Well, if file a.php contains an array at the top level (i.e. not in a function, class, etc.) you can access it from b.php if you include a.php into b.php
Hi handsome i was wondering if you can help me of something
how do you add a class on the li with some color if <li class="red"><li class="gray"<li class="gold" <li class="red" <li class="gray <li class="gold and soon
4.0.2 has a bug where it frequently causes a fatal error when attempting to iterate keys: https://github.com/krakjoe/apcu/issues/60
The 4.0.6 build from utopic is stable
php-apcu (Ubuntu)
Undecided / Confirmed
someone who has been awake longer than 20 minutes could read that for me and tell me what the gist is ...
I mean I don't know what their criteria is for including a package ... but it looks like their criteria forces them to use old unstable versions of code ... I can't think of a time it's okay to deploy old, broken code ... but that seems to be what LTS distros are for
I can never find time to actually read, love audiobooks though ... spend hours in the car every day, and otherwise just have to listen to kids argue about nonsense
A fixed book price agreement (FBPA) is a form of resale price maintenance applied to books. It commonly takes the form of an agreement between publishers and booksellers which set the prices at which books were to be sold to the public. An example of an FBPA was the former Net Book Agreement in the United Kingdom.
The key idea of an FBPA is to promote non-price competition between booksellers in order to promote the sale of little-known, difficult or otherwise culturally interesting books rather than catering only to blockbuster readers. To do so, an FBPA is deemed to ensure that the booksellers...
@Ekin I have a cupboard for those ... I buy a new book about every year ... big reference ones particular to a language or subject ... but I rarely sit down to read them, mostly they are reference ...
@Ekin yeah a lot of them have been read, long ago ... the recent ones I can remember buying weren't bought to be read entirely, like I bought a huge book about assembly while I was working on jitfu, but only needed to read a few chapters because it's been so long since using any asm at all ...
@Saitama I can read and write assembly, though I'll have to look stuff up sometimes ... but C is the lowest level at which everything make sense, I'm not at all comfortable with assembly ...
@HassanAlthaf some books yeah ... there's no magic answer to the question "how to become a better programmer?" which is essentially what you're asking me ...
learning new things is really required for you to keep your job, over the course of your life time as a developer ... every single one of your peers is doing at least that much ... the things you can do differently are work hard, which I already mentioned - put as many hours in as your body is able to cope with would be my (probably terrible) advice ...
what makes me, or equally bob, nikita, or anthony stick out among our peers is that we have taken the time to understand things that our peers think are practically impossible to understand, or not worth understanding .... I dedicate nearly as much time, in the long term, to the persuit of understanding, as I do to working on things I already understand ...
if a fact stays unchallenged in your head for long enough, it gets promoted to a kind of core belief, a thing that helps you to make sense of the world ... when a challenger comes along, it is much easier to rebel against new facts than it is to change your perception of what is ...
I am totally tired of trying ... I was up for it then ... not so much any more ...
everyone knows that php is not suitable for multi-threading ... and they have endless "facts" to backup their beliefs ... there is no arguing with that ...
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which relatively unskilled persons suffer illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability to be much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their own ineptitude and evaluate their own ability accurately. Their research also suggests corollaries: highly skilled individuals may underestimate their relative competence and may erroneously assume that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.
The bias was first experimentally observed by David...
he was wrong, and argued the case poorly, but at least brave enough to try ... so many people of the people that have come across that posts, or posts like it, will be sitting there saying "this guy is mad" ...
there's even one guy who blogged about how mad I am ...
Sup folks, I'm looking for a font where all the glyphs are actually empty ( a space if you will). I want to use it to put invisible text behind actual text so that I can have more control over exactly what will be matched on a web page by the default chrome search functionality.
I have tried many youtube PHP web projects but all are using mysql. But now i come to know mysql doesnt support php7. Any links for complete PHP website projects for beginners