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Just in case someone missed this: wtfjs
in JavaScript, 20 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Specific requirements matter. Can I recite 10,000 digits of Pi? Yes. Can I recite the first 10,000 digits of Pi? No.
@FlorianMargaine only if you don't communicate with your PO after the story has been written ;)
@Gordon look at Mr. Fancy Pants with a PO over there
@SergeyTelshevsky I like how PHP devs need reaffirmation that other languages have WTFs in them and that PHP isn't the only one.
Something something two kinds of languages
3 hours ago, by DaveRandom
> Java: Even PHP Takes The Piss Out Of Us
@MadaraUchiha IMO it's JS that makes itself the easy target for this stuff. PHP claims to be loosely typed. It explicitly says "our type (comparison) system is weird, but you can get 'accurate' results if you want". You can answer almost any PHP WTF with "yeah, that's how it's supposed to work". JS is just weird.
@AllenJB Nah, the type conversion in JS isn't much weirder than PHP's
And it too has ===
All the behaviors in the talk Sergey linked are by specs
(it really doesn't help that the JS string concat operator is the same as mathematical addition operator)
@MadaraUchiha not related, actually
Most of it is due to how it was done in the early days, when IE6 ruled the market.
@AllenJB That, too, has a reason.
To make it similar to Java.
@SergeyTelshevsky the wat talk was better
it's not that long ago that JS was perceived to be a wtf, instead of just having them. it was so bad that microsoft put visual basic in the browser as an 'improvement'.
the real wtf with JS is that it went from being perceived as the worst possible language to one of the nicest languages, without any actual change in the actual language itself
@JoeriSebrechts Agreed. I always find it amusing that the community at large appeared to say "PHP is too screwed up to use.... I know, we'll switch to JS instead!"
@AllenJB What "killed" PHP for me wasn't the wackiness.
JS is more wacky than PHP
PHP doesn't have a proper module system, it relies on conventions a lot, the default SAPI is rather retarded, it's horribly inefficient for a lot of cases, especially at scale
PHP has a lot of good things in it, it's a very expressive language, I don't need to deal with lengthy type declarations, I'm not limited to classes, HTTP was made super simple, so was SESSION.
I gant mysql access to a user but I cant find the database in phpmyadmin
But most of the things PHP offers is aimed at beginners, which is a great thing because all of us were beginners at some point
Congrats Madara on becoming a mod btw =)
I used this command line GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db_name.* TO 'user'@'localhost';
@MackieeE Thanks :)
@undefined Well your first problem is that you're using PHPMyAdmin. Ignoring that, have you tried FLUSH PRIVILEGES?
@AllenJB yes I did
well, shit
I am getting sicker
@tereško sorry to hear that
@tereško aids, or did you start using Laravel?
I hate cold
Ah, the old "man flu" :D
It's probably karma @tereško
I hate cold because in the back of my head it keeps saying "that's not really anything to give a fuck about" ... but I am still feeling like shit
@AllenJB problem solved phpmyadmin is shit
@NikiC yep, I was actually searching for wat, but this came up higher in the results page :)
$sql = "INSERT INTO time(id) VALUES ('$id') SELECT info.id FROM info WHERE info.id = '$id'"; is this correct?
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas no
SQL injection is a code injection technique, used to attack data-driven applications, in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution (e.g. to dump the database contents to the attacker). SQL injection must exploit a security vulnerability in an application's software, for example, when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and unexpectedly executed. SQL injection is mostly known as an attack vector for websites but can be used to attack any type of SQL database...
use PDO + parameter binding
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas I even specifically told you yesterday about the syntax for insert from select
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas Here's my $id: foo'; DROP TABLE time; --
i should drop the table of time?
Isn't that a Zelda thing?
@MadaraUchiha should i put that at the end of codes?
when all users with 6-digits id have way more rep than me. Have I been that lazy, or just plainly bad?
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas no... that was an example of how to hack crack your code
please read the link about sql injection
@FélixGagnon-Grenier im reading it but there is one thing i didnt get in this SELECT * FROM bookreviews WHERE ID = '5' OR '1'='1'; is this part OR '1'='1
@FélixGagnon-Grenier lazy. that's what i think of myself as well :B
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas think of it as WHERE TRUE
it is an example of what NOT to do. You do not want to do queries like those. They are the kind of queries I would do on your site to crack your security and dump your database
$sql = "INSERT INTO time(id) VALUES ('$id') SELECT info.id FROM info WHERE info.id = '$id' OR '1' = '1'"; so this is should do?
> it is an example of what NOT to do.
not every link is related to your problem
I think you need to learn SQL before you learn about injection
@FélixGagnon-Grenier oh dumb me T_T
This is going to be painfull. sits back with popcorn
> Aws\S3\Exception\RequestTimeTooSkewedException: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
Does anyone know of an even hypothetically useful reason for having a time check on an API call?
that's... hmmm. how did that happen?
My VM sucks......and loses time.
@Danack kerberos
can't there be some bad cracking attempts that would try to imitate a request but change some of it?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier If you want to increase your reputation, just ask a bunch of stupid questions that any idiot can answer and see your rep go up like nobodies business :)
@DaveRandom that would be useful.....but S3 uses key based signing of requests......It doesn't do kerberos outside of AWS does it?
Also, you could probably persuade browsers not to throw away expired cookies by changing the system clock
@Danack I have no idea, that was in the "hypothetical" category
The cookies thing is probably closer to reality
@FélixGagnon-Grenier no, replay attacks are prevented by having 'nonce' (titter ye not) that has to be unique per request, and having it included in the signature for the request.
See also: CSRF tokens
Caching could be it.....if they force people to set the correct system time, then using the AWS library could allow it to cache more requests reliably....which would relieve load from AWS.
I'm still going to just be annoyed by it though.
sounds reasonable
make sure you complain loudly to people who can't do anything about it as well
maybe ask a meta question or two
@MadaraUchiha I bet he gets 999 rep and stops
@Machavity Why stop there? Go for 999999
@MadaraUchiha That's Jon Skeet level tho :P
@Machavity Go big or go home
soon at 900k...
I bet they buy him a real unicorn when he hits 1M rep
CSS still broken on his page
@MadaraUchiha that's what she said
why can't get get a braindump of a sysadmin ?
this "learning" thing wakes far too much effort
fail2ban is not working on centos 6 is there someone who installed fail2ban in centos and its working well ?
> And as I said previously, var is actually missing functionality to be an
alias of public. They are not the same functionality wise. Var cannot
replace public in all cases.
I can't find where he points this out previously.
Anyone know what Arvids is referring to?
WordPress caches their permalinks, right?
And by the way, there is an actual case, that var can't cover, but
public/private/protected does.
You can't do this:
class Blah {
    var static $a = 0;

but this obviously works
class Blah {
    public static $a = 0;

So, "var" is not the same as "public", it's a subset of "public"
functionality actually
@LeviMorrison That?
"Oh noes, code that isn't currently broken, would continue to work if var was changed to public."
when you link your domain name with your vps should the owner of dedicated server accept this domain name to link it to the VPS ???
"Var cannot replace public in all cases." - which is true but useless, particular as the discussion is on making public replace var...not the other way around. Posted on the 9 Mar
@NikiC Don't we want to just throw errors at ct whenever detected at ct?
@Danack Ah, I see.
@bwoebi At ct, yes. During optimization, not so much
@NikiC why not actually?
@tereško can you answer me when you link your domain name with your vps should the owner of dedicated server accept this domain name to link it to the VPS ??? sorry
@bwoebi If you do real constant propagation everything that was testing error conditions will fail, because notices/warnings no longer occur at the right place
@undefined to bind a domain name to a VPS you only have to change the DNS entry. But if if you want to have a webserver on that specific domain name, the VPS must be running a service, which matches that domain name.
but I want to know if the owner of dedicated server get a notification about a domain name is linked to the DNS ? sorry
because I want to get a VPS from the company's server and linked to my domain name and I dont know that the boss get a notification about that
@tereško thank you
@NikiC that's … true…
you shouldn't run a personal server from your company's servers
or should I buy it from the company?
Never do business with the company you work for
Don't even work for them. It sets a bad precedent.
I'd never have personal stuff on company equipment / networks. If your relationship with the company ever goes bad for any reason, they'll have too much control over it.
@DaveRandom Like you do actual work...
I did some once. People expected me to do more.
but im the sysadmin of the server and I want to benefit from that
@DaveRandom Unfortunately I think the precedent on that was well and truly established long before any of us were born. The best we can do now is work towards making our jobs obsolete.
Uggh I hate it when people upvote my retarded question from back in the day :( I hate being reminded of moron past me
@undefined Go for it. I would totally do it. You should. Do it!
@PeeHaa This is why I don't ask questions publicly :P
@PeeHaa .. this is what happens when people are not thought ethics
@bwoebi Generally, optimizer should be fully transparent. Including error behavior
@AllenJB if my relationship with the company ever goes bad for any reason ill change the hosting provider
@AllenJB No, I'm having far too much fun making other people's jobs obsolete, then laughing maniacally as I picture them crying themselves to sleep at night. Some people might think that's callous, but I'm English.
At least unless you explicitly enable options to make it non-transparent
@ScottArciszewski Yeah. Had I known that previously I wouldn't have :P
@undefined And when your boss does find out you've been putting personal crap on company servers? They may not give you time to gracefully switch providers.
@Danack this can be blurry in some languages
@AllenJB so what should I do ?
@PeeHaa +1
I used to have something that extracted a pbuilder environment at compile-time... although the compilation was re-run every time you ran the program
Aug 13 '13 at 23:37, by Danack
@DaveRandom "Explaining a joke is like dissecting a frog. You understand it better but the frog dies in the process."
Although somehow retarded answer is worse than retarded question
@undefined As everyone has said: Don't put personal crap on company servers - especially without permission. Get your own hosting elsewhere.
@Danack nice!
@undefined Don't put personal crap on company servers.
lol alright alright
Don't listen to @AllenJB @undefined. Do it!
you are a bad person
is there a reason why I shouldnt put personal crap on company servers ?
@undefined Using company resources for personal stuff is usually grounds for instant dismissal - people have been marched from the office without even being allowed to return to their desks for less at some places I've worked at.
I am the only bad person around here
@undefined don't listen to what people on the internet are telling you, just go ahead
@undefined No ther is no reason whatsoever. Anyone tellng you otherwise is a liar
@undefined And it goes without saying all their privileges and logins were immediately revoked
Only fairy dust and unicorns all the way down
I also saw a turkey covered in glitter once
That was a good day
@tereško what do you think bro
@DaveRandom did you eat it?
@NikiC That's true … maybe we could have an opcode for emitting errors (which we optimized away at optimization time) …?
That might possibly be a bit easier, don't know
@undefined First, you could be fired. That's not the worst reason. Second, your stuff could be held as their intellectual property, since you're using company resources, thus unless you're willing to pay hundreds of thousands for a very long and costly intellectual property legal battle, they own in completely... That's still not the worst reason... Third, they can sue you for misuse of company property, even if everything you did was completely benign.
@FlorianMargaine My passed wind has sparkled ever since
@bwoebi It's easier to just not optimize something if it throws
@NikiC possible
@Ghedipunk (Y)
Monday seems to be the new Friday in terms of SO chat work-avoidance techniques
And most importantly, if there's even a hint of a shred of a whiff of any security holes in any software you upload to that server, the company can press criminal charges against you.
keep feeding the troll, y'all.. good job
Unlikely... but possible.
@DaveRandom is "passed wind" british slang for "fart"?
It's... the opposite of slang? No idea what that would be called
@DaveRandom Pffff. I have been working talking with a prospect the entire day. It wants to store patient data and wants to make me certified patient storer.
Not sure if I should run and walk away slowly
@DaveRandom Regular, unoffensive English?
Euphemism. And yes, passing wind is another term for fart... and isn't purely British.
@PeeHaa Tell them you are too impatient. There's a crap joke that I bet translates really well into Dutch.
@PeeHaa They say you're certifiable?
Also, where would you put them? I'm willing to bet you don't have space for many hospital beds in your house.
@Machavity For some reason they think that yeah, but fuck no.
stack them in the loft or something, a la NHS
I've been busy with PCI crap before and hell no I am going to look at something that retarded ever again
@PeeHaa that could be a market opener if they're willing to pay for the cert.
@DaveRandom I pack() them in the basement
In all seriousness, the US has some pretty arcane privacy laws on health data. I can't imagine having both the EU and Danish gov to satisfy on that front
@FlorianMargaine Waaaay too much bullshit to even consider it
HIPAA: "encryption is addressable"
@Machavity It's a PITA
regardless of what regulators tell you: authentication encryption is mandatory if you want to stop people like me from stealing your data
preferably with PFS
the trifecta of insane: FIPS 140-2, PCI, HIPAA
try being compliant with all three in the same system :D
I'm PCI compliant: I don't even touch any financial data anywhere ever.
how do i get the highest non negative integer index in php arrays? eg to know which is going to be the next auto increment?
@ScottArciszewski I am waiting for the day that some vuln is discovered and there is a load of clickbait over the fact that some idiot decided to use the word "perfect" to describe something about cryptography
@Wes by appending an element and seeing what the key was ...
only way
somethign with max(), list() and array_keys()
@Wes If you want to get the highest value in an array, use max(). If you want to know what the next auto increment value is going to be, ask the database.
They may usually be the same... but never trust the database to conform to your expectations.
@NikiC ouch. isn't it saved somewhere? or has php to find out what the next index is going to be every time?
@Wes It's saved somewhere
The thing is, it's not necessarily the largest non-negative integer + 1 ;)
At least if you ever delete from the array
i'm not following you here :\
@Wes Do you want the auto increment from a database table, or the next element index assigned to a PHP array? If you want the auto increment from the DB, ask the DB. If you want the next assigned index from a PHP array, write and compile a module.
99% of the time, both are max() + 1, but there are always exceptions.
trying to wonder the reason it's "next free element" rather than "greatest existing index"
$ php -a
Interactive shell

php > $arr = [1,2,3];
php > unset($arr[2]);
php > $arr[] = 4;
php > var_dump($arr);
php shell code:1:
array(3) {
  [0] =>
  [1] =>
  [3] =>
i wouldn't have expected it to work like that...
@Wes too inefficient
@Wes php teaches you to test your assumptions
That's why php -a exists... ;-)
@PaulCrovella lol indeed
Trying to see if there is a more efficient way to construct my code in order to reduce number of queries to DB. I have a table (Current) with columns: TNum, CyID, Location, Status. I have another table (Note) with columns: NoteID, CyID, NoteDate, NoteText.
When the query runs to retrieve all entries from the table CURRENT. It will go through each returned result and print it into a table. On each row it will query the NOTE table to see if there are any entries in the Note table with a matching CyID.
If there are results returned it will print those. Then it will go to the next iteration returned from the CURRENT table query and repeat.
Is there some way to not do the extra query inside this query?
@BruceBanEm use a join to get all the data in one query? dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/join.html
I've done joins- but there is not going to be a match with every row- does that matter?
Also there may be 5 matches in the Note table and it will need to read all 5 of those rows out.
it was nice to get a shout out here
@BruceBanEm you can use an 'outer' join which means "give me all the rows in this table, even if there aren't matching rows in the other table".
Because there can be more than 1 note for that TNum.
but I rewrote apcu for php7, not them ...
that's super annoying ...
@undefined I explained it to you already several weeks ago: it is unethical, it can make your company criminally liable and, when you are discovered, you would loose your job .. and probably damage your reputation within the entire country
And yes, doing the query yourself would mean you need to 'format' (for lack of a better word) the data yourself. This isn't usually a big deal, but using Doctrine for complex joins where there is a lot of data to 'de-duplicate' can make your life easier.
Full disclosure: Whenever I see someone honestly suggest using Doctrine, I throw up in my mouth a little.
@Ghedipunk Doctrine is not always bad, it just almost never the "best solutions" .. though, implementing the best solution usually takes at least 3x the time as the 2nd best solution
What if multiple rows in the Note table match the CyID in the CURRENT table? How will it handle that? There will only be 1 unique CyID in the CURRENT table, but there could be 5 rows in the NOTE table with the same CyID. How would it handle this?
@Danack I want to remind you wanted to review Aerys docs (at least what I have until now) … ? amphp.org/docs/aerys
At least the tutorial for … beginners is nearly finished (the advanced parts are missing for large parts and class docs need updates too)
@BruceBanEm there would be duplicate rows for each matching row....tbh, you should just start trying it......it's a lot easier to see than it is to explain.
@bwoebi I will try to do that.
@tereško I agree wholeheartedly that crappy code that gets used is always better than perfect code that gets scrapped because it missed its deadlines... Still, Doctrine is a thing that causes all sorts of bad feelings for me... Like Laravel or WordPress...
grrrr grumble grumble
Running it now to see.
@Danack you have even a TODO entry in your danack/todo repo ^^
@JoeWatkins Everything's working as it should and you're annoyed of having nothing to do? :-D
no I'm annoyed that they said they deployed their forces to rewrite an extension that I was allowed to rewrite on company time ...
@JoeWatkins From how it sounds, I think they have patched extensions
"We support over 40 extensions, more than half of which are open source with our reworks."
not that clear to me, or my manager ...
@Danack In what interval shall I annoy you until you do it?
3 days.
....cos I might be starting a job soon.
have I misread the situation because I'm in a horrible mood ?
no. your mood isn't the issue...
@JoeWatkins No idea. I'd just assume good faith by default
@Danack what is ?
People in general not wanting to contribute to open source projects.....the number of people who contribute to either your or my extensions is just horrifically low.
well quite, if they do have a modified version then I'm not sure why I didn't hear about it ... I've interacted with them before for other extensions ...
I should assume good faith, that my manager is asking me what is going on is not their problem, and I pointed out the wording there probably means they have a custom version ...
Anyone know of an efficient name/value fixed-size priority queue in PHP? I'm trying to balance performance between name-lookups and size management (so the newest inserted k/v pairs can unset the oldest when count > limit)
Is there a way to leverage the internal pointer for ordering and limiting?
Alright so it returns all of the rows in the CURRENT table, but because it finds multiple rows in the NOTE table it shows duplicates of the same TNums. If it loops through every result returned they're going to be duplicates printed.
"Deploying is difficult and slow. During deploy, you have to warm up the JIT-cache. " what do they mean by "warm up" there?
@NorthbornDesign I don't know, but either looking at github.com/tedious/Stash or asking those guys would be where I would start searching (...or just put the data into redis, and use that to manage it).
I only need it to print one row of each returned result in the CURRENT table, but when it finds multiple rows in the NOTE table it should handle those individually.
19 mins ago, by Danack
And yes, doing the query yourself would mean you need to 'format' (for lack of a better word) the data yourself. This isn't usually a big deal, but using Doctrine for complex joins where there is a lot of data to 'de-duplicate' can make your life easier.
You either need to write some code, or use a library that does that, such as doctrine.
@Danack I'm intending on using Redis, but was thinking I'd try benching a static PHP-array cache first... Is it worthwhile? Or should I say fuck it and go straight to Redis?
Or possibly Doctrine/DBAL can go from tables -> de-duplicated rows.
@NorthbornDesign evicting stuff from caches properly, is a harder problem than you would imagine, however I am not an entirely neutral person to ask about Redis:
Oct 29 '14 at 17:17, by DaveRandom
@Danack and Redis, sitting in a tree, c-a-c-h-i-n-g
@Ekin it means get it running and having "hot data" in it, to avoid: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_stampede
Situation: I have trillions (literally) of immutable name/value pairs, spread out over an ad-hoc cluster. Scripts process (map-reduce-sorta) these values and produce reductions. The same value may be reprocessed (depending on the function) several times in a given script. My thinking was in-script static cache for fast reuse, Redis for longer lived fast access reuse, and lastly to the big ole' datastore (which'd write to the static/Redis caches for subsequent use)
@Danack ^
hot/cold comes from car engines being hot/cold and they don't work as well when cold - I have no idea how that analogy actually got mapped into 'caching' directly.
@Danack because caches give you a benefit once they've been populated by running your $thing for a while
e.g. giving it time to populate, like you give a car time to warm up
I will bookmark the doctrine-project. I will have to read up on it and maybe refactor the code later using it. For now I guess the easiest thing to do will be to just put a query inside the loop. There are just a handful of people accessing this tool so it will not be that big of a deal, but I will definitely look at refactoring later using this doctrine-project you mentioned.
@Ekin when HHVM starts, it's just like PHP a dynamic interpreter, it has no compiled code at all, cache warmup consists of hitting your endpoints or whatever (they have a hacky feature to help you with that) so that the JIT can trace the execution via the interpreter and start compiling code ... it takes several executions before whole branches/functions are compiled a lot of the time, so this can be very slow if you have many endpoints or whatever ...
@NorthbornDesign "My thinking was in-script static cache for fast reuse, Redis for longer lived fast access reuse" - You should estimate what the hit rate would be for in-script caches.....tbh it would have to be very high to make it worth doing. Having redis instances on the same server as PHP, and accessing it via a Unix socket probably wouldn't be that noticeably slower than an in-script cache. Memory access across Unix sockets is about >80% of just accessing in-process memory, allegedly.
Or better yet- I could just do both queries separately and set them to different result keys. Loop through result1, and within the loop search through result2 for any matching keys and handle, rather than doing a query inside the loop.
@NorthbornDesign "I have trillions" - that is many. Without knowing exactly what you're up to....is there anything else you could cache instead of the final result? Including, are you sure that the data is worth caching? i.e. that just recalculating the data isn't going to be slower than storing it?
There will not be many results returned in either table.
@BruceBanEm Or you could just write code to extract/format the result of the joined query.....like:
just the first thing, obviously ...
$data = [];

foreach ($mysqli->getRow() as $row) {
    $id1 = $row->getField('table1_id');
    if (array_key_exists($id1, $data) === false) {
        $data[$id1] = [];
        $table1Data = [];
        $table1Data['foo'] = $row->getField('table1_foo');
        $table1Data['bar'] = $row->getField('table1_bar');
        $data[$id1]['table1'] = $table1Data;

    $table2Data = [];
    $table2Data['zot'] = $row->getField('table1_zot');
    $table2Data['fot'] = $row->getField('table1_fot');
    $table2Data['piq'] = $row->getField('table1_piq');
I would have collapsed those in single array definitions
@Danack Unfortunately the legacy calculator algos can't be refactored out yet, so the calculations are slow. I'm aiming to improve everything across the board, but I have to start with access first.
It is many. Don't think I've worked with a data store of quite this scale before.
@Danack I'm working on estimating the hit rate, it's difficult; writing tests for various cases now. There's a lot of variance, but the hit rate is report/reduce dependent, and they normally run on recent entries, but sometimes need to walk back historically. I don't know about running Redis on the application server, will have to look into that.
Night guys!
When I'm working on a project and get it running- I'm always so proud. I will eventually run into a problem and come here and get some brilliant answer and feel so humbled realizing I know nothing. Thanks @Danack
user image
Request::getVar() or Request::getParam() (for a value from the query part of the URL) ?
getParam(). You're looking for the GET parameter x, not looking for $_REQUEST['x'].
@bwoebi Param....probably
@Danack everyone is saying the same (including myself) … changed :-)
@bwoebi Request:getGet() =P
@tereško now you're trollling
/me uses unified "pool" for get, post and parsed parameters
with E_WARNING if get and post names overlap
E_WARNING for client side determined data … niiiiice!
and what's these parsed params?
the ones from routing
Also, where's Cookie, Environment, and Server?
@bwoebi if it is done by a developer, it probably is a mistake , and if it comes from user - someone's hacking you
and you can override it by implementing a different RequestBuilder .. or extending the existing one and just changing a single method
There is an English word which means "perfect, very good, fascinating", its phonetic is something like "markopol", Anybody knows what's that word?
@tereško why should that be a mistake?
IMHO, seems a lot more reasonable than either silently ignoring or silently applying the ignore
@tereško well… that's actually why you don't use an unified pool for these things…
@JoeWatkins apparently Badoo == tony2001 at least to some extent. I still think they are 'slightly' over-selling their commitment to open-source. techblog.badoo.com/blog/2016/03/14/…
@Shafizadeh remarkable
@KevinMGranger ah yes, maybe that's the one. tnx
@bwoebi it's one of those "features VS security" things
I don't think having Request::getParam( string $name [ , string $pool ] ) would be all that useful
@Danack urm ... yeah ... "slightly" ...
@tereško string $pool ?
@JoeWatkins i'll reply back.....once I can figure out how to phrase something....
@bwoebi $request->getParam('foo', 'post')
@tereško oh, post is something else … you'll have to $post = yield parseBody($req); $post->get('foo');
By the way, Happy "Let's Ignore ISO-8601 For a Day" Day, everyone!
@Ghedipunk yeah, it's 14/3/2016 and not 2016/3/14
here's an idea: short function syntax with implicit arguments
@Andrea code example?
^=> $1 + $2 would be equivalent to function ($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }
(provisional syntax, of course)
ah yeah
I think some other languages have this, I can't remember which. We could do this neatly with $1 etc. because currently that's not a valid variable name.
Ooh, and we could be smart in the compiler and infer the number of arguments
What would $0 map to?
So (^=> $1 + $2)(1) would be an error
@Ghedipunk Would be an error if we're counting from 1. If we're counting from 0 (which in retrospect might be the right way to do it), then it'd be the first argument.
@bwoebi sorry, fixed
Wouldn't it be (^=> $1 + $2)(1) as an error?
can i ask a newbie question?
Ahh, yeah, I see it fixed.
I'm not sure how you will do that ...
@ReyJoelLauronMatugas Don't ask to ask, just ask :)
wont' you have to duplicate a bunch of the parser to do that ?
@JoeWatkins why?
@JoeWatkins The magic would be in the compiler
$id_nums = implode( ", " , $id_nums); what is the use of a comma inside in "," ?
@bwoebi I dunno, I'm guessing, I dunno how you'd do it ...
We might want to make numbered variables a special class of token, though

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