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auch. focus-fail :)
will session_get_cookie_params() return an empty array if values weren't set? Doesn't say in doc
@iroegbu they all have default values (domain default is an empty string), so you should always get a complete array afaik
Thanks, got it.
array(5) { ["lifetime"]=> int(0) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["domain"]=> string(0) "" ["secure"]=> bool(false) ["httponly"]=> bool(false) }
@bwoebi That would actually be simpler (if it happens early on), but as it's a late optimization it doesn't matter
@bwoebi Yes, with that it would look better
posted on March 13, 2016 by Niklas Keller (kelunik)

Let’s Encrypt, the free and automated CA, started late last year into their public beta. They offer a pretty comprehensive client to automate the process of getting SSL clients and installing them. It will soon be moved to a new home at EFF. If you’re already using PHP and don’t need / want the automatic installation of your free certificates or don’t want to install Python, here’s a client f

@NikiC sure, now. But not sure what will be in a few months or years ;-)
Also, if you want to reason about the code after the Optimizer passes
@bwoebi Yes, that's exactly where separate opcodes are easier
@NikiC ... oh?
You can actually see what was specialized and what wasn't...
And why exactly would I want to see that?
(except to display when I want to optimize that)
Well, as you are not working on the optimizer you don't
But then again it doesn't matter at all ^^
Yeah, I mean apart from displaying purposes
If extensions mess with opcodes I mean
Their fault :D
lol :-D
Anyway, I estimate vm_gen specialization to introduce 3x more complexity than separate opcodes
@NikiC I guess the inverse, but oh well…
The specialization has the advantage to have everything together in VM …
@bwoebi I just wanted to say, that separate opcodes have the advantages of not being all over the place :D
also, specs are usually covering the most likely branches, hence also usable in unspecialized variant
This way, you'll have code in vm_gen to handle it, you'll have to change the original opcodes and you'll still need the type specialization code in the optimizer because it's not just a matter of assigning type info, you need to reorder and normalize operands, convert opcodes etc
@NikiC these reorder and normalization steps should happen separately from optimizer, right when assigning the actual opcodes
@bwoebi impossible
@Andrea Teehee.
@bwoebi Actually wrong statement. What I meant is: Not it's concern
But honestly, PHP is not really suited for immutability.
Use immutable algorithms, not data structures.
(map, filter, etc)
That's my opinion anyway
@bwoebi I don't want the vm assignment handler code to deal with stuff like rewriting assign_add to add opcodes
@NikiC well, actually, it is. The concern of that function is making operands work with the actual given specializations
@NikiC sure, not that.
or to reorder operands, but only under certain stringent, type-based conditions
it's not like you can just swap the operands of an ADD
oh, I thought you meant like the COMMUTATIVE specialization hint
@NikiC only for scalars AFAIK?
@Feeds /me bookmarks
@bwoebi actually my original statement about "impossible" wasn't wrong after all
after all the handler assignment shouldn't modify opcodes
yeah, specialization tells you the INT + STRING is commutative and then it can reorder it given the type info
it's no longer safe at that point
@NikiC oh well, then…
especially if you need to do something like change the type of a constant operand
@NikiC I didn't talk about changing the actual type…
that's Optimizers business.
that's what I was saying ^^
Also, IMHO, we eventually should provide the type info alongside with the actual opcodes (in a separate array to keep the zend_op* array small)
@bwoebi why?
I don't think it's very useful at runtime
Well, if we want to have opcode assignment handler do it, we need to
actually, I'm waiting to see how Dmitry actually implements his approach with specializations
possibly he has better ideas than we two
oh sure
I think it will be fine either way :)
Especially if that conditional gets shorter, as you suggested :)
Hi All, can you help me on the below issue, i was trying to load an xml using the following script "LOAD XML LOCAL INFILE 'sample.xml' INTO TABLE table_name ROWS IDENTIFIED BY <row> " in php but it is not loading any data in the specified table_name , it is not even showing any errors too. I am able to execute the same code in mysql console/using phpadmin page
How can i sort out this issue ? i am stuck with this issue now :(
I am working in windows os with wamp server installed for running php(if this helps for finding the root cause)
@JoeWatkins one of these is not like the others
oh my god
> book about PHP 6
> no mention of Unicode in index
Is it literally a PHP 5 book rebadged?!
@JoeWatkins post this on Twitter so I can retweet it :p
It's confusing that the PHP 6 book looks so well used, right ? #php https://t.co/3GBJQhj8Zq
thank you :D
I just read this on facebook ...
> A class is an array with variables and functions. An object is an array with variables and functions. So, yes, an object and a class are exactly the same thing. It is already bad enough that PHP added redundant syntax support to enable distinguishing between both. Javascript didn't and they were obviously right.
I'm all like, wut ?
@JoeWatkins what
the php facebook group does serious damage to brain stuff I think ...
seems Joe is putting a new record up: have the most starred messages in five minutes
@JoeWatkins you bought it in used version?
star this message to stop @joe taking over the world
☝ it is imperative
@JoeWatkins WHAT
@JoeWatkins Why is that?
@Andrea why should I? I'd be happy if he does :-D
@JoeWatkins please mod-unstar it :-D
@bwoebi keyboard layouts will have a ... button added
which would actually be awesome
@Andrea well, alt+. is good enough for me (on my swiss french keyboard)
@Andrea @bwoebi already has one of them anyway, he's the only person I know who (presumably) knows the alt-code for the unicode ellipsis off the top of his head
alt+ does not do that on my computer
yeah, if you have no OS X with a swiss french keyboard, no chance :-D
that's my own 2026
I can't type as it is
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that's alt+z (on my keyboard and OS obviously)
(was getting somewhat "huh"??)
it's alt+; on UK layout
This is the only one I know™
@Andrea alt+; is « for me ^^
@bwoebi that's alt+\ for me :D
« … »
I think we got ourselves a new "what time of the day it is" variant
@FélixGagnon-Grenier what's alt+something on your keyboard? :-D
And my preferred combination is alt+space this " " char
some whitespace which isn't an actual 0x20
hehe. I actually got had, started typing letters with alt pressed. there's a lot more shortcuts than I thought in firefox
@bwoebi Because you are a bad person likes who making your text confuse bad parsers for no good reason?
@DaveRandom no, my keyboard is :-(
nobody type a minute while I hit you with some more knowledge from this guy, will take a few messages ... it's worth the wait ... he tries to justify his "an object is just an array" ...
Anybody who has ever programmed seriously in, for example, javascript, will known that in php, this code:
 class A {
var $r=null;
function __construct($r) {$this->r=$r;}
function f1($x) {return $x+1;}
function f2($x) {return $x+2;}

$a=new A("whatever");
echo $a->f1(5);
@DaveRandom I hate it each time I accidentally hold my alt char for some reason and type space… [ @JoeWatkins sorry, didn't notice your msg first ]
Is extentionally the same as this code:
"r" => null,
"__construct" => function($this,$r) { $this["r"]=$r; },
"f1"=> function($this,$x) { return $x+1; },
"f2"=> function($this,$x) { return $x+1; }

echo $a["f1"]($a,5);
Javascript has got it right. It compiles $a["f1"](5) to exactly the same bytecode as $a.f1(5), which is the same as $a->f1(5) in php.

$this just means "this array". It is unfortunate that you need to write $a["f1"]($a,5) in PHP instead of $a["f1"](5). You do not need to do that in, for example, javascript or lua.

OOP is just redundant syntax. There is nothing that you can do with OOP that you cannot do with arrays and first-class functions. The other way around is not true. There are lots of things that you can do with arrays and first-class functions but that you cannot with OOP. In othe
@bwoebi dw
this guy is awesome
Should I put invalid numeric strings to a vote again, or should I finish the language spec bit?
I wonder what would happen if someone told him what a true array is
I keep putting it off.
@DaveRandom I dunno but I'm not gonna do it, I'm super looking forward to his next post ...
@DaveRandom would probably rant about how these NEWBIES, Kernighan and Ritchie, ARE TOTALLY AND SPECTACULARLY WRONG
A man to whom a "hash table" is what he has been smoking
@DaveRandom where he does his smoking ...
I work at a hash desk ...
Yeh I dread to think how many keyboards you have rendered inoperative by filling the spaces between the keys with bits of baccy
@JoeWatkins That's awesome … … the irony is just that ES6 added classes … ;-D
though, they're retrofitted to match the old structure
@DaveRandom if you turn my keyboard upside down, keys fall off ...
Also, whether PHP 4 or PHP 5 classes are better … well, we had that value object discussion…
we never discussed replacing anything though ...
@JoeWatkins eih, buy some glue?
@bwoebi but then the key won't move
How will he get the baccy out if the keys don't come off?
yeah I use that, to hoover it once in a while ...
@JoeWatkins does that matter? just smash it harder then? j/k
@bwoebi well, they have to be
@Andrea yes… my point was rather, what would've they done if they hadn't to.
Q: Wordpress not serving assets

feniixxI'm creating a theme, but I'm having trouble serving some js, css, and font files that are under wp-contenct/themes/my-own-theme/assets/ they're just not reachable from the browser, I'm using the default .htaccess, Is there anything I should do in order to access to those files? Thanks.

@bwoebi they probably wouldn't be much different, most things you can do with Java-style OOP can be done with prototypes, retrofitting isn't very restrictive here
@bwoebi the PHP 4 way was more PHP
@Andrea yeah
@Andrea I agree
@bwoebi Pretty sure PHP 5 classes are better in the majority of cases
@NikiC they … well … the main issue with them is that you pass them in and after the call they can be randomly altered
basically for everything which doesn't communicate, but allow to have state set to something
for a database object (like PDO), PHP 5 objects are great … they're communicators and may have internal state for this connection attached … but value objects…
(under value objects I now understand everything which has setters and getters without direct logic (to the behind) attached to the objects)
and of these there are many too…
you could just not add mutating methods to the class?
@Danack I'm talking about objects whose point is to be mutated ;-)
The issue with the PHP 5 objects is that these mutations happen "automagically" … sure, you can make your objects immutable, but I consider that a workaround…
The issue is basically when you abuse by-object to pass state around
also magically copying stuff could be considered a workaround. it only depends on how efficient is going to be copy on write
If your state is encapsulated and affected by actions (which don't explicitly mutate your state), then PHP 5 objects are totally fine.
And if your state is immutable it's also fine
And one might be able to argue that it should be one of the two ;)
@NikiC sure, then there is exactly no difference between PHP 4 and PHP 5 objects, if you make it immutable
it's locally mutable @NikiC
I wonder what sorts of optimisations we could add around immutability
What if we had an immutable modifier for classes?
@Wes I never replied to you. I think having a 'clone' keyword for a function definition would be a 'better' approach than making objects 'copying on assignment'. But tbh I just don't find the current scheme to be a big problem.
well, we already have that. instead cloning at every variable assignment it could only clone on scope change
ie, $a = $b; is still the same thing, but (function($b){ here it is not })($a);
Hello, when to use preg_replace and when to use explode :3??
@NaiTreNo Ehm, they don't really compare.
One is for replacing, the other for splitting a string into an array.
But why :O, They can be used for same cases
for example
$string = [img]Test[/img];
And I want to get the sting between [img] and [/img]
@NaiTreNo show me how to do that with explode?
I can use preg_replace('/[img](.*?)[\/img]/siU', '$1', $string);
@NaiTreNo You wouldn't use either of those functions to achieve that. You'd need preg_match.
or, ya know, a bbcode parser
test the preg_replace it can work
also explode
@Danack you can, but you shouldn't :P
$string = explode('[img]', $string); $string = explode('[/img]', $string[1]); $string = $string[0];
Yeah, that's pretty awkward.
And very inefficent.
so when to use preg_replace and when to use explode
when they don't suck for the task at hand
like this
taken from Learn PHP 7 book
class Dog
private $dog_weight = 0;
private $dog_breed = "no breed";
private $dog_color = "no color";
private $dog_name = "no name";

function get_properties()

return "$this->dog_weight,$this->dog_breed,$this->dog_color.";

■ ■ Note In PHP 7, you can enable Scalar Type Hints. PHP 7 provides the developer the ability to declare the
data type that is expected to be returned. The function in Example 3-6 could be coded as follows.
function get_properties() : string
how can you write a whole book entitled learn php 7, then refuse to use it's features, and then explain the features you don't use completely wrong ...
and who is the editor of that, and why don't they know what they are doing ...
there will be a huge selection of people that actually learn from this kind of material :(
that's the book it's from ...
I just downloaded that bo
book yesterday :(
by paying it? ha that sucks :D
a review from someone who actually bothered to read it ...
> one of the worst book about PHP i have ever read
Learn Nothing About PHP 7: Aspect Object Driven Domain Design Programming using JSON, XML5, MyJSON, HTML, YAML, CSSS, jQuery, and JSON
...and SOAP
laravael and php 7
@JoeWatkins to be fair, the title doesn't say you'll learn PHP 7 using PHP 7
i should write a book. i mean if that is on sale, even i can write one
@JoeWatkins Wow, that's just.... saddening.
It gets worse. The guy is also actually teaching that shit by the looks of it
> Steve Prettyman is a college lecturer/instructor in web development/programming, specializing in PHP. &nbsp;He is also an experienced web developer and author.
> ...including enhanced password encryption using password_hash
"a college lecturer/instructor" - translated: he TA'd an after-hours class that happened to be given in a community college classroom
now it actually give me tension and was abt to sleep but now i can't. I want to know php 7. it's feature already disscused in room but some points i always miss or don't know abt that..
now it's matter of concern of i thought after reading that book i will able to know php 7 features but it's not..
what should i prefer???
Read up on all accepted rfc's targeting 7.x
@AnmolRaghuvanshiVersion1.0 wiki.php.net/rfc#php_70
just leaving this article on php7 here... it's shared as "100% organic freshly squeezed php7"
@PaulCrovella thnks now that seems better way.i thought rfc's are for only internal developers only..
@Danack :(
@PeeHaa yeah sometimes college studies sucks :P
just ... despair ...
On, the other hand, who could imagine that Chattahoochee Technical College, in Atlanta, Georgia - might not have the best tutors:
god i miss futurama
Yeah.....such a shame it stopped after 4 series. And then no more episodes were made.
whatcha talking about willis, they made dvd movies and moar series
No they didn't.
(they weren't that bad....but they lacked the genius of the earlier stuff.)
/topic Not the room with the dead dog.
@Wes Wait, you mean you aren't Barbara Cartland?
Hey, PHP noob here, having a wee problem with my page content flashing on load. I've narrowed it down to the section of code causing it, but I have no idea why. Here is a Gist I've made since I'm unable to show you the actual website as it's local. gist.github.com/Deus-Rex/dc293c864cf59a8791f0
The master.php has a section that includes a php file depending on whether they are logged in or not. The problem only happens if they are logged out, so it's the not_logged_in.php causing it. If I change the file it includes to the logged_in.php for both, the page loads fine. So I assume it has to be the not_logged_in.php
> @JoeWatkins is a Professor of Joe Watkins specializing in being Joe Watkins * mic drop *
My confusion is that it's mostly just simple html with bootstrap. If I remove the small php code the file has, it still does it.
@Gilgamesh What exactly do you mean by "flashing"?
Sorry. Ehm, when I load the page, the main page content (i.e. not the navigation, header, etc.) is a white page before it shows properly. It's a split second, but an irritation considering it doesn't happen when logged in.
@Gilgamesh Look at the network activity in the browser. Chances are that some blocking resource like a huge CSS or JS file, or a very large image is preventing the content being rendered
hmm, it uses the same resources as the master, so all that should already be called. When I compare the time for the page to load between them, they are the same.
@DaveRandom hehe
If I remove all of the classes from that file, it still happens. It's confusing me to no end.
@Gilgamesh How is the $login object built? Does it do any database queries?
No. Even if it did, if I remove that, it still occurs.
Keeping that one page to basic html, if there are too many lines.
Is there any way that you can put it on line? I'm out of possibly-useful things to say without actually seeing it
I could quickly port forward, I'll be right back
no worries
I've not tried this online yet, it's all for a school project, so ymmv :p
On the navbar, the Log In part, that's what is causing it
Just in case this has never come up before, I HATE MS SQL SERVER WITH THE PASSION OF A SHAKESPEAREAN LOVE TRIANGLE!!!!!!!111111oneoneoneleven
I feel your pain. We had to learn it for Uni. PITA.
Using MySQL for this project though
@Gilgamesh I actually don't see any difference between that page and any of the others, it may be simply some kind of weird local caching issue in your browser, have you tried with another browser?
If thats the problem, I'm going to cry
... So, about that crying part
very useful tool for showing easy-to-fix speed changes
Yeah first thing I looked at
I'm going to follow all of the advice on it when I'm finished. I find working on a single page a nightmare.
Thanks for the help. How would I go about fixing it? Simply clearing cache?
The biggest you could do @Gilgamesh is allow browser caching on your CSS and JS
I hope it's not a problem I caused?
Especially bootstrap
Is there a noob friendly resource on learning?
@Gilgamesh Yeh probably a good shout, but possibly just restarting the browser
This is an issue I've had for couple of days. Survived a few reboots.
Nuke the browser cache for the whole domain and restart the browser then
Really seriously enable caching on the CSS as well, will make a huge difference to above-the-fold rendering smoothly
bootstrap if nothing else
And don't forget to close the port forward :-P
@NikiC Isn't your static method binding problematic with opcache when the class is defined in two different files and one of them is conditionally included? … Yea, I know, you'd prefer to not support these cases :-P
I deleted the cache and restarted browser, and it's still happening
@bwoebi opcache clears the class table
if that were the problem we'd be having the same issue with functions
@NikiC we do… and that's why we have ZEND_COMPILE_IGNORE_USER_FUNCTIONS
@NikiC at what moment?
@bwoebi Yes, we have it ... but opcache does not set it. It relies on having separate class and function tables for each script
oh fine
@DaveRandom Could you try it again on Chrome? I can't for the life of me get it working even after clearing cache.
@Gilgamesh I still don't really see any practical difference between any of the pages. There is occasionally a slight "jump", you might say, where some of the page elements are not quite in the right places, but I'm 100% certain that would be resolved by making the CSS cacheable. I certainly don't get any periods of completely unrendered content
Thanks. It's bizarre to me since when I log in, it's completely gone.
I'll go ahead and cache it all then see if it helps. Thanks for the help.
How fast is your computer? The difference between what I see and what you see could be as simple as that, specifically because I am running on an SSD it may make Chrome render stuff faster (I'm not sure on this one as I'm not overly familiar with the inner workings of Chrome)
It certainly does not seem to be a server-side problem, all pages load at the same speed from the server
The server is running on the machine I work on. SSD and everything.
Could just be a problem with my chrome, which is another thing I'm worried about.
As much as I like Chrome, it does do weird shit sometimes

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
^ since it appears to be a client-side issue, might be worth talking to those guys
Hi everyone,
Can you look at my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/35976095/…
1 hour later…
im having a problem about dtr
can i have a source code just to study it
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