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@PraveenKumar Sure you can, but not the way you are thinking of. Simplest way would be adding a firewall rule to the server, but that would only work if you are only hosting 1 site on the server.
I think the same thing happened the list time I tried to sub
@PraveenKumar But it dpeends on the situation. Is the app hosted inside of the LAN or off-site?
@Oldskool Its on a live server on a domain :)
@PraveenKumar Well, then the method given earlier should work. Given all employees access the internet through the same gateway/remote IP address, you should be able to filter it on that. For example, if your WAN IP is, then simply add a check like if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] !== '') { die('Access denied.'); }
@Oldskool wait let me check i think it will give 2 different ips with 2 diff. computers but let me check :)
@Fabor now try pixeldungeon.watabou.ru for even more number legs
@HamZa are you there?
@samayo yes
$.getJSON("http://www.foo.com/jsonp.php?scode=1459256535&artist=bar tar zar&alb=Album&repeat=list&autostart=true&sw=", (function(data)
Could you help me get the string using regex there?
my solution removes the spaced words for some reason.
you are really bad at posting code :P
what exactly are you trying to do?
@samayo Which part of the string do you want? The artist bit?
jsonp.php?scode=1459256535&artist=bar tar zar&alb=Album&repeat=list&autostart=true&sw=
OT: can anyone recommend a wine app that would allow me to track wine's I tasted? I remember having tried cork'd or something years back, but now there is so many apps that I don't know which to try first
something like /json\.php\?scode=(.*)
@samayo Would be easier to just str_replace 'http://www.foo.com/' with nothing in that case.
@tereško I think he's scraping a website which has such JS call in it
yup .. an entire page ... of malformed content ... recursively ..
@HamZa even then, you would use regexp just to find URLs, instead of parsing them
Will give it a try @Gordon
@HamZa how do you escape that btw? It has both single and double quote ..
ah, never mind
@samayo btw, @JoeWatkins 's regex would do the job. In the end, it all depends how strict you want it
I thought you just wanted the last bit of the url ...
@RonniSkansing nice work hackerone.com/skansing ...
@JoeWatkins thanks :)
It's been a looong time since I've done php
@Saitama What'd he do, steal a Kim-Jong Un poster?
dunno :P anyways it was just a poster
@PeeHaa That's my ego. Chris is my alter ego.
@Saitama Yeah, I guess they enforce the "stealing is stealing, no matter what it is" rule down there.
But it's the "allegedly" part that scares me a little.
So they didn't actually find the stolen poster in his house or on him?
evenin roomies
8fact is not a news site, so unless it has links to a reliable source I wouldn't bother to discuss it
> Warmbier is accused of trying to steal a North Korean banner
a banner is not a poster.
> On camera, Warmbier said he stole the propaganda poster on behalf of a member of the Friendship United Methodist Church in Wyoming, Ohio, who wanted it "as a trophy." In exchange, he would receive a used car worth $10,000.
I accuse @Gordon of stealing Kim Jong Un's slippers. Lock him up!
@Saitama I am kinda torn on this one. Though I think stupidity should be punished, 15 years seem a bit excessive.
yup, 15 years is just too much for a college student
I'll register 16facts to make my facts double as credible as 8fact
I would have gone with 3-to-6 months.
Not so much too much for a college student, you're smart enough at that age to know stealing is wrong. But yeah, 15 years for a banner is a but much.
But they probably see this as a "federal theft" since it's a political banner.
@Oldskool Is that supposed to say "bit much" or "butt munch"?
Kim-Jong Un does not tolerate any opposition.
@DaveRandom Dealer's choice ;-)
*stars everywhere*
Made me think of that ;-)
@Oldskool The culture changed a lot since I was gone...
found an article on a reliable german newspaper about it. he admitted to a hostile act incited by the us government or some church or something. begs forgiveness and is impressed by the hospitality received from the nk gov despite his "crime". why does it sound like propaganda?
@DaveRandom cancel those flags, great power comes a lot of cleaning duties :D
not sure what to cancel tbh
I may go home, brain no worky today
@DaveRandom my message for example
@DaveRandom oh, you have the luxury to do that?
Well I can work from home, so I sometimes work weird hours, and to be perfectly honest not a lot is happening here so I may as well go do it at home
I generally do >=40hrs a week, just not always at the same time as everyone else
I spent like 2 hrs doing some last minute fixes and a deploy this morning, now really struggling to get my head into anything else :-(
maybe tea is the answer
I came late to my internship today because I had a flat tire (bicycle). I decided to go with public transportation. I missed the first tram so I had to wait extra 10mn. In total it was around 40mn.
Cycling would take around 25mn. It turns out I could have better fixed my tire than taking public transp....
@DaveRandom E_UK
Q: How to do multiple redirections with if statement in nginx

BaldrániSo my question is half oriented SEO half technical : I have a lot of links to redirect and instead of doing them one by one I was asking my self : Is there a way to write a rewrite rule like that (this is pure fiction and not usable on nginx) rewrite /america/(.*)/ http://www.example/nort-amer...

@JoeWatkins halp. I don't have the feeling I'm actually saying something substantial here besides "everybody wait!". ANy advice?
@NikiC, yeah, found out already, deployed 7.0.5RC, all is OK. Thanks for the reply anyway.
@Baldráni Do you mean redirect or proxy?
@DaveRandom redirect
Oh Silex... var_dump($app) yields 250K lines of output.
BTW @bwoebi how many how old are you know? 19?
@PeeHaa People are getting old here hehe
@PeeHaa that's all you want to say isn't it ?
@NorthbornDesign Silex: redefining microframework since 2010
I bet I'm the youngest guy here :P
I would remove your opinion about the failed RFC ... mentioning you wanted to read it, and discussion, good idea ...
@HamZa Yes they are :)
@JoeWatkins Yeah basically
@Baldráni Then no, not really. I'd suggest you forward everything you would redirect through to a PHP script, you can easily put more flexible logic in there.
@Saitama respect your elders!
hehe! I shall try to...
@Saitama depends what you mean by that ... I have superman shoes ...
If they were static files it would be a different story, but if they are virtual paths in an application then nginx doesn't have any way to know how the URI will be handled by the application
I wish I had SO when I was 14!
Back in the day we had to browse obscure forums in order to find that unique solution to our problemz.
@DaveRandom Ho god --' This is hours of works and what I was fearing the most :(
LOL, I currently am 14 and I am lucky enough to get SO
@HamZa Shut up kid. We had to read actual freaking books!
@PeeHaa found some real gold in you github gist ~ gist.github.com/PeeHaa/62f7820e4539444345f1
I remember I had to dial in in order to use the internet but but I couldn't otherwise I would get scolded because we had to pay internet per minute!
@Baldráni I used to work for a company who employed a person specifically to do this for every new client's site when it was being migrated. I think it's something you are just going to have to do really.
@Saitama Yeah that was a "fun" encounter
That said, the specific logic you are getting at in the question would be easily done in PHP in about 5 lines @Baldráni
@HamZa Oh god. That moment when the phone bill came in :|
@HamZa Did you have to physically dial the phone?
Although actually making an HTTP request would be horrid, if you response with 301s then it shouldn't be too bad
lgtm @PeeHaa
I'm not sure if nginx can cache 301 responses from fcgi?
@PeeHaa Yeh, like you have ever read a book... :-P
@Machavity Oh wow... the memories.
The good old days.
@DaveRandom With pictures an all!
That video seems to feature Moss from IT Crowd
@PeeHaa There's an idea. A PHP picture book. Bonus points for making it popup.
@PeeHaa Hustler is not a book.
@DaveRandom I thought the same thing. I kept expecting him to say "Excuse me, me mum is calling" and run out of the room
Four! I mean, Five! I mean Fire!
@Machavity And make it brittle like using toilet paper for it!
Thanks @JoeWatkins
@DaveRandom so you suggest to do it internally in the code as PHP after all. Isn't it dommageable as an SEO vision (I guess specify 301 would be ok then ?)
@DaveRandom In case of fire, don't forget to call 0118 999 881 99 9119 725....3
@Andrea lol! I would love to have that courier thing as official php logo
@PeeHaa PHP is a poor elePHPant whose hind legs are backwards
Speaking of elephpants, does anyone know where to get one of those php7 ones? Are they up for grabs somewhere yet?
elePHPants are strange things sometimes acquired by backroom dealings
@Andrea Yeah, I know. I got a "regular" blue one through such a dealing ;-) Just don't have one of them fancy php7 ones yet.
And I want to start a collection :)
I'm slightly conflicted about these things' limited availability
I mean, I think it makes them more precious, but it's also kinda exclusionary
To acquire elePHPants, one must be ever-vigilant. Or at least lucky.
Or just know the right people ;-)
@Andrea And have friends in the right places
But yeah, it can be quite a quest.
@PeeHaa ...yeah
I actually like that they have such an exclusive character, makes owning one more satisfactory :)
I won't lie, I have a PHP 7 elePHPant and a Hack T-shirt because of a certain person sending me them. You can probably infer who from the latter.
@Oldskool absolutely
They're not bland commodities
I got 8 ... not php 7 ones ... all different ones ...
Damn you :(
I really need to up my begging game
I got a php 7 one ... someone sent it to me ...
Seems like I need to get acquinted with "someone" ;-)
the woolly mammoth is the cutest ...
there's a kickstarter for that, or was, took ages to come ...
@JoeWatkins What? There's like an Ice Age elephpant?
@Oldskool TrueNorthPHP's, IIRC. They're Canadian
yeah, tusks and fur, she's super cute ...
@Baldráni I don't speak SEO, I have no idea I'm afraid
I think only boys have tusks ... right ?
I have one elePHPant called Jenny, one called Sara, and two I still haven't named
> In most tusked species both the males and the females have tusks although the males' are larger.
Pearl and Dean?
Dunno if this applies to mammoths.
TIL @Andrea
I think this is the rarest elephpant
After giving her a certified PHP 6 engineer shirt from @GeeH, my daughter made me a PHP 6 #elephpant https://t.co/AeqkeAHvDY
@Machavity I love how it's so... stringy. Kinda fitting.
@Andrea Lisp and Go?
@Saitama Nah, I'd like to continue my current naming scheme. I just didn't decide who to name them after
i see :P
Probably not hard to figure out what my current naming scheme is
@Andrea It's not strictly typed string but it does work with UTF-16
@Andrea people you would like to fist fight ?
@JoeWatkins Heh, no. For the latter, more likely fistbump.
hehe :)
Liz ?
Oh yeah, I need to benchmark the invalid strings patch
I hope it's not too big of a slowdown.
intel will do it for you ...
I want to check before they do, though
I'm guessing that there'll be quite limited effects on the general number operators, since they used is_numeric_string anyway, but the integer operators will be slower with the new call to it
never trust a benchmark you didn't fake yourself, right ?
@JoeWatkins indeed :D
I think it was NikiC said that
yeah, think so ...
Was probably still a mistake to actually use Sara and Zeev's names in that blog post I made. Oh well.
@FlorianMargaine ❓
yo bro, can i ask about codeigniter here? i mean there's nobody in codeigniter room
@Andrea unicode not showing up
ah, a question mark
@Andrea look at the "Nices to have"
@FlorianMargaine a fancy emoji one. I guess it's not encoded in a way that falls back nicely to ?
for some reason, google gives me this page: fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2753/index.htm
“Yes, Lisp is shiny now”, heh.
@FlorianMargaine fileformat is a good reference for basic info on Unicode characters
ah, 10027 is the html entity code
about form_checkbox. the usual is
form_checkbox("test");// produce <input type="checkbox"></input>
how can i insert some word between the <input> using form_checkbox?
Word between.. Like <input>Word</input> ?
@JoeWatkins hey!~
bump time
so i have two todo items for the type properties RFC
1. explain that compile time is always strict
2. add references explanation to RFC
1 is easy, 2... i think I just give a basic everyman summary version of what @NikiC said here news.php.net/php.internals/91819
@RonniSkansing yup.
does that sound about right? anything else i need to add?
3. Buy me a beer
@PhilSturgeon we do this for default parameters too
if you're setting the default, then you know the type for sure, so you don't need PHP to convert it for you
@Andrea yep! thanks
@Fabor if you're near union square I'll grab you one at lunch.
@RidleSambow is that valid html?
@HamZa thanks man =)
> Welcome to [email protected]!
\o/ I've won the fight
@PhilSturgeon Next time I am in NY and I have finished my man-date with @rdlowrey you can be my second stop.
@Fabor this.
It could even be hot three-way action. I actually haven't had a man-date with Phil yet either and I've been here for > 6 months
@rdlowrey i didnt know! let's sort that out.
yeah sometime soon, for sure
white water rafting with a bunch of people April 9th if you're into some potential death. April is peak season for some of the rivers around here.
I live at 23rd and 3rd
@rdlowrey i work 21st and Broadway. happy hour any time :D
@RonniSkansing i think it is not, but i think that put my text (after the checkbox) to the new line like it has a <br>
I'm super out on potential death. Also, will be in Los Angeles that week visiting my sister
@PhilSturgeon cool, will be in touch sometime soon
haha, double fair
@RidleSambow No, never use the markup for how it looks, fix that with css. you should make correct valid html. Do not use <br> for spacing unless its a space in paragraph or etc
I feel like a matchmaker now -_-
5 hours ago, by bwoebi
@PeeHaa That's how one does call that day of the year… each year again since 1996…
Missed that
Damn son you are getting old
oooh little boy is growing up
I can't see "damn son" without thinking of that "Dam son" image P
Enlighten me plox
@RonniSkansing yea tried deleting the class attribute, and it works. thank you bro
wow. no problem.. have fun
bro, i asked a stupid question. its about my question earlier here, should i delete it or not? i mean, im goin to delete it but kinda doubt if it violate some rule?
if i delete it, will i get into trouble or violate a rule? #badenglish
@rdlowrey I … know.
Especially into making everyone believe into your death :-D
happy bday bwoebi..
@PeeHaa Internals 0 : 1 Pieter
Happy Bwoebday Birthbi indeed
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 thanks :-)
@Fabor lol
@bwoebi :)
@JoeWatkins bumped
I would like to learn implementing the below aspects of web framework using php. Any web training on internet?
Google each one.
@PeeHaa friends don't let friends use FireFox
@PeeHaa what's ESR?
That's a sentiment I can agree with
Too bad TOR is based on ESR and doesn't manually keep thye hsts preload list up to date
@FlorianMargaine I think some sort of long term support series
@overexchange no. There isn't a single location where you can learn these.
@FlorianMargaine extended support release
I preferred php web framework to learn over others
what other people call LTS...
@FlorianMargaine yup
@PeeHaa What's semver?
@overexchange what the fuck are you talking about?
Terrible frameworks, apparently
I am getting this vibe of a "confused Java or .NET developer"
I'm getting this vibe of E_<not-racist.jpg>
@PhilSturgeon cool :)
what does it mean when you put E before underscore E_something?
Somebody just told me that Rails is directly implementing create.ucsb.edu/~stp/PostScript/mvc.pdf .. TBH, I am somewhat flabbergasted
ohh thnks :) Jimbo
@PhilSturgeon looks like we got dmitry possibly :)
> As things stand now, you essentially have a choice between typed properties
without reference for PHP 7.1, or typed properties with references for PHP
@NikiC Was the 9.0 intentional or was this meant to be 8.0?
@LeviMorrison why do you ask Nikita?
That was his email, unless I made a mistake.
@Sara I haven't been keeping up - have you picked a new job yet?
@LeviMorrison The 9.0 was intentional
That's my way of saying "you'll be waiting 10 years for that"
Ah, just sheer work?
Not necessarily two BC break periods required?
@LeviMorrison Oh no, nothing to do with BC breaks
I saw Sara mention she was working on some unemployed person projects @Levi ...
@JoeWatkins the link / text are wrong way around on the typed properties RFC for news.php.net/php.internals/91819
yo @LeeDavis
Shall I ping phil?
I fixed it
thank you

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