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Does SQL LIKE %x% search for text that starts with x?
No, that'd search for anything containing an 'x'
Try: LIKE 'x%' for starts with x
What is full-text search then?
Merged numeric string errors patch
Maybe if I'm really bored I'll implement it in HHVM. Probably not, though. I don't have the motivation to work on PHP at the moment
@Andrea HHVM takes too fucking long to compile
Morning All.... :(
whats better php or node
each one of them has some pros and cons...
the one who wants to use em' has to make the decision :/
what if the end goal was wordpress applications
ie; designing things to go into wordpress to make complicated things/coding doable for the average wordpress user
or for working with mailchimp api
which would you use, since its a personal opinion thi ng
Well, as I am a PHP Dev, I would obviously use PHP :P
And if you want to make plugins for Wordpress you ought to use PHP, cuz' WP uses PHP, but you can create some thing much better than WP, using node.js or PHP...
man theres so much stuff to learn with the web development its tough to learn on your own
well, it's easy if you spend some time on it, I started learning PHP, while I was like 12, and now I am 14... And it most of of the thing seems easy to do in php
yeah I'm pretty ok with html and css, barely able to hack around with javascript. Maybe I should stay focused on them. How I've been learning is just picking tasks I want to do and then getting them to work on my site/browser
right now my goal is to create a custom sign up form that integrates with mailchimp api
and eliminates the double opt in process
im 22 lol so you'll be set by the time youre my age
i wish I would have started to take it serious at that age
well the task you are up to now is quite easy to implement in PHP.... :D
thats where i was going to start but then some guys in JS room told me php sucks and learn node :'DDD
well, everybody has their own views.. :"DD
This book may give you a kick start towards PHP it-ebooks.info/book/713 but it's quite old :|
thanks I'll check it out
> In 2009 a chess engine running on slower hardware, a 528 MHz HTC Touch HD mobile phone running Pocket Fritz 4 reached the grandmaster level – it won a category 6 tournament with a performance rating of 2898. Pocket Fritz 4 searches fewer than 20,000 positions per second. This is in contrast to supercomputers such as Deep Blue that searched 200 million positions per second.
man this api shit is confusing me :(
i dont understand jack shit
lol, take it easy mate...
why cant i understand anything about api lol for mailchimp
its like i read it and its not even english
that's why learn some of the basics first
spring is coming! yay global warming!
yeah.. your turn it is
I will be busy freezing near the ocean while it is your turn to complain about hot days :p
where can I read about using php with mailchimp api
i used to love cold weather, then i moved here...
but aren't you somewhere in the tropics in south america? do you freeze there?
$ git push --force origin master https://t.co/F2enmNzlTj
@Saitama that must have inspired mad max
not in tropics.. that's what @tereško thinks of. I'm here
well, it's close
100mts away from the opens where Rio de la Plata joins to south atlantic
winter time can be very cold but... not if you're an husky owner :p
this is a photo we took with the one and only drone here
living there is my dream O.o
this is about 100km away from where i'm now
it gets pretty cold here...
:D saw that 5mins ago
cold is nice too
I think I get bored of each so that's great news that we have seasons
i think we get barely 1 month of actual summer here... that must be the reason i'm not getting bored of it :B
wes where are from tho?
north of italy, just under austria
ahh, i see...
user image
you from @Saitama ?
if I knew more about php would all the documentation on mailchimp api make sense?
South Of Canada
@Wes :P
so you know what cold winter feels like :B
i do, indeed i do
we haven't had cold winters in the past years, but it's possibly even worse now... we are always getting massive wind and infinite rain
hue hue
I get hoodie weather, and slightly thicker hoodie weather.. I'm totally fine with how boring that is.
i get you never know what weather but its normally not very extreme in either direction
and theres defined seasons
but i live on boring old east coast of usa
php php
how well should one know javascript before working with php
it's not a prerequisite
$set->add($duplicate) // keep the existing one or replace it with $duplicate?
$set->add($duplicate, $force = true) // default to true or false?
what is a superglobal
hello i'm comming from java background .can you tell me what ->array do here .and to know more what should i read?
@AlexGray a variable or anything else which is present in all scopes of a script
got it
something that is more global than globals, which are basically not globals, but root scope variables. superglobals instead are actually globals and available in all function scopes
@Wes if it's truly a duplicate what does it matter?
@PaulCrovella must define what the behavior must be regardless
but it may have some relevance i suppose
@FastSnail well, what you are accessing is not an array but an object...
and `->` is more like .... what should i say ... a thing to go to the next level of an object.....
for example, let's say you have an object like this:
`$obj = new \stdClass();`
so when I'm making an html form, I can use the ' action='' ' attribute to target a php script that I want to run once the form is submitted?
@Saitama ok tnx .DB_table_pk is a variable.so what is $this->{$this::table-pk}; doing?
it is setting a variable with the name of {$this::DB_TABLE_PK} to your object
with the return value of $this->db->insert_id()
@Saitama is it different from $this::DB_TABLE_PK=$this->db->insert_id();
@FastSnail yup it's totally different from that...
why is my form not going to the right page
@FastSnail $this::DB_TABLE_PK is access to a constant, would be ClassName.CONSTANT in java. in php you access static stuff using :: and regular object members through ->, but you can use $object::member to access static stuff through an instance
i have the action="signup.php" and in that file I call for my header and footer, but when I submit the form it sends me to my uncategorized blog posting archive
$this->{'something'} is like
array[10] but for object members
$this->{'something'} $this->something, these two are equivalent
@Wes I really suck at explaining things :'(
it didn't suck, i've just corroborated your explanation with references to java :B
<form id="emailSignUp" method="post" action="signup.php">

			    <input name="email" type="email" placeholder="Type Here">
			    <input name="name" type="name" placeholder="Your Name">
			    <label>*What is 2+2? (Anti-spam)</label>
			    <input name="human" placeholder="Type Here">
			    <input class="submit" name="download" type="submit" value="Download">
			   	<input id="nevermind" class="submit" name="nevermind" type="button" value="Nevermind!">
shouldnt that go to a file called signup.php for processing?
@JoeWatkins if static properties are simple enough to handle, imo you may as well include them - it'll reduce questions about consistency
yo joe \o didn't notice you :D /me starts jimi as every morning at about this time
is wordpress messing with my form?
is that why the standard php for form handling isnt working?
i need to do something special for wordpress?
have you tried asking here? wordpress.stackexchange.com i'm afraid you are not going to get much help about wordpress in this chat
@AlexGray I really recommend to not use wordpress from the beginning, not only you would be revealed to several bad practices and also, it's quite complex...
So, start off with something simple
Dang, someone removed his question.... :(
Anyone to suggest a song?
Bankroll Fresh - Hotboy
I took a pill in Ibiza - Mike Posner
im gonna write a php script that blows up all php because its pissing me off lol
@Ekin genre?
random :)
crystal method, what a band. that was proper electronic music not dubshit
I just installed react-native and npm pulled in 559 dependencies
o.o that's a lot
react is huge
dependency graph for react-native: npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/react-native
react is "comet 3.0" .. only with worse programming practices .. it will pass
I hope it does
@tereško i hope so...
i really don't get some programming trends
@Ekin naah, I'm just being an ass
doesn't react have left-pad in it's dependency ? :P
I know :p
what i don't get most is functional programming. tried to read about it and watch talks but all the time i was like what are you even doing dude. they are either really bad at explaining it or they simply don't have an actual argument
Hi can anyone tell why I get this error...Fatal error: Call to undefined function phpsession_start() ... I have a code line session_start() in my config.php file
you are missing a space there


@AlexGray are you aware that even that snippet has two mistakes?
no, thats exemplary php
aaand, new user in the ignore-list
what are the issues though>?
!!eval <?php echo"this works";
No space between echo and string.
[ 5.4.0 - 7.0.4 ] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /in/kuLmD on line 1 <br/><i>Process exited with code <b title="Generic Error">255</b>.</i>
[ 4.3.0 - 5.3.29 ] <?php
ive checked it in multiple checkers, dont see any errors
ah ok so theres one
No semicolon after the statement (not an error, but)
so it should be


echo "shiiiiiiiit";

to be 101% correct?
can you use php to make a drone?
@PaulCrovella they really aren't ...
but that was the first question I answered at about 4am this morning ...
there is good technical reason for their omission ... they are global variables and the engine does not have the same degree of control over them ... fixing that is ... not reasonably doable, changing ZEND_ASSIGN would have a huge impact on performance, so would changing static assignments to generate different opcodes (eg ZEND_ASSIGN_STATIC) and pass type information along ...
even if we ignore that, there isn't the same kind of API for objects and static properties, the object API is just that, I think there are two handlers relating to static scope ... there isn't nearly enough control over static properties to do a good job ...
moin @AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0
@tereško thanks dude.....it worked.
Do controller works in with ip address as url?
^ that sentence makes no sense
try saying it differently
@tereško can I use ip addres as url in mvc , instead of domain name?
MVC has nothing to do with URL routing mechanisms
and domain names are not mandatory in URL routing, but, I have once worked on a project, where subdomain was used as part of the routing
it was for a case where a single system had both the "web" and the "api" part
@astrosixer you might need to read this thing: stackoverflow.com/a/19309893/727208
also, your english sucks
@astrosixer I'd recommend to forget everything you think to know about mvc and dont bother with it
^ also, that
@tereško pointing that out sucks more
^ also, that
@tereško jeez don't.
... way to focus on the important part, if you are so offended, then flag it ... maybe you can manage to even permanently ban me
good mrnongi btw
mrngng \o
@tereško it's actually how you gave the advice
@Gordon I think there has been some retarded blog post circulating, since there was this question posted recently.
I am kinda looking for a way to close it (and later delete it), but there isn't "you are missing the point" reason available
Thanks it was very helpful.
> If your goal was to specifically implement something MVC-like, then you have utterly failed. This setup has absolutely nothing to do with MVC. To be honest, it seems that you are way too inexperienced for tackling something like that.
@tereško that is unneeded and rather unconstructive, isnt it?
23 mins ago, by Gordon
@astrosixer I'd recommend to forget everything you think to know about mvc and dont bother with it
it's the same sentiment
just worded a bit differently
@tereško no, I did not say he "utterly failed", nor did I say that he is too inexperienced for tackling that.
then again, when I read a "question" with no punctuation, I end up channelling my inner asshole stronger than usually
on a side note, I disagree with your answer. what the op has isn't that bad. It's not OOP, but it looks MVC'ish enough to me. Certainly not utterly failed.
I agree that the code lacks the four bullet points you mention, but those are not aspects of requirements of MVC
no, those are aspects of a better structure
I never said that they are are "requirements of MVC"
Yeah, but you said he utterly failed and then go on to tell him he should look up these things.
I am cv'ing it for too much opinion
might be better suited for code review
I just got a requirement. The client wants to be able to scale up to 100k concurrent requests. Is this possible? I have worked with load balanced auto scaling setups but 100k?
Any suggestions are welcome
how many requests does he have now?
Site is just an idea now. so 0
@bitNinja wouldn't it make more sense to get something out of the door before trying to solve an imaginary problem then?
Morning @Gordon my favorite x-mod ;) And morning to the rest of you as well :P
@Epodax nin
@Gordon Ya I will nicely tell him such loads are very rare and will cost too much money to build.
maybe just tell him too rare
very rare i mean
@bitNinja good idea.
maybe hes a rich guy with booku bucks
@bitNinja Well if you really want to, just go with massive virtualization ,sharding ,load balancing etc. It might cost him a bit of cash money though. Or if your not interested in trying, tell him you can't
well ya, he is rich and probably a bit eccentric as well. I suggested an architecture with ELB, auto scaling front end, queue for heavy tasks, CDN, RDS with read replicas, redis cache and elastic search. thats when he came up with 100k requirement.
can anyone suggest a fun project goal for a beginner learning php?
@bitNinja So it is your fault then ?
ya, Maybe he is just testing if i will make fake promises?
@AlexGray build something simple like an ticket management portal. Don't reinvent the wheel too much
So something like a form with some drop downs, radio selectors, handled by php and stored in a database?
@bitNinja highscalability.com/blog/2013/5/13/… but seriously, build something one person wants to use first. That's hard enough as a first problem. Then worry about scaling up.
@bitNinja he might. Play it cool and tell him that it will cost him alot of money. If he doesn't mind then its your journey. And I think that will look preeeetty good on a resume
are those good things to be thinking about when starting to learn? my only real exp with php is hacking around creating my own wordpress themes, using the get_header() and footer type functions, maybe copy and pasting some code into the functions to get things to work how I want
@AlexGray Try mixing in as much as possible. Sql / cache / queueing / mails / design patterns . If you are looking to learn. Throw yourself in the deep end and learn to swim. Learn as much as possible as fast as possible.
@Gordon Thanks. That's true.
thats the goal but then it gets overwhelming and confusing
is that how it might be handled in a real application? Stored in a database and emailed to a "customer support rep"'s email or something?
And in a couple months you will look back at old code and want to rewrite it because it looks like crappy code.
then after I built that I could look into making it send different emails to different accounts depending on what options were selected at the ticket submission form?
@Chris wish I could play. But too risky :-)
@bitNinja dont get me wrong: I am not saying you cannot do it or that scaling should be an afterthought. But tackling infrastructure for 100KC when there is zero lines of code written yet seems a bit premature to me.
i can't open my html file on aws or the one saved on my computer
it just opens the web page
in the browser
@AlexGray So start out with one thing at a time. First build the database and the php to manage that database. Concentrate on database design. build the initial database. then build the php to handle that database. create / update tickets. assign tickets to users. add tags to tickets. add tickets to projects etc. Then build a queueing mechanisms to notify ticket followers by email when something changes. Basically just play and build until you become comfortable.
ok good to know. thanks -- database design. Keywords I didn't know to look up that will lead me to great info
@AlexGray Well if you're looking for google keywords, Their are a couple you can start with that will open the world of web dev for you .
even word won't open it as .txt
@GettingNifty call your IT specialist and tell him that your computer is broken
do you try unplug and plug again?
seriously then i just changed the file extensions and can't go back it's all fubar
please can you try this for me and waiting 15 seconds before you turn it back
@Gordon of course, I understand.
hey gud morning friends.
@GettingNifty that's an interesting bio in your profile
i read less and less code the better i get
shouldn't it be the other way around? write less, read more?
@bitNinja in that situation I would have answered "no, I can't do that, and you cant afford anyone who has experience with scaling systems to 100k concurrents"
posted on March 30, 2016

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@PeeHaa o/ you nuttcracker ^^
hey peeps, how can i add a session username to the url address? example: www.mysite.com/username
hello guys, how to echo $this->session->flashdata('error') without producing the tag <p> ?

im using this :
$error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
$flashdata = $this->session->set_flashdata($error);
redirect('error', $flashdata);
1 message moved to bin
@Gordon he's been spamming multiple rooms. Notify a mod pls
@littlepootis already did
@littlepootis on a side note: you can mod flag, too, so you don't need me to do that
lmao, thailand's site

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