
The $artax variable is one of two that exist in the global namespace after boot. The other is (right now) $axDeps which is the dependency container.
Which reminds me: we need to figure out a file extension for the routing file. I'm fine with txt, but if we wanted to be cool, we'd give it a custom ext.
I totally don't care. I'll let you call that one.
So, in order for Artax to be modular in terms of git terminology, we have to restructure the project.
The reason is that each submodule should contain its src and its test, which will have to be under the same directory.
Not a problem. I was going to read up on submodules but it sounds like you beat me to it.
So what should the directory structure look like?
So, you might want to structure it something like:
Or maybe:
Something along those lines.
The first makes it seem like Http is part of Artax, which I consider it to be.
All righty. I've finally finished gutting the dot-notation stuff and rewritten tests as needed. I'm just updating examples now before I commit. After that I'll commit the new directory structure
Yeah, I think I prefer the first one as well. I don't see the need to separate it out underneath a lib directory
Actually the examples can wait. Those changes + directory structure will be pushed in just a couple of minutes.
The examples are just lip service at this point anyway and won't help anyone :)
Since your mediator can actually be independent from the rest of your system, perhaps it could be a module as well.
That makes sense. The same is probably true of the DIC
Though right now the mediator requires the DIC to enable lazy-loading of string-based class listeners. Do you think that should preclude me from splitting them up into their own component packages?
Unsure. Thinking.
What about making the DIC argument in the constructor default to NULL and making everything in the mediator do a boolean check on $this->provider before doing lazy-load stuff?
And making it optional?
I don't know though, the DIC is something that's instantiated in the bootstrap because the mediator needs it. Changing that would probably mean adding some sort of option flag before including the bootstrap file.
I considered having two classes: A Mediator and then a LazyMediator that inherits from and extends the base mediator with the lazy-loading capabilities
Or, what if the Artax.php bootstrap didn't instantiate the mediator/DIC for you and it was up to you to instantiate it if you want to use it? Though the whole concept of unified exception/error handling goes out the window at that point
nevermind -- I'll just stuff them all into Core for now and move them later if it turns out to be a good idea :)
Hello all. Its good to see Artax making plenty of progress.
Hello @Paul -- yeah, things are moving along
It's funny, whenever you show up in the room I know it's time for me to pry myself away from the keyboard and go to bed :)
@Paul What time is it where you are?
@rdlowrey 3pm
Oh man you guys are wayyyyy ahead of us. I was thinking it was only 10 or 12 hours but it's 14. 1am on the US east coast
Now is about when I start getting all of the work on my framework done.
I find I work best at night ... which is good for my "fun" work, not as much for the "serious" stuff :)
yeah, i should do more serious stuff, right now I'm only doing fun stuff.
serious = overrated
Anyhow. It's off to bed for me. @LeviMorrison I'll get the dir structure straightened out tomorrow. Catch you and @Paul later.
I'm going to define some generic rules for my Accept router today. I'm expecting to end up with a string describing the rendering as either HTML, JSON, Text
goodnight @rdlowrey
Hello all, i'm working with paypal. Here, anyone integrate the paypal with you works by php? I need some code for that.
@SpK $70/Hour
Oh Oh!
hello friends I am from india
Working on yii framework
I am new here
hello. does anyone know where to buy email marketing cms like this one
@rdlowrey I decided to write a basic recursive-descent parser. Thought I'd let you know :)
Well, maybe not. Can't decide. We definitely need to be able to have this type of functionality: GET, POST /users Controller\\Users
Multiple HTTP verbs per line. Useful if you only support two but don't want to route the others (although true REST won't be doing this, but I'm flexible with what I can do)
hi @all
@Rafee i have php webservice with mysql db,when i was test in local,its worked fine,but i post my service in server,i have access permission denied user error..
i don't know php
wen i execute mysql command (on server) its showing resource id...why
provide all live server related connection string
like database name, username and password
for mysql
i did
@pbvamsi that was for @Selva
@pbvamsi whats your query i didnt got that.. sorry
@Rafee its okay
@Rafee i set db ip,user,password.
@pbvamsi can show you while and mysql_fetch, and query code
@Rafee and i also parse the data into xml,i thig this have any special per
@Selva on live server, what are you using a cpanel or other stuff
for mysql
am executing it by mysql_query() @Rafee
and in while loop, what did you use..
mysql_fetch_row or mysql_fetch_array
and there might be wrong parameter passing in mysql_query
@Selva i didnt understand what you talkin about xml stuff, while connection to mysql
mysql_* is deprecated, consider using PDO or mysqli.
i know bt i dont knw the alternative way @Paul
@pbvamsi PDO or mysqli
thanks, i'll learn
@pbvamsi personally I would choose PDO because it can connect with non mysql databases too.
@Paul which one is fast and simple with multiple features
@pbvamsi PDO and mysqli are very similar.
both are faster and help you write safer code than mysql_* because you can use prepared statements.
oh do u mean mysql_* is insecure, if yes pls let me know why
if you use any db incorrectly it is insecure. Search for "bobby drop tables" if you don't know about SQL injection.
so there r possibilities of injection even if we encrypt
@pbvamsi Read about bobby drop tables, injection is not related to encryption.
k, am going through, thanks..
1 hour later…
@rdlowrey The initial tokenizer implementation: gist.github.com/2132707 It was a pain working with it as an Iterator, but worth it, I think. Ideas welcome.
I wasn't sure what to do with Iterator::key for this application.
@LeviMorrison Always wondering about that one too
There should be keyless iterators ^^
For now: return 'unknown'; lol
By the way, good to see you, @NikiC.
Good to see you too :)
@LeviMorrison line 86, is that a mistake or is that something new in 5.4?
@LeviMorrison no TRACE and CONNECT?
@NikiC i really dont understand why you think the closed qs should not be automatic delv's. ive started from the bottom of the cvbacklog now and i dont see anything worth keeping. and even if there was something id still say those are the exception and should be singled out on a case by case basis. the majority is just clutter.
Hey guys!!!
All debug and profile questions on SO should die. They are all too localized.
What is better OOP or PHP?
@HarryBeasant please explain PHP and OOP in your own words
PHP is procedural, set of instructions. OOP is object orientated, based on objects.
@HarryBeasant no. PHP is a programming language. Procedural and OOP are programming paradigms
you can do both with PHP.
So what is the most powerful, is there even a differents? Speed wise?
And security
@HarryBeasant you are asking the wrong questions in that context :)
none of them is inherently more powerful or more secure or faster
they are just different ways to program
A programming paradigm is a fundamental style of computer programming. (Compare with a methodology, which is a style of solving specific software engineering problems.) Paradigms differ in the concepts and abstractions used to represent the elements of a program (such as objects, functions, variables, constraints, etc.) and the steps that compose a computation (assignment, evaluation, continuations, data flows, etc.). Overview A programming model is an abstraction of a computer system. For example, the "von Neumann model" is a model used in traditional sequential computers. For parall...
What do you and pro PHP devs use?
@HarryBeasant most of the people I know use OOP
Then, i shall learn it
Big curve from basic PHP
Also, what would you suggest PDO or MySQLi
@HarryBeasant id suggest PDO if you are not sure whether your database system will change in the future. apart from that go through php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.terminology.php for more info
Okay =)
Could you explain to me what an Event Driven language is and used for?
@HarryBeasant its another paradigm
@HarryBeasant wikipedia is usually a good start for research
Yeah, on it at the moment
Hellu everyone
posted on March 20, 2012 by John Mertic

I’m excited to announce two more conference stops for me this spring! First, is my return to POSSCON in Columbia, SC, at the end of March on the 28th and 29th. I’ll be doing a great talk and live demo on building an application on the Sugar platform, but the big draw for this show is to see our very own CEO and Open Source legend Larry Augustin keynoting on ‘Open Source – Now and in the Fut

This is why you shouldn't be posting bug reports while surfing for porn - groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/group/chromium-dev/…
@JohnP lol

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